Papers by Zdravka Krasteva
В доклада е разгледано значението на планирането за постигане на европейския стандарт за ефективн... more В доклада е разгледано значението на планирането за постигане на европейския стандарт за ефективно разследване , произтичащ от чл . 2 и 3 ЕКЗПЧОС. Изяснена е ролята на планирането при разследването на инциденти, свързани с използване на сила и оръжие от страна на правоохранителните органи. Изведени са конкретни препоръки по отношение на планирането на няколко действия по разследването – оглед на местопроизшествието , разпит на участвалите в разследваното събитие полицейски служители , разпит на други свидетели . Разгледано е несъответствие на българската практика с европейските стандарти по отношение на разпита на служителите от Специализирания отряд за борба с тероризма и е направено предложение за усъвършенстване на законодателството

Научни четения на тема "Санкциите в правото". С.: УИ "Св. Климент Охридски", 2020
During the World War Two the Kingdom of Bulgaria joined the Tripartite Pact and in April 1941 Bulgarian forces were permitted by the Axis powers to occupy Greek Thrace, Yugoslav Macedonia, and part of Serbia. Bulgaria treated these territories as de facto annexed and granted Bulgarian citizenship to all population except the Jews. The refusal to grant Bulgarian citizenship to the Jews in the occupied territory had severe ramifications. They were registered as Yugoslav and Greek citizens; in other words, citizens of states that no longer existed in a legal sense. The status of the Jews in the occupied territories became of de facto stateless persons, which was one of the prerequisites for their subsequent deportation and extermination by the Nazis in Treblinka.

Third International Scientific Conference "Ius & Humanitas", Balkan Association of Roman Law and Roman Legal Tradition, Skopje, 2018. In: IUS ROMANUM 2/2018, 2018
In 2015, the ECHR made a decision in Bouyid v. Belgium case that was, to a certain extent, surpri... more In 2015, the ECHR made a decision in Bouyid v. Belgium case that was, to a certain extent, surprising. The Court accepted that the slapping on the faces of two detainees by police officers was a violation of Art. 3 ECHR as it constitutes degrading treatment. Until then, it could be speculated that such mi- nor offenses would not reach the threshold of severity to qualify as a violation of the Convention. However, according to the Court, the person's face expresses his individuality and when an assault on him is not strictly necessary, it consti- tutes a degrading treatment. This reasoning is based on the modern understand- ing of human dignity. This report, however, turns to its more distant roots, which can be found in the Roman concept of Humanitas and in the Judeo-Christian understanding of man created in the image of God. Although in these remote times violence against another human being is far more likely to be justified, it was then when the ideas emerged which are the key to a contemporary under- standing of human dignity.
Съвременни предизвикателства пред наказателното законодателство : сборник доклади от Международната научна конференция, посветена на 50 години от влизането в сила на Наказателния кодекс от 1968 г., проведена в София на 8-9 май 2018 г. , 2018
Wrong identifications made by eyewitnesses pose a serious problem in establishing truth in crimin... more Wrong identifications made by eyewitnesses pose a serious problem in establishing truth in criminal cases. Psychology offers an explanation as to how, following the misidentifications, the tunnel vision effect can lead actors in the criminal proceedings to focus exclusively on one of the versions of the authorship of the crime and to ignore the other options. Empirical psychological studies offer a number of measures to reduce eyewitness errors. This article explores two of these measures - a double blind lineup administration and timely evaluation of the eyewitness's confidence.
Право и граници : сборник с доклади от научна конференция, проведена от катедра "Теория и история на държавата и правото" на Юридическия факултет на СУ "Св. Климент Охридски" на 15 май 2018 г., 2018
The prohibition of torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Art. 3 of European Conv... more The prohibition of torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Art. 3 of European Convention on Human Rights) acts as an important constraint on the coercion inherent in some of the investigative actions in criminal proceedings. This report explores how Art. 3 affects the search and seizure, the physical examination of a person and the taking of samples for comparative study.

Following of Edward Snowden’s disclosure of the practices of security services for the mass surve... more Following of Edward Snowden’s disclosure of the practices of security services for the mass surveillance of electronic communications, the balance of protection of national security on the one hand and the privacy of individuals, on the other side, became subject of several important legal disputes. In 2018, the European Court of Human Rights examined two such cases - against Sweden and the United Kingdom, a similar case is pending against France. This report looks at the new moments in these decisions, comparing them with the relevant standards for the protection of human rights adopted by the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Bulgarian Constitutional Court.
Keywords: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, European convention on human rights, right to respect for private and family life, bulk interception of electronic communication
This article examines the principle of effectiveness in the interpretative practice of the Europe... more This article examines the principle of effectiveness in the interpretative practice of the European Court of Human Rights by analyzing its nature and illustrating its application, as well as its role in the light of the distinction between judicial activism and judicial self-restraint.

Европейският съд по правата на човека последователно тълкува чл. 2 и чл. 3 ЕКЗПЧОС във връзка със... more Европейският съд по правата на човека последователно тълкува чл. 2 и чл. 3 ЕКЗПЧОС във връзка със забраната за дискриминация по чл. 14 ЕКЗПЧОС. Според Съда при разследване на насилствени престъпления срещу личността държавата носи задължение да предприеме всички разумни мерки, за да разкрие евентуални расистки мотиви и да установи дали етническата омраза и предразсъдъци са намерили проявление в поведението на извършителя. В статията са разгледани произтичащите от това разбиране особености на образуването на наказателното производство, построяването и проверката на следствените версиите и тактиката на някои действия по разледването при престъпления с дискриминационен мотив.
European Court of Human Rights consistently interpretes Art. 2 and Art. 3 ECHR in connection with the prohibition of discrimination under Art. 14 ECHR. According to the Court when investigating violent crimes, the state has an obligation to take all reasonable measures to reveal any racist motive and to establish whether ethnic hatred and prejudice have found expression in the behavior of the perpetrator. This article explores the specifics of the institution of criminal proceedings for crimes with a discriminatory motive, as well as the construction and verification of the investigative versions and specific tactics of some of the investigative actions.

According to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, Article 2 and
Article 3, re... more According to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, Article 2 and
Article 3, read together with Article 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights, require
an effective official investigation of violent crimes against life and health of the individual.
The European standard for effective investigation consists of several requirements,
established by the European Court, including the independence of the investigative bodies in
relation to the investigated persons, especially when police or other law enforcement officers
are being investigated. The European Court differentiates between two types of independence
of the investigating bodies, namely, an institutional independence and a practical
independence. The article considers the evaluation criteria, applied by the European Court to
the independence of the investigation. It also assesses the legal guarantees for such
independence according to the Bulgarian criminal procedural legislation. Several potential
shortcomings in the Bulgarian practice that could lead to conflict with the European Court`s
requirement for independent investigation have been identified and recommendations for
reducing the risk of that have been formulated accordingly.
Abstract: The search and seizure procedures, performed in lawyers`premises, raise specific
questi... more Abstract: The search and seizure procedures, performed in lawyers`premises, raise specific
questions, related to the European Convention on Human Rights. This article includes a brief
review of the relevant case law by the European Court of Human Rights, as well as
assessment of the correspondence of Bulgarian law and practice with the European
standards. Bulgarian law is criticized on the one hand, for the excessive expands of the range
of objects that can not be seized, and on the other hand, for not containing sufficient
safeguards for the attorney-client privilege. Recommendations on the practice of the search
and seizure and proposals for improvement of Bulgarian law are formulated accordingly.
Keywords: European Convention on Human Rights; search and seizure; attorney-client
privilege; criminalstics.

: В доклада е разгледано значението на планирането за постигане на европейския стандарт за ефекти... more : В доклада е разгледано значението на планирането за постигане на европейския стандарт за ефективно разследване, произтичащ от чл. 2 и 3 ЕКЗПЧОС. Изяснена е ролята на планирането при разследването на инциденти, свързани с използване на сила и оръжие от страна на правоохранителните органи. Изведени са конкретни препоръки по отношение на планирането на няколко действия по разследването – оглед на местопроизшествието, разпит на участвалите в разследваното събитие полицейски служители, разпит на други свидетели. Разгледано е несъответствие на българската практика с европейските стандарти по отношение на разпита на служителите от Специализирания отряд за борба с тероризма и е направено предложение за усъвършенстване на законодателството.
Ключови думи: планиране на разследването; европейски стандарт за ефективно разследване; разпити на служители от Специализирания отряд за борба с тероризма; Европейска конвенция за правата на човека
This report discusses the importance of planning for the meeting of the European standards for effective crime investigation stemming from Art. 2 and 3 ECHR. The role of planning of investigation in the cases related to the use of force and weapons by the police is clarified. The report outlines the specific recommendations regarding the planning of several investigative actions– examination of the crime scene, questioning of police officers, involved in the accident and questioning of other witnesses. A discord of Bulgarian practice with the European standards has been identified, related to the questioning of the officers from the special anti‑terrorism squad and a proposal for improvement of Bulgarian law has been formulated accordingly.
Key words: planning of the criminal investigation; European standards for effective investigation; questioning of officers form the special anti-terrorism squad; European Convention on Human Rights.

Докладът разглежда ролята на следствените версии за постигане на стандарта за ефективно разследва... more Докладът разглежда ролята на следствените версии за постигане на стандарта за ефективно разследване, произтичащ от Европейската конвенция за правата на човека. Изведени са основните недостатъци при построяването и проверката на версиите, съгласно практиката на Съда в Страбург, както и наказателно-процесуалните гаранции у нас за пълнота и всестранност на разследването. Разгледан е психологическият феномен на „тунелното мислене”, като една от причините за едностранчивост на разследването и са формулирани препоръки за преодоляването му.
This report examines the role of investigative versions for the effective investigations in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights. The main shortcomings, detected by the Strasbourg court, in the construction and verification of versions has been outlined, as well as the procedural safeguards in Bulgarian law for completeness and comprehensiveness of the investigation. The psychological phenomenon of "tunnel vision" is considered as one reason for the one-sidedness of the investigation and several recommendations for overcoming this have been formulated.

Over the years of its existence the European Court of Human Rights has been developing positive o... more Over the years of its existence the European Court of Human Rights has been developing positive obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights. The article considers the legal basis and content of the obligation to carry out an effective investigation when individuals have been killed as a result of the use of force by the police. The Court`s requirements in regard to effective domestic investigations has been examined and illustrated with relevant examples from the case-law. The article suggests that the Court`s case-law can be a source not only of universally applicable requirements for effective investigation, but also for the Court`s criteria for assessing the specific investigative techniques, evidence collection and forensic science methodology. To support this standpoint, the Court`s application of the effective investigation standard to individual cases has been examined and several forensic tactical recommendations derived.
Key words: human rights; European Court of Human Rights; right to life; effective investigation; criminal investigation technique; use of force by police; evidence collection; forensic science.
Books by Zdravka Krasteva

Разследването на престъпления съгласно Европейската конвенция за правата на човека, 2015
Според Европейския съд по правата на човека България има “системен проблем, свързан с неефективно... more Според Европейския съд по правата на човека България има “системен проблем, свързан с неефективност на разследването”.
Kнигата на д-р Здравка Кръстева е в отговор на тази констатация. Тя разкрива съдържанието, влагано от Европейския съд в понятието за ефективно разследване и предлага оценка доколко то е съобразено в българското законодателство и практика. В нея е анализирано отражението на европейските стандарти върху общите въпроси на разследването – образуването на досъдебното производство, независимостта на разследващите органи, следствените версии и планирането. Подробно са разгледани принудителните способи за доказване – претърсване и изземване, обиск, освидетелстване и вземане на образци за сравнително изследване. С оглед прилагането им в съответствие с Европейската конвенция за правата на човека, са формулирани криминалистични препоръки, както и предложения за усъвършенстване на законодателството. По аналогичен начин са изследвани и други действия по разследването, върху които страсбургската юриспруденция упражнява силно влияние – разпита на обвиняем, разпита на свидетели и съдебномедицинската експертиза.
Книгата представлява първото цялостно изследване у нас на юриспруденцията на Европейския съд по правата на човека през специфичната гледна точка на криминалистиката.
Свидетелите очевидци в наказателното производство в светлината на съвременните постижения на психологията и криминалистиката”, София, Сиела, 2019, 2019
В голяма част от производствата по наказателни дела ключово значение за доказването имат показани... more В голяма част от производствата по наказателни дела ключово значение за доказването имат показанията на свидетелите-очевидци. През последните тридесет години в приложната психология се наблюдава съществено развитие на изследванията на паметта на свидетелите и факторите, които могат да доведат до погрешни свидетелски показания и разпознавания. В монографията са изследвани тези научно обоснавани знания и е предложено усъвършенстване на криминалистичната тактика на разпознаването и разпита на свидетелите-очевидци, както и структуриран подход при оценката на резултатите от тези две действия по разследването.

Legal aspects of the State anti-Jewish policy in the Kingdom of Bulgaria (1940-1944)
Zdravka Kra... more Legal aspects of the State anti-Jewish policy in the Kingdom of Bulgaria (1940-1944)
Zdravka Krasteva
On the necessity of this study
I. The anti-Jewish legislation in the Kingdom of Bulgaria
1. The legal context of the epoch
2. The law – an instrument of repression or an overly feeble defender of human rights?
3. Review of the Bulgarian anti-Jewish legislation
4. The Law on Protection of the Nation as part of the extraordinary criminal legislation
5. The Practice of implementation of the Law on Protection of the Nation
II. The persecution and deportation of the Jews from Aegean Thrace, Vardar Macedonia and Pirot from the viewpoint of the international humanitarian law and the statutes and usage of waging war
1. The international occupation law during the Second World War
2. Legal status of the “new lands” controlled by the Kingdom of Bulgaria
3. The international legal protection of civilian population during the Second World War. General points
4. Citizenship of the Jewish population in the territories controlled by the Kingdom of Bulgaria from the viewpoint of international law
5. The international legal protection of the proprietary rights of the Jews in the joined territories
6. The international legal protection of the Jews in the joined territories against forceful displacement
7. The issue of the Bulgarian State’s responsibility for the deportation
8. After the deportation
List of quoted court decisions
Papers by Zdravka Krasteva
During the World War Two the Kingdom of Bulgaria joined the Tripartite Pact and in April 1941 Bulgarian forces were permitted by the Axis powers to occupy Greek Thrace, Yugoslav Macedonia, and part of Serbia. Bulgaria treated these territories as de facto annexed and granted Bulgarian citizenship to all population except the Jews. The refusal to grant Bulgarian citizenship to the Jews in the occupied territory had severe ramifications. They were registered as Yugoslav and Greek citizens; in other words, citizens of states that no longer existed in a legal sense. The status of the Jews in the occupied territories became of de facto stateless persons, which was one of the prerequisites for their subsequent deportation and extermination by the Nazis in Treblinka.
Keywords: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, European convention on human rights, right to respect for private and family life, bulk interception of electronic communication
European Court of Human Rights consistently interpretes Art. 2 and Art. 3 ECHR in connection with the prohibition of discrimination under Art. 14 ECHR. According to the Court when investigating violent crimes, the state has an obligation to take all reasonable measures to reveal any racist motive and to establish whether ethnic hatred and prejudice have found expression in the behavior of the perpetrator. This article explores the specifics of the institution of criminal proceedings for crimes with a discriminatory motive, as well as the construction and verification of the investigative versions and specific tactics of some of the investigative actions.
Article 3, read together with Article 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights, require
an effective official investigation of violent crimes against life and health of the individual.
The European standard for effective investigation consists of several requirements,
established by the European Court, including the independence of the investigative bodies in
relation to the investigated persons, especially when police or other law enforcement officers
are being investigated. The European Court differentiates between two types of independence
of the investigating bodies, namely, an institutional independence and a practical
independence. The article considers the evaluation criteria, applied by the European Court to
the independence of the investigation. It also assesses the legal guarantees for such
independence according to the Bulgarian criminal procedural legislation. Several potential
shortcomings in the Bulgarian practice that could lead to conflict with the European Court`s
requirement for independent investigation have been identified and recommendations for
reducing the risk of that have been formulated accordingly.
questions, related to the European Convention on Human Rights. This article includes a brief
review of the relevant case law by the European Court of Human Rights, as well as
assessment of the correspondence of Bulgarian law and practice with the European
standards. Bulgarian law is criticized on the one hand, for the excessive expands of the range
of objects that can not be seized, and on the other hand, for not containing sufficient
safeguards for the attorney-client privilege. Recommendations on the practice of the search
and seizure and proposals for improvement of Bulgarian law are formulated accordingly.
Keywords: European Convention on Human Rights; search and seizure; attorney-client
privilege; criminalstics.
Ключови думи: планиране на разследването; европейски стандарт за ефективно разследване; разпити на служители от Специализирания отряд за борба с тероризма; Европейска конвенция за правата на човека
This report discusses the importance of planning for the meeting of the European standards for effective crime investigation stemming from Art. 2 and 3 ECHR. The role of planning of investigation in the cases related to the use of force and weapons by the police is clarified. The report outlines the specific recommendations regarding the planning of several investigative actions– examination of the crime scene, questioning of police officers, involved in the accident and questioning of other witnesses. A discord of Bulgarian practice with the European standards has been identified, related to the questioning of the officers from the special anti‑terrorism squad and a proposal for improvement of Bulgarian law has been formulated accordingly.
Key words: planning of the criminal investigation; European standards for effective investigation; questioning of officers form the special anti-terrorism squad; European Convention on Human Rights.
This report examines the role of investigative versions for the effective investigations in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights. The main shortcomings, detected by the Strasbourg court, in the construction and verification of versions has been outlined, as well as the procedural safeguards in Bulgarian law for completeness and comprehensiveness of the investigation. The psychological phenomenon of "tunnel vision" is considered as one reason for the one-sidedness of the investigation and several recommendations for overcoming this have been formulated.
Key words: human rights; European Court of Human Rights; right to life; effective investigation; criminal investigation technique; use of force by police; evidence collection; forensic science.
Books by Zdravka Krasteva
Kнигата на д-р Здравка Кръстева е в отговор на тази констатация. Тя разкрива съдържанието, влагано от Европейския съд в понятието за ефективно разследване и предлага оценка доколко то е съобразено в българското законодателство и практика. В нея е анализирано отражението на европейските стандарти върху общите въпроси на разследването – образуването на досъдебното производство, независимостта на разследващите органи, следствените версии и планирането. Подробно са разгледани принудителните способи за доказване – претърсване и изземване, обиск, освидетелстване и вземане на образци за сравнително изследване. С оглед прилагането им в съответствие с Европейската конвенция за правата на човека, са формулирани криминалистични препоръки, както и предложения за усъвършенстване на законодателството. По аналогичен начин са изследвани и други действия по разследването, върху които страсбургската юриспруденция упражнява силно влияние – разпита на обвиняем, разпита на свидетели и съдебномедицинската експертиза.
Книгата представлява първото цялостно изследване у нас на юриспруденцията на Европейския съд по правата на човека през специфичната гледна точка на криминалистиката.
Zdravka Krasteva
On the necessity of this study
I. The anti-Jewish legislation in the Kingdom of Bulgaria
1. The legal context of the epoch
2. The law – an instrument of repression or an overly feeble defender of human rights?
3. Review of the Bulgarian anti-Jewish legislation
4. The Law on Protection of the Nation as part of the extraordinary criminal legislation
5. The Practice of implementation of the Law on Protection of the Nation
II. The persecution and deportation of the Jews from Aegean Thrace, Vardar Macedonia and Pirot from the viewpoint of the international humanitarian law and the statutes and usage of waging war
1. The international occupation law during the Second World War
2. Legal status of the “new lands” controlled by the Kingdom of Bulgaria
3. The international legal protection of civilian population during the Second World War. General points
4. Citizenship of the Jewish population in the territories controlled by the Kingdom of Bulgaria from the viewpoint of international law
5. The international legal protection of the proprietary rights of the Jews in the joined territories
6. The international legal protection of the Jews in the joined territories against forceful displacement
7. The issue of the Bulgarian State’s responsibility for the deportation
8. After the deportation
List of quoted court decisions
During the World War Two the Kingdom of Bulgaria joined the Tripartite Pact and in April 1941 Bulgarian forces were permitted by the Axis powers to occupy Greek Thrace, Yugoslav Macedonia, and part of Serbia. Bulgaria treated these territories as de facto annexed and granted Bulgarian citizenship to all population except the Jews. The refusal to grant Bulgarian citizenship to the Jews in the occupied territory had severe ramifications. They were registered as Yugoslav and Greek citizens; in other words, citizens of states that no longer existed in a legal sense. The status of the Jews in the occupied territories became of de facto stateless persons, which was one of the prerequisites for their subsequent deportation and extermination by the Nazis in Treblinka.
Keywords: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, European convention on human rights, right to respect for private and family life, bulk interception of electronic communication
European Court of Human Rights consistently interpretes Art. 2 and Art. 3 ECHR in connection with the prohibition of discrimination under Art. 14 ECHR. According to the Court when investigating violent crimes, the state has an obligation to take all reasonable measures to reveal any racist motive and to establish whether ethnic hatred and prejudice have found expression in the behavior of the perpetrator. This article explores the specifics of the institution of criminal proceedings for crimes with a discriminatory motive, as well as the construction and verification of the investigative versions and specific tactics of some of the investigative actions.
Article 3, read together with Article 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights, require
an effective official investigation of violent crimes against life and health of the individual.
The European standard for effective investigation consists of several requirements,
established by the European Court, including the independence of the investigative bodies in
relation to the investigated persons, especially when police or other law enforcement officers
are being investigated. The European Court differentiates between two types of independence
of the investigating bodies, namely, an institutional independence and a practical
independence. The article considers the evaluation criteria, applied by the European Court to
the independence of the investigation. It also assesses the legal guarantees for such
independence according to the Bulgarian criminal procedural legislation. Several potential
shortcomings in the Bulgarian practice that could lead to conflict with the European Court`s
requirement for independent investigation have been identified and recommendations for
reducing the risk of that have been formulated accordingly.
questions, related to the European Convention on Human Rights. This article includes a brief
review of the relevant case law by the European Court of Human Rights, as well as
assessment of the correspondence of Bulgarian law and practice with the European
standards. Bulgarian law is criticized on the one hand, for the excessive expands of the range
of objects that can not be seized, and on the other hand, for not containing sufficient
safeguards for the attorney-client privilege. Recommendations on the practice of the search
and seizure and proposals for improvement of Bulgarian law are formulated accordingly.
Keywords: European Convention on Human Rights; search and seizure; attorney-client
privilege; criminalstics.
Ключови думи: планиране на разследването; европейски стандарт за ефективно разследване; разпити на служители от Специализирания отряд за борба с тероризма; Европейска конвенция за правата на човека
This report discusses the importance of planning for the meeting of the European standards for effective crime investigation stemming from Art. 2 and 3 ECHR. The role of planning of investigation in the cases related to the use of force and weapons by the police is clarified. The report outlines the specific recommendations regarding the planning of several investigative actions– examination of the crime scene, questioning of police officers, involved in the accident and questioning of other witnesses. A discord of Bulgarian practice with the European standards has been identified, related to the questioning of the officers from the special anti‑terrorism squad and a proposal for improvement of Bulgarian law has been formulated accordingly.
Key words: planning of the criminal investigation; European standards for effective investigation; questioning of officers form the special anti-terrorism squad; European Convention on Human Rights.
This report examines the role of investigative versions for the effective investigations in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights. The main shortcomings, detected by the Strasbourg court, in the construction and verification of versions has been outlined, as well as the procedural safeguards in Bulgarian law for completeness and comprehensiveness of the investigation. The psychological phenomenon of "tunnel vision" is considered as one reason for the one-sidedness of the investigation and several recommendations for overcoming this have been formulated.
Key words: human rights; European Court of Human Rights; right to life; effective investigation; criminal investigation technique; use of force by police; evidence collection; forensic science.
Kнигата на д-р Здравка Кръстева е в отговор на тази констатация. Тя разкрива съдържанието, влагано от Европейския съд в понятието за ефективно разследване и предлага оценка доколко то е съобразено в българското законодателство и практика. В нея е анализирано отражението на европейските стандарти върху общите въпроси на разследването – образуването на досъдебното производство, независимостта на разследващите органи, следствените версии и планирането. Подробно са разгледани принудителните способи за доказване – претърсване и изземване, обиск, освидетелстване и вземане на образци за сравнително изследване. С оглед прилагането им в съответствие с Европейската конвенция за правата на човека, са формулирани криминалистични препоръки, както и предложения за усъвършенстване на законодателството. По аналогичен начин са изследвани и други действия по разследването, върху които страсбургската юриспруденция упражнява силно влияние – разпита на обвиняем, разпита на свидетели и съдебномедицинската експертиза.
Книгата представлява първото цялостно изследване у нас на юриспруденцията на Европейския съд по правата на човека през специфичната гледна точка на криминалистиката.
Zdravka Krasteva
On the necessity of this study
I. The anti-Jewish legislation in the Kingdom of Bulgaria
1. The legal context of the epoch
2. The law – an instrument of repression or an overly feeble defender of human rights?
3. Review of the Bulgarian anti-Jewish legislation
4. The Law on Protection of the Nation as part of the extraordinary criminal legislation
5. The Practice of implementation of the Law on Protection of the Nation
II. The persecution and deportation of the Jews from Aegean Thrace, Vardar Macedonia and Pirot from the viewpoint of the international humanitarian law and the statutes and usage of waging war
1. The international occupation law during the Second World War
2. Legal status of the “new lands” controlled by the Kingdom of Bulgaria
3. The international legal protection of civilian population during the Second World War. General points
4. Citizenship of the Jewish population in the territories controlled by the Kingdom of Bulgaria from the viewpoint of international law
5. The international legal protection of the proprietary rights of the Jews in the joined territories
6. The international legal protection of the Jews in the joined territories against forceful displacement
7. The issue of the Bulgarian State’s responsibility for the deportation
8. After the deportation
List of quoted court decisions