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Background: Open radical cystectomy (ORC) is associated with substantial blood loss and a high incidence of perioperative blood transfusions. Strategies to reduce blood loss and blood transfusion are warranted. Objective: To determine... more
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      UrologyProspective studiesCystectomyNorepinephrine
e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y 5 0 ( 2 0 0 6 ) 2 7 2 -2 7 9 a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y . c o m
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      UrologyProstate CancerClinical SciencesAged
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      Treatment OutcomeProstate CancerClinical SciencesAged
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      UrologyFollow-up studiesCystectomyThe
We prospectively assessed the role of nerve sparing surgery on urinary continence after open radical retropubic prostatectomy. Materials and Methods: We evaluated a consecutive series of 536 patients who underwent open radical retropubic... more
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      UrologyUrinary incontinenceTheRisk factors
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      Thin FilmsTheClinical Sciences
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      AlgorithmsUrologyEvidence Based MedicineTreatment Outcome
Aims: To assess and compare the e¡ect of botulinum A toxin (BTX-A) injections into the detrusor in idiopathic and neurogenic detrusor overactivity resistant to anticholinergic treatment. Patients and Methods: In a prospective study, 11... more
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      Urinary incontinenceProspective studiesSmooth muscleUrodynamics
1 Dugan JA, Bostwick DG, Myers RP, Qian J, Bergstralh EJ, Oesterling JE. The definition and preoperative prediction of clinically insignificant prostate cancer. JAMA 1996; 275: 288-94 2 Stamey TA, Freiha FS, McNeal JE, Redwine EA,... more
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      Clinical SciencesAgedPelvisProstate Specific Antigen
Reference 63 is incorrect. The correct reference is: [63] Hashim H, Abrams P. How should patients with an overactive bladder manipulate their fluid intake? BJU Int 2008;102:62-6. E U R O P E A N U R O L O G Y 6 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) e 2 0 a v a i... more
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    • Clinical Sciences
e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y 5 1 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 9 0 -9 7 a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y . c o m Abstract Introduction: In recent years,... more
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      UrologyQuality of lifeErectile dysfunctionUrinary incontinence
Background: Continent catheterizable ileal pouches require regular irrigations to reduce the risk of bacteriuria and urinary tract infections (UTIs). Objective: Our aim was to compare the UTI rate, patient friendliness, and costs of... more
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Introduction: The only de®nite way to determine lymph node metastasis, an unfavorable prognostic factor in prostate cancer is lymphadenectomy. Due to increased morbidity and the increasing trend towards minimally invasive surgery, ways to... more
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      Prostate CancerGradingCt ScanClinical Sciences
A complicated case of iatrogenic ureterovaginal fistula in a 56-year-old woman after laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy, which persisted after several attempts of repair including ureterocystoneostomy, is presented. Accurate... more
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      Differential DiagnosisHysterectomyPostoperative ComplicationDifferential
Purpose: Generally lymph node dissection is only considered a staging procedure for prostate cancer. Therefore, the need for meticulous lymph node dissection is often questioned and only sampling is suggested. We performed a prospective... more
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      UrologyProstate CancerProspective studiesClinical Sciences
Purpose: We prospectively evaluated a decrease in outflow obstruction caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) with second generation thermotherapy.
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      UrologyProspective studiesUrodynamicsDiathermy
Purpose: Good long-term functional outcome of orthotopic bladder substitution will ultimately decide whether it is here to stay. Therefore, we analyzed exclusively voiding patterns of long-term survivors with an orthotopic ileal bladder... more
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      UrologyUrinary incontinenceEnuresisUrodynamics
and Romelanda (AO), Sweden Purpose: We determine by ultrasonography the range of dT in carefully treated and followed children with myelomeningocele, and evaluate the role of such measurements for the understanding of bladder... more
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Purpose: We evaluated the effects of transurethral needle ablation and prostate resection on pressure flow urodynamic parameters in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), compared symptomatic and objective parameters of efficacy 6... more
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      UrologyProspective studiesUnited StatesUrodynamics
Purpose: There is evidence from retrospective studies that radical cystectomy with extended pelvic lymph node dissection provides better staging and outcomes than limited lymph node dissection. However, the optimal limits of extended... more
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      UrologyComparative StudyBladder CancerCystectomy