Papers by Jammy Seigha Guanah

Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Oct 1, 2021
The discourse on the restructuring of Nigeria is a burning issue in the Nigerian body polity. Its... more The discourse on the restructuring of Nigeria is a burning issue in the Nigerian body polity. Its advocates see it as crucial because they believe it can bring about equity and inclusiveness in a society as diverse as Nigeria. The media, on their part, serve as the melting point by availing people the opportunity to express their divergent views on issues such as the restructuring question. Objective: This study investigates how selected Nigerian newspapers reported restructuring stories in the build up to the Nigerian 2019 general elections, and immediately after the elections. The objectives were to ascertain the frequency given to restructuring stories; to determine if prominence was given to restructuring stories, and to identify the sources of the restructuring stories in the selected newspapers. Methodology: The researchers made use of content analysis as the research method while the newspapers that were examined included Daily Trust and The Guardian newspapers for the period of December, 2018 to April, 2019. The instrument for data collection was the code sheet. Results: The study revealed that restructuring stories were more before the elections because it was made a political topic, but the reports trickled down immediately after the elections. Also, it did not enjoy prominence in newspapers. Conclusion: The different positions taken by people clearly show they still want Nigeria to exist as an entity rather than it being balkanised, but that it should be restructured so there will be equity, and all stakeholders will have a sense of belonging Key Recommendation: It is recommended that newspapers should continue to make restructuring a continual topic of discussion until the necessary restructuring of Nigeria is done.

International Review of Humanities Studies, 2020
The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gradually having effects on every facet of the s... more The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gradually having effects on every facet of the society; the mass media, being an indispensable part of any society, are not exempted from this AI bug hence they must synergise with new technologies to remain relevant. This study looked at how AI can, or has been impacting journalism practice in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. The study was anchored on the mediamorphosis theory while Survey and In-depth oral interview were adopted as the research methods for obtaining data. The 254 registered journalists under the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), Benin City Chapter, formed the population, and the sample size of 152 was determined using Cozby`s Precision of Estimate table. Among other findings, the study revealed the agreement of journalists in Benin City that automated journalism (usage of AI-driven media applications) is an improvement over the current reporting practices which are still done “manually.” It concluded that automati...

International Journal of Language and Literary Studies, 2020
The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gradually having effects in most facets of the s... more The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gradually having effects in most facets of the society; and no area tends to be exempted from this AI bug. This research explored the discourses of the place of the media, especially newspapers, as the watchdogs of the society in this unfolding scenario. It was expected that the media should be at the forefront in letting citizens know its implications. The study set out to determine the volume of coverage given to news about Artificial Intelligence (AI) by The Punch, The Guardian, and Vanguard newspapers; to identify the story types through which AI stories were reported by the newspapers, and to examine if the newspapers gave prominence to AI stories. The study was anchored on the Agenda Setting Theory while Content Analysis was adopted as the research method for obtaining data from a population of 1,095 made up of the newspapers` editions from January to December 2019, and a sample size of 285 derived through the use of the Creativ...
Papers by Jammy Seigha Guanah