Papers by Pasquale Apolito

This research examines some architectural elements in marble from the central area of Copia/Thuri... more This research examines some architectural elements in marble from the central area of Copia/Thurii and conserved in large part at the National Archaeological Museum of Sibaritide. The need for this research stems from the almost total absence of studies on the Baudekoration of the Roman age in the Bruttium area. Of the material, largely fragmentary,
information was recovered, where possible, relating to the contexts of discovery, in the hope of being able to bring back, at least a part, to stratigraphies to which to link for a more precise definition of the chronologies. A catalog is proposed
of the pieces, followed by a typological study and a stylistic analysis of the architectural elements, from which it was
possible to develop a series of reflections, some of which are functional to a proposal for reconstruction and relocation
of the pieces. The study shows how the use of marble in Copia/Thurii, as well as being part of a broader urban reorganization
and witnessing a period of a certain prosperity crossed by the municipium, is likely to be related to local
phenomena of euergetism, perhaps aimed at the adherence of the ruling class to urban models proposed by the imperial
La collezione degli zolfi di gemme antiche della Biblioteca Casanatense , in RISCHIARARE IL VERO, RILEVARE IL BELLO” STORIE E MODELLI DI TUTELA E VALORIZZAZIONE DEL PATRIMONIO CULTURALE, a cura di : S Pennestrì, Notiziario del Portale Numismatico dello Stato 15, 2021, pp. 331-402., 2021
Progetto scientifico, coordinamento e redazione Serafina Pennestrì con la collaborazione di Marta... more Progetto scientifico, coordinamento e redazione Serafina Pennestrì con la collaborazione di Marta Barbato Grafica e stampa a cura dell'Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato S.p.a.
Si esprime un particolare ringraziamento ai Direttori e al personale dei Musei per la collaborazi... more Si esprime un particolare ringraziamento ai Direttori e al personale dei Musei per la collaborazione e alla famiglia Scaglione di Locri per la generosa disponibilità Fotografie Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Calabria archivio fotografico: Demetrio Messineo e Claudio Miggiano Museo Archeologico Nazionale "V. Capialbi" di Vibo Valentia: Vincenzo Giuliano Università di Pisa: Si esprime un particolare ringraziamento all'ufficio amministrativo e a tutto il personale di custodia del Museo Archeologico Nazionale "V. Capialbi" di Vibo Valentia
Here we want to expose a preliminary report about an important and particular collection of sulph... more Here we want to expose a preliminary report about an important and particular collection of sulphur casts from precious stones, property of Biblioteca Casanatense in Rome. We will try to reconstruct the story of the collection and the essentials questions about the identification of the ancients engravers.
Rubbettino Estratto dal n. XV, 2008 P. APOLITO Per un lessico iconografico monetale:
Il delfi no è un motivo che ha avuto grande fortuna nel mondo antico. 1 Nella ceramica greca è ra... more Il delfi no è un motivo che ha avuto grande fortuna nel mondo antico. 1 Nella ceramica greca è raffi gurato vicino ad Apollon (Tav. I, 1), Dionysos (Tav. I, 2), Poseidon (Tav. I, 3), Amphitrite o alle Nereidi (Tav. I, 4). Una interpretazione corretta del signifi cato del tipo e delle intenzioni alla base della sua adozione, non può prescindere dalle acquisizioni e dal metodo elaborato dai realizzatori del Lexicon Iconographicum Numismaticae, per i quali entrambi i tipi impressi sulle facce di una moneta avrebbero espresso un messaggio seguendo un linguaggio e un lessico iconografi co soggetti a regole ben precise, 2 tra cui la stretta relazione semantica e complementarietà tra tipo principale e simbolo e tra i tipi di D/ e di R/.
Papers by Pasquale Apolito
information was recovered, where possible, relating to the contexts of discovery, in the hope of being able to bring back, at least a part, to stratigraphies to which to link for a more precise definition of the chronologies. A catalog is proposed
of the pieces, followed by a typological study and a stylistic analysis of the architectural elements, from which it was
possible to develop a series of reflections, some of which are functional to a proposal for reconstruction and relocation
of the pieces. The study shows how the use of marble in Copia/Thurii, as well as being part of a broader urban reorganization
and witnessing a period of a certain prosperity crossed by the municipium, is likely to be related to local
phenomena of euergetism, perhaps aimed at the adherence of the ruling class to urban models proposed by the imperial
information was recovered, where possible, relating to the contexts of discovery, in the hope of being able to bring back, at least a part, to stratigraphies to which to link for a more precise definition of the chronologies. A catalog is proposed
of the pieces, followed by a typological study and a stylistic analysis of the architectural elements, from which it was
possible to develop a series of reflections, some of which are functional to a proposal for reconstruction and relocation
of the pieces. The study shows how the use of marble in Copia/Thurii, as well as being part of a broader urban reorganization
and witnessing a period of a certain prosperity crossed by the municipium, is likely to be related to local
phenomena of euergetism, perhaps aimed at the adherence of the ruling class to urban models proposed by the imperial