Books by René J . Campis C.

Wittgenstein : mares del lenguaje , 2018
Presentación 5 Vicente Sanfélix Vidarte
La metáfora del ajedrez en Wittgenstein 15 Edu... more ÍNDICE
Presentación 5 Vicente Sanfélix Vidarte
La metáfora del ajedrez en Wittgenstein 15 Eduardo Bermúdez Barrera, René J. Campis C., Osvaldo Orozco
Lenguaje y mente en la filosofía de Wittgenstein 39 Léo Peruzzo Júnior
Las “observaciones” de Wittgenstein a La Rama Dorada
de Frazer 57 Yolanda Fernández Acevedo
Series lógicas y crímenes en serie 71 Guillermo Martínez
Wittgenstein y Gramsci sobre la universalidad del lenguaje 89 Santiago Garmendia
La importancia de Ludwig Wittgenstein para el
desarrollo de un ejercicio de epistemologías comparadas 101 Silvia Rivera
Sobre los límites de la justificación 129 Cristina Bosso
Ética y lógica en Ludwig Wittgenstein 149 Profesor Dr. Valdir Borges Juegos de Lenguaje y el Lenguaje Filosófico en
Wittgenstein 173 Héctor Bentolila
Wittgenstein: democracia lingüística, democracia
filosófica 193 Javier Vilanova Arias
Consideraciones sobre el lenguaje en la filosofía de la aritmética del primer Wittgenstein 235 Andrés Fernando Stisman
Algunas consideraciones sobre la traducción 259 María Mercedes Risco
Ludwig Wittgenstein: sobre a Psicologia e os verbos psicológicos 271 Bortolo Valle
Papers by René J . Campis C.
Artefactos, May 7, 2024
La atribución de pensamientos y mente a animales no humanos sigue generando debates y controversi... more La atribución de pensamientos y mente a animales no humanos sigue generando debates y controversias entre los estudiosos del comportamiento animal. Sumado a ello, los mecanismos sociales-el juego como un comportamiento producto de la selección natural con valor de supervivencia-llaman poderosamente la atención de etólogos cognitivos,
This is the Spanish translation, by Claudio Abreu and Rene Campis, of Wolfgang Stegmuller’s Germa... more This is the Spanish translation, by Claudio Abreu and Rene Campis, of Wolfgang Stegmuller’s German text “Walther von der Vogelweides Lied von der Traumliebe und Quasar 3 C 273 – Betrachtungen zum sogenannten Zirkel des Verstehens und zur sogenannten Theorienbeladenheit der Beobachtungen”, published in 1979.

Dókos: Revista filosófica, 2022
The authors compared different editions of TLP and the etymology of Bild in German, Spanish and E... more The authors compared different editions of TLP and the etymology of Bild in German, Spanish and English as part of an effort towards a common framework to interpret Wittgenstein’s philosophy. Also pre-Wittgensteinian scientific-philosophical conceptions of Bild. We claim that there is no such thing as a “picture theory” in the Tractatus, but rather Wittgenstein’s implicit, non-systematic conception of Bilder, still on development by that time. Translating Bild as plain “picture” might have caused further misunderstandings. We propose the use of “form” instead of “picture”, which we believe would contribute to a better understanding of Wittgenstein’s philosophy. There seems to exist a European urge to defend national philosophical traditions and claim the philosopher as their own. As Latin Americans, we feel free of the burden of standing up for a long-standing national heritage.
Ética y filosofía política, filosofía de la religión e historia de la filosofía, 2008
Ernst Mach – Life, Work, Influence, 2019
Ernst Mach’s writings remain as thought provoking today as when he first produced them but not so... more Ernst Mach’s writings remain as thought provoking today as when he first produced them but not so much for his treatment of physics as for the epistemological implications inherent in his vision of how sensations unify the physical with the psychical. For over a hundred years the breach between the objective and subjective or theory and the empirical has been widening due to the increasing abstraction of mathematical frameworks necessary to conceptualize the ever smaller scale of elementary particles contemplated by present day theory.

Ernst Mach – Life, Work, Influence, 2019
Perhaps the first approach in South America to the work of Mach of which we have knowledge is the... more Perhaps the first approach in South America to the work of Mach of which we have knowledge is the study (1911) on the Analyse der Empfindungen made by Colombian philosopher Julio Enrique Blanco (1890–1986) in Barranquilla, which was derived from his interest in the explanation of living phenomena in general and the psychophysical problem in particular. Despite the difficulty in tracing the path of the work of Mach on South American soil, another point of contact was identified through the influence exerted by Hans A. Lindemann in Buenos Aires, who attended the Schlick Circle on a regular basis. His works, which were reviewed in some journals, offer us the chance to start giving an account of the conceptual lineage of Machian root in South American territories. This work aims to constitute a contribution in that sense. Machian ideas were spread more recently due to the Mach-Einstein connection. Gonzalo Munevar represents a remarkable exception to this pattern due to his account of Machian ideas related to the theory of knowledge and evolution and his relationship with Feyerabend and Hempel.
In this paper we analyze Libet's conclusions on «free will» (FW), rejecting his view of the conce... more In this paper we analyze Libet's conclusions on «free will» (FW), rejecting his view of the concept and defending a partially aligned view with Wittgenstein's early remarks on FW. First, the concept of Readiness Potential (RP) and Libet's view are presented. Second, we offer an account of Wittgenstein´s point of view. Third, a dual-domain analysis is proposed; finally, we offer our conclusions. This article´s conclusions are part of an ongoing research.
Revista Amauta, Feb 21, 2013
In The Philosophy in America (Barranquilla, 1945), J. E. Blanco (JEB) makes an extensive commenta... more In The Philosophy in America (Barranquilla, 1945), J. E. Blanco (JEB) makes an extensive commentary to the article The Vienna Circle and the scientifi c philosophy (Buenos Aires, 1944) by Hans Lindemann. The purpose of this contribution aims to explore the impact of Minerva Magazine in Colombia in the mid-twentieth century, and a critical review of the scientifi c philosophy called in America during the same period.
Books by René J . Campis C.
Presentación 5 Vicente Sanfélix Vidarte
La metáfora del ajedrez en Wittgenstein 15 Eduardo Bermúdez Barrera, René J. Campis C., Osvaldo Orozco
Lenguaje y mente en la filosofía de Wittgenstein 39 Léo Peruzzo Júnior
Las “observaciones” de Wittgenstein a La Rama Dorada
de Frazer 57 Yolanda Fernández Acevedo
Series lógicas y crímenes en serie 71 Guillermo Martínez
Wittgenstein y Gramsci sobre la universalidad del lenguaje 89 Santiago Garmendia
La importancia de Ludwig Wittgenstein para el
desarrollo de un ejercicio de epistemologías comparadas 101 Silvia Rivera
Sobre los límites de la justificación 129 Cristina Bosso
Ética y lógica en Ludwig Wittgenstein 149 Profesor Dr. Valdir Borges Juegos de Lenguaje y el Lenguaje Filosófico en
Wittgenstein 173 Héctor Bentolila
Wittgenstein: democracia lingüística, democracia
filosófica 193 Javier Vilanova Arias
Consideraciones sobre el lenguaje en la filosofía de la aritmética del primer Wittgenstein 235 Andrés Fernando Stisman
Algunas consideraciones sobre la traducción 259 María Mercedes Risco
Ludwig Wittgenstein: sobre a Psicologia e os verbos psicológicos 271 Bortolo Valle
Papers by René J . Campis C.
Presentación 5 Vicente Sanfélix Vidarte
La metáfora del ajedrez en Wittgenstein 15 Eduardo Bermúdez Barrera, René J. Campis C., Osvaldo Orozco
Lenguaje y mente en la filosofía de Wittgenstein 39 Léo Peruzzo Júnior
Las “observaciones” de Wittgenstein a La Rama Dorada
de Frazer 57 Yolanda Fernández Acevedo
Series lógicas y crímenes en serie 71 Guillermo Martínez
Wittgenstein y Gramsci sobre la universalidad del lenguaje 89 Santiago Garmendia
La importancia de Ludwig Wittgenstein para el
desarrollo de un ejercicio de epistemologías comparadas 101 Silvia Rivera
Sobre los límites de la justificación 129 Cristina Bosso
Ética y lógica en Ludwig Wittgenstein 149 Profesor Dr. Valdir Borges Juegos de Lenguaje y el Lenguaje Filosófico en
Wittgenstein 173 Héctor Bentolila
Wittgenstein: democracia lingüística, democracia
filosófica 193 Javier Vilanova Arias
Consideraciones sobre el lenguaje en la filosofía de la aritmética del primer Wittgenstein 235 Andrés Fernando Stisman
Algunas consideraciones sobre la traducción 259 María Mercedes Risco
Ludwig Wittgenstein: sobre a Psicologia e os verbos psicológicos 271 Bortolo Valle