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Abstract The article illustrates the main features of the concept of medicalization, starting from its theoretical roots. Although it is the process of extending the medical gaze on human conditions, it appears that medicalization cannot... more
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This article discusses the medicalization of education and its principal characteristics, arguing that medicalization can no longer be understood as being strictly connected to medical imperialism. Other “drivers” of medicalization have... more
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The chapter is part of a Report on Global Health done by STOA/Rathenau for the European Parliament in 2007-2009.

The report can be found here:
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While medicalization is the process of extending the medical gaze on human conditions through the mechanism of pathologization, human enhancement actions are implemented towards normal conditions. In this sense, human enhancement can not... more
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How the Italian Health Care Service is organized
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Over the last years, in the United States there has been significant increase in the consumption of pharmaceuticals for the treatment of mental disorders. More specifically, the number of clinical diagnosis of bipolar disorders in young... more
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Thanks to apps, individuals can measure an immense set of activities and conditions creating huge stocks of personal data. These data can also be shared on social networks. Self-monitoring functions allow individuals to have monitor... more
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Good Pharma describes a working model of institutional integrity that bypasses the many ways that commercialized research has corrupted transparent science, valid results, and trustworthy clinical practice. It is the answer to Goldacre's... more
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      Medical SociologyScience, Technology and Society
Software applications are changing our relationship with health. Individuals who intensively self-track their activities and physiological states, the so-called “Quantified Selfers”, think that a data-driven life can enhance their health... more
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      Sociology of HealthGamificationDigital SociologyQuantified Self
It is hard to deny that contemporary society is becoming increasingly medicalized. Mental health is likely the most medicalized sphere. The pathologization of emotions is entangled with the rise of a therapeutic culture. This article... more
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      Mental HealthSociology of HealthQuantificationMobile apps
In this paper, we offer a new conceptual approach to analyzing the interrelations between formal and informal pedagogical sites for learning about youth mental (ill) health with a specific focus on digital health technologies. Our... more
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      New MediaSocial WorkHealth CommunicationDigital Humanities
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Abstract: Sport’s Ethics appears as a new branch in Philosophy, especially in Anglo-Saxon World. Many of these philosophers receive the influences of the «applied stream»: the philosophical stream of «Applied Ethics», which are... more
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"Abstract: The text deals on Sports and Gymnastics in Greek Philosophy. In a first level, I’ll study some aspects of Homero and Pre-Classical authors. The most important part is the platonic and aristhotelic vission on these questions.... more
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Abstract: This text contains a brief reflection on the problem of strategic violations of rules against sport ethics. For this point we shall compare two currents that a very influential in sport ethics; that is to say Warren Fraleigh... more
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Abstract Ethicals of Sports is a very particular discipline: there are many authors that try to solve problems; these problems are because many times sport becomes an object with greedy interests. Our work is giving the true orientation.... more
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