Papers by Marco Barletta

M.BARLETTA, 2023. "Ernesto Maltra..ttato: The translator as 'opposing lawyer' and 'counter-attacker'", in Ackerley, Castello, Dalziel, Gesuato, Musacchio, Palumbo, "Thinking Out of the Box in English Linguistics, Language Teaching, Translation and Terminology", 504-520. Padova Uni Press. has a PhD in English and American Studies. She specialises in political discourse analysis, socio... more has a PhD in English and American Studies. She specialises in political discourse analysis, sociosemiotics, multimodal studies and has recently started a project based on multimodal corpus linguistics. She has published several articles on political discourse, power relations, digital genres, and medical English. Her long-standing interests in American culture and society have provided the background for her current research into American TV series. Marco Bagli is a Fixed-term researcher (RtdA) at the University of Genova, where he teaches English linguistics in the Department of Modern Languages. His research primarily focuses on the relationship between language, culture, and mind, with particular a ention dedicated to the conceptualization of sensory experience in English. He has presented his research in several international conferences in Spain, Great Britain, Sweden, Poland. He is Associate Editor of the "Bibliography of Metaphor and Metonymy" (MetBib), published by John Benjamins. His recent monograph, Tastes We Live By-e linguistic conceptualisation of taste in English, published by Mouton de Gruyter won the AIA Junior book prize in 2022.

LTO - Lingua e testi di oggi, 2021
Edward George Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873), forerunner of newgate, dandy and silver fork novels, as ... more Edward George Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873), forerunner of newgate, dandy and silver fork novels, as well as experimenter of several literary genres, such as gothic-esoteric or science fiction ones, was one of the most recognized and translated authors of his epoch (Marucci 2003). A frequent trait of his writing style is an extended use of paratexts and a translator of his works should take into account such a stylistic feature. According to the concept of translating as ‘humanist response’ (Wright 2016) and drawing on the latest studies of the links between the translator’s profile and the paratexts of a translation (Catalano e Marcialis 2020; Batchelor 2018; Hermans 2014), this article analyses the large paratextual system of Daniele Tinti’s recent translation Pelham. Avventure di un gentiluomo (2009), a Bulwer’s dandy novel. The aim is to point out the relationship between the profile of the translator and his work, as well as the current value of Bulwer’s works and, more generally, of literary translation.

Trying to set foot in the translator’s laboratory is an effective method for figuring out which s... more Trying to set foot in the translator’s laboratory is an effective method for figuring out which stylistic features are considered in the transfer from the source text to the target text, how they are relayed in the target language and why. This is the aim of an empirical study of a corpus of novels
written by the Victorian author, E. G. Bulwer-Lytton (1803 – 1873) and translated by the famous Italian historian and contemporary to the author, Francesco Cusani (1802 – 1879). To that end, it is important to draw on studies on translational stylistics (Baker 2000, Malmkjær 2003, Boase-Beier 2006, Saldanha 2011) and theories on the relationship between paratexts andtranslation (Batchelor 2018), the conceptualization of ‘transtextuality’ (Genette 1997a, 1997b) and of ‘style of a text’ (Leech and Short 1981). Bulwer-Lytton, with his international profile, was one of the most coveted novelists by the European editors of his epoch, as demonstrated by Bulwer-Lytton’s biographies (Mitchell 2003, Bulwer-Lytton 1913) and by the different and several translations of his literary works (which sometimes became also operas, like Rienzi (1842) or Viola Pisani (1872) – this last one is a theatrical version of his novel Zanoni, written in 1842). Francesco Cusani, before becoming a famous historian, was the preeminent translator of Bulwer-Lytton’s novels of his time (Vittori 1985), translating The Last Days of Pompeii (1834), Rienzi (1835), Ernest Maltravers (1837), Alice (1838) and Zanoni (1842). In this article, I will show how Cusani's use of paratexts in his translations of Bulwer-Lytton’s novels helps us to identify the author’s profile and his stylistic choices as writer, as well as some of the main aspects of the translational process, the target text’s stylistic features and the profile of Cusani.
Conference Presentations by Marco Barletta

“The pen is mightier than the sword” is one of the most famous quotes by Edward George Bulwer-Lyt... more “The pen is mightier than the sword” is one of the most famous quotes by Edward George Bulwer-Lytton (1803- 1873), a novelist who was a significant exponent of the Victorian culture and whose literary fame is nowadays almost forgotten (Christensen 2004). “Il Manzoni inglese” of the XIX century, as named by Sangiorgio (1884), was much appreciated and widely read in his time. Bulwer’s novels were translated as soon as they were published and one of the XIX-century translators of his literary works was the famous Milanese historian and writer, Francesco Cusani Confalonieri (1802-1879). Cusani started his career as a translator in order to restore his family finances (Vittori 1985), but he continued to translate and edit Bulwer’s novels throughout his life. In particular, he provided the Italian market with the publications of five Bulwer’s novels: Gli Ultimi Giorni di Pompei (1835-36); Ernesto Maltravers (1838-39); Alice o i Misteri (1839-40); Rienzi. L’ultimo de’ Tribuni (1847); Zanoni (1848). Drawing on Malmkjer’s (2003) model of translational stylistics and Batchelor’s redefinition of ‘paratext’ (2018), which builds on Genette’s (1997) conception of the term, the aim of this study is to investigate and illustrate the relationship between some authorial statements made in the novels against the Italian culture and Cusani’s paratextual interventions in the translations (such as prefaces and footnotes) in which he disputed Bulwer’s claims.
Giovedì 24 maggio ore 14:30 -Sessione plenaria (sala 1) Beatrice Alfonzetti, presidente SISSD: ap... more Giovedì 24 maggio ore 14:30 -Sessione plenaria (sala 1) Beatrice Alfonzetti, presidente SISSD: apertura dei lavori ore 15:00 -Sessioni parallele Sessione A -Rivoluzione e triennio (sala 1) Presiedono: Anna Maria Rao e Silvia Tatti Valentina Altopiedi, Le donne di lettere durante la Rivoluzione francese (1789-1804)
Giovedì 24 maggio ore 14:30 -Sessione plenaria (sala 1) Beatrice Alfonzetti, presidente SISSD: ap... more Giovedì 24 maggio ore 14:30 -Sessione plenaria (sala 1) Beatrice Alfonzetti, presidente SISSD: apertura dei lavori ore 15:00 -Sessioni parallele Sessione A -Rivoluzione e triennio (sala 1) Presiedono: Anna Maria Rao e Silvia Tatti Valentina Altopiedi, Le donne di lettere durante la Rivoluzione francese (1789-1804)
Conference Papers by Marco Barletta

Francesco Cusani Confalonieri (1802-1879) was a well-known Lombard historian, a great prolific tr... more Francesco Cusani Confalonieri (1802-1879) was a well-known Lombard historian, a great prolific translator, and a publisher during the Italian Risorgimento. Despite his important contribution to modernize Italian culture, his intellectual activities as well as his subjectivity have been barely investigated. With an integrated approach to archival research and the paratextual analysis of his translations, this proposal aims at bringing to light for the first time the profile of Cusani as a translator in the European socio-political context of the 19th century.
Thanks to an in-depth archival study on Cusani’s personal documents and letters, till now untouched, the paper will trace the connection between his literary activity as a translator and his political involvement as a patriot. To achieve this purpose, the first part of the presentation, conducted by Federica Re, will examine his educational and cultural background, and analyse how it was influenced by Romanticism and liberal ideas. Then, the focus will be on the cultural and implicit political meaning of his translations of Walter Scott's works and of his contribution to the translation projects by “Pirotta e Compagni”, the Milanese publishing house he was a member of from 1835 to 1859.
Drawing on Batchelor’s (2018) studies, the second part, led by Marco Barletta, will present an analysis of Cusani’s paratextual interventions in his translations of Edward George Bulwer-Lytton’s novels. The spotlight on Bulwer’s translated novels will clarify and amplify Cusani’s individuality and subjectivity: on the one side, it will provide evidence of his active role in the modernization of the Italian culture through his didactic use of prefaces and footnotes; on the other side, it will attest his participation in the nation building process and his patriotism through the use of cutting comments against Bulwer’s sarcastic statements about Italian culture.
Rivoluzioni, Restaurazione, Risorgimento. Letteratura italiana 1789-1870: Lettere, memorie e viaggi tra Italia ed Europa. Letteratura italiana e Traduzioni, 2019
L’articolo illustra la fortuna letteraria avuta dall’autore vittoriano oggi poco frequentato, Edw... more L’articolo illustra la fortuna letteraria avuta dall’autore vittoriano oggi poco frequentato, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, che divenne celebre nell’Italia dell’Ottocento grazie alle traduzioni dello storico, Francesco Cusani. Si procederà, dunque, ad un confronto tra autore e traduttore, secondo i più recenti studi in stilistica traduttiva e intertestualità, focalizzando l’attenzione sulla produzione del romanzo Zanoni (1842), tradotto dal Cusani nel 1848.
Events by Marco Barletta
Consegna attestati del Corso sulle competenze trasversali Per partecipare in presenza, inviare un... more Consegna attestati del Corso sulle competenze trasversali Per partecipare in presenza, inviare una mail a
mercoledì 20 gennaio 2021 ore 16.00
Un’idea dell’Università: due ore a Lingue
Saluto... more mercoledì 20 gennaio 2021 ore 16.00
Un’idea dell’Università: due ore a Lingue
Saluto / delegato del Dipartimento all’Orientamento
Introduzione / Coordinatore dei Corsi di Laurea in Lingue
Studiare lingue e letterature straniere / prof.ssa Alessandra Squeo
Orientamento agli studenti / dott. Marco Barletta, dott.ssa Silvia Silvestri
Orientamento alle strutture e ai percorsi / dott.ssa Carlotta Susca (Responsabile U.O. Didattica e Servizi agli Studenti)
L'iniziativa è svolta all'interno del Dottorato di Ricerca "Lettere, Lingue e Arti" (XXXIV ciclo,... more L'iniziativa è svolta all'interno del Dottorato di Ricerca "Lettere, Lingue e Arti" (XXXIV ciclo, curriculum: lingue, linguistica e traduzione) e con il patrocinio del Comitato Unico di Garanzia (CUG) dell'Università degli Studi di Bari 'Aldo Moro' e la collaborazione del Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi sulle Culture di Genere (CISCUG) e della casa editrice milanese Asterisco Edizioni.

I recenti contributi che analizzano le relazioni tra paratesto e traduzione, da Demaria e Fedriga... more I recenti contributi che analizzano le relazioni tra paratesto e traduzione, da Demaria e Fedriga (2001) a Kathryn Batchelor (2018) fino all'inserimento della voce "Paratexts" nella nuova e terza edizione della Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (2019), edita da Mona Baker e Gabriela Saldanha, sottolineano l'importanza degli elementi paratestuali nell'ambito degli studi di traduzione come spazi fondamentali da tenere in considerazione nel passaggio da un source text ad un target text, grazie anche alla loro pluralità di forme e contenuto e dove il traduttore, specialmente nei casi dei peritesti (note a piè di pagina, prefazioni, appendici, ecc.), può esprimere la sua prospettiva, le sue strategie di traduzione, il suo approccio al testo. Dopo una breve introduzione teorica sul nesso tra paratesto e traduzione letteraria, il seminario si propone di approfondire l'analisi degli elementi paratestuali attraverso un'attività laboratoriale di gruppo a cui le/i partecipanti sono invitate/i a prendere parte attraverso l'uso dei testi letterari tratti da opere di prosa in traduzione e conservate presso la Biblioteca "Gaetano Ricchetti" di Bari.
AIA Pre-Conference Symposium for Early-Career Researchers
Università degli studi di Padova
4 sett... more AIA Pre-Conference Symposium for Early-Career Researchers
Università degli studi di Padova
4 settembre 2019
Papers by Marco Barletta
written by the Victorian author, E. G. Bulwer-Lytton (1803 – 1873) and translated by the famous Italian historian and contemporary to the author, Francesco Cusani (1802 – 1879). To that end, it is important to draw on studies on translational stylistics (Baker 2000, Malmkjær 2003, Boase-Beier 2006, Saldanha 2011) and theories on the relationship between paratexts andtranslation (Batchelor 2018), the conceptualization of ‘transtextuality’ (Genette 1997a, 1997b) and of ‘style of a text’ (Leech and Short 1981). Bulwer-Lytton, with his international profile, was one of the most coveted novelists by the European editors of his epoch, as demonstrated by Bulwer-Lytton’s biographies (Mitchell 2003, Bulwer-Lytton 1913) and by the different and several translations of his literary works (which sometimes became also operas, like Rienzi (1842) or Viola Pisani (1872) – this last one is a theatrical version of his novel Zanoni, written in 1842). Francesco Cusani, before becoming a famous historian, was the preeminent translator of Bulwer-Lytton’s novels of his time (Vittori 1985), translating The Last Days of Pompeii (1834), Rienzi (1835), Ernest Maltravers (1837), Alice (1838) and Zanoni (1842). In this article, I will show how Cusani's use of paratexts in his translations of Bulwer-Lytton’s novels helps us to identify the author’s profile and his stylistic choices as writer, as well as some of the main aspects of the translational process, the target text’s stylistic features and the profile of Cusani.
Conference Presentations by Marco Barletta
Conference Papers by Marco Barletta
Thanks to an in-depth archival study on Cusani’s personal documents and letters, till now untouched, the paper will trace the connection between his literary activity as a translator and his political involvement as a patriot. To achieve this purpose, the first part of the presentation, conducted by Federica Re, will examine his educational and cultural background, and analyse how it was influenced by Romanticism and liberal ideas. Then, the focus will be on the cultural and implicit political meaning of his translations of Walter Scott's works and of his contribution to the translation projects by “Pirotta e Compagni”, the Milanese publishing house he was a member of from 1835 to 1859.
Drawing on Batchelor’s (2018) studies, the second part, led by Marco Barletta, will present an analysis of Cusani’s paratextual interventions in his translations of Edward George Bulwer-Lytton’s novels. The spotlight on Bulwer’s translated novels will clarify and amplify Cusani’s individuality and subjectivity: on the one side, it will provide evidence of his active role in the modernization of the Italian culture through his didactic use of prefaces and footnotes; on the other side, it will attest his participation in the nation building process and his patriotism through the use of cutting comments against Bulwer’s sarcastic statements about Italian culture.
Events by Marco Barletta
Un’idea dell’Università: due ore a Lingue
Saluto / delegato del Dipartimento all’Orientamento
Introduzione / Coordinatore dei Corsi di Laurea in Lingue
Studiare lingue e letterature straniere / prof.ssa Alessandra Squeo
Orientamento agli studenti / dott. Marco Barletta, dott.ssa Silvia Silvestri
Orientamento alle strutture e ai percorsi / dott.ssa Carlotta Susca (Responsabile U.O. Didattica e Servizi agli Studenti)
Università degli studi di Padova
4 settembre 2019
Panel: Approaching political writing with linguistic tools (Chair: Prof. Massimo Sturiale)
Università degli studi di Padova
5 - 7 settembre 2019
written by the Victorian author, E. G. Bulwer-Lytton (1803 – 1873) and translated by the famous Italian historian and contemporary to the author, Francesco Cusani (1802 – 1879). To that end, it is important to draw on studies on translational stylistics (Baker 2000, Malmkjær 2003, Boase-Beier 2006, Saldanha 2011) and theories on the relationship between paratexts andtranslation (Batchelor 2018), the conceptualization of ‘transtextuality’ (Genette 1997a, 1997b) and of ‘style of a text’ (Leech and Short 1981). Bulwer-Lytton, with his international profile, was one of the most coveted novelists by the European editors of his epoch, as demonstrated by Bulwer-Lytton’s biographies (Mitchell 2003, Bulwer-Lytton 1913) and by the different and several translations of his literary works (which sometimes became also operas, like Rienzi (1842) or Viola Pisani (1872) – this last one is a theatrical version of his novel Zanoni, written in 1842). Francesco Cusani, before becoming a famous historian, was the preeminent translator of Bulwer-Lytton’s novels of his time (Vittori 1985), translating The Last Days of Pompeii (1834), Rienzi (1835), Ernest Maltravers (1837), Alice (1838) and Zanoni (1842). In this article, I will show how Cusani's use of paratexts in his translations of Bulwer-Lytton’s novels helps us to identify the author’s profile and his stylistic choices as writer, as well as some of the main aspects of the translational process, the target text’s stylistic features and the profile of Cusani.
Thanks to an in-depth archival study on Cusani’s personal documents and letters, till now untouched, the paper will trace the connection between his literary activity as a translator and his political involvement as a patriot. To achieve this purpose, the first part of the presentation, conducted by Federica Re, will examine his educational and cultural background, and analyse how it was influenced by Romanticism and liberal ideas. Then, the focus will be on the cultural and implicit political meaning of his translations of Walter Scott's works and of his contribution to the translation projects by “Pirotta e Compagni”, the Milanese publishing house he was a member of from 1835 to 1859.
Drawing on Batchelor’s (2018) studies, the second part, led by Marco Barletta, will present an analysis of Cusani’s paratextual interventions in his translations of Edward George Bulwer-Lytton’s novels. The spotlight on Bulwer’s translated novels will clarify and amplify Cusani’s individuality and subjectivity: on the one side, it will provide evidence of his active role in the modernization of the Italian culture through his didactic use of prefaces and footnotes; on the other side, it will attest his participation in the nation building process and his patriotism through the use of cutting comments against Bulwer’s sarcastic statements about Italian culture.
Un’idea dell’Università: due ore a Lingue
Saluto / delegato del Dipartimento all’Orientamento
Introduzione / Coordinatore dei Corsi di Laurea in Lingue
Studiare lingue e letterature straniere / prof.ssa Alessandra Squeo
Orientamento agli studenti / dott. Marco Barletta, dott.ssa Silvia Silvestri
Orientamento alle strutture e ai percorsi / dott.ssa Carlotta Susca (Responsabile U.O. Didattica e Servizi agli Studenti)
Università degli studi di Padova
4 settembre 2019
Panel: Approaching political writing with linguistic tools (Chair: Prof. Massimo Sturiale)
Università degli studi di Padova
5 - 7 settembre 2019