Papers by Rusi Zhelev

Между редовете: Различията в готовността на уменията на студентите по психология в България и Турция при наблюдение и анализ на невербална експресия, 2016
Резюме: Забелязвали ли сте как поведението на събеседника Ви се променя, когато научи, че сте пси... more Резюме: Забелязвали ли сте как поведението на събеседника Ви се променя, когато научи, че сте психолог? Оставали ли сте с впечатлението, че хората се страхуват да не би да научите повече, отколкото искат да споделят с Вас? Без съмнение, такива умения са от фундаментална значимост за професионалните ни успехи и често са очаквани от работодатели и общество. С времето и с непрестанната инвестиция в личните ни професионални компетентности неизбежно успяваме да натрупаме опит и усет да улавяме емоциите и отношението на хората, с които общуваме. Доколко обаче студентите по психология са подготвени да четат между редовете и как се различават от колегите си от чужда култура и образователна система?
Ключови думи: лъжа, невербално поведение, студенти по психология, България, Турция
Abstract: Have you ever noticed how one's behavior changes upon finding out that you are a psychologist? Have you ever been under the impression that people fear the possibility of you learning more about them than they are ready to share? Without a doubt these skills are fundamentally important in our professional success and expected by employers and society. Inevitably with time and continuous investment in our expertise development, we build up the experience and a sense of picking people's emotions and attitudes up during our interactions. To what extend are Bulgarian psychology students ready to read between the lines though and how do they differ compared to their colleagues from a foreign culture and educational system?

Резюме: Забелязвали ли сте как поведението на събеседника Ви се променя, когато научи, че сте пси... more Резюме: Забелязвали ли сте как поведението на събеседника Ви се променя, когато научи, че сте психолог? Оставали ли сте с впечатлението, че хората се страхуват да не би да научите повече, отколкото искат да споделят с Вас? Без съмнение, такива умения са от фундаментална значимост за професионалните ни успехи и често са очаквани от работодатели и общество. С времето и с непрестанната инвестиция в личните ни професионални компетентности неизбежно успяваме да натрупаме опит и усет да улавяме емоциите и отношението на хората, с които общуваме. Доколко обаче студентите по психология са подготвени да четат между редовете и как се различават от колегите си от чужда култура и образователна система? Ключови думи: лъжа, невербално поведение, студенти по психология, България, Турция Abstract: Have you ever noticed how one's behavior changes upon finding out that you are a psychologist? Have you ever been under the impression that people fear the possibility of you learning more about them than they are ready to share? Without a doubt these skills are fundamentally important in our professional success and expected by employers and society. Inevitably with time and continuous investment in our expertise development, we build up the experience and a sense of picking people's emotions and attitudes up during our interactions. To what extend are Bulgarian psychology students ready to read between the lines though and how do they differ compared to their colleagues from a foreign culture and educational system?

Децата обичат да си измислят и украсяват истории. И понеже възрастният (родител/учител) е изцяло ... more Децата обичат да си измислят и украсяват истории. И понеже възрастният (родител/учител) е изцяло отговорен за детето си, повечето от тях (ако не всички) искат да знаят цялата истина и не толерират лъжа. Често съвременният образован възрастен обаче е и на мнение, че преструвките и развитието на въображението са изключително важни за детското развитие. Това от своя страна води до трудности в избора на балансиран подход по отношение корекцията на това специфично детско поведение. В настоящия доклад ще бъдат разгледани възрастовите особености и функции на детските лъжи , както и общоприетите, от мнозинството изследователи на феномена, специфични когнитивни и социални аспекти.
Children enjoy making and beautifying stories. And since the adult (parent/ teacher) is held fully responsible for the child most of them (if not all) want to be fully informed and do not tolerate lying. However to the contemporary educated adult often is of the opinion that pretending and the imagination growth are extremely important for the child development. This leads to some confusion and difficulties picking up a balanced approach in regards of this specific child behavior correction. In the following paper will be overviewed some of the developmental characteristics and functions of children’s lies along with the contemporary social and cognitive aspects widely accepted by most researchers of the area.
Всеки е чувал изрази от рода на "Да си кажем истината в очите" или "Погледни ме и ми кажи, че не ... more Всеки е чувал изрази от рода на "Да си кажем истината в очите" или "Погледни ме и ми кажи, че не ме лъжеш". До колко обаче тези социално предавани концепти могат да служат като индикатор за това, че събеседникът се опитва да прикрие истината? Настоящият текст изследва надеждността на окулезиката като индикатор за социална желателност, разглеждайки:
Psychopaths represent up to 25 percent of criminal offenders and up to 1 percent of the populatio... more Psychopaths represent up to 25 percent of criminal offenders and up to 1 percent of the population. They are particularly deceptive, lack empathy and guilt, and often, even the most astute professionals can fall prey to their manipulations. This can prove very problematic during criminal investigations and even deadly because of insufficient knowledge.
Thesis Chapters by Rusi Zhelev
Papers by Rusi Zhelev
Ключови думи: лъжа, невербално поведение, студенти по психология, България, Турция
Abstract: Have you ever noticed how one's behavior changes upon finding out that you are a psychologist? Have you ever been under the impression that people fear the possibility of you learning more about them than they are ready to share? Without a doubt these skills are fundamentally important in our professional success and expected by employers and society. Inevitably with time and continuous investment in our expertise development, we build up the experience and a sense of picking people's emotions and attitudes up during our interactions. To what extend are Bulgarian psychology students ready to read between the lines though and how do they differ compared to their colleagues from a foreign culture and educational system?
Children enjoy making and beautifying stories. And since the adult (parent/ teacher) is held fully responsible for the child most of them (if not all) want to be fully informed and do not tolerate lying. However to the contemporary educated adult often is of the opinion that pretending and the imagination growth are extremely important for the child development. This leads to some confusion and difficulties picking up a balanced approach in regards of this specific child behavior correction. In the following paper will be overviewed some of the developmental characteristics and functions of children’s lies along with the contemporary social and cognitive aspects widely accepted by most researchers of the area.
Thesis Chapters by Rusi Zhelev
Ключови думи: лъжа, невербално поведение, студенти по психология, България, Турция
Abstract: Have you ever noticed how one's behavior changes upon finding out that you are a psychologist? Have you ever been under the impression that people fear the possibility of you learning more about them than they are ready to share? Without a doubt these skills are fundamentally important in our professional success and expected by employers and society. Inevitably with time and continuous investment in our expertise development, we build up the experience and a sense of picking people's emotions and attitudes up during our interactions. To what extend are Bulgarian psychology students ready to read between the lines though and how do they differ compared to their colleagues from a foreign culture and educational system?
Children enjoy making and beautifying stories. And since the adult (parent/ teacher) is held fully responsible for the child most of them (if not all) want to be fully informed and do not tolerate lying. However to the contemporary educated adult often is of the opinion that pretending and the imagination growth are extremely important for the child development. This leads to some confusion and difficulties picking up a balanced approach in regards of this specific child behavior correction. In the following paper will be overviewed some of the developmental characteristics and functions of children’s lies along with the contemporary social and cognitive aspects widely accepted by most researchers of the area.