Papers by Diana Zlatanova

The diet strategy of the wolf in Europe is reviewed on the basis of 74 basic and 14 additional li... more The diet strategy of the wolf in Europe is reviewed on the basis of 74 basic and 14 additional literature sources. The comparative analysis reveals clear dependence on the latitude (and, therefore, on the changing environmental conditions) correlated with the wild ungulate abundance and diversity. Following a geographic pattern, the wolf is specialised on different species of ungulates: moose and reindeer in Scandinavia, red deer in Central and Eastern Europe and wild boar in Southern Europe. Where this large prey is taken, the roe deer is hunted with almost the same frequency in every region. The wolf diet in Europe shows two ecological adaptations formed by a complex of variables: 1. Wolves living in natural habitats with abundance of wild ungulates feed mainly on wild prey. 2. In highly anthropogenic habitats, with low abundance of wild prey, wolves feed on livestock (where husbandry of domestic animals is available) and take also a lot of plant food, smaller prey (hares and rodents) and garbage food. The frequency of occurrence of wild ungulates in the diet of wolves in North Europe varies from 54.0% in Belarus to 132.7% in Poland, while that of livestock is in the range from 0.4% in Norway to 74.9% in Belarus. In South Europe, the frequency of occurrence of wild prey varies from 0% in Italy and Spain to 136.0% in Italy, while of domestic ungulates ranges between 0% and 100% in Spain. The low density or lack of wild prey triggers the switch of the wolf diet to livestock, plant food (32.2-85% in Italy) or even garbage (up to 41.5% in Italy).

The carnivores, being elusive species because of their secretive life and large home ranges are v... more The carnivores, being elusive species because of their secretive life and large home ranges are very diffi cult to study. The quality of habitat and the food base have proved to be of greatest importance for their presence and their area of occupancy. The assessment of the available suitable habitats and the prediction of current and potential distribution of these species are vital for their conservation, having in mind the existing confl ict with humans. This paper deals with the application of deductive GIS-based model to assess the habitat quality in the Strandzha Mountain for a little known in Bulgaria species as is the lynx. The outcome of a model, based on several overlaid environmental variables are 5 suitability classes, of which class 2 and 3 (high and medium suitability) are covering the highest percentage of the area (34.7% and 34.3% respectively). Altogether the two highest suitability classes -class1 (18.1%) and class 2 form 52.8 % of the whole study area of 1852.7 km 2 which gives a potential good quality habitat for about 20-28 lynxes. This approach for assessing the habitat suitability could be applied for other species with scares knowledge of distribution.

Biodiversity and Conservation, 2013
Many Eastern European countries still host landscapes with high value due to their habitat qualit... more Many Eastern European countries still host landscapes with high value due to their habitat quality and size. Some of these countries are new member states of the European Union, and EU-accession is accompanied by huge investments in the development of traffic infrastructure. Environmental assessments mandatory for road constructions in the EU do not necessarily require explicit measures for the mitigation of fragmentation, and technical constructions associated with road building are frequently assumed to provide sufficient possibilities for wildlife crossings. We evaluated those technical structures at two motorway sections separating relevant subpopulations of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Bulgaria. Our assessment revealed that the permeability of the two motorways has been considerably overestimated. A total of just 13 out of the 77 potential crossing possibilities of the two roads together meet the requirements we defined for suitable wildlife crossings. We found that the potential for improvement of the crossing functionality of already existing technical facilities along the motorways is very limited. Given the dependence on a small number of habitat paths connecting suitable crossings with habitat on both sides of the road, connectivity between subpopulations is vulnerable to fragmentation impacts.
KORA, 2001
24 KORA Bericht Nr. 7 The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx L.), like other big mam-mals of this region of... more 24 KORA Bericht Nr. 7 The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx L.), like other big mam-mals of this region of the world, has a huge area of dis-tribution, which includes, however, relatively uniform natural characteristics. In this area nine subspecies of this mammal have been described. For ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2015

As a Co authour : The first public product of the Intergovernmental Platform on
Biodiversity and... more As a Co authour : The first public product of the Intergovernmental Platform on
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is its Conceptual
Framework. This conceptual and analytical tool, presented
here in detail, will underpin all IPBES functions and provide
structure and comparability to the syntheses that IPBES will
produce at different spatial scales, on different themes, and in
different regions. Salient innovative aspects of the IPBES Conceptual Framework are its transparent and participatory
construction process and its explicit consideration of diverse
scientific disciplines, stakeholders, and knowledge systems,
including indigenous and local knowledge. Because the focus
on co-construction of integrative knowledge is shared by an
increasing number of initiatives worldwide, this framework
should be useful beyond IPBES, for the wider research and knowledge-policy communities working on the links between
nature and people, such as natural, social and engineering
scientists, policy-makers at different levels, and decisionmakers
in different sectors of society.
Science (New York, N.Y.), Jan 19, 2014
This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only.

The first public product of the Intergovernmental Platform on
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services... more The first public product of the Intergovernmental Platform on
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is its Conceptual
Framework. This conceptual and analytical tool, presented
here in detail, will underpin all IPBES functions and provide
structure and comparability to the syntheses that IPBES will
produce at different spatial scales, on different themes, and in
different regions. Salient innovative aspects of the IPBES
Conceptual Framework are its transparent and participatory
construction process and its explicit consideration of diverse
scientific disciplines, stakeholders, and knowledge systems,
including indigenous and local knowledge. Because the focus
on co-construction of integrative knowledge is shared by an
increasing number of initiatives worldwide, this framework
should be useful beyond IPBES, for the wider research and knowledge-policy communities working on the links between
nature and people, such as natural, social and engineering
scientists, policy-makers at different levels, and decisionmakers
in different sectors of society.

The diet strategy of the wolf in Europe is reviewed on the basis of 74 basic and 14 additional li... more The diet strategy of the wolf in Europe is reviewed on the basis of 74 basic and 14 additional literature sources. The comparative analysis reveals clear dependence on the latitude (and, therefore, on the changing environmental conditions) correlated with the wild ungulate abundance and diversity. Following a geographic pattern, the wolf is specialised on different species of ungulates: moose and reindeer in Scandinavia, red deer in Central and Eastern Europe and wild boar in Southern Europe. Where this large prey is taken, the roe deer is hunted with almost the same frequency in every region. The wolf diet in Europe shows two ecological adaptations formed by a complex of variables: 1. Wolves living in natural habitats with abundance of wild ungulates feed mainly on wild prey. 2. In highly anthropogenic habitats, with low abundance of wild prey, wolves feed on livestock (where husbandry of domestic animals is available) and take also a lot of plant food, smaller prey (hares and rodents) and garbage food. The frequency of occurrence of wild ungulates in the diet of wolves in North Europe varies from 54.0% in Belarus to 132.7% in Poland, while that of livestock is in the range from 0.4% in Norway to 74.9% in Belarus. In South Europe, the frequency of occurrence of wild prey varies from 0% in Italy and Spain to 136.0% in Italy, while of domestic ungulates ranges between 0% and 100% in Spain. The low density or lack of wild prey triggers the switch of the wolf diet to livestock, plant food (32.2-85% in Italy) or even garbage (up to 41.5% in Italy).

Current studies on Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the wild rarely include behavioural traits of thi... more Current studies on Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the wild rarely include behavioural traits of this species.
Moreover, being a cryptic species, its behaviour is very difficult to be studied in the wild. In order to record
and analyse the lynx behaviour during the breeding season, a cameratrap was put in a lynx enclosure
in Sofia Zoo for 64 days to follow the reproductive period of the lynx pair. A total of 2972 video clips were
collected and analysed in order to define the frequency and duration of the social/ non-social behaviour,
the influence of the temperature, time of the day and the moon phase. The analysis of behavioural acts, 28
non-social and 20 social, showed a high frequency of the social behaviour during the day. There was no
significant difference between the number of exhibited behavioural acts in males and females, although
the male showed more pronounced marking behaviour, mating calls and approaches to the female. Totally,
29 acts of head-tossing were observed as part of the lynx courtship behaviour. Six copulations were also
recorded, followed by successful pregnancy and birt

The Balkans are one of the last large refugia for brown bear (Ursus arctos) populations in Europe... more The Balkans are one of the last large refugia for brown bear (Ursus arctos) populations in Europe, and Bulgaria, in particular, contains relatively large areas of suitable brown bear habitat and a potential population of more than 600 individuals. Despite this, the majority of brown bear research remains focused on bear populations in Central and Western Europe. We provide the first assessment of genetic population structure of brown bears in Bulgaria by analysing tissue samples (n = 16) as well as samples collectedwith noninvasive genetic methods, including hair and faecal samples (n = 189 and n = 163, respectively). Sequence analysis of a 248 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial control region showed that two highly divergent mitochondrial European brown bear lineages form a contact zone in central Bulgaria. Furthermore, the analysis of 13 polymorphic microsatellite markers identified 136 individuals and found substantial genetic variability (He= 0.74; NA= 8.9). The combination of both genetic markers revealed the presence of weak genetic substructure in the study area with considerable degrees of genetic admixture and the likely presence of migration corridors between the two subpopulation in the Rhodope Moun-tains and Stara Planina as evidenced from the genetic detection of two male long-distance dispersers. A detailed assessment from densely collected samples in the Rhodope Mountains resulted in a population size estimate of 315 (95% CI = 206–334) individuals, indicating that not all available habitat is presently occupied by bears in this region. Efficient management plans should focus on preserving connectivity of suitable habitats in order to maintain gene flow between the two Bulgarian brown bear subpopulations.

Диана Златанова * Моделиране пригодността на местообитанията на мечката, вълка и риса в България ... more Диана Златанова * Моделиране пригодността на местообитанията на мечката, вълка и риса в България Благодарности: На първо място искам да благодаря на научния ми ръководител доц. Даниело Пешев за предоставената възможност, за вярата му в мен, за подкрепата и ценното съдействие по време на изработване на тази дисертация.. На консултантите ми Валерия Салватори и Луиджи Бойтани специални благодарности за насоките и полезните съвети, както и на проф. д-р Джуро Хубер, д-р Джон Линел, д-р Йон Свенсон и други колеги от Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe за подкрепата и съветите. На д-р Томас Капеги от университета във Фрайбург, Германия благодарности за дългите дискусии в резултат на които възникваха интересни идеи. Специални благодарности и на ст. н. с. І ст., дбн Петър Генов от Института по Зоология при БАН за това, че повярва в мен и ми даде шанс за развитие в науката, както и за ценната морална и научна подкрепа през годините. Много благодаря за всичко! Специални и огромни благодарности на Венислава Рачева, моята вярна спътница в теренната работа и зад екрана на компютъра, която споделя всичките ми радости и мъки, окуражава ме,изслушва ме и е краен коректор на всеки текст. На екипа на Екологичния Научно-образователен Център (Катя, Ива и Вили) за търпението и моралната подкрепа през всичките години, които сме заедно и особено през годините в работа по тази дисертация. На директора д-р Иван Иванов за разрешението за работа в научната сфера. Специални благодарности и на координатора на проекта за проучване на мечката Александър Дуцов и на Костадин Вълчев от СДП Балкани, както и на Любомир Петров и Андрей Ковачев за многократната помощ, за събраните данни и за подкрепата и разбирането, които са ми оказвали. На Генади и Анна Гавриловиистински приятели в работата и в живота, на които винаги съм разчитала и винаги са ми помагали. На г-н Юлиян Русев от Държавна Агенция по горите и горските служители (и по специално на Сахак Сакакян, от РДГ Бургас) -благодарности за събраните детайлни данни за разпространението на вълка у нас. На Васил Пуров, д-р Райчо Гънчев и Боян Кировгорски служители, колеги в работата и приятели, които ми помогнаха много. Благодарности на Ивайло Ангелов и Марин Куртев от БДЗП за предоставените данни за щети от вълци в Източни Родопи и на Георги Георгиев от Риосв Смолян за предоставените данни за щети от мечка в Западни Родопи.

Fifteen craniometrical indices of the head skeletons in forty brown bears (Ursus arctos) found in... more Fifteen craniometrical indices of the head skeletons in forty brown bears (Ursus arctos) found in Bulgaria were studied. Data for the greatest length of the head skeleton and condylobasal length as well as the results of those motivated us to propose that the greatest length of the head skeleton in Bulgarian population of brown bears is from 280 mm to 350 mm, and the condylobasal length is from 276 mm to 304mm. Our results for length skull (cranium) and face showеd that face length were 35.33% of head skeleton length. The length, rostral and caudal width of the bone palate demonstrated that the palate widened in caudal direction. The basal length of the skull was with close value to bone palate length and it could be accepted that the caudal edge of the bone palate was approximately in the middle of the ventral surface of head skeleton. The zygomatic width of the specimens was 59% from the greatest length of the head skeleton.

The Balkan Peninsula and the Carpathian region host natural landscapes outstanding in Europe for ... more The Balkan Peninsula and the Carpathian region host natural landscapes outstanding in Europe for their low degree of fragmentation. Additionally, they form the most important distribution range for large mammals in Europe. Nevertheless, mainly the new EU Member-States in this region are currently facing a socio-economic transition, combined with an increased development of transport infrastructure. Despite several European Union conservation regulations such as the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora) which are mandatory for all member states and which form an important basis for conservation measures in EU accession countries, there is a great danger of underrating landscape conservation requirements in favour of infrastructure development. Consequently, to prevent the Balkan and Carpathian region from landscape fragmentation, causing irreversible destruction of habitats of large mammals, balancing of infrastructure planning and conservation issues is pivotal. Sound research and fieldwork to assess the current situation, but also the impact newly constructed transport infrastructure may have on nature, species and ecological corridors is required from the outset. Wide ranging mammals (large carnivores and ungulates) form an important part of European fauna communities and biodiversity. While extinct or strongly decreased in many western European countries, they are still represented in comparably large numbers in the Carpathian and Balkan region. This is mainly related to the fact that here non-fragmented habitats are still present. Due to their spatial requirements though, those animal species occur in low densities which makes them very susceptible to mortality on roads, as well as to fragmentation of habitats and disruption of their migration routes. Thus, they may serve as umbrella species in order to ensure connectivity of important habitats on a large spatial scale. Avoidance and mitigation of conflicts between new transport infrastructure and existing ecological corridors for wildlife are essential. In addition, preservation of landscape and habitat connectivity is of great importance. For all species of animals, unlimited possibilities of movement throughout their potential range are fundamental to maintain viable populations. Against the background of development of transport infrastructure in Europe, this can only be secured by establishing and protecting a network of ecological corridors.

Two main badger setts were monitored in different habitats (lowland and mountain) by Моultrie cam... more Two main badger setts were monitored in different habitats (lowland and mountain) by Моultrie camera
traps (model I-40 with infrared flash) from September 2008 till August 2009 (totally 712 trapnights – 353
in lowlands and 359 in mountain).The camera traps were set to make 5 second video clips, accompanied
with info photo about time, temperature and moon phase. From 3343 registered events (Nlowland = 2774;
Nmountain = 569) 1891 were of badgers (Nlowland = 1676; Nmountain = 215). The data analysis shows that badgers
spend more time near the sett during winter and spring than other seasons. The peak hours are right before
and after full moon (gibbous moon) similar for both habitats. In the mountainous habitat there are two
peaks of activity at sett emerge and return time – from 19:00 to 21:00 and from 3:00 to 5:00 h. Unique
activity can be observed only in this habitat from 13:00 to 15:00 h due to less disturbed environment. Daytime
emerge and sleeping near the sett are observed only in the remote mountainous area. In the lowland
area the emerge peaks are at the same time from 19:00 to 21:00 but the return time peak is not definite.
Higher activity can be observed in both habitats at the temperature interval between -2o and 12 oC.

The last officially registered lynx in Bulgaria was killed in 1941 and is considered extinct from... more The last officially registered lynx in Bulgaria was killed in 1941 and is considered extinct from the country. Since then there
are only unofficial reports of local people throughout the whole country as none of them was officially confirmed. In the last
15 years more and more reports for seen or illegally killed lynx in Bulgaria are gathered from different sources. In May 2008
we initiated two projects to record animal presence and behaviour by 8 Moultrie camera traps. On 21st of November 2008 in
6:38 and 6:39 am a camera trap placed for observation of a badger set registered two photos of adult male lynx. This evidence
is equal to quality one level of data reliability, according to the common standards for the interpretation of the monitoring
data on a Pan-Alpine level accepted by the Pan-Alpine Conservation Strategy for the Lynx. This is considered the first real
proof of lynx presence in Bulgaria. Development of the lynx population through the last years is discussed below.

Due to their unique settings, zoos have indubitable role in teaching vast amount of people each y... more Due to their unique settings, zoos have indubitable role in teaching vast amount of people each year about the secrets and miracles of life. According to the World’s Zoo Strategy, zoos have four main purposes and goals: 1). Recreation, providing a “green touch”; 2). Education about the diversity of life; 3). Research on wildlife using the captive facilities for studies not possible in nature and 4). Conservation of endangered species for which only captivity can provide shelter. Sofia zoo has an Environmental Education and Research Centre established 10 years ago which is responsible for fulfilling three of the four aims of zoos in a blend of activities. We had developed education packages for formal and informal education for general public with special focus on children, provide bases for research conducted by university students and their preliminary education and also take part in several conservation projects, the results of which are used as teaching aproach. Examples of all these activities are discussed further in this paper.

The wolf is highly adaptable and at the same time, a confl ict species, which demands for better ... more The wolf is highly adaptable and at the same time, a confl ict species, which demands for better understanding of the
variables, associated with its presence. This is the fi rst paper in Bulgaria, dealing with the habitat variables defi ning the wolf
distribution in the country. Based on data for 1323 wolf locations collected during the last 3 years and updated distribution in
Bulgaria, we analysed the main habitat factors infl uencing the distribution and abundance of the wolf in the country. The outcome
of these analyses shows that although being mainly a forest species, the wolf does not avoid pastures and meadows and
is tolerable to urban areas, although it prefers areas with smaller settlements. The wolves also avoid altitude below 500 m (correlated
with densely populated areas and bigger settlements) and above 2000 m (above forest level) and show no signifi cant
preference to certain inclinations of the slope. The road density is also of no signifi cant importance for the wolf distribution but
there is clear avoidance of the busy primary roads (highways, fi rst and second-class roads). The density of water areas is also
of no signifi cant infl uence for the wolf presence. The prey base (ungulate) density is one of the most important factors defi ning
the wolf distribution and abundance as most of the wolf locations are collected in areas with ungulate biomass of 100-150 kg/
кm2. Indirectly the wolf is affected by the number of hunters per area, mainly through the competition for the prey. Directly the
species is affected only when the hunters’ density is above 3 hunters/ km2. Highest wolf density is observed in areas with 1-1.5
hunters/кm2, which is also correlated with high numbers of ungulates.
Papers by Diana Zlatanova
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is its Conceptual
Framework. This conceptual and analytical tool, presented
here in detail, will underpin all IPBES functions and provide
structure and comparability to the syntheses that IPBES will
produce at different spatial scales, on different themes, and in
different regions. Salient innovative aspects of the IPBES Conceptual Framework are its transparent and participatory
construction process and its explicit consideration of diverse
scientific disciplines, stakeholders, and knowledge systems,
including indigenous and local knowledge. Because the focus
on co-construction of integrative knowledge is shared by an
increasing number of initiatives worldwide, this framework
should be useful beyond IPBES, for the wider research and knowledge-policy communities working on the links between
nature and people, such as natural, social and engineering
scientists, policy-makers at different levels, and decisionmakers
in different sectors of society.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is its Conceptual
Framework. This conceptual and analytical tool, presented
here in detail, will underpin all IPBES functions and provide
structure and comparability to the syntheses that IPBES will
produce at different spatial scales, on different themes, and in
different regions. Salient innovative aspects of the IPBES
Conceptual Framework are its transparent and participatory
construction process and its explicit consideration of diverse
scientific disciplines, stakeholders, and knowledge systems,
including indigenous and local knowledge. Because the focus
on co-construction of integrative knowledge is shared by an
increasing number of initiatives worldwide, this framework
should be useful beyond IPBES, for the wider research and knowledge-policy communities working on the links between
nature and people, such as natural, social and engineering
scientists, policy-makers at different levels, and decisionmakers
in different sectors of society.
Moreover, being a cryptic species, its behaviour is very difficult to be studied in the wild. In order to record
and analyse the lynx behaviour during the breeding season, a cameratrap was put in a lynx enclosure
in Sofia Zoo for 64 days to follow the reproductive period of the lynx pair. A total of 2972 video clips were
collected and analysed in order to define the frequency and duration of the social/ non-social behaviour,
the influence of the temperature, time of the day and the moon phase. The analysis of behavioural acts, 28
non-social and 20 social, showed a high frequency of the social behaviour during the day. There was no
significant difference between the number of exhibited behavioural acts in males and females, although
the male showed more pronounced marking behaviour, mating calls and approaches to the female. Totally,
29 acts of head-tossing were observed as part of the lynx courtship behaviour. Six copulations were also
recorded, followed by successful pregnancy and birt
traps (model I-40 with infrared flash) from September 2008 till August 2009 (totally 712 trapnights – 353
in lowlands and 359 in mountain).The camera traps were set to make 5 second video clips, accompanied
with info photo about time, temperature and moon phase. From 3343 registered events (Nlowland = 2774;
Nmountain = 569) 1891 were of badgers (Nlowland = 1676; Nmountain = 215). The data analysis shows that badgers
spend more time near the sett during winter and spring than other seasons. The peak hours are right before
and after full moon (gibbous moon) similar for both habitats. In the mountainous habitat there are two
peaks of activity at sett emerge and return time – from 19:00 to 21:00 and from 3:00 to 5:00 h. Unique
activity can be observed only in this habitat from 13:00 to 15:00 h due to less disturbed environment. Daytime
emerge and sleeping near the sett are observed only in the remote mountainous area. In the lowland
area the emerge peaks are at the same time from 19:00 to 21:00 but the return time peak is not definite.
Higher activity can be observed in both habitats at the temperature interval between -2o and 12 oC.
are only unofficial reports of local people throughout the whole country as none of them was officially confirmed. In the last
15 years more and more reports for seen or illegally killed lynx in Bulgaria are gathered from different sources. In May 2008
we initiated two projects to record animal presence and behaviour by 8 Moultrie camera traps. On 21st of November 2008 in
6:38 and 6:39 am a camera trap placed for observation of a badger set registered two photos of adult male lynx. This evidence
is equal to quality one level of data reliability, according to the common standards for the interpretation of the monitoring
data on a Pan-Alpine level accepted by the Pan-Alpine Conservation Strategy for the Lynx. This is considered the first real
proof of lynx presence in Bulgaria. Development of the lynx population through the last years is discussed below.
variables, associated with its presence. This is the fi rst paper in Bulgaria, dealing with the habitat variables defi ning the wolf
distribution in the country. Based on data for 1323 wolf locations collected during the last 3 years and updated distribution in
Bulgaria, we analysed the main habitat factors infl uencing the distribution and abundance of the wolf in the country. The outcome
of these analyses shows that although being mainly a forest species, the wolf does not avoid pastures and meadows and
is tolerable to urban areas, although it prefers areas with smaller settlements. The wolves also avoid altitude below 500 m (correlated
with densely populated areas and bigger settlements) and above 2000 m (above forest level) and show no signifi cant
preference to certain inclinations of the slope. The road density is also of no signifi cant importance for the wolf distribution but
there is clear avoidance of the busy primary roads (highways, fi rst and second-class roads). The density of water areas is also
of no signifi cant infl uence for the wolf presence. The prey base (ungulate) density is one of the most important factors defi ning
the wolf distribution and abundance as most of the wolf locations are collected in areas with ungulate biomass of 100-150 kg/
кm2. Indirectly the wolf is affected by the number of hunters per area, mainly through the competition for the prey. Directly the
species is affected only when the hunters’ density is above 3 hunters/ km2. Highest wolf density is observed in areas with 1-1.5
hunters/кm2, which is also correlated with high numbers of ungulates.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is its Conceptual
Framework. This conceptual and analytical tool, presented
here in detail, will underpin all IPBES functions and provide
structure and comparability to the syntheses that IPBES will
produce at different spatial scales, on different themes, and in
different regions. Salient innovative aspects of the IPBES Conceptual Framework are its transparent and participatory
construction process and its explicit consideration of diverse
scientific disciplines, stakeholders, and knowledge systems,
including indigenous and local knowledge. Because the focus
on co-construction of integrative knowledge is shared by an
increasing number of initiatives worldwide, this framework
should be useful beyond IPBES, for the wider research and knowledge-policy communities working on the links between
nature and people, such as natural, social and engineering
scientists, policy-makers at different levels, and decisionmakers
in different sectors of society.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is its Conceptual
Framework. This conceptual and analytical tool, presented
here in detail, will underpin all IPBES functions and provide
structure and comparability to the syntheses that IPBES will
produce at different spatial scales, on different themes, and in
different regions. Salient innovative aspects of the IPBES
Conceptual Framework are its transparent and participatory
construction process and its explicit consideration of diverse
scientific disciplines, stakeholders, and knowledge systems,
including indigenous and local knowledge. Because the focus
on co-construction of integrative knowledge is shared by an
increasing number of initiatives worldwide, this framework
should be useful beyond IPBES, for the wider research and knowledge-policy communities working on the links between
nature and people, such as natural, social and engineering
scientists, policy-makers at different levels, and decisionmakers
in different sectors of society.
Moreover, being a cryptic species, its behaviour is very difficult to be studied in the wild. In order to record
and analyse the lynx behaviour during the breeding season, a cameratrap was put in a lynx enclosure
in Sofia Zoo for 64 days to follow the reproductive period of the lynx pair. A total of 2972 video clips were
collected and analysed in order to define the frequency and duration of the social/ non-social behaviour,
the influence of the temperature, time of the day and the moon phase. The analysis of behavioural acts, 28
non-social and 20 social, showed a high frequency of the social behaviour during the day. There was no
significant difference between the number of exhibited behavioural acts in males and females, although
the male showed more pronounced marking behaviour, mating calls and approaches to the female. Totally,
29 acts of head-tossing were observed as part of the lynx courtship behaviour. Six copulations were also
recorded, followed by successful pregnancy and birt
traps (model I-40 with infrared flash) from September 2008 till August 2009 (totally 712 trapnights – 353
in lowlands and 359 in mountain).The camera traps were set to make 5 second video clips, accompanied
with info photo about time, temperature and moon phase. From 3343 registered events (Nlowland = 2774;
Nmountain = 569) 1891 were of badgers (Nlowland = 1676; Nmountain = 215). The data analysis shows that badgers
spend more time near the sett during winter and spring than other seasons. The peak hours are right before
and after full moon (gibbous moon) similar for both habitats. In the mountainous habitat there are two
peaks of activity at sett emerge and return time – from 19:00 to 21:00 and from 3:00 to 5:00 h. Unique
activity can be observed only in this habitat from 13:00 to 15:00 h due to less disturbed environment. Daytime
emerge and sleeping near the sett are observed only in the remote mountainous area. In the lowland
area the emerge peaks are at the same time from 19:00 to 21:00 but the return time peak is not definite.
Higher activity can be observed in both habitats at the temperature interval between -2o and 12 oC.
are only unofficial reports of local people throughout the whole country as none of them was officially confirmed. In the last
15 years more and more reports for seen or illegally killed lynx in Bulgaria are gathered from different sources. In May 2008
we initiated two projects to record animal presence and behaviour by 8 Moultrie camera traps. On 21st of November 2008 in
6:38 and 6:39 am a camera trap placed for observation of a badger set registered two photos of adult male lynx. This evidence
is equal to quality one level of data reliability, according to the common standards for the interpretation of the monitoring
data on a Pan-Alpine level accepted by the Pan-Alpine Conservation Strategy for the Lynx. This is considered the first real
proof of lynx presence in Bulgaria. Development of the lynx population through the last years is discussed below.
variables, associated with its presence. This is the fi rst paper in Bulgaria, dealing with the habitat variables defi ning the wolf
distribution in the country. Based on data for 1323 wolf locations collected during the last 3 years and updated distribution in
Bulgaria, we analysed the main habitat factors infl uencing the distribution and abundance of the wolf in the country. The outcome
of these analyses shows that although being mainly a forest species, the wolf does not avoid pastures and meadows and
is tolerable to urban areas, although it prefers areas with smaller settlements. The wolves also avoid altitude below 500 m (correlated
with densely populated areas and bigger settlements) and above 2000 m (above forest level) and show no signifi cant
preference to certain inclinations of the slope. The road density is also of no signifi cant importance for the wolf distribution but
there is clear avoidance of the busy primary roads (highways, fi rst and second-class roads). The density of water areas is also
of no signifi cant infl uence for the wolf presence. The prey base (ungulate) density is one of the most important factors defi ning
the wolf distribution and abundance as most of the wolf locations are collected in areas with ungulate biomass of 100-150 kg/
кm2. Indirectly the wolf is affected by the number of hunters per area, mainly through the competition for the prey. Directly the
species is affected only when the hunters’ density is above 3 hunters/ km2. Highest wolf density is observed in areas with 1-1.5
hunters/кm2, which is also correlated with high numbers of ungulates.