Papers by Federica Guerini

Antonio Tiraboschi (1838 – 1883), una delle figure più attive e prolifiche sulla scena bergamasca... more Antonio Tiraboschi (1838 – 1883), una delle figure più attive e prolifiche sulla scena bergamasca nella seconda metà del XIX secolo, è noto soprattutto per la compilazione del Vocabolario dei Dialetti Bergamaschi Antichi e Moderni (1873), uno strumento di documentazione del patrimonio lessicale bergamasco non più eguagliato per mole, completezza e ricchezza delle fonti. La sua attività di ricerca, tuttavia, ha riguardato ambiti disciplinari diversi, tra cui la paleografia e l’archivistica, traducendosi nella compilazione di un Glossario Bergamasco Medioevale, inedito e tuttora conservato presso la Biblioteca Civica Angelo Mai di Bergamo. Nel presente contributo in ricordo di Maria Vittoria Molinari, descriveremo i campi semantici ai quali si possono ricondurre i lessemi di origine longobarda menzionati all’interno del Glossario: si tratta per lo più di lessemi che ricorrono anche in altre zone d’Italia e dunque ben documentati nella letteratura. Proprio per questo, l’attenzione si concentrerà in particolare sui commenti del Tiraboschi dialettologo e linguista, e sulle informazioni ricavabili dai frammenti da lui citati ad esemplificazione di ciascun lemma.
Antonio Tiraboschi (1838 – 1883), one of the most prolific scholars living in Bergamo in the second half of the Nineteen century and the author of the Vocabolario dei Dialetti Bergamaschi Antichi e Moderni (1873) [Dictionary of the ancient and modern Bergamo dialects], is a well-known Romance dialectologist. His research interests, however, included other disciplinary areas, such as palaeography and archival sciences, which enabled him to compile a Medieval Bergamasco Glossary [Glossario Bergamasco Medioevale], whose manuscript, yet unpublished, is deposited in the local Biblioteca Civica Angelo Mai. In this contribution to the memory of Maria Vittoria Molinari, we provide a description of the semantic domains to which the lexemes of Langobard origins mentioned in the Glossary belong. Most of these lexemes are attested in other Italian regions and hence well-documented in the literature. Accordingly, we will focus on Tiraboschi’s dialectological and linguistic comments, as well as on the linguistic traits displayed by the extracts quoted in order to exemplify each lexical entry.

Italiano LinguaDue, 2022
Il presente contribuito descrive la struttura e i contenuti del Glossario Bergamasco Medioevale d... more Il presente contribuito descrive la struttura e i contenuti del Glossario Bergamasco Medioevale di Antonio Tiraboschi, attualmente conservato presso la Biblioteca Civica Angelo Mai di Bergamo, e costituito da quattro quaderni manoscritti e inediti, all’interno dei quali sono registrati oltre 2000 lemmi organizzati alfabeticamente. Si descrivono le fonti, edite e inedite, dalle quali Tiraboschi attinge i frammenti citati all’interno di ciascun lemma e si propone una classificazione delle annotazioni di cui il Glossario si compone in tre sottogruppi: note di carattere dialettologico, riguardanti gli esiti di forme latine o proto-romanze in italiano e nei dialetti gallo-italici (bergamasco, in primis) o relative alle particolari sfumature semantiche osservabili nel lessico del bergamasco; annotazioni di natura linguistica sulla comparsa di costruzioni romanze in sostituzione delle costruzioni latine, e sulle innovazioni semantiche romanze ravvisabili all’interno dei frammenti citati a...

Ethnorêma, 2009
Ɔhene bi tenaa ase a na ɔwɔ sika yie. Saa ɔhene no gyee din wɔ ne man mu. Ɛsiane sɛ ɔhene no gyee... more Ɔhene bi tenaa ase a na ɔwɔ sika yie. Saa ɔhene no gyee din wɔ ne man mu. Ɛsiane sɛ ɔhene no gyee din nti, obiara pɛɛ sɛ ɔhu no. Na Ananse nso pɛ sɛ ɔhunu saa ɔhene no. Nanso ɔyɔeɛ, yɔeɛ, yɔeɛ, na ɔnnya kwan nhu no. Da bi Ananse tee sɛ ɔhene no maame yare. Ananse kɔhunuu ɔhene no mpanimfoɔ bi. ɔka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ ɔbɛtumi ahwɛ ɔhene maame no. ɔhene no tee asɛm no no, ɛyɛɛ no dɛ. Enti Nana soma maa wɔkɔfaa Ananse baeɛ. Ɛyɛɛ Ananse dɛ sɛ ɔrekɔhunu saa ɔhene no. Afei na Ananse tumi sa yadeɛ nkakrankakra, enti na ɔnim sɛ ɔbɛtumi asa ɔhene no maame yadeɛ. Ɔduruu ahemfie hɔ no, Nana maa no akonnwa maa ɔtenaa ase. Nana: Agya Ananse, akwaaba. Ananse: Yaa Nana oo. Nana: Ɛha dɛɛ, brɛoo. Ananse: Me nso, mewɔ hɔ na wosoma maa nnipa baa me hɔ. Wɔbɛkaa sɛ, wo maame yare, enti memmɛhwɛ no mma wo. Nana: Na wobɛtumi ahwɛ no ama me? Ananse: Nana, mɛtumi ahwɛ no ama wo. Nana: Mede me maame akɔ asopiti wɔ nkuro pii so nanso ɔnnya ahoɔden, enti deɛ, mennye nni. Ananse: Nana, mese mɛtumi ahwɛ wo maame no yadeɛ. Sɛ mantumi ahwɛ no a, twa me ti. Nana: Ei! Agya Ananse, asɛm a woreka yi, hwɛ no yiye oo, na anhwɛ a, ɛbɛha wo. Ananse: Nana, me ara na mereka, mese mɛtumi ahwɛ no yadeɛ. Sɛ mantumi anhwɛ no yadeɛ a, twa me ti. Nana: Ɛyɛ, meda wo ase. Na sɛn na wobɛgye me? Ananse: Nana, mɛgye sidi ɔha. Ɔhene no tuaa sika no mu bi de maa Ananse. Ananse fitii aseɛ hwɛɛ maame no yadeɛ. Na Ananse hwɛ ɔhene maame yadeɛ no wɔ ahemfie hɔ. Ɔsɔre anɔpa a, na ɔkɔ ahemfie hɔ akɔma no aduro. Ɛduru anwummerɛ a, na ɔkɔ ne fie akɔda.
Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft / Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK), 2019
... in Accra so fruitful and pleasant. I would like to thank Mr. Emmanuel Yaw Fosu, whose patient... more ... in Accra so fruitful and pleasant. I would like to thank Mr. Emmanuel Yaw Fosu, whose patient assistance in the tran-scription of empirical data ensured the accomplishment of this work. Prof. Kofi Agyekum of the Linguistics Department ...
Elaborazione ortografica delle varieta non standard : esperienze spontanee in Italia e all’estero

The present paper focuses on the Ghanaian immigrant community in Bergamo, which represents one th... more The present paper focuses on the Ghanaian immigrant community in Bergamo, which represents one the largest African groups in the area; the aim is to describe the community’s linguistic repertoire (originating from the combination of the Ghanaian repertoire and the Italian one), as well as the speakers’ attitudes towards the codes at their disposal. The analysis shows that the community repertoire has a complex inner structure, characterised by the presence of more than one code at each level, as well as by the potential extension of single codes on more than one level simultaneously. It is common knowledge that complex repertoires cannot avoid long term mutations; as time passes, their internal structure is likely to become more simplified by the loss of one (or more) of the codes composing it. As I will attempt to show, the Ghanaian repertoire does not to elude this common evolution: the presence of high prestige ‘official’ languages (like English and Italian) combined with the lim...

Italiano LinguaDue, 2016
Il presente contributo si propone di fornire una descrizione della struttura del Vocabolario Patr... more Il presente contributo si propone di fornire una descrizione della struttura del Vocabolario Patronimico di Francesco Cherubini e delle fonti empiriche consultate per la sua compilazione. Si accennera poi a due questioni ricorrenti nel dibattito sulla formazione degli etnici in italiano, ovvero, la presenza di varianti allomorfiche o suppletive, e la motivazione morfo-pragmatica sottesa all’impiego di alcuni suffissi derivativi nella formazione di etnici e aggettivi deonomastici, cercando di chiarire quale attenzione tali tematiche abbiano ricevuto nella riflessione linguistica di Francesco Cherubini. Si formuleranno infine alcune osservazioni conclusive, evidenziando luci ed ombre del Vocabolario Patronimico e sottolineando alcuni degli spunti che tale opera ancora puo offrire agli studiosi contemporanei. The formation of ethnic words in Francesco Cherubini’s reflection on language The aim of this paper is to describe the structure and contents of Francesco Cherubini’s Vocabolario...

The present contribution is based on the analysis of some narrative sequences extracted from a sa... more The present contribution is based on the analysis of some narrative sequences extracted from a sample of face-to-face interactions and semi-structured interviews involving a group of (first-generation) Ghanaian immigrants in Italy. The analysis combines the interpretative frameworks of conversation analysis and interactional sociolinguistics (Gumperz 1982) with Bakhtin’s (1981) analysis of the “layering of voices” emerging in narrative texts, as well as with the findings of recent research on identity as an interactional accomplishment. It will be argued that, in the narrative sequences examined, multilingual competence is creatively resorted to in order to construct socially interpretable identities and to mark portions of reported speech, thereby isolating from the surrounding utterances the different voices alternating within the narration itself. Code-switching will be pointed out as a versatile conversational strategy enabling the speaker to recreate the polyphony which is typi...
Il volume non è soltanto l'omaggio ad uno studioso che ha percorso gran parte della sua lunga car... more Il volume non è soltanto l'omaggio ad uno studioso che ha percorso gran parte della sua lunga carriera all'interno dell'Università di Bergamo conservando il gusto per la ricerca, con una produzione ampia e costante, ma costituisce l'esito di un impegno comune, da parte dei colleghi della Facoltà di Scienze Umanistiche, per la convergenza di una pluralità di discipline attorno a un tema caro al prof. Castoldi: l'influsso esercitato dalla cultura e dalle esperienze politico-sociali francesi non solo in ambito europeo e nei territori del vasto impero coloniale ma anche in altre regioni. Quali tessere di un mosaico, le molteplici prospettive di ricerca hanno composto una rappresentazione variegata e policroma che si colloca nel solco dell'ampia visione tesa ad un'armonica pluralità di saperi che ha caratterizzato gli anni del rettorato di Alberto Castoldi.

Open Linguistics, 2015
This paper presents a qualitative analysis of narrative sequences extracted from a sample of semi... more This paper presents a qualitative analysis of narrative sequences extracted from a sample of semistructured interviews to a group of former Second World War partisans living in the Camonica valley (in the province of Brescia), for a total of roughly 15 hours of recordings. The analysis combines the interpretative frameworks of conversation analysis and interactional sociolinguistics with the study of reported speech and of the strategies of voice representation in dialogic and narrative texts. Special attention is devoted to the use of code-switching as a ‘contextualisation cue’ (Gumperz 1982) in order to mark portions of reported speech and set them off from the surrounding talk or from the main flow of a narrative episode, even in the absence of explicit recourse to verba dicendi or other quotation devices. Our findings show that code-switching may serve as a quotative marker, whereby speakers index the beginning of the reported utterances and shape the characters alternating in a...

International Journal of Bilingualism, 2013
In this paper, it will be argued that the Akan spoken within the Ghanaian immigrant community in ... more In this paper, it will be argued that the Akan spoken within the Ghanaian immigrant community in Bergamo is currently going through a transitional process that leads from code-switching to language mixing, as illustrated in Auer ((1999) From codeswitching via language mixing to fused lects: Towards a dynamic typology of bilingual speech. International Journal of Bilingualism, 3, 309–332). Analysis of excerpts drawn from a sample of face-to-face interactions, as well as formal interviews (comprising 27 hours of recordings in total), involving a selected group of Ghanaian immigrants in northern Italy will provide a useful starting point for discussing a distinguishing feature of the variety of Akan spoken by the above-mentioned immigrants – that is, the systematic insertion of English ‘chunks’ (e.g. single words or phrases) which do not appear to fulfil any pragmatic or discursive function. It will be argued that this ‘mixed’ variety of Akan is an expressive device of considerable imp...

The present paper examines the advantages and discusses some of the drawbacks of the Akan Unified... more The present paper examines the advantages and discusses some of the drawbacks of the Akan Unified Orthography, the standardised orthography of the Akan dialects devised by the Akan Orthography Committee in the 1970s and adopted by the Bureau of Ghana Languages since 1978. A synthetic description of the various graphemes and of the digraphs selected in order to express the sounds of the Akan vowel and consonant systems is provided so as to put the reader in a position to appreciate some of the difficulties actually faced by the Orthography Committee. It will be argued that the Unified Orthography is indeed flexible enough to accommodate to the various dialect distinctions and represents an acceptable solution to the problem of language-internal dialect variation. However, it will be objected that the latter benefit is at least partially outweighed by lack of indications concerning tonal patterns as well as the effects of vowel harmony rules, which may be an advantage for writing, but turns out to be a serious obstacle as far as reading and ease of interpretation are taken into account.
Recensione a: AMEKA, Felix K. and KROPP DAKUBU, M. E. (eds.), 2008. Aspect and Modality in Kwa La... more Recensione a: AMEKA, Felix K. and KROPP DAKUBU, M. E. (eds.), 2008. Aspect and Modality in Kwa Languages, Amsterdam: Benjamins [Studies in Language Companion Series 100].

This paper aims at isolating a few features of the regional variety of Italian typical of Brescia... more This paper aims at isolating a few features of the regional variety of Italian typical of Brescia and its province (in northern Italy). Drawing on the linguistic materials comprised within the ParVa corpus, the analysis will focus on the phenomena emerging at the morpho-syntactic level, which is generally considered to be the less prone to regional variation. The morpho-syntactic traits taken into account will be i) the use of quello as a neutral demonstrative pronoun, as a synonym of cio ‘that’ / le cose ‘this / that stuff’; ii) the use of neanche ‘neither’ / ‘not even’ as a post-verbal negative marker; iii) the pleonastic (redundant) presence of lui / lei /loro as third person subject pronouns and iv) the enumerative construction X (e) non X, literally meaning ‘X and not only X’, i.e. ‘X and all that’, belonging to the class of general extenders (Aijmer 2013). In the final section, a few considerations concerning the intertwining and overlapping of the various dimensions of variat...
Papers by Federica Guerini
Antonio Tiraboschi (1838 – 1883), one of the most prolific scholars living in Bergamo in the second half of the Nineteen century and the author of the Vocabolario dei Dialetti Bergamaschi Antichi e Moderni (1873) [Dictionary of the ancient and modern Bergamo dialects], is a well-known Romance dialectologist. His research interests, however, included other disciplinary areas, such as palaeography and archival sciences, which enabled him to compile a Medieval Bergamasco Glossary [Glossario Bergamasco Medioevale], whose manuscript, yet unpublished, is deposited in the local Biblioteca Civica Angelo Mai. In this contribution to the memory of Maria Vittoria Molinari, we provide a description of the semantic domains to which the lexemes of Langobard origins mentioned in the Glossary belong. Most of these lexemes are attested in other Italian regions and hence well-documented in the literature. Accordingly, we will focus on Tiraboschi’s dialectological and linguistic comments, as well as on the linguistic traits displayed by the extracts quoted in order to exemplify each lexical entry.
Antonio Tiraboschi (1838 – 1883), one of the most prolific scholars living in Bergamo in the second half of the Nineteen century and the author of the Vocabolario dei Dialetti Bergamaschi Antichi e Moderni (1873) [Dictionary of the ancient and modern Bergamo dialects], is a well-known Romance dialectologist. His research interests, however, included other disciplinary areas, such as palaeography and archival sciences, which enabled him to compile a Medieval Bergamasco Glossary [Glossario Bergamasco Medioevale], whose manuscript, yet unpublished, is deposited in the local Biblioteca Civica Angelo Mai. In this contribution to the memory of Maria Vittoria Molinari, we provide a description of the semantic domains to which the lexemes of Langobard origins mentioned in the Glossary belong. Most of these lexemes are attested in other Italian regions and hence well-documented in the literature. Accordingly, we will focus on Tiraboschi’s dialectological and linguistic comments, as well as on the linguistic traits displayed by the extracts quoted in order to exemplify each lexical entry.