Papers by Margaret Dimitrova
Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage
The paper discusses users’ activities in the period 2011-2022, mostly types of searches, in an el... more The paper discusses users’ activities in the period 2011-2022, mostly types of searches, in an electronic encyclopaedia on saints. The e-product contains information in Bulgarian on orthodox church calendar and texts dedicated to saints as preserved in medieval Slavonic manuscripts and in popular Bulgarian culture (as represented in fieldwork interviews). The most frequently used options are “view object” and “view date”. Most often articles on popular saints amongst Bulgarians were read, such as St. Basil the Great, St. Kliment of Ohrid, St. George, and St. Petka of Tarnovo. Less often are searches by combined parameters and an increase of their frequency is observable in 2019-2021.
Adaptation of Greek Feminine á-Declension Nouns Ending in -ç in Medieval Slavonic Sources: The Evidence of Croato-Glagolitic Missals

Boian Penev, Dec 30, 2016
To date, immune checkpoint inhibitors have been successively approved and widely used in clinical... more To date, immune checkpoint inhibitors have been successively approved and widely used in clinical cancer treatments, however, the overall response rates are very low and almost all cancer patients eventually progressed to drug resistance, this is mainly due to the intricate tumor microenvironment and immune escape mechanisms of cancer cells. One of the main key mechanisms leading to the evasion of immune attack is the presence of the immunosuppressive microenvironment within tumors. Recently, several studies illustrated that triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-2 (TREM2), a transmembrane receptor of the immunoglobulin superfamily, was a crucial pathologyinduced immune signaling hub, and it played a vital negative role in antitumor immunity, such as inhibiting the proliferation of T cells. Here, we reviewed the recent advances in the study of TREM2, especially focused on its regulation of tumor-related immune signaling pathways and its role as a novel target in cancer immunotherapy.

В: нѣстъ оyченикъ надъ оyчителемь своимь. Сборник в чест на проф. дфн Иван Добрев, член-кореспондент на БАН и учител, съст. Анна-Мария Тотоманова и Татяна Славова. София: Университетско издателство «Св. Климент Охридски»,, 2005
TeKcrorlou4qra r4 xyAo)KecrBeHr4Te oco6eHocrr4 Ha tIpoI{3BeAeHVflTa B T.Hap. uoso6rnrapcKr4 AaMac... more TeKcrorlou4qra r4 xyAo)KecrBeHr4Te oco6eHocrr4 Ha tIpoI{3BeAeHVflTa B T.Hap. uoso6rnrapcKr4 AaMacKr{Hra oT XVII-XVIII B. ca 4o6pe u3yqeHpIl. WssceeHo e, qe rpoqecbr Ha oHapoAHflBaHe, Ha 4o6.rruxa-BaHe Ao roBopvl.'nur e3I4K ce 3acr4JrBa rrpe3 XVIII 8., Koraro no AyMr4Te na A. MnHqeea (Munueea 1984, 228) ,,ce pa3xna6sa" Bpr,3Kara Mei{qy u3xoAHr4-f, TeKcr I4 nperll4ca, npeilpaBKaTa, rlpeBoga. Tyr ilpegrraraM eAr4H TaKT,B TeKcr-,,fiexuvfl Ha cB. anocror Toua", vr3BecreH KaTo ,,Crono 3a a[ocror Tovta" B pr,Kotll{c or IB27 r., rII4caH c rpr,UKu 6yxsttt Kyneu e ilpe3 1929 r. oT Clra-neH (cnopeA Kt,csa 6erexKa n nero) r4 AHec ce na3r4 r I{t'proB:aLrfl Lrcropr4-Ko-apxI4BeH I4Hcrl4ryr B CoQux (IJI/IN 369)2. To:n pbKorrr4c rro rrr4cMo, xaprrlfl, rroABr,p3r4fl, yKpaca, e3r.rK npvrrwqa Ha c6opuzr 1064 or HapogHara 6u6lIorera ,,Cn. cB. Krapun u Meroavi{' n CoQux (HFKM 1064), xorzro rIbK or cBo.q crpaHa e Aeno Ha rpervcBaqa Ha r.Hap. EyryperrlKr{ Krapnaro-ApoMI4oH-rlpenl4c vr alailTa\Lrr Ha CoQpoHr4eBr4fl HegeruuK c eJreMeHTH oT ClnnescKl4 roBop,3arrucaH c rpbuxu 6yxsu3.-flcno e, qe rpr,rre pbKorrr4ca ca r{3ne3Jrr4 r43rroA pbKara Ha eAr4H r4 cbrrl qosera. C6opHIaqure IfWAVI 369 u HEKM 1064 cbAbp)r(ar rrperpaBKr4 v a1arr-Tar\uv Ha TeKcroBe oT Hoso6bnrapcKl4 AaMacKrasu. CnopeA [bpBoHaqaJrHr{-Te MI4 ua6nrogeHr4fl eAHa qacr or reKcroBere ca 6rugr\4 Ao BToprar rr4n rro r:racuQuKalluqra Ha E. fisovuua (f,evrraua 1968)-cpaBHrBarra cbM c Kor-reHcKl4-fl [aMacKI4H Ha non CrorZro B.rraAr4cJraBon (CoQp ouurt Bpauaucru). HEKM 1064 uL\WAW 369 crarp)Kar)ftarne Ha cB. llerra (n III{AW369 e CoQponv.eBvflT TeKcr or He4e;rnnra, a B HEKM 1064 e KoMrrr/rJr at\ag, BKJrIotIBauIa)KI{TIaero or narpvapx Esru}urufr no Bapr4aHTa B AaM acKLrHr4Te or II run); C"rrono:a PoxAecrBo Eoropo4rrrrHo, Croso 3a cB. Wrus u Cno-Bo 3a cB. cB. 6e:cpe6bpHlrllt{ KogN{a 14 favrxu rro TeKcroBere B Ho-so6lrrapcKt{Te AaMacKnHI4, Koprro ca npepa6orK:a Ha nporr3Be1elr4fl, Ha cB. K,ruuesr Oxpragcru (Mupr{eBa 200I, 127-243). IIp" roBa, MaKap r4 B MHoro ro-rorrrMa crerreH Ao6,rmeHr4 Ao HapoAHaTa peq, HEKM 1064 u LIW,\W 369 zana3BaT perlrqa onopHlr eJ'reMeHT14, Ha Kor,rro ce ocHoBaBa cr,rJIHoTo xy-Ao)KecrBeHo BHyueHI,Ie Ha Te3r4 crapr4 6lrrapcKr{ TeKcroBe, Karo Aa per{eM Bl4coKara r{ecroTa u pHTMr4qHa [oBTop.fleMocr Ha Kopena-c6eme)Kuruero Ha cs. flerKa or ilarpl{apx EeruNararz (HEKM 1064), AyMara cfemozapeu s Croeo 3a npop ox Wnus u Ap. Bce nar r4MeHHo rpr4 cpaBHeHr4e Ha r.Hap. soso6t,rrapcKll AaMacKI4Hu c npeilpaBKnre B pa3rJre)KAaHr4Te ryK ABa pr,Ko

Slovo: Journal of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2011
The Curzon Gospel is a Middle Bulgarian manuscript kept in the British Library in London (Add. Ms... more The Curzon Gospel is a Middle Bulgarian manuscript kept in the British Library in London (Add. Ms. 39, 628). It contains 198 ff. The beginning of the Gospel by Matthew and the end of the Gospel by John are missing. It is reliably datable to c. 1354 since it contains an Easter table (calendar) beginning with the year 1354. Until the publications by Cynthia Vakareliyska, this manuscript has not been known to the scholarly community of palaeoslavic studies and has not been used in the scholarly research both on the history of the Gospel and on the history of the Bulgarian mediaeval literary norm and language. Now, due to the excellent edition by Vakareliyska, it becomes possible to use the manuscript and the ones closely related to it as a comparative point in several fields, such as the textual tradition of the Gospel and calendar in the Byzantine world, the history of South Slavic languages, and mediaeval procedures of copying and compiling of liturgical books. The book consists of two volumes: the first one contains the edition and the second offers a competent and thorough analysis of the textual and linguistic features of the Curzon Gospel and large-scale juxtapositions with other manuscripts, predominantly Gospel sources, both Slavonic and Greek. The core of the first volume is an annotated transcription of the Curzon Gospel. Vakareliyska renders the manuscript's text with minimum scholarly intervention, i.e. division of the scriptio continua, division of the text into verses (according to the present-day critical editions of the Gospels), and numeration of the lines. She preserves the original orthography of the source as well as the spelling of the later
Лилия Илиева, Маргарет Димитрова. ПИСМОТО НА ЧИПРОВЧАНИ ОТ 1658 Г. ДО ПАПАТА: АНАЛИЗ И ФАКСИМИЛЕ, 2022
Публикация (факсимиле, набор, превод) на писмо на гражданите от Чипровци до папския престол, в ко... more Публикация (факсимиле, набор, превод) на писмо на гражданите от Чипровци до папския престол, в което молят да се осигури заплащане за техния учител Иван Лилич/Лилов.

В този текст ще се опитам да хвърля светлина върху степента на грамотност, на владеене на книжовн... more В този текст ще се опитам да хвърля светлина върху степента на грамотност, на владеене на книжовния език и етикет, върху способността за генериране на кохерентен текст и общуване чрез писмено слово, както и върху отношението към книгата и писменото слово в Самоков и околността през XVIII век 1 , като използвам проучванията си върху три паметника: 1. Белчински требник-наричам така ръкопис Sam. Mus. Hist. Slavo 2 в Самоковския исторически музей, защото има бележка от 1744 г., че този ръкопис е съставен в с. Белчин, Самоковско. 2. Самоковски препис от 1771 г. на Паисиевата "История славяноболгарская" и 3. Сборник 328 от НБКМ (Народна библиотека "Св. св. Кирил и Методий" в София) с бележки на Йосиф Брадати, в една от които се споменава, че той работи в Самоков. Избрах XVIII столетие не само защото оттогава има няколко сигурни ръкописа с колофони от Самоковско, но и защото това е времето, когато се кръстосват различни влияния и тенденции в книжовността, когато, според сполучливия израз на Ангелина Минчева (Минчева 1982; Минчева 1984), "се разхлабва" връзката" между оригинал (извод, антиграф) и апограф, между оригинал и превод, между превод и редакция, адаптация, т.е. това е време, когато започва да се чува по-ясно гласът на книжовника, който преписва, компилира, превежда или съчинява. Именно в тези гласове на хора, работили в Самоковско, ще се вслушам днес. Още в началото на статията си ще кажа, че тези гласове не са монотонни, в бележките на книжовниците се усещат различни стилове на писане, личи школовка в многовековните канони на средновековното славянско писано слово и приемственост със сътвореното от по-ранни славянски книжовници, но проблясват и светоусещанията на Новото време-желание да споделят за себе си, за собствените си предпочитания, въжделения, тегоби, да включат форми от родния си говор. Mus. Hist. Slavo 2 е требник конволют, който е съставен от две части: една от края на XVII в. (лл. 1-53, 126-166) и една от третата четвърт на XVIII в. (лл. 54-125, 167-235), общо 236 л. хартия. 2 Вероятно дяк (джак) Негро, който е работил в Белчин (според собствената му бележка от 1744 г. 3), е имал под ръка части от требник от XVII в., които той е допълнил, за да има книга с всички последования, задоволяваща потребностите на един енорийски или манастирски храм. Ръкописът по състав на пръв поглед изглежда стандартен, но всъщност не е-както по отношение на подбора на текстовете, така и по отношение на езика и текстологията. Първата, постарата част е изписана от школувана ръка с красив неедър почерк. Правописът е безюсов, близък до ресавския, но за разлика от него преобладава големият ер. Както е обичайно за требниците от XVII в., книгата започва с Кръщение и по-точно с молитви за бабувалата (акуширалата) при раждането жена. Текстът върху началните листове е почти унищожен-затова авторите на Описа на пазените в Самоков ръкописи (Джурова, Велинова 2002) не са идентифицирали тези молитви. Когато сравних запазените думи в началото на требника с моя корпус от молитви за баба 4 , видях, че това са стандартните две молитви (А и В у мене), които вероятно се установяват в книжовната и богослужебната южнославянска практика през XV в. (най-ранният ръкопис, от който са ми известни, е Хил. 169, писан с ресавски правопис през втората половина на XV в. в Хилендарския манастир на Атон или в сръбските земи 5). От първата молитва в Белчинския требник разчитам само няколко в средата на молитвата, като 1 Бих искала още в началото да благодаря на г-жа Елена Коцева, която ме подкани да споделя впечатленията си по този въпрос на основата на книжовни прояви от Самоковско. 2 Към този ръкопис ме насочи г-жа Елена Коцева, която знаеше за моя вече няколкогодишен интерес към требниците. Тя открива, че още Константин Иречек е виждал в с.

Evergreen Text and Ever Changing Language the Journey of Theodora S Soul in Gaster 1572 from the John Rylands Library Manchester
University of Sofia, St Kliment Publishing House, Dec 5, 2020
The paper focuses on a nineteenth-century Bulgarian manuscript from The John Rylands Library (Gas... more The paper focuses on a nineteenth-century Bulgarian manuscript from The John Rylands Library (Gaster MS 1572). The text, which describes the journey of Theodora, a servant, through aerial tollhouses, originated in the late tenth century as part of the Vita of St. Basil the Younger (in Greek). Various medieval translations of this narrative circulated among the Orthodox Slavs, both as part of the Vita and as a separate work. This paper analyzes the text within the framework of the later Slavonic tradition and offers a codicological and linguistic description together with a diplomatic edition of the text. Keywords: Vita of St. Basil the Younger; The Journey of Theodora’s Soul, Infernal Tollhouses; 19th century, Bulgarian language, manuscripts
Monks, Women, Herbs: Distribution of Ancient Greek and Byzantine Knowledge of Women's Health in South Slavonic Religious Centres

Since Rajko NAHTIGAL (1902:215-216) and Ivan EVSEEV (1905:XLIII) noticed that some verses of the ... more Since Rajko NAHTIGAL (1902:215-216) and Ivan EVSEEV (1905:XLIII) noticed that some verses of the Book of Daniel appeared in the archaic Croatian Glagolitic breviaries in the version of this book known as Symeonic version or catena version – that is a translation made from Greek in the First Bulgarian Kingdom, most probably in the time of Tsar Symeon – the Book of Daniel has been discussed in the scholarly literature on the Slavonic Bible and on manuscript circulation and text transmission among the South Slavs in the Middle Ages.1 Therefore, we believe that the edition of the Book of Daniel in the Breviary of Vid of Omišalj (BrVO) could contribute to this discussion which concerns also other biblical books and sources.2 This breviary written in 1396 belongs to the archaic group of Croatian Glagolitic manuscripts (known as northern group or recension A) and it contains the longest text of the Book of Daniel 1-5: 4 (without 3:58-3:88.1): the other breviaries known to us have either 12...
Greek and latin loans in Croato-Glagolitic missals: archaic and innovate morphological forms of masculine nouns
L'A. examine les formes des mots dans des missels croato-glagolitiques et met en relief des a... more L'A. examine les formes des mots dans des missels croato-glagolitiques et met en relief des archaismes grecs et des innovations latines au niveau des noms masculins
Adaptation of Greek Feminine á-Declension Nouns Ending in -ç in Medieval Slavonic Sources: The Evidence of Croato-Glagolitic Missals
This paper discusses the variety of the digitized content of an electronic encyclopedia on the ve... more This paper discusses the variety of the digitized content of an electronic encyclopedia on the veneration of saints according to Bulgarian sources. The emphasis is on medieval Slavonic Church manuscripts and on present-day records of Bulgarian folklore narratives and songs. The combination of these sources provokes discussion of the so-called folklore Christianity and adds new dimensions to the understanding of the role of the cults of saints for culture and of the religiosity of the Bulgarians.
In Stolis Repromissionis: Saints and Sainthood in Central and Eastern Europe
Preslovljeni Temporal Drugoga beramskog (ljubljanskog) brevijara
Книга за историята на българската книжовна норма и стиловите сполуки на българските радетели на словото от миналото

Encyclopaedia slavica sanctorum ( is designed as a complex heterogenous multimedia... more Encyclopaedia slavica sanctorum ( is designed as a complex heterogenous multimedia product. It is part of the project Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum: Saints and Holy Places in Bulgaria (in electronic and Guthenberg versions). Until 2013, its web-based platform for online management and presentation of structured digital content has been prepared and numerous materials have been input. The platform is developed using the server technologies PHP, MySQL and HTML, JavaScript, CSS on the client side. The search in the e-ESS can be made by different parameters (12, or combinations of parameters), such as saints’ or feasts’ names, type of sainthood, types of texts dedicated to the saints, dates of saints’ commemorations, and several others. Both guests and registered users can search in the e-ESS but the latter have access to much more information including the publications of original sources. The e-platform allows for making statistics of what have been searched and read....

The paper presents our work in progress on the scholarly project Local Production, Clothing, and ... more The paper presents our work in progress on the scholarly project Local Production, Clothing, and Language Treasure (Contribution to Historical Linguistics and Anthropology of Dress), whose main aim is to study and to edit in an electronic form a little-known archival massif of handwritten documents from 1888 and 1889 preserved at the Scientific Archives of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The documents include 1077 handwritten pages with descriptions of clothing, as well as some photographs made for the illustration of certain data. In its entirety the massif presents in a synchronous cut the territory of Bulgaria in the period shortly after the RussianOttoman war of 1877-1878 and the restoration of the independence of the country. The interpretation of the data from the documents, which are mainly related to local ways of dressing requires voluminous work – paleographic (the documents were written in different handwriting and are sometimes illegible), historical (history of langu...
Papers by Margaret Dimitrova