Papers by Rachmaniah M I R Z A Hariastuti

International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research, VOL. 2 NO. 2, 2019
Banyuwangi is a town part of Java island, Indonesia. Cultural of Banyuwangi still run by original... more Banyuwangi is a town part of Java island, Indonesia. Cultural of Banyuwangi still run by original society named Using tribe. One of the culture which still defended by Using tribe is custom house. The paper describe about house of Using Banyuwangi and instructional design that made from the result of explore activity. This research joining ethnography method and development research. While the data collecting done with observation method, interview, and documentation. As for study device developed with ADDIE model that limited at development step. The result showed that house of Using’s construction show the existence of mathematics concepts specially geometry two dimension, pythagoras, and similarity. This result used to developed the instructional design based on contextual teaching-learning. Selected items is pythagoras. The instructional design will be implementing at research hereinafter.

EMASAINS VOL. 9 NO. 1, 2020
Abstrak. Pemahaman matematis merupakan kemampuan seseorang dalam menyerap dan menyampaikan kembal... more Abstrak. Pemahaman matematis merupakan kemampuan seseorang dalam menyerap dan menyampaikan kembali ide-ide matematika. Pemahaman matematis dapat dipengaruhi oleh cara yang dimiliki seseorang dalam menerima, menyerap, dan menyampaikan kembali informasi yang diterimanya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskripstif dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman matematis siswa pada materi polinomial ditinjau dari gaya kognitif Reflektif-Impulsif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode tes, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kualitatif berdasarkan indikator yang telah ditentukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman matematis subyek dengan gaya kognitif Reflektif sudah baik. Pemahaman tersebut ditunjukkan dari terpenuhinya indikator pemahaman matematis, yaitu siswa dapat: (1) mengidentifikasi dan membuat contoh dan bukan contoh; (2) menerjemahkan dan menafsirkan makna simbol serta kalimat matematis; (3) memahami dan menerapkan ide matematis; dan (4) membuat suatu ekstrapolasi/perkiraan. Sedangkan pemahaman matematis subyek dengan gaya kognitif Impulsif masih kurang baik. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dari belum terpenuhinya hampir semua indikator yang ditetapkan. Abstract. Mathematical understanding is one's ability to absorb and convey mathematical ideas again. Mathematical understanding can be influenced by the way a person has in receiving, absorbing, and relaying the information received. To achieve the objectives, the research employs descriptive qualitative research to find out students' mathematical understanding of polynomial material in terms of Reflective-Impulsive cognitive style. The method by collecting data is consist of tests, interviews, and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively based on indicators that have been determined. The results showed that the Mathematical understanding of subjects with Reflective cognitive style was good. In this research is shown by the fulfillment of Mathematical understanding indicators, the students can: (1) identify and make examples and not examples; (2) translating and interpreting symbol meanings and mathematical sentences; (3) understand and apply mathematical ideas; and (4) make an extrapolation. Whereas mathematically the subjects with Impulsive cognitive style are still not good. This is indicated by the fact that almost all indicators have not been fulfilled. PENDAHULUAN Matematika merupakan ilmu pengetahuan yang memiliki peranan penting dalam kehidupan manusia, karena pada dasarnya banyak hal dalam kehidupan manusia tidak terlepas dari matematika. Contohnya dalam proses jual beli, proses pembuatan rumah,

AKSIOMA VOL. 7 NO. 3, 2018
Angklung Paglak is a typical Banyuwangi angklung musical instrument that is heard from above usin... more Angklung Paglak is a typical Banyuwangi angklung musical instrument that is heard from above using the tone of the Banyuwangian genre. Angklung Paglak has many things that can be explored to be used with mathematical concepts. The purpose of this study is to find out mathematics concept in angklung paglak Banyuwangi This research is exploratory-descriptive research. Data collection is done by literature review, observation, interviews and documentation. Data were analyzed by qualitative methods. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The characteristics of angklung paglak Banyuwangi in terms of shape and process are the same as the other Banyuwangi angklung types. Angklung paglak and other Banyuwangi angklung have differences in terms of many players. Paglak angklung players were 4 people, 2 angklung players and 2 drums players while the other Banyuwangi angklung players varied. (2) The mathematical concept in angklung paglak is about two or three-dimensional geometric shapes; traditional measurement units; concept of equating length to an object; and concept of equating length to an object.
AKSIOMA Vol. 7, No. 1, 2018
Every student generally has multiple intelligences with different level, one of which is visual-s... more Every student generally has multiple intelligences with different level, one of which is visual-spatial
intelligence shown by the ability to visualize an object. To acquire this kind of intelligence one can utilize
media. This research, aiming at developing such a media, uses ADDIE model which is designed based on
printed media which then followed by designing the electronic ones. Subjects of the research are 9
students selected by random technique. The research result electronic quiz media which can be utilized by
students in interpreting 3D objects into 2D ones or vice versa.
Papers by Rachmaniah M I R Z A Hariastuti
intelligence shown by the ability to visualize an object. To acquire this kind of intelligence one can utilize
media. This research, aiming at developing such a media, uses ADDIE model which is designed based on
printed media which then followed by designing the electronic ones. Subjects of the research are 9
students selected by random technique. The research result electronic quiz media which can be utilized by
students in interpreting 3D objects into 2D ones or vice versa.
intelligence shown by the ability to visualize an object. To acquire this kind of intelligence one can utilize
media. This research, aiming at developing such a media, uses ADDIE model which is designed based on
printed media which then followed by designing the electronic ones. Subjects of the research are 9
students selected by random technique. The research result electronic quiz media which can be utilized by
students in interpreting 3D objects into 2D ones or vice versa.