Papers by Cinzia Albanesi
Presentazione: È stato proposto a due diversi gruppi di persone (studenti, docenti, genitori) di ... more Presentazione: È stato proposto a due diversi gruppi di persone (studenti, docenti, genitori) di incontrarsi per costruire una rappresentazione del disagio degli studenti al fine di considerare i diversi punti di vista e per pensare a come stare meglio nella scuola. L'aiuto ...
TEMA: LA RELAZIONE …, Jan 1, 2010
Parole chiave: Adolescenti, focus group, genere, rappresentazioni, stereotipi

Human Affairs, Jan 1, 2012
Italy is one of the European countries with the highest levels of gender inequalities (World Econ... more Italy is one of the European countries with the highest levels of gender inequalities (World Economic Forum 2011). The aims of this paper were to understand to what extent the well-documented gender gap in Italian adult society has an impact on both political and civic actions of younger generations, and whether the process of participation assumes specific features according to gender. 835 Italian participants (49.6% males; 50.4% female, aged from 16 to 26 years old; 20% under voting age) completed a self-administered questionnaire. Analyses confirmed general trends (voting at elections is the most frequently performed political action among Italian youth) and showed the existence of a small gender gap (a major orientation of young women toward civic action, while young men are more engaged in manifest political participation). The results confirmed that family cultural capital and normative support are significant predictors of political participation, in particular for girls and young women.
The general aims of the project are: • a) to examine the level of involvement of male and female ... more The general aims of the project are: • a) to examine the level of involvement of male and female youths (16--26yrs; naPves and migrants) in different forms of civic and poliPcal parPcipaPon • b) to idenPfy psychosocial factors influencing young men and women engagement and parPcipaPon
This paper is based on the content analysis of the focus group discussions. The analysis, which i... more This paper is based on the content analysis of the focus group discussions. The analysis, which is at its preliminary stage, followed the grid provided by the WP6 coordinators, that was used to build the system of content categories classification within NVivo8.
… 2011, May 11th-12th …, Jan 1, 2011
Journal of Applied …, Jan 1, 2012
Psicologia della Salute, Jan 1, 2004
Presentazione: La ricerca sul Senso di Comunità (Sense of Community, SoC) ha dimostrato la rileva... more Presentazione: La ricerca sul Senso di Comunità (Sense of Community, SoC) ha dimostrato la rilevanza di questo costrutto anche nello studio delle relazioni sociali in adolescenza. Relativamente pochi sono però gli strumenti disponibili per misurare il SoC in questa fase evolutiva. Le misure messe a punto su adulti hanno evidenziato vari problemi nelle loro applicazioni a soggetti adolescenti. L'obiettivo di questa ricerca era costruire una scala per misurare il SoC in adolescenza, che tenesse conto sia delle dimensioni teoriche del ...
Sociologia e ricerca sociale, Jan 1, 2005
Il «senso di comunità» occupa un ruolo centrale in psicologia di comunità e negli ultimi anni ha ... more Il «senso di comunità» occupa un ruolo centrale in psicologia di comunità e negli ultimi anni ha attirato un interesse crescente, a livello teorico ed empirico, in virtù della sua utilità nello studio della qualità percepita delle relazioni sociali e del benessere delle comunità. Secondo Sarason (1974) il «senso di comunità» si riferisce a «la percezione di similarità con altri, una riconosciuta interdipendenza, una disponibilità a mantenere tale interdipendenza offrendo o facendo per altri ciò che ci si aspetta da loro, la sensazione di appartenere a una ...
Publikationsansicht. 48664834. I gruppi di auto-aiuto (2004). Albanesi, Cinzia. Abstract. I grupp... more Publikationsansicht. 48664834. I gruppi di auto-aiuto (2004). Albanesi, Cinzia. Abstract. I gruppi di auto-aiuto, Cinzia Albanesi. . - Roma. NALUAF000651, Carocci. NAEDAF000700, 2004. Details der Publikation. Download, ...
Psicologia della salute, Jan 1, 2002
Presentazione: Nella letteratura sulla qualità della vita e il benessere un costrutto relativamen... more Presentazione: Nella letteratura sulla qualità della vita e il benessere un costrutto relativamente poco indagato è quello di" benessere sociale", che alcuni autori identificano con la valutazione della qualità delle relazioni sociali dell'individuo nell'ambito della propria comunità e società, e del proprio funzionamento al loro interno. Uno dei rari strumenti theory-driven attualmente disponibili per misurarlo è la scala del benessere sociale di C. Keyes (1998). L'obiettivo di questa ricerca era di verificare, mediante la scala di Keyes, il livello ...
Qualitative Research …, Jan 1, 2009
This article presents the results of a detailed interview study with 113 family members (FMs) of ... more This article presents the results of a detailed interview study with 113 family members (FMs) of people with serious alcohol or drug problems, drawn from three different areas of Italy: Ravenna, a medium-sized town in the North (n= 37), and two large cities, in the Centre ( ...

Journal of Community & …, Jan 1, 2008
The study investigates the impact of residential context on stressful events and Subjective Well ... more The study investigates the impact of residential context on stressful events and Subjective Well being (Emotional and Psychological) in young people living in a deprived geographical area, and the mediating role of personal (Self-Efficacy) and social (Social Support, Sense of Community) variables. A questionnaire was submitted to 297 subjects (48.5% males): 203 adolescents (14-19 years old) and 94 young adults (20-27 years old), from different socio-economic (SES) levels. Results confirm the significant impact of the residential context on youngsters' perceived residential quality, Stress and Subjective Well being outcomes; such effect partly differs according to participants' gender and age. Adolescents are less satisfied of their living context and enjoy lower well being than young adults. Social resources (Friend and Family Support) significantly buffer the effect of a deprived residential context of youngsters' Well being, whereas personal resources (Self-Efficacy) directly increase Well being levels.
Journal of Community & …, Jan 1, 2007
Abstract This study investigates the relationship between sense of community, civic engagement an... more Abstract This study investigates the relationship between sense of community, civic engagement and social well-being in a sample of Italian adolescents. Participants were 14–19 year-old high school students (N= 566) from two demographically distinct cities. Participants completed a questionnaire assessing sense of community, social well-being (Keyes, 1998), involvement in structured group activities (group membership) and civic engagement. Results showed that involvement in formal groups is associated with ...
International Community …, Jan 1, 2007
The aim of this paper is to review the history of community psychology in Italy. We begin by illu... more The aim of this paper is to review the history of community psychology in Italy. We begin by illustrating the early developments of community psychol-ogy in the 1970s, which was a period of strong social change. The main part of the chapter is focused on the contribution of Italian ...

Journal of community & …, Jan 1, 2001
The purpose of this research was to explore adolescents' feeling of unsafety associated with livi... more The purpose of this research was to explore adolescents' feeling of unsafety associated with living in the urban context, their perceptions of the quality of social relations (social support from different persons) and sense of community, and the differences according to the size of the city and adolescent gender. A second aim was to analyse the antecedents of feeling of unsafety. In particular, we considered the in¯uence of sense of community, perception of social support and personal involvement in negative experiences in the urban environment. A questionnaire was submitted to 823 adolescents aged 14 to 19 years (43.3% male and 56.7% female), living in cities of different sizes in north-central Italy. Results show the presence of differences in feeling of unsafety and sense of community according to the size of the urban context and adolescent gender. Personal involvement in negative situations is a strong predictor of feeling of unsafety, whereas sense of community plays a limited role in reducing it. The picture concerning the effect of social support is mixed.
Papers by Cinzia Albanesi