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Blindness has been interpreted in different, often controversial ways, since ancient times. It has been stereotyped and labeled by sighted people and has thus affected the acceptance of Visually Impaired persons, the tolerance towards... more
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      BlindnessSocial Issues
A research on spatial and body concepts among 154 visually impaired students (blind and with low vision) aged 6-12 taught in special and in mainstream schools is done by the means of the Hill performance test of positional body concepte... more
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      OrientationConcepts of Memory and the Body in Women's WritingVisually ImpairedSpatial Concepts
Investigating the role of ePortfolios and online courses in a community of practice: Assisting Bulgarian special educators with lifelong competency development,
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      Special EducationOnline LearningSpecial Education Teacher EducationePortfolios
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      Special EducationInclusive EducationMultiple Disabilities
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      Special EducationSchool Bullying
Integrated and Inclusive Education of Students with Special Educational Needs
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      InclusionSpecial Educational NeedsIntegration
Резюме: В резултат от проведено анкетно проучване сред 32 ресурсни учители, подпомагащи интегрирани зрително затруднени ученици в страната, се установи предимно " образователна форма " на интегриране на учениците, добро равнище на... more
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      BulgariaTeacherIntegrationVisually Impaired
The tactile perception and exploration of art forms by blind persons has been of interest by many researchers throughout the years. Blind individuals have to perceive different art forms because as Reeve (1991) stated: " It gives visually... more
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      BlindnessVisual ArtsTactile PerceptionVisually Impaired
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    • Children's Play
Това изследване е продължение на изследване на автора от 2014 г., в което бе проучено мнението на 32 ресурсни учители, подпомагащи зрително затруднени ученици, обучаващи си в общообразователни училища в България. В настоящото изследване е... more
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Резюме: Приобщаващото образование от години е една официална световна образователна политика по отношение на деца и ученици със специални образователни потребности (СОП). Разглеждат се някои важни компоненти на приобщаващото образование,... more
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With many co-authors: Allesandro Caforio, Ali Rashidi, Ana maria Cotovonu,  Denis Riabov, Dimitar Ivanchev, Mirolyba Madjarova, Imma Miralles, Joce LLorka, Persa Tserkezou,  Luka Cerniglia, Mario Spatafora,  Vaso Anastasoupoulou
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      ADHDVocational Training
This article is a continuation of a previous article published by the same author in the Special Education Journal in 2000, dealing with the techniques for development of tactile pictures or relief/embossed graphics for Visually Impaired.... more
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This article deals with the issue of access to art for visually impaired individuals. It stresses on the importance of increasing the access to all form of arts, incl. the visual ones, for people who are totally blind or with low vision... more
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Приобщаващото образование на деца и ученици със специални образователни потребности е водеща образователна политика в България и по света. Важен негов компонент е реалното включване и участие на учениците във всички учебни предмети,... more
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    • Физическая культура
This research is based on a questionnaire distributed to 20 families of children with sensory disabilities-10 families of children with visual impairments and 10 families of children with hearing impairments. The main aim is to compare... more
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The Covid-19 pandemic which started in 2020 posed a huge challenge to the education systems around the world to turn the learning process into distance and online format. The students with special educational needs (SEN) are undoubtedly... more
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      Special EducationOnline and Distance EducationComparative Studies In Special Needs Education
Компетентностите са ключови за всяка професия. Те са динамични и променящи се в педагогическата професия, като това важи както за масови, така и за специални педагози, в условията на приобщаващо образование и преподаване в дигитална среда... more
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      Special EducationOnline and Distance Education
Mira CVETKOVA STAVOT NA RODITELITE VO ODNOS NA RANATA INTERVENCIJA KAJ DECATA SO O[TETEN VID So vekovi decata so o{teten vid bile {koluvani zad visokite yidovi na specijalnite u~ili{ta (Loots et al., 1992). Duri vo poslednite dekadi sî... more
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      PsychologySpecial education and rehabilitation
Статията представя в сравнителен план резултатите от проведено през 2020-2021 г. анкетно проучване сред специални педагози в България и Гърция, работещи с деца и ученици със специални образователни потребности (СОП) в онлайн и... more
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      Online and Distance EducationSpecial Educational NeedsComparative Education