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The pedagogical potential and social effects associated with the formative assessment have long been taken into account by UNESCO and the Council of Europe in their policy directions including in education and training. Paradigmatic... more
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      Teaching and LearningFormative AssessmentStudent Engagement
Alcune ricerche considerano la valutazione formativa strumento utile a favorire il coinvolgimento degli studenti, soprattutto nella didattica online. Uno studio di Z. Chen, J. Jiao e K. Hu (2021), svolto nel periodo pandemico per... more
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      Formative AssessmentTeachers PracticesTeachers BeliefsTeacher Change/Professional Development
The focus of the paper is an observational-descriptive study of three comprehensive schools in the Lombardy Region. It examines: the context in which teachers worked during the COVID-19 pandemic, their beliefs and practices regarding... more
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      Formative AssessmentTeacher TrainingTeachers PracticesSchool
he focus of the paper is an observational-descriptive study of three omnicomprehensive schools in the Lombardy Region. It examines: the context in which teachers worked during the COVID-19 pandemic, their beliefs and practices regarding... more
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      Teacher EducationFormative AssessmentTeacher TrainingEmergency Remote Teaching
The contribution presents a multiple case study of three all-inclusive schools in Lombardy aimed at observing and describing their context, teachers' beliefs, and practice statements about formative assessment, learning, and student... more
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      Teacher EducationFormative AssessmentTeachers PracticesTeachers Beliefs
This paper presents some results of a research conducted during the pandemic period on a sample of 193 teachers from three Italian omnicomprehensive schools (from primary to upper secondary school). The purpose was to investigate... more
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      Formative AssessmentLessons LearnedTeacher Change/Professional Development
Big collaborative projects are today common in social sciences. These projects imply the collection of large data stored and shared by collaborators and with funders. As increasingly discussed by anthropologists, sociologists and other... more
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      SociologyEthnographyPublic RelationsReflexivity
In a world of rampant inequality, when millions seek out better futures elsewhere, this introduction situates critical experiences of dwelling within recent debates on home and migration. Seeing vulnerability as an active condition, this... more
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The dowry system originated in South Asia and the new patterns of household formation among Indian migrant minorities have been debated in the international literature, particularly in the UK. However, less attention has been paid to the... more
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      SociologyIndian Diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Transnational MarriageDowry
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      Gender StudiesMedicineAttendanceChildbirth
While India is known for its enduring caste system and mounting racist attitudes, its diasporas resettled in Western countries are enmeshed in other (anti)racist discourses and practices. Seeing racialization as a process of translation,... more
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      Political ScienceTransnational Social Movements
Italia, l’articolo discute di matrimoni transnazionali e ricongiungimenti familiari in una diaspora Sikh, intrecciando immaginari culturali, normative istituzionali ed affetti domestici. Si considera lo scarto tra l’esperienza di una... more
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      Gender StudiesDiasporaSouth Asian DiasporasWomen and Gender Studies
Book review of Simona Taliani, Il tempo della disobbedienza: Per un’antropologia della parentela nella migrazione, Verona, Ombre Corte, 2019, pp. 207.
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Drawing from my research on Panjabi diasporas in Lombardy, I discuss the media hype which followed the accidental murder of an Italian lady doctor occurred in Bergamo in 2013, during a brawl among Panjabi family clans. An embittered... more
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      GeographyEthnographyIndian Diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Migration Studies
Within transnational labor, the working capital of migrants may recoil as aging and disability occur, crushing people’s everyday life and aspirations. Drawing from ethnographic fieldwork with Indo-Pakistani minorities in Brescia, northern... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesAnthropologyHomeland
Background. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a complex, multifactorial disease in which personality seems to play a role but with no definition in combination with other risk factors. Objective. To explore the nonlinear and simultaneous... more
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      ObesityForecastingBody ImageMultidisciplinary
Objective: To test the effect on psychopathology and quality of life of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Dietary Counseling (DC), and Combined Treatment (CT) in treatment-seeking patients with Binge Eating Disorder (BED) and obesity.... more
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      Health BehaviorObesityQuality of lifeTreatment Outcome
OBJECTIVE: To compare clinical characteristics, attrition, weight loss, and psychological changes of obese young adults and obese adults seeking treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 1530 individuals seeking treatment in 18 Italian medical... more
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      PsychologyObesityTreatment OutcomeItaly
Binge eating disorder (BED) is a complex and multifaceted eating disorder, and the literature indicates that BED patients show greater difficulty in identifying and making sense of emotional states, and that they have limited access to... more
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      PsychologyObesityBody ImageEmotions