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This article summarizes expertise gleaned from the first years of Internet-based experimental research and presents recommendations on: (1) ideal circumstances for conducting a study on the Internet; (2)what precautions have to be... more
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      PsychologyExperimental PsychologyComputer ScienceHuman Computer Interaction
The present article describes VAS Generator (, a free Web service for creating a wide range of visual analogue scales that can be used as measurement devices in Web surveys and Web experimentation, as well as for... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyInternet StudiesResearch Methodology
In three experiments we investigated whether two procedures of acquiring knowledge about the same causal structure, predictive learning (from causes to effects) versus diagnostic learning (from effects to causes), would lead to different... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceCausal reasoning
The Internet experiment is now a well-established and widely used method. The present paper describes guidelines for the proper conduct of Internet experiments, e.g. handling of dropout, unobtrusive naming of materials, and pre-testing.... more
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      PsychologyExperimental PsychologyComputer ScienceMedical Sciences
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      Cognitive ScienceEarth SciencesComputer ScienceHealth Sciences
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionInternet StudiesPrivacy
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      PublishingInternet StudiesElectronic publishingOpen Access
While in an earlier commentary (Honing & Ladinig, 2008) we stressed the potential of Web-delivered experiments for music perception research, the ongoing discussion on Web-based versus lab-based studies seems to circle around issues of... more
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      Computer ScienceMusicMusicologyInternet Studies
People are increasingly required to disclose personal information to computer- and Internetbased systems in order to register, dentify themselves or simply for the system to work as designed. In the present paper, we outline two different... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceResearch DesignInternet-based research
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementPsychologyComputer Science
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      PsychologyPersonality PsychologySocial PsychologyComputer Science
Die fortgeschrittene, weiterhin fortschreitende und in immer mehr Bereichen alltäglich werdende Nutzung des Internets im Allgemeinen und des Word Wide Webs im Speziellen macht das Netz gleichermaßen für Wissenschaftler, Marktforscher und... more
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      Research MethodologyInternet-based researchIscience.EuMeasurement and Evaluation
Three studies were conducted to examine the effect of personalized salutation and sender power on signing up to an online survey panel, and subsequent survey response rates. In the first study, significantly more people joined a panel if... more
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Two studies are presented that examine disclosure of sensitive information and personalization in Internet-based surveys. In the first study, the impact of a personalized salutation on two forms of non-disclosure to a sensitive personal... more
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One major advantage of Web-based research lies in its ability to reach and study people who have rare conditions of interest. Another advantage is that, due to the anonymity of the survey situation, the Internet is particularly suited for... more
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      Internet StudiesInternet-based surveyingSexualityMasculine Sexuality
A consistent finding reported in online privacy research is that an overwhelming majority of people are ‘concerned’ about their privacy when they use the Internet. Therefore, it is important to understand the discourse of Internet users’... more
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