University of the Arts Helsinki
Music Education
I From Dewey's naturalistic standpoint, 1 culture develops from nature, and critical communication is one of its possible operational modes. It is this fact of the contingency of cultural cultivation that makes pedagogical critique... more
Notes 1 I use the term "postpositivist" here in a very general manner, as referring to a diversity of positions, which since the early 1960's have tried to formulate options for (1) positivistfoundationalist epistemology, (2)... more
in English LAURI VÄKEVÄ Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta, Kasvatustieteiden ja opettajankoulutuksen yksikkö, Oulun yliopisto OULU 2004 LAURI VÄKEVÄ KASVATUKSEN TAIDE JA TAIDEKASVATUS Estetiikan ja taidekasvatuksen merkitys John Deweyn... more
The content of this article is the sole responsibility of the author. The ACT Journal and the Mayday Group are not liable for any legal actions that may arise involving the article's content, including, but not limited to, copyright... more
From Dewey's naturalistic standpoint, 1 culture develops from nature, and critical communication is one of its possible operational modes. It is this fact of the contingency of cultural cultivation that makes pedagogical critique... more
John Dewey has been widely accepted as a modern classic in educational philosophy. Dewey's general philosophy has gained new interest lately, as well. This interest reflects both a need to find alternatives for analytic and continental... more
kindly replied to a series of questions concerning the role of pragmatism in contemporary philosophy, the new approaches to John Dewey’s thought, pragmatist aesthetics in art and music education, and the Finnish-translated book,... more
- by Lauri Väkevä
The goal of the project was to develop and implement a master program for "rytmimusiikki" (lit. "rhythm music") in Seinäjoki, Finland-a musically active provincial area previously without music-related higher education programs. In the... more
Recent reforms in England and the USA give evidence that teaching methods and content can change rapidly, given a strong external pressure, for example through economic incentives, inspections, school choice, and public display of... more
This chapter surveys the history of popular music education in Nordic countries and explores scenarios for possible interpretations, resulting in a rich and informed critique of the field. The chapter offers a comparative overview of... more