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En el marco de los estudios andinos coloniales, la figura de Juan Pérez Bocanegra, párroco de Andahuaylillas (Cuzco), goza de gran prestigio y su obra es frecuentemente citada como una fuente muy digna de crédito. El aporte más... more
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A mis padres. Índice 1. Introducción 5
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En el marco de los estudios andinos coloniales, la figura de Juan Pérez Bocanegra, párroco de Andahuaylillas (Cuzco), goza de gran prestigio y su obra es frecuentemente citada como una fuente muy digna de crédito. El aporte más... more
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    • Lexis
Un aspecto de importancia central para el conocimiento de la historia de los pueblos amerindios y sus lenguas es el estudio de las primeras descripciones léxicas y gramaticales que se hicieron de estas. La elaboración de artes y... more
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      QuechuaLanguage contactAymara
This sketch offers a grammatical overview of Cuzco Quechua, a Southern Quechua language spoken in the southern Peruvian Andes by nearly 1.5 million speakers. Within the Quechuan family, Cuzco Quechua is probably the most studied language.... more
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Resumen En el marco de los estudios andinos coloniales, la figura de Juan Perez Bocanegra, parroco de Andahuaylillas (Cuzco), goza de gran prestigio y su obra es frecuentemente citada como una fuente muy digna de credito. El aporte mas... more
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      HumanitiesArtLiterary studiesLexis
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      GeographyPhilosophyHumanitiesLiterary studies
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      HistoryHumanitiesArtLiterary studies
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      HumanitiesArtPontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru
En el marco de los estudios andinos coloniales, la figura de Juan Pérez Bocanegra, párroco de Andahuaylillas (Cuzco), goza de gran prestigio y su obra es frecuentemente citada como una fuente muy digna de crédito. El aporte más... more
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      HumanitiesKinshipLiterary studiesLexis
This paper investigates a possible correspondence between the acquisition and breakdown of the ability to name nouns, verbs and their subcategories. The postulation of a universal developmental sequence, according to which children are... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceNeurolinguisticsLinguistics
Our study investigated the moderating role of individual differences on insight problem-solving by examining individuals’ engagement in the integrative analysis framework. We measured participants’ ability to achieve cognitive structure... more
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      Creative Problem SolvingProblem solving (Cognitive Psychology)
"Spontaneous and evoked communications were examined in non-verbal children with autism. Communicative events were 41% spontaneous and 59% evoked. Verbal acts and the use of PECS were higher for spontaneous communications. Antecedents to... more
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      CommunicationAutism Spectrum Disorders
Primary objective: Electromagnetic articulography was employed to investigate the strength of articulatory coupling and hence the degree of functional movement independence between individual articulators in apraxia of speech (AOS).... more
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      Speech ProductionStrokeBrainSpeech Intelligibility
This study investigates effects of lexical and sublexical properties on the temporal organization of children's real word production. In adults, structural, frequency, and probabilistic characteristics of words have been shown to... more
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      PhonologyLanguage AcquisitionSpeech ProductionLanguage Development
The present study investigates the development of coarticulation in German children between 3 and 7 years of age. To quantify coarticulation degree, we will not only apply the commonly used method of Locus Equations (LE) on the acoustic... more
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      PhonologyLanguage AcquisitionUltrasound ImagingSpeech Production
The study aims to investigate the development of coarticulation in 5-year old German children. The main goal was to examine the way different aspects of consonant production vary on a quantitative coarticulation -invariance scale as a... more
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      PhonologyLanguage AcquisitionUltrasound ImagingGerman Language
This study investigates lingual V-to-V anticipatory coarticula-tion in German preschoolers and adults using ultrasound measures. In light of conflicting results in the literature, the aim was to study effects in large cohorts and with a... more
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      PhonologyLanguage AcquisitionPhoneticsSpeech Production
This study investigates lingual V-to-V anticipatory coarticula-tion in German preschoolers and adults using ultrasound measures. In light of conflicting results in the literature, the aim was to study effects in larger cohorts and with a... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage AcquisitionUltrasound ImagingGerman Language