Book Reviews by Faton Pllana
Papers by Faton Pllana

The Albanian Historiography in its formation and development it is feature with important periods... more The Albanian Historiography in its formation and development it is feature with important periods in its development. One of these important periods it is the period between the two World Wars also known as the Nationalist Historiography. In this period, we see the first steps in the attempts of the time’s intellectuals for writing of the history with critics and scientists requests, even that was too far away from the reality. In this period apart of the different publications that we face about the history of Albania and the Albanians, this period is features too by the publications of the different journals or periodicals such as: “Hylli i Dritës”, “Leka”, “Agimi”, “Dituria” and so on. Even that those journals were too far away being what we today understand and percept as the scientific journal, however for that time were very much valuable. The content of these journal was diverse and one of these topics were of course the topics from the history. In this article we will study and analyze about that, how the Ottoman Empire time was handled or treated in those journals, which were the main topics that were studied and which national figures we face in these journals.

1st Balkan Studies Congress, 2021
The Congress of Berlin is one of the most important diplomatic events
that occurred in Europe and... more The Congress of Berlin is one of the most important diplomatic events
that occurred in Europe and especially on the Balkans. Since it happened, it has
been studied and analyzed until today. Its consequences are still fresh in this part
of Europe. In this paper, we will see the causes that have occurred by the holding
of this congress from the viewpoint of the Anglophone historiography. First, we will
see the origin of the Eastern Question at the Anglophone historiography, what it
means, when it started and how it is important to understand their approach to
this issue from different viewpoints. Further on we will see the continuities of the
Eastern Questions between them, especially between the Crimea War and the crisis
of 1875-1878 and how this last one was a continuity of the Crimea crisis. Then we
will see how this crisis went, the diplomatic developments for its solution until the
Russo-Ottoman War of 1877-1878 and its outcome – the Treaty of Saint Stefano. I
have finished this paper by looking at the reaction of the Great Powers of this treaty
and their agreement for its full review in a European congress.
Books by Faton Pllana
3 Reval Görüşmeleri 9 Haziran 1908 tarihinde günümüzde Estonya'nın başkenti olan Tallinn'de İngil... more 3 Reval Görüşmeleri 9 Haziran 1908 tarihinde günümüzde Estonya'nın başkenti olan Tallinn'de İngiltere Kralı VII. Edward ile Rus Çarı Nikola'nın yaptığı görüşmedir. Reval Görüşmeleri'nde Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ile ilgili konular da ele alınmıştır.
Conference Presentations by Faton Pllana

Revista “Edukata Islame” gjate këtyre 50 viteve të ekzistimit te saj (1971-2021), në 124 numrat e... more Revista “Edukata Islame” gjate këtyre 50 viteve të ekzistimit te saj (1971-2021), në 124 numrat e dalur deri më tani në shtyp, ka sjellë para lexuesit shqiptarë artikuj dhe të dhëna të cilat atyre ju kanë munguar më herët apo kanë qenë më pak të informuar. Natyrisht që fokusi i saj ishte dhe janë artikujt nga fusha e fesë Islame, por jo domosdoshmërish. Po ti hedhim një sy bibliografisë 50 vjeçare të kësaj reviste, shohim qartë lloj-llojshmërinë e tematikave të shtjelluara në këtë revistë. Një nga këto tematike që zë vend mjaft të rëndësishëm është edhe ajo nga fusha e historie sonë kombëtare, duke hasur tema si për ngjarje te ndryshme kombëtare, e po ashtu edhe për personalitete te ndryshme kombëtare,
që dhanë kontribut të madh për këtë vend. Po ashtu vend të rëndësishëm zënë edhe artikujt nga fusha e arkivistikës që vetëm se e pasurojnë më shumë vlerën e saj shkencore. Andaj fokusi ynë në këtë punim është t’i hedhim në dritë, sadopak, kontributin e revistës “Edukata Islame” në historiografinë shqiptare.
Book Reviews by Faton Pllana
Papers by Faton Pllana
that occurred in Europe and especially on the Balkans. Since it happened, it has
been studied and analyzed until today. Its consequences are still fresh in this part
of Europe. In this paper, we will see the causes that have occurred by the holding
of this congress from the viewpoint of the Anglophone historiography. First, we will
see the origin of the Eastern Question at the Anglophone historiography, what it
means, when it started and how it is important to understand their approach to
this issue from different viewpoints. Further on we will see the continuities of the
Eastern Questions between them, especially between the Crimea War and the crisis
of 1875-1878 and how this last one was a continuity of the Crimea crisis. Then we
will see how this crisis went, the diplomatic developments for its solution until the
Russo-Ottoman War of 1877-1878 and its outcome – the Treaty of Saint Stefano. I
have finished this paper by looking at the reaction of the Great Powers of this treaty
and their agreement for its full review in a European congress.
Books by Faton Pllana
Conference Presentations by Faton Pllana
që dhanë kontribut të madh për këtë vend. Po ashtu vend të rëndësishëm zënë edhe artikujt nga fusha e arkivistikës që vetëm se e pasurojnë më shumë vlerën e saj shkencore. Andaj fokusi ynë në këtë punim është t’i hedhim në dritë, sadopak, kontributin e revistës “Edukata Islame” në historiografinë shqiptare.
that occurred in Europe and especially on the Balkans. Since it happened, it has
been studied and analyzed until today. Its consequences are still fresh in this part
of Europe. In this paper, we will see the causes that have occurred by the holding
of this congress from the viewpoint of the Anglophone historiography. First, we will
see the origin of the Eastern Question at the Anglophone historiography, what it
means, when it started and how it is important to understand their approach to
this issue from different viewpoints. Further on we will see the continuities of the
Eastern Questions between them, especially between the Crimea War and the crisis
of 1875-1878 and how this last one was a continuity of the Crimea crisis. Then we
will see how this crisis went, the diplomatic developments for its solution until the
Russo-Ottoman War of 1877-1878 and its outcome – the Treaty of Saint Stefano. I
have finished this paper by looking at the reaction of the Great Powers of this treaty
and their agreement for its full review in a European congress.
që dhanë kontribut të madh për këtë vend. Po ashtu vend të rëndësishëm zënë edhe artikujt nga fusha e arkivistikës që vetëm se e pasurojnë më shumë vlerën e saj shkencore. Andaj fokusi ynë në këtë punim është t’i hedhim në dritë, sadopak, kontributin e revistës “Edukata Islame” në historiografinë shqiptare.