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Since Judith McKenzie's work on the architecture of Petra, which is largely based on the research of the famous rock-cut architecture, numerous archaeological projects in Petra and other Nabataean sites have provided an immense amount of... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureNabataeans (Archaeology)History of architecture
The Temple of the Winged Lions in Petra. Chapter 4. The Architectural Decoration explores the architectural elements of the remarkable site in detail and provides deeper insights into the Nabataean architectural decoration. I invite you... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyArchitectureNabataeans (Classics)
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      HellenismGreek SculptureRoman SculptureHellenistic Sculpture
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      HellenismGreek SculptureRoman SculptureHellenistic Sculpture
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      HellenismGreek SculptureRoman SculptureHellenistic Sculpture
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      Ancient HistoryPortraiturePtolemaic (Egyptology)Ptolemaic Egypt
Conference "Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean. Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries." (Toulouse)
February 10-12 2021
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      Ancient Sports/AthleticsHellenistic KingshipAncient GymnasiaHellenistic Portraiture
Herrschaftsübergänge. Workshop des Wissenschaftlichen Netzwerkes Kraftprobe Herrschaft (Mainz/online, 22.-23. Oktober 2021)
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      IconographyHellenistic EgyptTerracotta FigurinesCoroplastic Studies
This paper gives the first detailed reconstruction of the process of producing plaster molds for terracotta figurines, focusing on an unpublished specimen that shows different traces that result from handling the material in the... more
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      Terracotta FigurinesCoroplastic StudiesMoulds
Forschungskolloquium am Institut für Klassische Archäologie in Tübingen, 14. Juni 2023
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      Ptolemaic EgyptHellenistic SculptureGreek and Roman Portraiture
The idea that small sculpture is merely a reproduction of larger, more famous life-size or larger statues still dominates our conception of statuettes. In this paper I try to show for bronze statuettes in Ptolemaic Egypt that looking on... more
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      PortraitsHellenismPtolemaic EgyptAncient Bronzes
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      Design TheoryRoman Small FindsPompeji
Hauskolloquium am Institut für Altertumswissenschaften, Lehrstuhl für Klassische Archäologie, 23. Mai 2024
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      HellenismPtolemaic EgyptAncient PortraitureHellenistic Ruler Cult
Die mittel- und spätkaiserzeitlichen Grabstelen aus Aquileia haben in der bisherigen Forschung wenige Beachtung gefunden. Es handelt sich dabei um rund 130 Exemplare, die meistens weder für ihr künstlerisches Niveau noch für den Inhalt... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyFunerary MonumentsGrave Stele
Divus Augustus occupied a prominent position in the Cretan pantheon beside Zeus Kretagenes (“born on Crete”) – with whom he is often associated in images – and Artemis/Diktynna, who appears as his patroness. After summarizing the most... more
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      Cretan StudiesRoman CreteRoman imperial cultKaiserkult
Inside the cataloguing project EDR (Epigraphic Database Roma) an extensive research has been carried out this year on all the stone inscriptions – mostly gravestones – pertaining to the Roman army in Aquileia. More correct readings of the... more
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      Roman ArmyRoman EpigraphyFunerary Monuments
Il presente articolo riporta i risultati emersi dal riesame del frontone arcaico dell’Artemision di Corfù. Nella prima parte, la contestualizzazione delle sculture nell’ambito dell’arte alto-arcaica conferma la bontà di alcune ipotesi del... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionArchaic Greece