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Haciendo referencia al contexto italiano, este ensayo pretende investigar el movimiento en defensa de la agricultura orgánica, su evolución a lo largo del tiempo, su desarrollo y su entorno cultural. El objetivo es profundizar los cambios... more
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This contribution aims at illustrating the preliminary results concerning the metropolitan area of Bologna (Italy) of the MADRE (Metropolitan Agriculture for Developing an innovative, sustainable and Responsible Economy) project, founded... more
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      BusinessHorticultural production
La societa dei consumi ha reso ogni ambito vitale suscettibile di mercificazione. Il capitalismo ha da tempo svestito la prassi produttiva dei suoi elementi piu pesanti per vestire i panni della dimensione simbolica e culturale. Il... more
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    • Geography
Il contributo riflette sul ruolo specifico dell'agricoltura all'interno degli sviluppi dell'economia sociale-civile e sull'istituzionalizzazione che l'agricoltura sociale sta conoscendo in Italia.
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Este ensayo tiene como objetivo investigar el desarrollo del movimiento de la agricultura orgánica y la evolución en el tiempo de su movimiento y cultura de consumo. El análisis se centra especialmente en la evolución más reciente del... more
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    • Humanities
Governance represents the dynamics related to a society more densely integrated into flows and not one-dimensional hierarchy relations and embodies a more cooperative mode where state and non-state actors participate in mixed... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographyDemographyRegional and Local Governance
The contemporary urgency to face increasingly complex threats has consolidated a form of governance based on the logic of risk and the worst case scenario. Under this political regime, states of emergency and exception have progressively... more
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      SociologyState of Emergency
L’articolo presenta i risultati di una ricerca condotta attraverso questionari e interviste con 201 docenti di storia contemporanea delle università italiane. La ricognizione, volta a mettere in luce la molteplicità degli usi didattici... more
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    • Contemporary History
Ever-present on television schedules, the medical genre has become one of the main arenas of television dramas, a locus of the (re)construction and dissemination of imagery once confined to professionals. However, few scholars have... more
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      Medical AnthropologyMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesMedia Anthropology
Isolando alcuni casi esemplari di fiction di successo, l’articolo ricostruisce le modalità attraverso cui, all’interno dell’industria culturale contemporanea, prende forma la scrittura di una serie tv. Dalla “writer’s room” alle dinamiche... more
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      Fiction WritingTelevision StudiesContemporary FictionTV Series
Il capitolo analizza le rappresentazioni di adolescenti e giovani adulti afflitti da malattia onco-ematologica, all'interno della fiction televisiva italiana e statunitense degli ultimi anni. Dal punto di vista quantitativo, si... more
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      Medical HumanitiesSeries TVHealth communication and mass mediaTV Series
This article examines the representation of care and cure on digital terrestrial television in Italy. It studies a sample of TV listings from two different days of the week, two weeks apart, and analyses the narratives of healthcare... more
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      Television StudiesMedia AnthropologyMedical HumanitiesSociology of Health and Illness
Background and aim of the work: In recent years, health professionals’ education has moved towards the increasing use of blended learning. One of the most widespread blended formulas is the mix of face-to-face and online learning, which... more
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    • Health Professional Education
Background and aim of the work: The main factor hindering the development of the Myanmar health system lies in the scarcity of financial and human resources attributed to the health system. This paper presents the preliminary results of a... more
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      Qualitative Health ResearchPublic Health and Primary Care
Background: Appropriateness is particularly relevant in palliative care, an area in which it is essential to question the real need for treatments. Few studies explored the perception of appropriateness by professionals in pediatric... more
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      Qualitative Health ResearchPediatric Palliative Care
Over the decades, doctor series have presented the clearest, most popular and most enduring scenarios on the home screen about the norms that guide the professional handling of illness. Joseph Turow 2 USA, 1994. I break pubblicitari della... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia SociologyMedical AnthropologyMedia and Cultural Studies
L’obiettivo di questa tesi e rilevare se e quanto i medical dramas abbiano contribuito a ridefinire conoscenze, aspettative e pratiche dei telespettatori/pazienti rispetto a questioni concernenti la salute e il loro ruolo all’interno... more
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BACKGROUND AND AIM OF THE WORK In recent years, health professionals' education has moved towards the increasing use of blended learning. One of the most widespread blended formulas is the mix of face-to-face and online learning,... more
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      Health Professional EducationMedicine
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      Social Network Analysis (Social Sciences)Women and Gender StudiesSociology of Culture and CommunicationContemporary Feminism
This paper is an empirical work focused on consumption as a social action through the interpretative means, as an individual strategy of inclusion/exclusion and as a mean to the identity construction. Our research addresses gender issues... more
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