Papers by Peter Holicza
The purpose of this study is to summarize and introduce the effects of international student mobi... more The purpose of this study is to summarize and introduce the effects of international student mobility based on quantitative primary research data collected from Russian university students. This population is important to research as they are the next generation of active citizens and potential leaders of their country. The survey responses were divided into a non-mobile (without international experience) and a mobile group in order to compare cultural and professional skills, attitudes towards diversity, future plans and opportunities on the domestic labour market.

European Higher Education Area: Challenges for a New Decade, 2020
The Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies (CEEPUS) was founded more than 25 ... more The Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies (CEEPUS) was founded more than 25 years ago with the aim of supporting the strategic role of the region by academic and further cooperation among the Central, Eastern and Balkan States of Europe. Its framework covers mobility grants for students and teachers within academic networks designed to operate joint programmes and degrees. The importance and impact of CEEPUS are less researched and highlighted compared to the European Union flagship Erasmus Programme, but its results and potential made a comeback to international political agendas and are an actual topic on policy forums. The current scheme is secured only until 2025. Therefore, this research intends to support decision and policymaking processes for future planning by presenting the outcomes of programme participation and necessary changes for improvement and to answer whether the CEEPUS is still needed besides the Erasmus+ and other mobility programs. Hungary is among the founders and one of the most important member states considering the allocated grants, the number of professional networks and mobilities—that make the processed sample representative and valuable.
Baltic Rim Economies, 2020
Russian youth remains a major group that is insufficiently understood and referred to in current ... more Russian youth remains a major group that is insufficiently understood and referred to in current views of Russian (and international) politics and society. Changes in contemporary Russian youth lifestyles are some of the results of globalization, economic interdependence, intensification of migration flows, cultural unification and global connectivity, which are evident in other countries among this population as well. The positive effects of these global processes, such as spread of knowledge and modern technologies, are often challenged by issues that inevitably occur, such as increased interethnic tension and changes in national identities. Some scientists consider globalization as national identity weakening force, while others perceive it as national feelings intensifier.
The whole world looked on as the passage of the Dayton Accords resulted in a ceasefire in Bosnia ... more The whole world looked on as the passage of the Dayton Accords resulted in a ceasefire in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), however, the years to follow oversaw protracted conflict fuelled by ethnic tension, government corruption and attempts to create a peaceful economy. Globalization and the potential to build an economy was a significant incentive to motivate actors to work together in the process of rebuilding a stable infrastructure and opening the economy. Although BiH has progressed economically, certain indicators highlight that all is not as it should be. In this paper, therefore we examine the contributions of institutional quality and financial deepening to economic development in a post-conflict area like BiH. Using an endogenous growth model, the evidence suggests that financial deepening and institutional quality are necessary ingredients for economic performance in BiH.

This research study measures and presents the cultural effects of international mobility on Gener... more This research study measures and presents the cultural effects of international mobility on Generation Y students in Russia. The analyzed sample is based on primary research data (n=302) supported by secondary data and literature review. Two major groups have been compared: (former) students with international mobility experience — the ones who participated the in Tempus, Erasmus+ or other exchange programs, and students without foreign experience, graduates who took part only in the domestic education system. In order to reveal the measurable impacts of international mobility, Likert scale items were used to measure respondents' attitudes to particular statements such as self-confidence, tolerance, cultural acceptance, and active citizenship. Among the 15 variables adopted in this study, the importance of seeing the value of different cultures " was identified as the highest positive difference in favour of the internationally mobile group.

Millennials, members of the Generation Y are constantly connected to their social circles online,... more Millennials, members of the Generation Y are constantly connected to their social circles online, they are the founders of the social media movement. These young consumers count as the largest segment of smartphone owners in most regions of the world. In fact, smartphones have become one of the most important possessions of this highly technology savvy generation. However, the advanced and widespread use of mobile devices often does not meet with the required security consciousness. People who have grown up with internet, are more likely to share personal and sensitive corporate information online by using the same device for both work and private applications, accessing free Wi-Fi networks or borrowing other devices without the appropriate protection. This work examines the crucial smartphone security risks that users face with the new technology. It aims to investigate how their practices and behaviours can pose security risks on their smartphones usage. Security practices and awareness can be improved by increasing users' knowledge. To accomplish this, education on technology is needed.

Migration turns out to be one of the most debated topics in Europe and particularly in Malta, tha... more Migration turns out to be one of the most debated topics in Europe and particularly in Malta, that it is obviously not a recent phenomenon. One cannot, however, overlook the fact that migration is stirring up an intense public debate which brings this topic under the close scrutiny of the local community. This paper examines the far-reaching economic, labour and social implications generated by the settlement of a foreign and multicultural population in Malta. In particular, the discussion identifies an exhausted domestic labour force which has led to the displacement of labour in certain low–skilled sectors, in favour of foreign workers. An analysis is also undertaken of the current public attitude towards the proliferation of foreigners in Malta, exploring the manner in which the Maltese express a negative sentiment to foreign presence in their home country. The conclusions presented throughout the paper, in terms of labour–economic impact and public perception, are heavily founded upon the latest data gathered from a diverse range of surveys conducted among the Maltese population.
At present, the issue of the socio-economic situation of Russia, including its economic security,... more At present, the issue of the socio-economic situation of Russia, including its economic security, is on the agenda. Especially relevant this issue becomes during the period of the sanctions policy. In the article, the authors give a detailed analysis of the current state of the Russian economy. The main macroeconomic indicators are analyzed, a number of problems of the Russian economy are raised: structural problems, low efficiency of the financial sector, low labour productivity, lack of motivation for business. In conclusion, the authors give suggestions for ensuring sustainable economic growth in the future.
The current economic climate requires companies to be innovative in ways to recruit top talent, r... more The current economic climate requires companies to be innovative in ways to recruit top talent, retain employees and design strategies for cost-effective production. To do this Human Resource Managers are often tasked with designing programs which create attractive conditions for prospective employees. Benefits packages can often provide incentives for employees to perform at their best and serve as an ongoing motivator. This study will focus on the Hungarian fringe benefit systems, specifically, and how specific benefits are perceived by Hungarian employees in the both the public and private sector. This study seeks to understand to what extent do fringe benefits incentivize an employee to maintain a level of motivation and enhance work performance?
In 2014 the economic situation of Russia has deteriorated significantly due to the introduction o... more In 2014 the economic situation of Russia has deteriorated significantly due to the introduction of a broad range of sanctions from Western community. The escalation of the political conflict declined oil prices, and the devaluation of the ruble resulted economic crisis in Russia. The article presents the main indicators of the current socio-economic situation of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the forecast of long-term national socioeconomic development for the period till 2030, authors attempted to identify key threats and opportunities for the higher economic performance.
In January 2016, the International Monetary Fund released a report confirming that increased labo... more In January 2016, the International Monetary Fund released a report confirming that increased labour mobility to Malta had a positive impact on the country’s economy. A mass inflow of non-Maltese workers has boosted Malta’s potential growth and offset the declining working Maltese age population. The presence of foreign nationals has dramatically increased in one the world’s most densely populated countries. Political discourse, social tensions and the government’s slow response addressing the needs of increasingly diverse constituency have proven that Malta is still an island in transition. By establishing the rapid change in demographics and economic expansion, this paper explores the media’s role in informing the public on economic realities and implications that an increase in migrants and immigrants has had on the economy.

Absztrakt Samuel P. Huntington szerint a következő időszakot a világ civilizációs törésvonalai me... more Absztrakt Samuel P. Huntington szerint a következő időszakot a világ civilizációs törésvonalai mentén kirobbanó konfliktusok jellemzik majd, aminek a nyugat is elszenvedője lesz. A világ fő civilizációinak térképén a nyugat keleti határa megegyezik Magyarország, illetve a magyarlakta területek keleti határaival. A teória alapján a kelet-közép és kelet-európai kulturális, vallási határvonal (is) jövőbeni összecsapások helyszíne lehet. A Huntingtoni elmélet, a közelmúlt európai eseményei és a Közel-Keleten zajló folyamatok tükrében a téma igen nagy aktualitással bír. Magyarország és szomszédos országainak további elemzése a Hofstede 6-D modell segítségével, új ismeretekkel szolgál az említett törésvonal létének vitatására vagy megerősítésére a Kárpát-medence térségében.
According to Samuel P. Huntington, the biggest threat to Western civilization is a coming period that will be characterized by conflicts erupting as the world's civilizations reach their breaking points. The conflicts of the future will occur along the cultural lines separating civilizations. Huntington drew the Eastern Boundary of Western Civilization around Hungary in Central Eastern Europe. Neighbouring countries from the SouthEast belong to the other side of the map of civilizations. It also might be a battle line of the future (according to the theory), necessary to emphasize the importance of cultural awareness and review of different views about the region. This paper intends to link Huntington's theory with Hofstede's measurements on the Hungarian and neighbouring countries' culture in order to find out possible correlations and differences that could confirm or doubt the existence of such fault line in the Carpathian Basin.

The future of the Russian and Hungarian economy is largely dependent on the development of SMEs. ... more The future of the Russian and Hungarian economy is largely dependent on the development of SMEs. For both
countries the development of this segment becomes a priority (it creates most of the new jobs and provides
private sector employment), taking into account the difficult situation in the economy. In order to support small
and medium-sized enterprises governments introduce new strategies on national and international level.
The present article endeavours to make a comparative analysis of the SME sector in Russia and Hungary by
investigating each development policies, identifying challenges and propose recommendations to improve the
situation, using experience of both countries.
Keywords: Hungary, Russia, SME sector, entrepreneurship, Strategy of SME development up to 2030, Small
Business Act 2015
Будущее российской и венгерской экономики во многом зависит от развития малого
и среднего бизнеса. Учитывая сложную ситуацию в мировой экономике, развитие это-
го сегмента становится приоритетом (он создает большую часть новых рабочих
мест и обеспечивает занятость в частном секторе). В целях поддержки малого и
среднего бизнеса правительства обеих стран разрабатывают новые стратегии на
национальном и международном уровне.
В представленной статье проводится сравнительный анализ малого и среднего
бизнеса в России и Венгрии. Авторы сопоставляют политику, проводимую правитель-
ствами обеих стран, определяют существующие проблемы и предлагают рекоменда-
ции по улучшению ситуации.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of Hungary's and the European economy.... more Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of Hungary's and the European economy. They represent 99% of all businesses in the European Union. In the past five years, they have created 85% of new jobs and provided two-thirds of the total private sector employment in the EU. As a result, the economic growth depends on the sector's development ability. Since SMEs are the most important source of employment in the European Union, several national and international programs are intended to enhance entrepreneurship and increase the growth of its turnover. Does the SME sector show a rising trend? What are the characteristics of Hungarian SMEs according to EU and world standards? What are the achievements of the SME development policy in Europe and Hungary? How to improve the national indicators?
A kis-és középvállalkozások (KKV-k) jelentik az Európa Unió és Magyarország gazdaságának gerincét... more A kis-és középvállalkozások (KKV-k) jelentik az Európa Unió és Magyarország gazdaságának gerincét. Európa szinten az összes új munkahely 85%-át a KKV-k biztosítják, így a gazdasági növekedés és a munkahelyteremtés a szektor fejlődőképességétől függ. A vállalkozók új szervezeteket hoznak létre, új piacokat nyitnak meg, és gyarapítják az új készségeket, ismereteket. Mivel az Európai Unióban a legfontosabb foglalkoztatási forrást a kis-és középvállalkozások jelentik, számos nemzeti és nemzetközi program célja, hogy vállalkozói tevékenységre ösztönözze az embereket, és elősegítse a forgalmuk növekedését. Javuló tendenciát mutat a szektor? Mik a kisvállalkozás-fejlesztési politika európai és magyarországi eredményei? Mik a magyar KKV-k sajátosságai világ és Európai Uniós mércével nézve?
Based on the fact that structural unemployment is a part of the Hungarian present, it is very imp... more Based on the fact that structural unemployment is a part of the Hungarian present, it is very important to figure out, understand and identify the differences between demand and supply on the national labour market. The technical studies are the second popular on national level in 2015, while 45% of the employers emphasise recruiting problems in this area. Differences may occur because of many reasons such as: insufficient knowledge or flow of information, HR, individual, training, academic problems, etc. The study aims to present the technical students' motivation through questionnaire research to characterize their preparedness, interest and expectations in order to realize the possible matches and mismatches with the requirements of the labour market.

Through the examples of recent accidents in Hungary and abroad, we will reveal the possible reaso... more Through the examples of recent accidents in Hungary and abroad, we will reveal the possible reasons for the release of dangerous goods into the environment, and, considering these accidents, we will draw conclusions for the safety of rail transport of dangerous goods. While examining the situation of the rail transport of dangerous goods in Hungary, we will present the fundamental concepts and regulations of the transport of dangerous goods in Europe. Today the system of the transport of dangerous goods greatly relies on manual recording and identification methods. Our aim is to provide the ICT bases for tracking the transport of such goods and monitoring their storage conditions, by making suggestions for the development of a monitoring and tracking system to increase the safety of the rail transport system, provide protection for the critical rail infrastructure and ensure the safety of the transport of dangerous goods.
Conference Presentations by Peter Holicza

Markets are increasingly affected by the laws of politics instead of the laws of economics. Nowad... more Markets are increasingly affected by the laws of politics instead of the laws of economics. Nowadays political factor plays larger and larger role in the economic policy making, replacing market competition. Russia is no exception. External shocks such as changing oil prices and trade sanctions which influence on Russian economic development are unequivocal illustration of this trend. In order to respond to the changes and requirements of the world's current socioeconomic situation, Russia has to transform its economic system fundamentally What is the current socioeconomic situation in Russia? What are the challenges and limitations of the ongoing system? Why is there a need for introducing a new economic model? The article deals with the concept of Russian long-term socioeconomic development, analyzes the main socioeconomic indicators, and presents the main trends and features of the Russian economy.
Papers by Peter Holicza
According to Samuel P. Huntington, the biggest threat to Western civilization is a coming period that will be characterized by conflicts erupting as the world's civilizations reach their breaking points. The conflicts of the future will occur along the cultural lines separating civilizations. Huntington drew the Eastern Boundary of Western Civilization around Hungary in Central Eastern Europe. Neighbouring countries from the SouthEast belong to the other side of the map of civilizations. It also might be a battle line of the future (according to the theory), necessary to emphasize the importance of cultural awareness and review of different views about the region. This paper intends to link Huntington's theory with Hofstede's measurements on the Hungarian and neighbouring countries' culture in order to find out possible correlations and differences that could confirm or doubt the existence of such fault line in the Carpathian Basin.
countries the development of this segment becomes a priority (it creates most of the new jobs and provides
private sector employment), taking into account the difficult situation in the economy. In order to support small
and medium-sized enterprises governments introduce new strategies on national and international level.
The present article endeavours to make a comparative analysis of the SME sector in Russia and Hungary by
investigating each development policies, identifying challenges and propose recommendations to improve the
situation, using experience of both countries.
Keywords: Hungary, Russia, SME sector, entrepreneurship, Strategy of SME development up to 2030, Small
Business Act 2015
Будущее российской и венгерской экономики во многом зависит от развития малого
и среднего бизнеса. Учитывая сложную ситуацию в мировой экономике, развитие это-
го сегмента становится приоритетом (он создает большую часть новых рабочих
мест и обеспечивает занятость в частном секторе). В целях поддержки малого и
среднего бизнеса правительства обеих стран разрабатывают новые стратегии на
национальном и международном уровне.
В представленной статье проводится сравнительный анализ малого и среднего
бизнеса в России и Венгрии. Авторы сопоставляют политику, проводимую правитель-
ствами обеих стран, определяют существующие проблемы и предлагают рекоменда-
ции по улучшению ситуации.
Conference Presentations by Peter Holicza
According to Samuel P. Huntington, the biggest threat to Western civilization is a coming period that will be characterized by conflicts erupting as the world's civilizations reach their breaking points. The conflicts of the future will occur along the cultural lines separating civilizations. Huntington drew the Eastern Boundary of Western Civilization around Hungary in Central Eastern Europe. Neighbouring countries from the SouthEast belong to the other side of the map of civilizations. It also might be a battle line of the future (according to the theory), necessary to emphasize the importance of cultural awareness and review of different views about the region. This paper intends to link Huntington's theory with Hofstede's measurements on the Hungarian and neighbouring countries' culture in order to find out possible correlations and differences that could confirm or doubt the existence of such fault line in the Carpathian Basin.
countries the development of this segment becomes a priority (it creates most of the new jobs and provides
private sector employment), taking into account the difficult situation in the economy. In order to support small
and medium-sized enterprises governments introduce new strategies on national and international level.
The present article endeavours to make a comparative analysis of the SME sector in Russia and Hungary by
investigating each development policies, identifying challenges and propose recommendations to improve the
situation, using experience of both countries.
Keywords: Hungary, Russia, SME sector, entrepreneurship, Strategy of SME development up to 2030, Small
Business Act 2015
Будущее российской и венгерской экономики во многом зависит от развития малого
и среднего бизнеса. Учитывая сложную ситуацию в мировой экономике, развитие это-
го сегмента становится приоритетом (он создает большую часть новых рабочих
мест и обеспечивает занятость в частном секторе). В целях поддержки малого и
среднего бизнеса правительства обеих стран разрабатывают новые стратегии на
национальном и международном уровне.
В представленной статье проводится сравнительный анализ малого и среднего
бизнеса в России и Венгрии. Авторы сопоставляют политику, проводимую правитель-
ствами обеих стран, определяют существующие проблемы и предлагают рекоменда-
ции по улучшению ситуации.
DOI: 10.1109/SACI.2016.7507394