Papers by Gergana Georgieva

Известия на Център за стопанско-исторически изследвания. Т. 9. Бариери пред стопанското развитие в историческа перспектива. Ред. колегия Иван Русев и др. Варна: „Науки и икономика“, 2024, с. 90-102, 2024
Textile production in the Bulgarian lands was one of the main branches of the Ottoman economy at ... more Textile production in the Bulgarian lands was one of the main branches of the Ottoman economy at the time of its inclusion in world trade. According to some researchers, after the 18th century, the Ottoman territories played the role of a periphery that provided the raw materials for the rapid industrial development of European countries. In addition, some parts of the Ottoman Empire were incorporated into the world economic system. Although the historiography focuses mainly on woolen production, silk production has its significant place in the development of the economy and market. The thesis of this research is that the textile production in the Bulgarian lands in the 18th and 19th centuries can be considered as a proto-industry that meets a number of criteria in Mendels' definition. According to F. Mendels, protoindustrialization is the first, preparatory phase of industrialization. It represents a rapid growth of traditionally organized, but market-oriented industries. This economic development was accompanied by population growth and lead to the most important changes, necessary for the emergence of industry: regional specialization and commercialization of agriculture, accumulation of capitals, development of entrepreneurship, capture of distant markets, creation of manpower for industry.

Известия на Център за стопанско-исторически изследвания. Т. 8. Фактори на икономическия растеж в историческа перспектива. Ред. колегия Иван Русев и др. Варна: „Науки и икономика“, 2023, с. 336-347., 2023
The research focuses on several important economic centers from the region of Stara Planina-Tryav... more The research focuses on several important economic centers from the region of Stara Planina-Tryavna, Elena, Kotel and Gabrovo, which show intensive economic development at the end of the 18th and in the 19th centuries. Thus, those urban centers became engines of the economic development 3of the Bulgarian lands and initiators of the processes of cultural, religious and political emancipation among the Bulgarians in the 19 th century. The most important factors for their economic growth appeared to be the commercial activities and crafts-they boost the process of capital accumulation. The population increase in the 18th and 19th centuries was another factor for economic growth. The reforms initiated by Sultan Mahmud II at the beginning of the 19 th century also had a positive effect on the economic development of the pre-Balkan settlements and coincided with the period of capital accumulation among Bulgarians.

Известия на Център за стопанско-исторически изследвания. Т. 7. Дилеми на развитието. Ред. колегия: Иван Русев и др. Варна: Наука и икономика, 2022, с. 253-263., 2022
How does the common Balkan history develop? What divides and connects the Balkan peoples? Trackin... more How does the common Balkan history develop? What divides and connects the Balkan peoples? Tracking cultural, religious, and economic relations between the Wallachian and the Bulgarian lands during the 19 th century shows that neither the political boundary nor the physical "barrier"the Danube river, the differences in governing, or the differences in languages hinder their rich and diverse relations. It turns out that the history of the Bulgarian lands and Wallachia has been connected for a long time thanks to the cultural, religious and economic ties. These relations are analyzed on the basis of the example of the village of Arbanassi, which, as important commercial center located not far from the capital Bucharest, demonstrate the intensity in economic relations. In addition, Arbanassi evolved as center of Orthodox Christianity and conductor of the politics and influence of the Constantinople Patriarchate in northern Bulgarian lands, which connected it directly with the Phanariot aristocracy in Wallachia.

Известия на Центъра за стопанско-исторически изследвания. Т. 6. Предприемачеството в историческа перспектива. Ред. колегия Иван Русев и други. Варна: „Науки и икономика“, 2021, с. 13-28. , 2021
The place and role of merchants in the Ottoman economic system is a topic of interest in modern O... more The place and role of merchants in the Ottoman economic system is a topic of interest in modern Ottoman studies. A certain group of traders-beratli traders, receive a special position, which provides them with a higher social and economic status than others. This category carries out its commercial activity under the regulation of a special certificate (berat), which shows that they perform activity delegated by the state. The category of beratli merchants developed especially in the 19 th century and their economic activity was directly related to the important political and economic changes in the Empire. The abolition of monopolies on the grain trade, the opening of Danube shipping in the 1840s, the change in the structure of imperial markets and the full integration of the Ottoman Empire into the world economic system imposed new rules and required a new type of player. The aim of the study is to analyze beratli merchants using the methods of two modern social and economic theories-that of entrepreneurship and social networks. We will analyze which of the characteristics of entrepreneurs have beratli merchants and how they apply them. Two specific examples have been selected which, thanks to the well-preserved documentation, allow the best methodological outlines of professional and social networks of beratli merchants. Beratli traders were one of the most important elements of the economic structure of the Ottoman Empire in the 19 th c. As a result, they hold important positions not only in the provincial administration, but also at central level. Beratlis maintains very good contacts with other traders, not emphasizing competition, but cooperation and partnership. Beratlis may have high-level contacts, but they do not neglect small players. They build a dense network of representatives, suppliers, partners and customers. If we look at the overall image of beratli merchants, we will find the many roles they play in society. They were great benefactors of the community-donate money to schools, churches, hospitals, and etc. beratli merchants fully correspond to
... За центъра на провинция Румелия (от края на XVIII век до 1839 г.) «The Centre of Rumeli Provi... more ... За центъра на провинция Румелия (от края на XVIII век до 1839 г.) «The Centre of Rumeli Province (from the end of the 18th century to 1839)» by Gergana Georgieva Source: Historical future (Историческо бъдеще), issue: 12 / 2004, pages: 4770, on Page 2. ...
Études balkaniques, 2010
... «Dynamics of Territorial Division of Rumelia Province» by Gergana Georgieva Source: Balkan St... more ... «Dynamics of Territorial Division of Rumelia Province» by Gergana Georgieva Source: Balkan Studies (Etudes balkaniques), issue: 12 / 2010, pages: 148205, on Page 2. 148Gergana GEORGIEVA ÉTUDES BALKANIQUES, XLVI, 2010, No 1-2 ...
The article presents new information on the socio-economic development of Svishtov in the 19th c.... more The article presents new information on the socio-economic development of Svishtov in the 19th c. extracted from unpublished Ottoman documents. In the 19th c. Svishtov developed as one of the main Danubian harbors in the Lower Danube which played crucial role in trade relations between Bulgarian lands, Wallachia and Central Europe. It is characterized by intensive economic progress, based mainly on trade and production of clothes and shoes. The new primary sources reveal details about its socio-economic structure. There was a high level of specialization of merchants – salt trade was one of its basic characteristics. It is also evident the predominance of the small scale merchandise. The land transport was as well presented as water transport. The relatively well-developed economy of Svishtov is presented also by the high annual income declared by the taxpayers.
The article presents new information on the socio-economic development of Svishtov in the 19 th c... more The article presents new information on the socio-economic development of Svishtov in the 19 th c. extracted from unpublished Ottoman documents. In the 19 th c. Svishtov developed as one of the main Danubian harbors in the Lower Danube which played crucial role in trade relations between Bulgarian lands, Wallachia and Central Europe. It is characterized by intensive economic progress, based mainly on trade and production of clothes and shoes. The new primary sources reveal details about its socio-economic structure. There was a high level of specialization of merchantssalt trade was one of its basic characteristics. It is also evident the predominance of the small scale merchandise. The land transport was as well presented as water transport. The relatively well-developed economy of Svishtov is presented also by the high annual income declared by the taxpayers.
Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research, 2018
Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research, 2019
Papers by Gergana Georgieva