Università di Bologna
So many of our dreams at first seem IMPOSSIBLE, then they seem IMPROBABLE, and then, when we SUMMON The Will, they soon become INEVITABLE." -Christopher Reeve.
The paper examines the approach to usefulness of performance indicator systems in Public Administration (PA).
1 Pur essendo frutto di un lavoro congiunto i paragrafi 1, 2 e 4 sono da attribuire a M. Bianchi, mentre i paragrafi 3, 5 e 6 a L. Tampieri.
Transition countries represent a challenge for the sustainability of project management and the appropriateness of results to expectations. The paper analyzes, after a summary on the evolution of main intervention approaches, some recent... more
In recent years, public and private organisations have carried out international cooperation projects that contributed in a relevant way to the development of local systems in transition countries, thereby increasing the interests of... more
The paper aims to analyse the application of enterprise simulation for small businesses' start up in international cooperation projects carried out by Bologna University in Albania. The analysis considers the simulated cases KK Personal... more
The paper wants to discuss the results of network building activities realized by Internet in the experimental environment of "Simulimpresa" (Enterprise Simulation) laboratory managed by Bologna University -Forlì campus. The research... more