Papers by Lyubomira Dimitrova
Defining and measuring happiness has been a major topic for many generations of scholars. The con... more Defining and measuring happiness has been a major topic for many generations of scholars. The contemporary discussion tackles upon the main predictors of happiness and their influence on the subject. This paper focuses on the influence of democracy and economy towards happiness, using the fifteen post- Soviet countries as cases. The data for the research has been collected from 1995 to 2014 and has been analyzed both on aggregate and individual level. The results show that on individual level both the economic status and the satisfaction with democracy have significant influence towards happiness. However, on aggregate level the income inequality appears to be the only predictor of happiness in both cases where the democracy factor is controlled for or not.
The aim of this study is to examine on the relationship between economic growth and environmental... more The aim of this study is to examine on the relationship between economic growth and environmental performance in the 28 Bulgarian districts for the period between 2010 and 2016. The results show that when in the cases where CO2 emissions are medium, the relationship with the economic growth is very weak. However, for those districts with higher CO2 emissions per capita there is a significant relation with the economic variables. This would mean that economic growth would have a strong effect on the air quality only after certain amount of CO2 emissions.
Journal of Mathematics and System Science, 2019
The aim of this paper is to raise awareness on the consequences of dissemination of official stat... more The aim of this paper is to raise awareness on the consequences of dissemination of official statistics through online media that uses clickbait headlines to generate traffic. In order to tackle on this issue, a Natural Language Processing (NLP) model was developed in order to distinguish the clickbait headline from the non-clickbait one when it comes to articles presenting information from the Bulgarian National Statistical Institute press releases. The yielded results are rather satisfactory as the parts-of-speech features model achieved an accuracy for 92% of the cases.

Годишник на Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, Философски факултет, Книга Докторанти, 2019
Когато става въпрос за човешкото влияние върху околната среда, ролята на икономиката често бива п... more Когато става въпрос за човешкото влияние върху околната среда, ролята на икономиката често бива представена като особено значима. Идеята, че с нейното развитие на дадена територия се покачва и чувствителността на населението спрямо екологичното ѝ опазване, намира широка подкрепа. Целта на настоящото изследване е да провери тази хипотеза посредством отношението към добивната промишленост на територията на три български общини-Крумовград, Брезник и Трън. Това, което ги е обединява, са подадените инвестиционни предложения за добив на полезни изкопаеми на тяхната територия през последните 20 години. За разлика от първите два случая обаче, през 2017 г. на територията на община Трън бе проведен местен референдум, вследствие на което инвеститорът оттегли своето намерение за добив на злато. Следвайки твърденията на икономическите енвиронменталисти, хипотезата, която ще бъде тествана, е, че девиантният развой на събитията може да бъде обяснен с различия в икономическото развитие на общините
The Challenges of Analyzing Social and Economic Processes in the 21st Century. University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 2020
The aim of this study is to examine on the relationship between economic growth and environmental... more The aim of this study is to examine on the relationship between economic growth and environmental performance in the 28 Bulgarian districts for the period between 2010 and 2016. The results show that when in the cases where CO2 emissions are medium, the relationship with the economic growth is very weak. However, for those districts with higher CO2 emissions per capita there is a significant relation with the economic variables. This would mean that economic growth would have a strong effect on the air quality only after certain amount of CO2 emissions.
The aim of this paper is to raise awareness on the consequences of dissemination of official stat... more The aim of this paper is to raise awareness on the consequences of dissemination of official statistics through online media that uses clickbait headlines to generate traffic. In order to tackle on this issue, a Natural Language Processing (NLP) model was developed in order to distinguish the clickbait headline from the non-clickbait one when it comes to articles presenting information from the Bulgarian National Statistical Institute press releases. The yielded results are rather satisfactory as the parts-of-speech features model achieved an accuracy for 92% of the cases.
Defining and measuring happiness has been a major topic for many generations of scholars. The con... more Defining and measuring happiness has been a major topic for many generations of scholars. The contemporary discussion tackles upon the main predictors of happiness and their influence on the subject. This paper focuses on the influence of democracy and economy towards happiness, using the fifteen post- Soviet countries as cases. The data for the research has been collected from 1995 to 2014 and has been analyzed both on aggregate and individual level. The results show that on individual level both the economic status and the satisfaction with democracy have significant influence towards happiness. However, on aggregate level the income inequality appears to be the only predictor of happiness in both cases where the democracy factor is controlled for or not.
This paper is going to focus on the effectiveness of the obligatory instruments, used for impleme... more This paper is going to focus on the effectiveness of the obligatory instruments, used for implementing public policies in different states towards alcohol abuse. In order to do so, I will define the meaning of public policy and its analysis. Then, the paper with continue with the instruments, implemented in Belgium, France, Greece and Slovakia and how they influence the total alcohol consumption and the rate of death cases, caused by alcohol consumption.
Papers by Lyubomira Dimitrova