In Aloni, M., Kimmelmann, V., Roelofsen, F. Sassoon, G.W.,Schulz, K., Westera, M. (eds.) Logic, language and meaning, 18th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam , The Netherlands, December 19-21, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science., 2012
We will propose a novel solution to the free choice puzzle. The approach is driven by empirical d... more We will propose a novel solution to the free choice puzzle. The approach is driven by empirical data from legal discourse and does not suffer from the same problems as implicature-based accounts. Following Anderson's violation-based deontic logic, we will demonstrate that a support-based radical inquisitive semantics will correctly model both the free choice effect and the standard disjunctive behaviour when disjunctive permission is embedded under negation. An inquisitive semantics also models the case when disjunctive permission is continued with "but I do not know which" which coerces an ignorance reading. We also demonstrate that a principled approach to negation provides a monotonic but restricted definition of entailment, which solves the problem of strengthening with a conjunct that is used as a counterargument against violation-based accounts.
Papers by Martin Aher
purposes of this short paper, we bracketed off inquisitive aspects of meaning. To illustrate the semantics we discuss a semantic solution to a Jackson inspired puzzle which involves the interaction of implication and both types of modals.
purposes of this short paper, we bracketed off inquisitive aspects of meaning. To illustrate the semantics we discuss a semantic solution to a Jackson inspired puzzle which involves the interaction of implication and both types of modals.