Marie Davidova
Dr Marie Davidová is a junior research group leader at IntCDC University of Stuttgart. She is a founding member and chair of Collaborative Collective practice design-research network NGO, a founding, and a board member of Systemic Design Association, and a founding member and auditor of Creative Systemic Research Platform Institute. Marie founded the Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance research by co-design field.
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Papers by Marie Davidova
the neighbourhood to enhance the farming possibilities. The facade system needed about 40,824 modular units of which 73.3%, 10.1%, 8.7%, and 8% of them were LED, PV, Sensor, and fan units respectively, with an average system cost of about $55.2nm2 and a total cost of $1.7M. Finally, a comparison between the system and a proposed vertical farm building in the same region was done, and then related recommendations by the researcher were suggested. This research highlights the potential for productive farming on facades and roofs, which could contribute to sustainable and resilient cities.
the neighbourhood to enhance the farming possibilities. The facade system needed about 40,824 modular units of which 73.3%, 10.1%, 8.7%, and 8% of them were LED, PV, Sensor, and fan units respectively, with an average system cost of about $55.2nm2 and a total cost of $1.7M. Finally, a comparison between the system and a proposed vertical farm building in the same region was done, and then related recommendations by the researcher were suggested. This research highlights the potential for productive farming on facades and roofs, which could contribute to sustainable and resilient cities.
COLridor II navazuje na environmentální a sociální charakter této tvorby a dále rozvíjí principy našich předchozích environmentálních staveb SpiralTreeHouse (Davidová, 2013, 2014, 2016a, 2017a) a Co-oCo-oNest (Davidová & Neshevets, 2018). Vzhledem k současným trendům se nabízí možnost a potřeba reflektovat tyto tendence a vytvořit tak objekty z responsivního dřeva a tím podpořit městské společenské a eko-systemické služby. Proto geometrická konstrukce z kulatiny nabízí jak místo k odpočinku a socializaci napříč eko-systémem, tak i koncept „jedlé krajiny“ (Creasy, 2004; Davidová, Zatloukal, & Zímová, 2017). Lanové výplety nabízí posezení pro lidi, zatímco geometrická konstrukce se zeminou nabízí místní cibulovité medonosné rostliny a semínka pro ptáky v období zimy. Jak dřevo, tak rostliny budou příznivě moderovat okolní klima.
The methodology Research by Design while full scale prototyping is covered by the Systems Oriented Design to interpret and develop complex environmental relations. While doing so, this work also claims develop the methodology itself and to generate theory through experimental practice. The fusion of these process based fields led to the ratification of new design field: Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance .
This is an article based thesis , where the texts of the articles have been shortened of the parts mentioned elsewhere in the work and underwent through language check. These serve as an addendum covered with an exegesis. Most of the repeating images were removed from the articles. If there is an exception this is reasoned through its important relation to the present text.
All substantial contributions are mentioned within the text and/or summarized in the Thanks chapter. To mention the main institutions and practice/NGO’s respectively, this research has been collaboratively developed at the Faculty of Architecture at the Czech Technical University in Prague, the Faculty of Art and Architecture at the Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, the Academy of Art, Architecture and Design in Prague, the Architectural Institute Prague, the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, the Faculty of Civil Engineering the Czech Technical University in Prague, Collaborative Collective, Defio, Oximoron, re.code.nature, CooLAND, Experis SDKM and reSITE.
This work is a second, revised edition of the thesis, when the first, work in progress, publication called Wood as a Primary Medium to Architectural Performance: A Case Study in Performance Oriented Architecture Approached through Systems Oriented Design (Davidová, 2016m) served as a tool to receive broader feedback from its readers. The first publication was kindly supported by EEA and Norway Grants through the project Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance, was printed on paper with 100% of recycled fibre. This edition was reviewed by a gender equal team and is to be defended in front of a gender equal selection of opponents. The work itself is dedicated to our Biosphere.