Danang Iksan Maulana
Dilahirkan di Banyuwangi tanggal 16 Desember 1986, anak ke 4 dari pasangan Fatechur Rachman, Drs dan Mahsunah. Di besarkan di lingkungan keluarga Pendidik, dimana ayahnya menjadi Guru SMP di wilayah kabupaten Banyuwangi. Pendidikan SD sampai SMA di tuntaskan di Kabupaten Banyuwangi, kemudian dilanjutkan di bangku kuliah yaitu di Program Studi Diploma II Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar yang lulus pada tahun 2007, melanjutkan ke Strata 1 melalui Alih Jenjang pada prodi yang sama dan juga almamater sama yaitu Universitas Jember dengan bantuan beasiswa dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Banyuwangi dan Lulus pada tahun 2009. Pada tahun 2010 melanjutkan ke Strata 2 di Universitas Negeri Surabaya atau lebih dikenal dengan nama UNESA pada Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar ditempuh dengan masa studi 2 tahun dan lulus pada tanggal 09 Desember 2012. Sekarang masih semester 3 pada Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Pendidikan Konsentrasi Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Karir Sebagai Tenaga Pendidik di mulai pada tahun 2007 menjadi Guru SD di SD Negeri 2 Sepanjang, pada tahun 2010 pindah ke SD Islam Al-Abror di Kabupaten Situbondo, tidak berlangsung lama sekitar 10 bulanan kembali lagi ke Kota Gandrung Banyuwangi dan mengabdi di SD Negeri 8 Karangharjo sampai tahun 2015. Karir Sebagai Dosen berawal pada tahun 2009 setelah lulus dari S1, melalui rekomendasi dari pembimbing 1 Prof. Dr. Bambang Hari Purnomo (Alm) untuk menjadi tenaga dosen di Universitas Abdurachman Saleh (UNARS) Situbondo pada program studi S1 PGSD, dan juga menjadi dosen terbang pada prodi PGSD Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Kelas Situbondo. Awal tahun 2013 menjadi Dosen Tidak Tetap di Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi (UNIBA), Setelah malang melintang di dunia pendidikan khususnya ke SD an, akhirnya pada akhir 2015 menandatangani Pakta Integritas dengan Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi untuk menjadi Dosen Tetap Yayasan serta diberikan tugas tambahan menjadi Penanggung Jawab Laboratorium Microteaching Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi.
Mulai tahun 2007 s.d 2015 banyak Karya Tulis Ilmiah mulai dari PTK sampai penelitian-penelitian yang lainnya baik sebagai guru maupun dosen dan juga beberapa kali ikut dalam Seminar Nasional maupun Internasional baik sebagai peserta maupun sebagai pemakalah, beberapa Karya Tulis Ilmiahnya, meliputi :
1. Pembelajaran Keliling Bangun Datar Menurut NCTM dengan Setting Kooperatif Pada Siswa Kelas III SDN 8 Karangharjo (SENDIMAT I) Dibiayai oleh Kemdikbud melalui PPPPTK Matematika Tahun 2013 ;
2. Perbandingan Keefektifan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Assisted Individualization Dan Think Talk Write Ditinjau Dari Minat Dan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematika Siswa SD, Dibiayai oleh Kemdikbud Tahun 2014 kerjasama dengan UNY.
Alhamdulillah di usia yang cukup dewasa ini, penulis dikarunia buah hati yang sangat cantik bernama "Khasyah Baraka Falah Maulana", dan selain berkat Doa Ayah dan Ibu, ada salah satu figur dibelakang saya, yang selalu menemani dan selalu menasehati saya disaat berada di atas maupun di bawah , dialah Istri saya "LIA RISTINA", berkat dialah saya bisa seperti sekarang ini, berjalan layaknya falsafah padi, lebih mengedepankan rasa religius daripada keinginan duniawi belaka, Mengingatkan pada Allah SWT dan Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW, bersodaqoh, mengamalkan sunnah-sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW, bagaimana menjalani hidup tanpa butuh rasa hormat oleh orang lain, hidup apa adanya, dan tentunya dalam Lindungan Allah SWT.
Karir Sebagai Tenaga Pendidik di mulai pada tahun 2007 menjadi Guru SD di SD Negeri 2 Sepanjang, pada tahun 2010 pindah ke SD Islam Al-Abror di Kabupaten Situbondo, tidak berlangsung lama sekitar 10 bulanan kembali lagi ke Kota Gandrung Banyuwangi dan mengabdi di SD Negeri 8 Karangharjo sampai tahun 2015. Karir Sebagai Dosen berawal pada tahun 2009 setelah lulus dari S1, melalui rekomendasi dari pembimbing 1 Prof. Dr. Bambang Hari Purnomo (Alm) untuk menjadi tenaga dosen di Universitas Abdurachman Saleh (UNARS) Situbondo pada program studi S1 PGSD, dan juga menjadi dosen terbang pada prodi PGSD Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Kelas Situbondo. Awal tahun 2013 menjadi Dosen Tidak Tetap di Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi (UNIBA), Setelah malang melintang di dunia pendidikan khususnya ke SD an, akhirnya pada akhir 2015 menandatangani Pakta Integritas dengan Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi untuk menjadi Dosen Tetap Yayasan serta diberikan tugas tambahan menjadi Penanggung Jawab Laboratorium Microteaching Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi.
Mulai tahun 2007 s.d 2015 banyak Karya Tulis Ilmiah mulai dari PTK sampai penelitian-penelitian yang lainnya baik sebagai guru maupun dosen dan juga beberapa kali ikut dalam Seminar Nasional maupun Internasional baik sebagai peserta maupun sebagai pemakalah, beberapa Karya Tulis Ilmiahnya, meliputi :
1. Pembelajaran Keliling Bangun Datar Menurut NCTM dengan Setting Kooperatif Pada Siswa Kelas III SDN 8 Karangharjo (SENDIMAT I) Dibiayai oleh Kemdikbud melalui PPPPTK Matematika Tahun 2013 ;
2. Perbandingan Keefektifan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Assisted Individualization Dan Think Talk Write Ditinjau Dari Minat Dan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematika Siswa SD, Dibiayai oleh Kemdikbud Tahun 2014 kerjasama dengan UNY.
Alhamdulillah di usia yang cukup dewasa ini, penulis dikarunia buah hati yang sangat cantik bernama "Khasyah Baraka Falah Maulana", dan selain berkat Doa Ayah dan Ibu, ada salah satu figur dibelakang saya, yang selalu menemani dan selalu menasehati saya disaat berada di atas maupun di bawah , dialah Istri saya "LIA RISTINA", berkat dialah saya bisa seperti sekarang ini, berjalan layaknya falsafah padi, lebih mengedepankan rasa religius daripada keinginan duniawi belaka, Mengingatkan pada Allah SWT dan Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW, bersodaqoh, mengamalkan sunnah-sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW, bagaimana menjalani hidup tanpa butuh rasa hormat oleh orang lain, hidup apa adanya, dan tentunya dalam Lindungan Allah SWT.
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InterestsView All (7)
Papers by Danang Iksan Maulana
Sensus Ekonomi 2016 (SE2016) adalah kegiatan sensus ke empat, yang merupakan kegiatan pendataan lengkap atas seluruh unit usaha/perusahaan yang berada dalam batas-batas wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Seluruh informasi yang dikumpulkan bermanfaat untuk mengetahui gambaran tentang performa dan struktur ekonomi baik menurut wilayah, lapangan usaha, maupun skala usaha.
Pelaksanaan SE2016 dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan, mulai dari persiapan, listing/pendaftaran unit usaha/perusahaan, pencacahan lengkap unit usaha/perusahaan menengah dan besar (UMB), dan pencacahan sampel unit usaha/perusahaan mikro dan kecil (UMK), sampai dengan diseminasi hasil.
Kegiatan listing/pendaftaran unit usaha/perusahaan dilakukan di seluruh lapangan usaha di luar Lapangan Usaha Pertanian, pada bulan Mei 2016.
Kemudian, pada tahun 2017 dilakukan pendataan lengkap unit usaha/perusahaan menengah dan besar, dan pencacahan sampel unit usaha/perusahaan mikro dan kecil.
Data yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan SE2016 dapat memberikan gambaran secara aktual mengenai kondisi ekonomi di seluruh lapangan usaha di luar lapangan usaha pertanian di Indonesia. Hal tersebut sangat berguna bagi perencanaan pembangunan serta merupakan data yang sangat ditunggu dan diharapkan oleh semua pihak.
Thesis Chapters by Danang Iksan Maulana
Iksan Maulana, Danang. 2012. Integrating Character Education Into Social Lesson In The Higher Class Of Elementary School. Thesis, Elementary Education Study Program, Post Graduate Program of State University of Surabaya. Advisor I : Prof. Dr. Made Pidarta, Advisor II Dr. H. Ketut Prasetya, MS.
Key Words: Character education, Social Lesson in higher class of elementary school.
A concept of integrating character education to social lesson in a higher class of elementary school is need to improve the understanding of elementary school teachers. This research aimed to integrate character education to social lesson in a higher class of elementary school. The specific purposes of this research were; (1) to develop a learning set based on the characters education; (2) to identify the characters which are appropriate to be integrated into social lesson in a higher class of elementary school; (3) to integrate the characters into the lesson plan of social lesson in a higher class of elementary school; and (4) to describe the students’ attitude and characters which are expected.
The design of this research was positivistic development research by examining the concept with the data source. The data source was document. The documents were in the form of book, content standard of social lesson 2006 about standard competence and basic competence. Besides that the document was also in the form of learning set which was character based. The instruments used in this research were observation, interview, and documentation. The learning set was used in the four grades of State Elementary School 8 Karangharjo, Glenmore, Banyuwangi. There were 20 student in this class.
Based on the analysis, the results are: (1) in the beginning, the process of making learning set (syllabus, lesson plan, students’ worksheet, study test result, student’s learning materials) is conducted individually. Besides that, these learning sets only follows the rules without considering the students’ characters, and did not have the value of character education. After implementing a learning set (syllabus, lesson plan, students’ worksheet, study test result, student’s learning materials) which has been consulted to the many class teacher, are adapted with the students’ characters, are integrated with the value of character education, it has a good quality, validity, and were effective to be used, (2) the researcher did not find anything significant in the beginning of the research. After developing the characters value which were integrated into social lesson in a higher class of elementary school. Those lessons were: religious, tolerance, discipline, creative, democratic, curiosity, nationality, achievements, friendship/ communicative, readily, and environment awareness; (3) the researcher did not find anything in the beginning of the research, then the characters were integrated into social lesson in a higher class of elementary school, especially in the fourth grade. In the fourth grade, there are only seven characters which can be integrated. The competence standard of recognizing the natural sources, economical activity, and technological development in the city and province, and basic competence which includes: 2.1 recognizing economical activity which is related to natural resources and another potency in the area. It can be integrated by the teacher when they put the characters value into the indicators to achieve the competence in the appropriate time. The characters in this process are creativity, curiosity, environment awareness. 2.2 understanding the importance of cooperation in increasing society’s prosperity. It can be integrated by the teacher when they put the characters value into the indicators to achieve the competence in the appropriate time. The characters in this process are creativity, curiosity, friendship/ communicative. 2.3 recognizing production technological development, communication, transportation, and the experience using them. It can be integrated by the teacher when they put the characters value into the indicators to achieve the competence in the appropriate time. The characters in this process are discipline creative, curiosity, love reading. 2.4 recognizing social problem in their area. It can be integrated by the teacher when they put the characters value into the indicators to achieve the competence in the appropriate time. The characters in this process are tolerance, friendship/ communicative and environment awareness; (4) in the beginning of the research, students’ attitude or characters cannot be observed well, because there were not an appropriate instrument to measure it. After they were given treatment, their attitudes are characters based in the social lesson of the fourth grade. In general, their attitude gets satisfying result. The value which were meant in this research were tolerance, discipline, creative, curiosity, friendship/ communicative, love reading, and environment awareness.
Conference Presentations by Danang Iksan Maulana
Pada kesempatan ini peneliti merancang sebuah media peraga, sama halnya seperti media-media lain yang ia rancang untuk proses pembelajaran sehari-hari, media peraga volume kerucut (PRAVOCUT) bukanlah media yang pembuatannya menghabiskan banyak biaya. Peneliti hanya terinspirasi dari kegemaran siswanya bermain air dalam ember. Saat air dalam ember tersebut tumpah, ia melihat siswa kegirangan dan mengulang-ulang momen tersebut.
Untuk itu, peneliti pun memutar otak agar dapat membantu siswa menyerap lebih cepat materi tentang mengenal konsep rumus volume kerucut dengan menggunakan prinsip ember tumpah.
Kata Kunci : Hasil Belajar, Materi Sifat-Sifat Bangun Datar Kerucut, Media Pravocut.
Kata Kunci : pembelajaran keliling bangun datar, standar National Council Of Teachers Mathematics (NCTM), setting kooperatif.
Sensus Ekonomi 2016 (SE2016) adalah kegiatan sensus ke empat, yang merupakan kegiatan pendataan lengkap atas seluruh unit usaha/perusahaan yang berada dalam batas-batas wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Seluruh informasi yang dikumpulkan bermanfaat untuk mengetahui gambaran tentang performa dan struktur ekonomi baik menurut wilayah, lapangan usaha, maupun skala usaha.
Pelaksanaan SE2016 dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan, mulai dari persiapan, listing/pendaftaran unit usaha/perusahaan, pencacahan lengkap unit usaha/perusahaan menengah dan besar (UMB), dan pencacahan sampel unit usaha/perusahaan mikro dan kecil (UMK), sampai dengan diseminasi hasil.
Kegiatan listing/pendaftaran unit usaha/perusahaan dilakukan di seluruh lapangan usaha di luar Lapangan Usaha Pertanian, pada bulan Mei 2016.
Kemudian, pada tahun 2017 dilakukan pendataan lengkap unit usaha/perusahaan menengah dan besar, dan pencacahan sampel unit usaha/perusahaan mikro dan kecil.
Data yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan SE2016 dapat memberikan gambaran secara aktual mengenai kondisi ekonomi di seluruh lapangan usaha di luar lapangan usaha pertanian di Indonesia. Hal tersebut sangat berguna bagi perencanaan pembangunan serta merupakan data yang sangat ditunggu dan diharapkan oleh semua pihak.
Iksan Maulana, Danang. 2012. Integrating Character Education Into Social Lesson In The Higher Class Of Elementary School. Thesis, Elementary Education Study Program, Post Graduate Program of State University of Surabaya. Advisor I : Prof. Dr. Made Pidarta, Advisor II Dr. H. Ketut Prasetya, MS.
Key Words: Character education, Social Lesson in higher class of elementary school.
A concept of integrating character education to social lesson in a higher class of elementary school is need to improve the understanding of elementary school teachers. This research aimed to integrate character education to social lesson in a higher class of elementary school. The specific purposes of this research were; (1) to develop a learning set based on the characters education; (2) to identify the characters which are appropriate to be integrated into social lesson in a higher class of elementary school; (3) to integrate the characters into the lesson plan of social lesson in a higher class of elementary school; and (4) to describe the students’ attitude and characters which are expected.
The design of this research was positivistic development research by examining the concept with the data source. The data source was document. The documents were in the form of book, content standard of social lesson 2006 about standard competence and basic competence. Besides that the document was also in the form of learning set which was character based. The instruments used in this research were observation, interview, and documentation. The learning set was used in the four grades of State Elementary School 8 Karangharjo, Glenmore, Banyuwangi. There were 20 student in this class.
Based on the analysis, the results are: (1) in the beginning, the process of making learning set (syllabus, lesson plan, students’ worksheet, study test result, student’s learning materials) is conducted individually. Besides that, these learning sets only follows the rules without considering the students’ characters, and did not have the value of character education. After implementing a learning set (syllabus, lesson plan, students’ worksheet, study test result, student’s learning materials) which has been consulted to the many class teacher, are adapted with the students’ characters, are integrated with the value of character education, it has a good quality, validity, and were effective to be used, (2) the researcher did not find anything significant in the beginning of the research. After developing the characters value which were integrated into social lesson in a higher class of elementary school. Those lessons were: religious, tolerance, discipline, creative, democratic, curiosity, nationality, achievements, friendship/ communicative, readily, and environment awareness; (3) the researcher did not find anything in the beginning of the research, then the characters were integrated into social lesson in a higher class of elementary school, especially in the fourth grade. In the fourth grade, there are only seven characters which can be integrated. The competence standard of recognizing the natural sources, economical activity, and technological development in the city and province, and basic competence which includes: 2.1 recognizing economical activity which is related to natural resources and another potency in the area. It can be integrated by the teacher when they put the characters value into the indicators to achieve the competence in the appropriate time. The characters in this process are creativity, curiosity, environment awareness. 2.2 understanding the importance of cooperation in increasing society’s prosperity. It can be integrated by the teacher when they put the characters value into the indicators to achieve the competence in the appropriate time. The characters in this process are creativity, curiosity, friendship/ communicative. 2.3 recognizing production technological development, communication, transportation, and the experience using them. It can be integrated by the teacher when they put the characters value into the indicators to achieve the competence in the appropriate time. The characters in this process are discipline creative, curiosity, love reading. 2.4 recognizing social problem in their area. It can be integrated by the teacher when they put the characters value into the indicators to achieve the competence in the appropriate time. The characters in this process are tolerance, friendship/ communicative and environment awareness; (4) in the beginning of the research, students’ attitude or characters cannot be observed well, because there were not an appropriate instrument to measure it. After they were given treatment, their attitudes are characters based in the social lesson of the fourth grade. In general, their attitude gets satisfying result. The value which were meant in this research were tolerance, discipline, creative, curiosity, friendship/ communicative, love reading, and environment awareness.
Pada kesempatan ini peneliti merancang sebuah media peraga, sama halnya seperti media-media lain yang ia rancang untuk proses pembelajaran sehari-hari, media peraga volume kerucut (PRAVOCUT) bukanlah media yang pembuatannya menghabiskan banyak biaya. Peneliti hanya terinspirasi dari kegemaran siswanya bermain air dalam ember. Saat air dalam ember tersebut tumpah, ia melihat siswa kegirangan dan mengulang-ulang momen tersebut.
Untuk itu, peneliti pun memutar otak agar dapat membantu siswa menyerap lebih cepat materi tentang mengenal konsep rumus volume kerucut dengan menggunakan prinsip ember tumpah.
Kata Kunci : Hasil Belajar, Materi Sifat-Sifat Bangun Datar Kerucut, Media Pravocut.
Kata Kunci : pembelajaran keliling bangun datar, standar National Council Of Teachers Mathematics (NCTM), setting kooperatif.