Luigi Rava, Un pensiero per lo Stato. Antologia di un riformatore, a cura e con introduzione di Fulvio Cortese e Andrea Rapini, Ronzani, Dueville (Vi), pp. 1-632, 2022
Luigi Rava (1860-1938) può annoverarsi tra i grandi dimenticati della storia politica e intellett... more Luigi Rava (1860-1938) può annoverarsi tra i grandi dimenticati della storia politica e intellettuale del nostro Paese. Professore di filosofia del diritto, contabilità pubblica e scienza dell’amministrazione, ha insegnato a Siena, Pavia e Bologna. È stato protagonista della vita istituzionale italiana, non solo quale parlamentare, ma anche da sottosegretario e ministro (dell’agricoltura, industria e commercio; dell’istruzione pubblica; delle finanze). Si è distinto per il suo impegno a favore delle riforme sociali e del lavoro, ed è il padre di una innovativa disciplina nazionale per la tutela delle bellezze naturali e dei beni culturali. In questo volume si pubblicano per la prima volta alcuni suoi scritti (prolusioni universitarie; discorsi parlamentari; altri discorsi pubblici), selezionati nell’ambito di una produzione sterminata. Riemerge in tal modo la testimonianza di una passione interamente consegnata al servizio dello Stato e delle sfide difficili che esso ha dovuto affrontare in un periodo di grandi crisi e trasformazioni. Le parole di Rava non costituiscono soltanto i tasselli preziosi di un quadro istituzionale ancora da scoprire, ma tracciano una lezione tuttora valida e suggestiva.
Books by Andrea Rapini
Vespa scooter, there is no academic book dealing with its history, only
literature produced by the company itself or by scooter enthusiasts. The
origins of the Vespa are shrouded in mist, entrusted more to myth than
to historical truth. Based on lengthy research carried out in Piaggio’s
historical archives and on an interdisciplinary approach, this volume aims
to fill this gap. It shows how the Vespa took techniques from the most
advanced aeronautical industries in the world, adapting and hybridizing
them in an original way, and how the company disseminated its models
in the transnational social space.
Papers by Andrea Rapini
welfare state during the twentieth century: the “Rava Committee”. It conducts a first time prosopographical study of its members aiming to analyse the ideas and proposals of social reform as well as the agents. The article begins by bringing to light the educational background of the components of the Committee, highlighting the central role of statistical knowledge. Then, it explores its professional composition, which excludes the subaltern classes, as well as the political culture of the members. Finally, the prosopography shows the features of a reform area which crosses traditional political organizations. It is a sort of irregular cloud unified by the aim to address the social question with reforms and therefore to prevent the fracture of society.
Vespa scooter, there is no academic book dealing with its history, only
literature produced by the company itself or by scooter enthusiasts. The
origins of the Vespa are shrouded in mist, entrusted more to myth than
to historical truth. Based on lengthy research carried out in Piaggio’s
historical archives and on an interdisciplinary approach, this volume aims
to fill this gap. It shows how the Vespa took techniques from the most
advanced aeronautical industries in the world, adapting and hybridizing
them in an original way, and how the company disseminated its models
in the transnational social space.
welfare state during the twentieth century: the “Rava Committee”. It conducts a first time prosopographical study of its members aiming to analyse the ideas and proposals of social reform as well as the agents. The article begins by bringing to light the educational background of the components of the Committee, highlighting the central role of statistical knowledge. Then, it explores its professional composition, which excludes the subaltern classes, as well as the political culture of the members. Finally, the prosopography shows the features of a reform area which crosses traditional political organizations. It is a sort of irregular cloud unified by the aim to address the social question with reforms and therefore to prevent the fracture of society.