Luca Siniscalco
Università degli Studi di Bergamo (University of Bergamo), Dottorato in Studi Umanistici Transculturali, Phd Candidate
Università degli Studi di Milano - State University of Milan (Italy), Scienze umanistiche per la comunicazione, Chair of Aesthetics Collaborator - Tutor
Born in Milano (1991), Luca Siniscalco studied philosophy at the University of his city and at the Universität Carl von Ossietzky in Oldenburg (Germany). He graduated in Philosophical Sciences with a thesis on the magazine «Antaios», supported by Giancarlo Lacchin (Chair of Aesthetics - Unimi).
He is currently a Phd Candidate at the University of Bergamo (Transcultural studies in humanities), with a research project devoted to Hans-Georg Gadamer's Hermeneutics, Anselm Kiefer and Hermann Nitsch.
He is Lecturer of Contemporary Philosophy, History and Culture of Esotericism and Contemporary Literature in the Academic Project UniTreEdu.
He has been Adjunct Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Milan (UNIMI, 2021/2022) and at eCampus University (2019/2023).
He is a member of the Editorial Board of the collection “Ermeneutica” (Edizioni Mimesis) and of the academic journals «Informazione Filosofica» (CRIFU-RIUL), «Education & Learning Styles» (CRIFU-RIUL-Armando Editore), «Medium e Medialità» (CRIFU-RIUL-Armando Editore)
He is editor of «Antarès - Prospettive Antimoderne» (Edizioni Bietti) and contributor to various publications, including «IlGiornaleOFF», «Intellettuale Dissidente» and «la Biblioteca di via Senato». His publications have been published in many journals, magazines, newspapers and anthologies.
He also works as freelance editor and proofreader.
He is currently a Phd Candidate at the University of Bergamo (Transcultural studies in humanities), with a research project devoted to Hans-Georg Gadamer's Hermeneutics, Anselm Kiefer and Hermann Nitsch.
He is Lecturer of Contemporary Philosophy, History and Culture of Esotericism and Contemporary Literature in the Academic Project UniTreEdu.
He has been Adjunct Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Milan (UNIMI, 2021/2022) and at eCampus University (2019/2023).
He is a member of the Editorial Board of the collection “Ermeneutica” (Edizioni Mimesis) and of the academic journals «Informazione Filosofica» (CRIFU-RIUL), «Education & Learning Styles» (CRIFU-RIUL-Armando Editore), «Medium e Medialità» (CRIFU-RIUL-Armando Editore)
He is editor of «Antarès - Prospettive Antimoderne» (Edizioni Bietti) and contributor to various publications, including «IlGiornaleOFF», «Intellettuale Dissidente» and «la Biblioteca di via Senato». His publications have been published in many journals, magazines, newspapers and anthologies.
He also works as freelance editor and proofreader.
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Papers by Luca Siniscalco
"un fatto ontologico". Tale ontologia è caratterizzata in senso
dinamico e relazionale, in particolare grazie alla nozione
di Evento (Ereignis), sulla scorta della lezione heideggeriana.
All’approfondimento di tale snodo è rivolto il presente
contributo, che intende tematizzare la questione dell’immagine
nell’opera del fi losofo tedesco ponendo particolare
attenzione alla dimensione del simbolico e alla complessa
relazione fra le nozioni di ‘mediazione’ e ‘immediatezza’.
L’immagine appare così nel contesto ermeneutico quale
forma del movimento, simbolo del perenne ‘eccesso’ di senso
nella relazione soggetto-oggetto. Tale prospettiva, che si
pone oltre qualsivoglia concezione mimetica e riduzionista,
verrà verifi cata all’interno dell’opera di Paul Klee. Il pittore
o re infatti numerosi spunti iconografi ci che valorizzano la
dimensione metamorfi ca della fi gurazione. Il bildnerische
Denken di Klee, nel quale emerge una originale ‘angelo-iconologia’,
fonda un cosmo di immagini che operano come
forze in movimento.
philosophy, cinema and environmentalism, finding through a morphological-comparative method the main similarities and differences between its different expression with respect to the strictly theological question of Apocalypse.
complementary concepts – the research will apply this renewed exegetical perspective to the contemporary debate. The emblematic case study chosen in order to show the fruitfulness of an “Hermeneutics of the Wall” is the theological and symbolic scenario of contemporary
Catholicism: rethinking the constructive role of the “Wall”, also in this context, will allow to go beyond any reductionist and falsifying perspective.
how it appears hidden through all his analysis. The topics of sacred and luck could be also considered as an interesting correction of the excesses of willing perspective that sometimes occurs in Jünger’s texts. Luck is in fact seen by Jünger as that fruitful dimension in which the individual can reach a contact or relation with the metaphysical overabundance connected to the original world of forms (likewise in Goethe). In fact where man abandons his egoistic subjectivity he can meet the otherness of the world, in connection with the sacred and the cosmic rhythms that lead to the opening of the
ineffable metaphysical mystery. And thus to the revelation of the luck of the individual.
By considering many passages of Jüngerian work and underlining the close link between the notion of luck and the metaphysical implications expressed in At the Wall of Time (1959), we will also propose an hermeneutical pattern in order to understand the conversion of Jünger to Catholicism under the light of the theological problem of Grace (and his bond with the problem of luck).
La confrontación cerrada con la alteridad, en el sentido cultural y existencial, que es el nexo central de la hermenéutica “creativa” y “total” de Eliade, merece una profundización en una perspectiva crítica respecto a los reificantes paradigmas contemporáneos. Y sugiere
ideas importantes para una recomprensión de los conceptos de humanismo y universalismo, así como de la relación entre lo particular y lo universal.
Chapters in Volumes by Luca Siniscalco
topic of the mountain, conceived by them as a symbolical and hermeneutical figure. Roerich’s pictorial opus magnum is for the most part devoted to the representation of Asian mountains nature as long as Nietzsche’s poetical and philosophical perspective passes through the mountains, especially Alps, understanding them as pivotal figures of a philosophical thought. The essay will underline the “poetics of the mountains” in Nietzsche’s and Roerich’s work, showing that mountain represents the symbolical answer to the philosophical research of Nietzsche and to the artistic and metaphysical quest of Roerich.
"un fatto ontologico". Tale ontologia è caratterizzata in senso
dinamico e relazionale, in particolare grazie alla nozione
di Evento (Ereignis), sulla scorta della lezione heideggeriana.
All’approfondimento di tale snodo è rivolto il presente
contributo, che intende tematizzare la questione dell’immagine
nell’opera del fi losofo tedesco ponendo particolare
attenzione alla dimensione del simbolico e alla complessa
relazione fra le nozioni di ‘mediazione’ e ‘immediatezza’.
L’immagine appare così nel contesto ermeneutico quale
forma del movimento, simbolo del perenne ‘eccesso’ di senso
nella relazione soggetto-oggetto. Tale prospettiva, che si
pone oltre qualsivoglia concezione mimetica e riduzionista,
verrà verifi cata all’interno dell’opera di Paul Klee. Il pittore
o re infatti numerosi spunti iconografi ci che valorizzano la
dimensione metamorfi ca della fi gurazione. Il bildnerische
Denken di Klee, nel quale emerge una originale ‘angelo-iconologia’,
fonda un cosmo di immagini che operano come
forze in movimento.
philosophy, cinema and environmentalism, finding through a morphological-comparative method the main similarities and differences between its different expression with respect to the strictly theological question of Apocalypse.
complementary concepts – the research will apply this renewed exegetical perspective to the contemporary debate. The emblematic case study chosen in order to show the fruitfulness of an “Hermeneutics of the Wall” is the theological and symbolic scenario of contemporary
Catholicism: rethinking the constructive role of the “Wall”, also in this context, will allow to go beyond any reductionist and falsifying perspective.
how it appears hidden through all his analysis. The topics of sacred and luck could be also considered as an interesting correction of the excesses of willing perspective that sometimes occurs in Jünger’s texts. Luck is in fact seen by Jünger as that fruitful dimension in which the individual can reach a contact or relation with the metaphysical overabundance connected to the original world of forms (likewise in Goethe). In fact where man abandons his egoistic subjectivity he can meet the otherness of the world, in connection with the sacred and the cosmic rhythms that lead to the opening of the
ineffable metaphysical mystery. And thus to the revelation of the luck of the individual.
By considering many passages of Jüngerian work and underlining the close link between the notion of luck and the metaphysical implications expressed in At the Wall of Time (1959), we will also propose an hermeneutical pattern in order to understand the conversion of Jünger to Catholicism under the light of the theological problem of Grace (and his bond with the problem of luck).
La confrontación cerrada con la alteridad, en el sentido cultural y existencial, que es el nexo central de la hermenéutica “creativa” y “total” de Eliade, merece una profundización en una perspectiva crítica respecto a los reificantes paradigmas contemporáneos. Y sugiere
ideas importantes para una recomprensión de los conceptos de humanismo y universalismo, así como de la relación entre lo particular y lo universal.
topic of the mountain, conceived by them as a symbolical and hermeneutical figure. Roerich’s pictorial opus magnum is for the most part devoted to the representation of Asian mountains nature as long as Nietzsche’s poetical and philosophical perspective passes through the mountains, especially Alps, understanding them as pivotal figures of a philosophical thought. The essay will underline the “poetics of the mountains” in Nietzsche’s and Roerich’s work, showing that mountain represents the symbolical answer to the philosophical research of Nietzsche and to the artistic and metaphysical quest of Roerich.
all images have to be considered political because of their ontological and relational nature.
Beginning with Plato’s famous critique of images (mimesis mimeseos), we’ll try to explain that both history of arts and philosophical reflection constantly pointed out that images, in their symbolical structure, have a strong political implication. This topic will be considered in referral to the political and social influence that images exercise, especially in our postmodern and digital 2.0 society;
the main focus will however always be purely theoretical: images have a political nature depending on their ontological structure. This thesis proceeds from the etymology of the Greek world politics (politeia) and the belief that every symbolical human expression is related to
an intersubjective – therefore political and communitarian – meaning. The analysis of the concept of simulacrum theorized by Jean Baudrillard (Simulacres et simulation, 1981) and the Heideggerian reflections on images, gnoseological process and truth will conclude our paper, helping us to understand that our contemporary time is
“an age of simulacra and simulation, in which there is no longer any God to recognize his own, nor any last judgment to separate truth from false, the real from its artificial resurrection, since everything is already dead and risen in advance”. At the same time, we are presenting alternative paths to modernization, based on a mythical and symbolical hermeneutics, in which images can achieve again their philosophical dignity.