Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Classical and Modern Philology
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to offer a comparative analysis of the mystical paths in Hinduism, (Advaita Vedanta and bhakti) and those in Islam, (Sufism) in terms of their purpose, personal union with the Divine (unio mistica),... more
In this study I concentrate on the etymology and semantic history of the word ānanda meaning joy, pleasure and bliss. Ānanda is one of the most common terms in the religious vocabulary of the Brahmanical and Hindu traditions in both... more
In this paper, an attempt is made to briefly introduce and compare the traditional gurukul pedagogical system with the hybrid learning developed and widely applied as a relatively new academic teaching methodology, during the pandemic... more
In the present study an attempt is made to examine one of the basic concepts in Śaṅkarā’s Advaita Vedanta philosophy (VIII c.), the five receptacles or sheaths of the soul (kośa). These sheaths are often considered to be a product of... more
В настоящия доклад е направен опит за анализ на темата за блаженството (ānanda) в коментара Брахмасутрабхашя (Brahmasūtrabhāṣya) на философа Ади Шанкара ачаря (8/9 в.) върху основополагащия за школата Веданта трактат на Бадараяна... more
The dissertation was discussed and proposed for public defense by the Department of Classical East at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology of Sofia university "St. Kliment Ohridski". The dissertation consists of an introduction,... more
Аза, атма́н проявяващ се като, дживатма (jīvātmā) в живата форма на индивидуалното същество, се разглежда във философията на адваита веданта като, присъстващ в поредица от „обвивки” (kośa) или последователни тела, представляващи многото... more
Родният език на над 84% от населението на Република България е българският. Приемането му за официален език на държавата е израз на единството на нацията и е признато от всички политически сили, включително и от представителите на... more
Discourse markers have been defined and analyzed in many languages from many different perspectives. This article draws the attention to their borrowing or transfer in the Balkan languages (Hauge 2002) and more specifically to the... more
The present paper is an attempt to provide a description of the semantics and some of the functions of the most common in Bulgarian colloquial speech pragmatic particle be. In the focus of the analysis are the speaker’s attitudes towards... more
The belief in the performative force, in the magic power of the written word is great and is behind a comparatively wide spread practice of pilgrimage in Christianity, which has not been examined in depth: namely the practice to leave... more
This paper presents the design, testing and student evaluation of an experimental English Language course introducing the use of the Internet for instruction, as a source, and as medium. In order to ascertain efficiency and facilitate... more
remenska, A. (2009b). Measuring Student Attitudes and Motivation as a Result from Web-based Blended Learning. International Conference on e-Learning and the Knowledge Society - e-Learning’09. Berlin. Available at... more
Kremenska, A. (2007 b). Technology Enhanced Language Learning: Student Motivation in Computer Assisted Language Learning, CompSysTech’2007, Sofia, ACMBUL, IV.
Kremenska, A. (2008 c). VEHICCLE: A Model of Web-based Language Learning, Sofia, ACMBUL, IV. Наградена с грамота за най-добро представяне в секция „Образователни аспекти на компютърните системи и технологии”.
Kremenska, A. (2008 d). Investigating Student Readiness for Computer Assisted Language Learning, CompSysTech -2008, Sofia, ACMBUL, IV.
Kremenska, A. (2006 c). Technology Enhanced Learning: Investigating Motivation in an ESP CALL Course. Presented at: International conference Pioneers of Bulgarian Mathematics, 8-10 June, 2006, Sofia, section Technology Enhanced Learning.... more
Настоящото изследване се отнася към някои педагогически аспекти на прилагането на конструктивистката парадигма за чуждоезикови уеб базирани университетски курсове. Представено е описание на курс по специализиран английски език на две... more
This paper is an attempt to present the whole process of designing web-based language courses on the grounds of three established models: PREEL (developed in the Institute of Education, London), Community of Inquiry Framework (Garrison),... more
Статията представя резултатите от изследване върху влиянието на интегрирането на уеббазирани технологии в обучението по Академично писане (на английски език) за студенти от хуманитарни специалности. Данните получени от участници в... more