Papers by Milko Palangurski

In 1879, after the Liberation of Bulgaria, the Constituent National Assembly was convened to elab... more In 1879, after the Liberation of Bulgaria, the Constituent National Assembly was convened to elaborate the constitution of the country. Among the 230 delegate 97 are tradesman, which makes 42.20% of the assembled. This makes retailers the largest professional group in the constitutional assembly. The traders taking part in the University of National and World Economy are people with a solid education for the time being. It is by no means elitist, but it is at a level that allows them to occupy key positions in the social life of the Bulgarian society – ecclesiastical-national municipalities, church activities, creation and development of educational institutions and their modernization and Europeanization. Their role in creating the Libraries Network, publishing and distributing books and textbooks and maintaining the national newspaper network is enormous. They have gained some political experience in the Ottoman Empire, as logically this happens in the three main spheres – local self-government, which is the result of the reform of the Empire, the struggle for a national church – a movement that engages all intelligent forces and third, through participation, financing, and influencing the revolutionary flow. Without being a driving force in the debates at the Constituent Assembly, they occupy positions that sets the tone for the liberal model of governance imposed for the next seven decades.

След избухването на Първата световна война българското военно и политическо ръководство започва в... more След избухването на Първата световна война българското военно и политическо ръководство започва внимателно да следи мобилизационните възможности и първите месеци от участието на Русия във войната. Това става чрез военното аташе и средствата на цивилното и военно разузнаване. Българските офицери познават много добре руската армия и те формулират точния извод, че Русия или ще победи във войната, или ще се изправи пред предизвикателствата на революционен сблъсък до 48 месеца. Прогноза, която се сбъдва. Тези изводи спомагат България да остане неутрална в течение на повече от година. During the first few months of World War One the Bulgarian military and political leadership began watching closely the mobilization possibilities and Russia’s participation in the war. This was done by a military attaché, and by the means of military and civil secret services. Being well informed of Russia’s approach, the Bulgarian services predicted that in the next 48 months the country would either win t...

There's a special role and place for the deputies traders in the Bulgarian political corps. O... more There's a special role and place for the deputies traders in the Bulgarian political corps. On a local level they are the key players in the political structure and political faces on a regional and national level. In the meantime their role is also of business leaders, political leaders on city and county level, whose funding to institutions and political parties provide personal network to create effective political structures and successful management of election campaigns. The strength of the commercial community in a political formation practically ensures not only its existence but it also guarantees a successful political activity. At the end of the nineteenth century they occupy about 1/3 of all political positions in the parties, parliaments, governments and other elected bodies. This enables them to become the main driving force behind the modernization of the country politically, economically and culturally.
По повод 100-годишнината от Първата световна война светов- ната историческа наука представя на чи... more По повод 100-годишнината от Първата световна война светов- ната историческа наука представя на читателите книга след книга, като се търсят оценки и преоценки на всяко ниво на разнообразните аспекти на това първо глобално противопоставяне, противопоставяне, което все още оказва своето влияние върху съвременни процеси и явления. И последният жив участник във войната вече е при своите загинали другари и това явно е предпоставка за засилен интерес към най-голямата до този момент човешка касапница, която превръща континента в дълбоко изкопани окопи пълни с кървава смес, съставена от хора, дрехи и военен инвентар.

In 1879, after the Liberation of Bulgaria, the Constituent National Assembly was convened to elab... more In 1879, after the Liberation of Bulgaria, the Constituent National Assembly was convened to elaborate the constitution of the country. Among the 230 delegate 97 are tradesman, which makes 42.20% of the assembled. This makes retailers the largest professional group in the constitutional assembly. The traders taking part in the University of National and World Economy are people with a solid education for the time being. It is by no means elitist, but it is at a level that allows them to occupy key positions in the social life of the Bulgarian society – ecclesiastical-national municipalities, church activities, creation and development of educational institutions and their modernization and Europeanization. Their role in creating the Libraries Network, publishing and distributing books and textbooks and maintaining the national newspaper network is enormous. They have gained some political experience in the Ottoman Empire, as logically this happens in the three main spheres – local s...

Известия на Центъра за стопанско-исторически изследвания, Том I, Градското стопанство в българските земи през вековете, с. 163-172. Варна, 2016, ISSN 2534-9244; Оnline 2603-3526 , 2016
There’s a special role and place for the deputies traders in the Bulgarian political corps. On a ... more There’s a special role and place for the deputies traders in the Bulgarian political corps. On a local level they are the key players in the political structure and political faces on a regional and national level. In the meantime their role is also of business leaders, political leaders on city and county level, whose funding to institutions and political parties provide personal network to create effective political structures and successful management of election campaigns. The strength of the commercial community in a political formation practically ensures not only its existence but it also guarantees a successful political activity. At the end of the nineteenth century they occupy about 1/3 of all political positions in the parties, parliaments, governments and other elected bodies. This enables them to become the main driving force behind the modernization of the country politically, economically and culturally.

Известия на центъра за стопанско-исторически изследвания, Том 2, Разнообразието в българското стопаско историческо развитие, Варна, 2017, с. 92-102, Print ISSN - 2534 - 9244; Оnline 2603-3526 , 2017
In 1879, after the Liberation of Bulgaria, the Constituent National Assembly was convened to elab... more In 1879, after the Liberation of Bulgaria, the Constituent National Assembly was convened to elaborate the constitution of the country. Among the 230 delegate 97 are tradesman, which makes 42.20% of the assembled. This makes retailers the largest professional group in the constitutional assembly. The traders taking part in the University of National and World Economy are people with a solid education for the time being. It is by no means elitist, but it is at a level that allows them to occupy key positions in the social life of the Bulgarian society – ecclesiastical-national municipalities, church activities, creation and development of educational institutions and their modernization and Europeanization. Their role in creating the Libraries Network, publishing and distributing books and textbooks and maintaining the national newspaper network is enormous. They have gained some political experience in the Ottoman Empire, as logically this happens in the three main spheres – local self-government, which is the result of the reform of the Empire, the struggle for a national church – a movement that engages all intelligent forces and third, through participation, financing, and influencing the revolutionary flow. Without being a driving force in the debates at the Constituent Assembly, they occupy positions that sets the tone for the liberal model of governance imposed for the next seven decades.

Годишник на Историческия факултет, 2020 / Том 4 / Брой 1 ,ISSN: 2603-5065 (Online) ISSN: 2603-3534 (Print), с.241-279. , 2020
The handwritten text of the Tarnovo constitution is held in the Central Archive in Sofia from 195... more The handwritten text of the Tarnovo constitution is held in the Central Archive in Sofia from 1953. The valuable historical document very rarely is transferred from its place, especially adapted to safely hold it. The opportunity to work with the original text led to new questions and answers to the discussed topics. Most important were the significant details which were unnoticed, from the scientists, until now. During the study some of the official thesis, are now considered wrong. Although there is great amount of scientific publications about the Constitution and the First National Assembly there are still aspects connected with the calligraphic and the graphical design of the texts and the cover, which had never been discussed before. The original text, gives us new details about the deputies signed the Tarnovo Constitution. The thorough analysis gives interesting details about the Bulgarian Renaissance elite and the Russian national administration.
ИЗВЕСТИЯ на Центъра за стопанско-исторически изследвания Том V, ПАЗАРИ,ОБЩЕСТВО, ВЛАСТ,Варна, 2020, ISSN 2534-9244 (print),ISSN 2603-3526 (online) с. 195-206. , 2020
At the end of the 19th century, the Bulgarian party structure was established, and through the me... more At the end of the 19th century, the Bulgarian party structure was established, and through the mechanisms of the constitutional system, took over the government of the country and its political and economic modernization. The Liberal Party led by Dr. Vasil Radoslavov is one of the parties governing the country. Like the other parties, it kept its focus mainly on the political and not economic sphere. In their program, the liberals concretize their practical ideas. Their views on the protection and defense of agriculture, livestock, industry, trade and the introduction of a modern tax system are in line with the latest ideas of their time and fully meet the interests of the economic change of the state and the society.
УИ “Св. св. Кирил и Методий”, 2011
Papers by Milko Palangurski