Papers by Ramadan Hussein
The Saite Pyramid Texts copies in the Memphite and Heliopolitan shaft -tombs: A study of their selection and layout
UMI, ProQuest ® Dissertations & Theses. The world's most comprehensive c... more UMI, ProQuest ® Dissertations & Theses. The world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. Learn more... ProQuest, The Saite Pyramid Texts copies in the Memphite and Heliopolitan shaft-tombs: A study of their selection and layout. ...
Guardian of Ancient Egypt Studies in Honor of Zahi Hawass edited by Volume II, 2020

Studies in Digital Heritage, Vol. 4, No.1, 2020
This paper focuses on the digital documentation techniques employed in the recording of a number ... more This paper focuses on the digital documentation techniques employed in the recording of a number of Saite-Persian sarcophagus-tombs in the necropolis of Saqqara (Egypt). In this paper, we discus pros and cons of different three-dimensional technologies for the documentation of a vast site as well as the process of ongoing excavation. We then delve into a discussion of the results and benefits of the employed techniques, particularly understanding the complex spatial relationships of archaeological features both aboveground and underground. Furthermore, we explain how we derive accurate scaled and ortho-rectified images of all inscribed walls and objects from the recorded 3D-information in order to produce digital facsimiles. The 3D-approach gives us the opportunity to create an exact digital copy of the morphology of the site, and to record all stages of the excavation. The produced 3D-models can be used in various virtual environments in order to give researchers and the general public the possibility to visit and to examine the site from a distance. Also, it is important to note that this paper presents a sustainable long-term data-archiving strategy, since saving the digitally born data for future generations is an integral part of our Saqqara Saite Tombs Project.
Bulletin de Liaison de la Céramique Egyptienne 29

I am indeed most privileged for having the opportunity to study under Professor Edward Brovarski ... more I am indeed most privileged for having the opportunity to study under Professor Edward Brovarski for two years during my graduate studies at Brown University. Ed's meticulous approach to, and deep understanding of, ancient Egyptian art have always made his classes a stimulating experience for all his students. As an assiduous researcher, Ed always advised his students to develop a keen eye when studying Egyptian paleography, iconography and epigraphy, to which Ed has made significant contributions. I am also fortunate to have worked under Ed's directorship at the Giza Plateau during the Brown University-Cairo University Epigraphic Expedition to the Abu Bakr Cemetery. I am in fact grateful to him for supporting my application to the Egyptology doctoral program at Brown University; and it is with utmost pleasure that I dedicate this contribution to Edward Brovarski, a great teacher and a loyal friend.
The Saite Pyramid Texts copies in the Memphite and Heliopolitan shaft-tombs: A study of their selection and layout
UMI, ProQuest ® Dissertations & Theses. The world's most comprehensive c... more UMI, ProQuest ® Dissertations & Theses. The world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. Learn more... ProQuest, The Saite Pyramid Texts copies in the Memphite and Heliopolitan shaft-tombs: A study of their selection and layout. ...
The Texts on the Coffin of Ppy-imʼ: Translation and Annotations
Papers by Ramadan Hussein