Papers and abstrakts by Marco Petruzzelli
Petroleum Geology Student Contest

In 2005 C.I.S.M.U.S. – Centro Interdipartimentale di Servizi per la Museologia Scientifica dell’U... more In 2005 C.I.S.M.U.S. – Centro Interdipartimentale di Servizi per la Museologia Scientifica dell’Università di Bari, acquired a 3D scanner and prototyping supply set, stressing it in new features and application in different ambits and cooperation, has university’s museology, studying Geo-paleontological sites, history of art and Study of materials ecc.
A new cooperation with the Anthropology Lab. of the Biology Dep. Of the UNIBA has improved their experience on forensic facial reconstruction from nude human skull, adding 3D technology to the manual procedures.
The sample selected for the first experience resulted a male subject coming from a rich sepulture excavated in the Baptistery of S. Giovanni in Canosa di Puglia aged to IV – III sec. a.C. and excavated by Prof. Raffaella Cassano and Prof. Gianluca Mastrocinque, of the Antiquity Dep. Of the UNIBA.
During the experimentation of materials and methods educational aspect of the research was carried on to underline modern science procedures and future work opportunities to secondary school students.
The cooperation involved the art school “De Nittis” of Bari, in a project called “ Give a face to an antique Apulian”. Students was directly involved in manual and conceptual features, pushed in searching for materials and solutions learned during art courses, in search of the right compromise between science and realistic restitution of the face reconstruction, and in end cooperating for the didactic show of the results in the Earth Science Museum in Bari.

Volume dei riassunti- Paleodays 2014, Jun 12, 2014
"On a hill of the Bradanic Trough, 1 km north of Spinazzola and in the vicinity of the Murge area... more "On a hill of the Bradanic Trough, 1 km north of Spinazzola and in the vicinity of the Murge area, few bovid fossil tracks were found. The tracks were observed on two blocks of hardened reddish sand (ca 40x30x2 cm), coming from a nearby outcrop, about 4 m in height. The outcrop is referred to the upper part (continental) of the Bradanic Trough cycle (sensu Pieri et al., 1996) and are Pleistocene in age.
The tracks consist of 3 artiodactyls footprints, about 10 cm in diameter, fairly well preserved and could be tentatively attributed to Bos sp. Their morphology was investigated by means of 3D laser scanner.
They are the first bovid tracks so far described for the region. There are skeletal records of Bos primigenius Bojanus, 1827 from the Pleistocene of Apulia and Basilicata (Caloi & Palombo, 1979; Crezzini, 2007; Pandolfi et al, 2011). An almost complete skeleton of this extinct bovid was also found on a fluvial terrace, probably belonging to the Riss-Wurm interglacial stage (Caldara, 1991), some tens of km away from the Spinazzola outcrop. Based on these records, Bos primigenius could be tentatively assumed as the tracemaker of the Spinazzola footprints.
Caldara M. (1991). Segnalazione di Bos primigenius Bojanus nei depositi terrazzati di Lamalunga (Bassa Valle dell'Ofanto). Il Quaternario, 4(1b): 249-254.
Caloi L. & Palombo M.R. (1979). La fauna quaternaria di Venosa: Bovidi. Bollettino del Servizio Geologico d’Italia, 100: 101-140.
Crezzini J. (2007). Studio sulla distribuzione delle tracce antropiche sui resti di ungulati del Gravettiano antico di Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico, FG): il trattamento delle frazioni distali degli arti di Bos primigenius. Annali dell’Università degli Studi di Ferrara. Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica, vol. spec. 2007: 11 pp.
Pandolfi L., Petronio C. & Salari L. (2011). Bos primigenius Bojanus, 1827 from the Early Late Pleistocene deposit of Avetrana (Southern Italy) and the variation in size of the species in Southern Europe: preliminary report. Journal of Geological Research, vol. 2011, 11 pp.
Pieri P., Sabato L., Tropeano M. (1996). Significato geodinamico dei caratteri deposizionali e strutturali della Fossa Bradanica nel Pleistocene. Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana, 51: 501-515.

Quaderni del’”Orazio Flacco”. Periodico culturale e didattica IV2014 nIV. p.p 57- 70, May 10, 2014
Nel momento in cui si “aggredisce” una collezione storica, la situazione è complessa e delicata: ... more Nel momento in cui si “aggredisce” una collezione storica, la situazione è complessa e delicata: il termine aggredire vuole significare che, nel caso la collezione sia stata soggetta a diverse manipolazioni, essa va smembrata e letteralmente ricostruita dalle fondamenta. Risulta rarissimo trovare collezioni risalenti ai secoli scorsi che non siano state soggette a rimaneggiamenti da parte di esperti del settore o di catalogatori improvvisati. Il Pinna, uno dei più grandi paleontologi del secolo scorso, nel 1976 scriveva che una raccolta o collezione naturalistica possiede un vero significato solo se si può ricostruire la storia di ciascun pezzo che la compone. È su questo principio che i canoni di catalogazione internazionale definiscono raccolte e non collezioni, raggruppamenti di beni naturalistici antichi non revisionati. Una raccolta potrà diventare collezione, ed anche un bene culturale, non solo nel caso in cui i suoi elementi risultino importanti o rari, ma anche quando i pezzi, se pur non eccezionali scientificamente, sono storicamente rintracciabili. Nel caso di collezioni antiche, la storia di un pezzo si aggiunge al numero di catalogazione, alla determinazione specifica e al luogo di provenienza riportati sulla targhetta e sull’etichetta, rendendo così il reperto unico ed importante. Nel caso di campioni biologici o di fossili, il percorso storico deve essere individuato anche per definire le fasi operative per la ricostruzione del catalogo e per interpretare i dati ottenuti. Un reperto del 1800, ad esempio, può appartenere ad una specie estinta o ad un fossile il cui giacimento originario oggi si è esaurito o ad un elemento mai determinato prima; inoltre, se la determinazione sbagliata dei reperti è dovuta ad un concetto scientifico obsoleto e poi revisionato, l’errore diventa un dato di notevole importanza storica. Il valore storico di una collezione aumenta in modo notevole se i pezzi analizzati si possono ricondurre esattamente ad un preciso ricercatore del passato.
Riassunti Spelaion 2013, Nov 21, 2013
In Puglia sono conosciuti prevalentemente gli ipogei scavati lungo i crinali o le lame, ma nella ... more In Puglia sono conosciuti prevalentemente gli ipogei scavati lungo i crinali o le lame, ma nella zona del barese la Calacarenite di Gravina affiora perlopiù in piano, pertanto molte strutture ipogee son state scavate edificando stanze attorno ad un cortile a pozzo. L’ipogeo sorge in località Torre Dell’Esca in corrispondenza della omonima masseria ed a breve distanza con la omonima grotta carsica dall' omonimo nome. Nella cavità sono stati riconosciuti graffiti con riferimento al 1943 ed ai mesi si Settembre e Novembre, In tale periodo infatti le truppe Canadesi stanziarono tra Gravina ed Altamura, contribuendo alla liberazione della nostra nazione.
Memorie della Commissione Cavità Artificiali, Oct 6, 2013
"Nell’ambito della manifestazione nazionale Puliamo il Buio (PIB), organizzata e promossa dalla S... more "Nell’ambito della manifestazione nazionale Puliamo il Buio (PIB), organizzata e promossa dalla Società Speleologica Italiana nei giorni 27/29 Settembre 2013, sono stati effettuati interventi di riqualificazione in alcuni ipogei artificiali italiani di interesse storico – archeologico.

Conference Abstract Book
Oological material recovered from Egg Mountain and other localities in the Upper Cretaceous (Camp... more Oological material recovered from Egg Mountain and other localities in the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Two Medicine Formation in Montana (USA) provides a wealth of information about the reproductive behaviour of the small maniraptoran theropod Troodon formosus. Studies of embryos, eggs, clutches, a nesting trace, and eggs associated with adult skeletal remains reveal that Troodon exhibited avian-like reproductive behaviour, likely including brooding. Here, we use topographic and photogrammetric techniques to assess in-clutch egg arrangement in order to produce the first 3-D representations of Troodon clutches and individual eggs. These techniques provide more accurate models that allow detailed assessment and description of clutch morphology, revealing significant data on the specific way of brooding. This study focuses on egg arrangement in three clutches containing 16 to 24 eggs (MOR-363, MOR-675, MOR-963) and includes their orientation and relative position in clutches and within a trace fossil nest. Results show a tight packing of sub-vertical eggs arranged in one egg level and with the blunt poles slightly pointing to the clutch centre. All clutches display the same teardrop morphology and vertical egg arrangement, which strongly suggests post-depositional manipulation of the eggs by the parents during egg laying. In addition, the teardrop configuration of Troodon clutches shows strong similarity to the brood patch shape documented in several extant birds. We hypothesize that the overall clutch morphology and arrangement in Troodon was probably constrained by the size and shape of the brooding area of the incubating parent. This type of incubation closely resembles the brooding behaviour exhibited by extant birds.
"Nel 2012, Nicola De Toma, guida ed esperto del territorio di Bari, ci segnalò la presenza di un ... more "Nel 2012, Nicola De Toma, guida ed esperto del territorio di Bari, ci segnalò la presenza di un grande ipogeo sul fianco est di lama Lamasinata. Dopo qualche giorno fu fatto un primo sopralluogo per comprendere in quale stato di conservazione si trovasse, per una successiva realizzazione del rilievo e per una corretta lettura dell’insediamento rupestre.
Nel 2013 è stata realizzata una seconda visita finalizzata alla raccolta dei dati e delle informazioni per avviare uno studio completo da inserire nel Catasto delle cavità carsiche ed artificiali della Regione Puglia, dal gruppo speleologico Vespertilio ( e dagli scriventi."

In tutta Italia e in tutto il mondo i gruppi speleologici sostengono attivamente la protezione de... more In tutta Italia e in tutto il mondo i gruppi speleologici sostengono attivamente la protezione del patrimonio naturale esempi pratici sono le segnalazioni di siti inquinati o di località di interesse geo-naturale fatti quotidianamente. Uno degli esempi di tutela da parte degli speleo sono in Puglia il Museo dedicato ai dinosauri di S. Marco in Lamis ma non è una eccezione, infatti anche il Museo Paleontologico di Monfalcone, agli antipodi della penisola, è tenuto in attivo dal omonimo gruppo speleologico. A queste strutture manca però spesso una continuativa guida scientifica e leggi appropriate che possano permettere ai volontari e alle guide professioniste di fare diventare tali realtà delle vere sorgenti di sapere. Chi fruisce il territorio per passione spesso visita più località di un professionista, quindi fare in modo che gli speleologi Pugliesi conoscano le peculiarità della Puglia è fondamentale. Esempio pratico sono le orme di dinosauro che si trovano negli stessi substrati in cui si sviluppa il fenomeno carsico, sui medesimi crinali in cui si aprono anche cave e cavità artificiali o ancora sulle stesse rocce usate per l'architettura locale. In Puglia siamo arrivati a scoprire 18 località ad orme di dinosauro che accoppate alle località dove sono stati trovati resti di animali mesozoici ci portano a 30 potenziali geositi e molti di questi si trovano proprio vicino a importanti cavità carsiche. Questi siti Mesozoici in quanto rari e molto seguiti dal pubblico internazionale, se studiati sistematicamente darebbero risultati inimmaginabili soprattutto se accoppiati agli infiniti ritrovamenti paleontologici delle grotte farebbero anche da locomotiva trainate per la tutela delle grotte e di ciò che è meno noto o appariscente. Far conoscere questa realtà agli speleologi serve quindi a rendere coscienti i cittadini al fine di creare leggi atte a proteggere il nostro patrimonio fossile con cui sia i professionisti che anche le associazioni culturali ed in fine pure i semplici collezionisti potrebbero usare per fare educazione ambientale salvando la natura.
To read the article kick on the link.
In Apulia, mainly near the coastal areas of the Apulian Foreland 17 dinosaur tracksites have been... more In Apulia, mainly near the coastal areas of the Apulian Foreland 17 dinosaur tracksites have been discovered since 1999, when the first, well known site of Altamura was reported.
We report the preliminary results obtained from the fieldwork accomplished during 2010 at the Odè... more We report the preliminary results obtained from the fieldwork accomplished during 2010 at the Odèn outcrops (Carnian, Late Triassic) of the Pyrenean Basin. Most of the remains are referred to actinopterygians.
As previously noted, the outcrops yielded members of Saurichthyidae, but herein we present the first remains assigned to Peltopleuridae and Halecomorpha. Scarce remains of marine reptiles were also recovered and assigned to sauropterigians, representing the second occurrence for this basin.

Characterisation and remedial actions are proposed for a polluted site enclosed within a red bric... more Characterisation and remedial actions are proposed for a polluted site enclosed within a red brick factory,
located in central Italy. Approximately 22,000 t of chromium containing tannery sludge were introduced
as ‘secondary raw materials’ for reuse in red brick manufacture. Preliminary geo-electric tomography was
carried out on the waste bank, followed by the perforation of 14 boreholes into the bottom geological
stratum. Heavy metals [B, Crtot , Cr(VI), Hg, Pb, Cu, Sn, V, Zn] and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
[benzo(a)pyrene; phenanthrene; dibenzo(a,h)pyrene; pyrene] were determined on solid samples. Carrots
were sliced to give samples from different depths in thewaste bank. The following samples were determined
in thewaste leachate: 1,1,2trichlorethane, phenol, 2,4,6trichlorphenol, hexachlorhexane, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
(DDT), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene
(DDE). During characterisation, laboratory experiments were also carried out on lime-treated and untreated
carrot sections to evaluate heavy metal release and potential migration in the subsoil. Pollutant exposure
pathways were set up, based on application of the Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) model, followed
by the evaluation of potential environmental and sanitary targets for site-specific risk evaluation and the
proposition of scientifically based restoration scenarios. Surface capping, coupled with lateral belting of
the site, were selected for the site recovery operations after extensive cost–benefit evaluations.
Patrimonio geologico della Puglia - Territorioe Geositi, May 2010
Papers and abstrakts by Marco Petruzzelli
A new cooperation with the Anthropology Lab. of the Biology Dep. Of the UNIBA has improved their experience on forensic facial reconstruction from nude human skull, adding 3D technology to the manual procedures.
The sample selected for the first experience resulted a male subject coming from a rich sepulture excavated in the Baptistery of S. Giovanni in Canosa di Puglia aged to IV – III sec. a.C. and excavated by Prof. Raffaella Cassano and Prof. Gianluca Mastrocinque, of the Antiquity Dep. Of the UNIBA.
During the experimentation of materials and methods educational aspect of the research was carried on to underline modern science procedures and future work opportunities to secondary school students.
The cooperation involved the art school “De Nittis” of Bari, in a project called “ Give a face to an antique Apulian”. Students was directly involved in manual and conceptual features, pushed in searching for materials and solutions learned during art courses, in search of the right compromise between science and realistic restitution of the face reconstruction, and in end cooperating for the didactic show of the results in the Earth Science Museum in Bari.
The tracks consist of 3 artiodactyls footprints, about 10 cm in diameter, fairly well preserved and could be tentatively attributed to Bos sp. Their morphology was investigated by means of 3D laser scanner.
They are the first bovid tracks so far described for the region. There are skeletal records of Bos primigenius Bojanus, 1827 from the Pleistocene of Apulia and Basilicata (Caloi & Palombo, 1979; Crezzini, 2007; Pandolfi et al, 2011). An almost complete skeleton of this extinct bovid was also found on a fluvial terrace, probably belonging to the Riss-Wurm interglacial stage (Caldara, 1991), some tens of km away from the Spinazzola outcrop. Based on these records, Bos primigenius could be tentatively assumed as the tracemaker of the Spinazzola footprints.
Caldara M. (1991). Segnalazione di Bos primigenius Bojanus nei depositi terrazzati di Lamalunga (Bassa Valle dell'Ofanto). Il Quaternario, 4(1b): 249-254.
Caloi L. & Palombo M.R. (1979). La fauna quaternaria di Venosa: Bovidi. Bollettino del Servizio Geologico d’Italia, 100: 101-140.
Crezzini J. (2007). Studio sulla distribuzione delle tracce antropiche sui resti di ungulati del Gravettiano antico di Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico, FG): il trattamento delle frazioni distali degli arti di Bos primigenius. Annali dell’Università degli Studi di Ferrara. Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica, vol. spec. 2007: 11 pp.
Pandolfi L., Petronio C. & Salari L. (2011). Bos primigenius Bojanus, 1827 from the Early Late Pleistocene deposit of Avetrana (Southern Italy) and the variation in size of the species in Southern Europe: preliminary report. Journal of Geological Research, vol. 2011, 11 pp.
Pieri P., Sabato L., Tropeano M. (1996). Significato geodinamico dei caratteri deposizionali e strutturali della Fossa Bradanica nel Pleistocene. Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana, 51: 501-515.
Nel 2013 è stata realizzata una seconda visita finalizzata alla raccolta dei dati e delle informazioni per avviare uno studio completo da inserire nel Catasto delle cavità carsiche ed artificiali della Regione Puglia, dal gruppo speleologico Vespertilio ( e dagli scriventi."
As previously noted, the outcrops yielded members of Saurichthyidae, but herein we present the first remains assigned to Peltopleuridae and Halecomorpha. Scarce remains of marine reptiles were also recovered and assigned to sauropterigians, representing the second occurrence for this basin.
located in central Italy. Approximately 22,000 t of chromium containing tannery sludge were introduced
as ‘secondary raw materials’ for reuse in red brick manufacture. Preliminary geo-electric tomography was
carried out on the waste bank, followed by the perforation of 14 boreholes into the bottom geological
stratum. Heavy metals [B, Crtot , Cr(VI), Hg, Pb, Cu, Sn, V, Zn] and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
[benzo(a)pyrene; phenanthrene; dibenzo(a,h)pyrene; pyrene] were determined on solid samples. Carrots
were sliced to give samples from different depths in thewaste bank. The following samples were determined
in thewaste leachate: 1,1,2trichlorethane, phenol, 2,4,6trichlorphenol, hexachlorhexane, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
(DDT), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene
(DDE). During characterisation, laboratory experiments were also carried out on lime-treated and untreated
carrot sections to evaluate heavy metal release and potential migration in the subsoil. Pollutant exposure
pathways were set up, based on application of the Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) model, followed
by the evaluation of potential environmental and sanitary targets for site-specific risk evaluation and the
proposition of scientifically based restoration scenarios. Surface capping, coupled with lateral belting of
the site, were selected for the site recovery operations after extensive cost–benefit evaluations.
A new cooperation with the Anthropology Lab. of the Biology Dep. Of the UNIBA has improved their experience on forensic facial reconstruction from nude human skull, adding 3D technology to the manual procedures.
The sample selected for the first experience resulted a male subject coming from a rich sepulture excavated in the Baptistery of S. Giovanni in Canosa di Puglia aged to IV – III sec. a.C. and excavated by Prof. Raffaella Cassano and Prof. Gianluca Mastrocinque, of the Antiquity Dep. Of the UNIBA.
During the experimentation of materials and methods educational aspect of the research was carried on to underline modern science procedures and future work opportunities to secondary school students.
The cooperation involved the art school “De Nittis” of Bari, in a project called “ Give a face to an antique Apulian”. Students was directly involved in manual and conceptual features, pushed in searching for materials and solutions learned during art courses, in search of the right compromise between science and realistic restitution of the face reconstruction, and in end cooperating for the didactic show of the results in the Earth Science Museum in Bari.
The tracks consist of 3 artiodactyls footprints, about 10 cm in diameter, fairly well preserved and could be tentatively attributed to Bos sp. Their morphology was investigated by means of 3D laser scanner.
They are the first bovid tracks so far described for the region. There are skeletal records of Bos primigenius Bojanus, 1827 from the Pleistocene of Apulia and Basilicata (Caloi & Palombo, 1979; Crezzini, 2007; Pandolfi et al, 2011). An almost complete skeleton of this extinct bovid was also found on a fluvial terrace, probably belonging to the Riss-Wurm interglacial stage (Caldara, 1991), some tens of km away from the Spinazzola outcrop. Based on these records, Bos primigenius could be tentatively assumed as the tracemaker of the Spinazzola footprints.
Caldara M. (1991). Segnalazione di Bos primigenius Bojanus nei depositi terrazzati di Lamalunga (Bassa Valle dell'Ofanto). Il Quaternario, 4(1b): 249-254.
Caloi L. & Palombo M.R. (1979). La fauna quaternaria di Venosa: Bovidi. Bollettino del Servizio Geologico d’Italia, 100: 101-140.
Crezzini J. (2007). Studio sulla distribuzione delle tracce antropiche sui resti di ungulati del Gravettiano antico di Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico, FG): il trattamento delle frazioni distali degli arti di Bos primigenius. Annali dell’Università degli Studi di Ferrara. Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica, vol. spec. 2007: 11 pp.
Pandolfi L., Petronio C. & Salari L. (2011). Bos primigenius Bojanus, 1827 from the Early Late Pleistocene deposit of Avetrana (Southern Italy) and the variation in size of the species in Southern Europe: preliminary report. Journal of Geological Research, vol. 2011, 11 pp.
Pieri P., Sabato L., Tropeano M. (1996). Significato geodinamico dei caratteri deposizionali e strutturali della Fossa Bradanica nel Pleistocene. Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana, 51: 501-515.
Nel 2013 è stata realizzata una seconda visita finalizzata alla raccolta dei dati e delle informazioni per avviare uno studio completo da inserire nel Catasto delle cavità carsiche ed artificiali della Regione Puglia, dal gruppo speleologico Vespertilio ( e dagli scriventi."
As previously noted, the outcrops yielded members of Saurichthyidae, but herein we present the first remains assigned to Peltopleuridae and Halecomorpha. Scarce remains of marine reptiles were also recovered and assigned to sauropterigians, representing the second occurrence for this basin.
located in central Italy. Approximately 22,000 t of chromium containing tannery sludge were introduced
as ‘secondary raw materials’ for reuse in red brick manufacture. Preliminary geo-electric tomography was
carried out on the waste bank, followed by the perforation of 14 boreholes into the bottom geological
stratum. Heavy metals [B, Crtot , Cr(VI), Hg, Pb, Cu, Sn, V, Zn] and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
[benzo(a)pyrene; phenanthrene; dibenzo(a,h)pyrene; pyrene] were determined on solid samples. Carrots
were sliced to give samples from different depths in thewaste bank. The following samples were determined
in thewaste leachate: 1,1,2trichlorethane, phenol, 2,4,6trichlorphenol, hexachlorhexane, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
(DDT), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene
(DDE). During characterisation, laboratory experiments were also carried out on lime-treated and untreated
carrot sections to evaluate heavy metal release and potential migration in the subsoil. Pollutant exposure
pathways were set up, based on application of the Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) model, followed
by the evaluation of potential environmental and sanitary targets for site-specific risk evaluation and the
proposition of scientifically based restoration scenarios. Surface capping, coupled with lateral belting of
the site, were selected for the site recovery operations after extensive cost–benefit evaluations.