david mokam
I am David Mokam, Associate Professor of History at the University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon. My research fields are: associations, nationalism, democratization in Cameroon.
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Papers by david mokam
served alone in that capacity till 1965. A significant increase in the number of female
parliamentarians was witnessed in 1992 when 23 women were elected to the National
Assembly. This number decreased to 10 during the 1997-2002 legislature before reaching 20
in 2002, 25 in 2007 and 56 in 2013 when they represented around 31.11% of the Lower
House, being a little higher than the percentage prescribed by the African Union, 30%. This
increase of the women’s presence in the National Assembly was saluted by the United
Nations that congratulated the government for making it possible through legislation. This is
an external appreciation. To the opinion of internal analysts, the increase was made possible
by the civil society that had educated Cameroonians in general and women folk in particular.
This controversy introduces the question of the efficiency of legislation as regards this
increase. An appraisal of facts as they unfolded during the under study shows that the only
existence of the legislation could not bring about this result. As a matter of fact, the existing
vague legislation left initiatives to political parties that were not prepared to favor women folk
going to parliament. Moreover, this legislation had not provided any target percentage to
political parties. The system put in place by this legislation had not provided for independent
candidates system for which many female Cameroonians could apply easier than for the list
system. Practically, the legislation alone could not enhance female political participation. This
is why the actions (sensitization, lobbying) of the civil society contributed more than any
other factor to the increase of female presence in Cameroonian parliament.
L'exode des compétences au Cameroun a plusieurs causes et revêt plusieurs aspects dont certains ont de grands relents politiques. Ces derniers aspects ont contribué au départ des cerveaux anglophones. A l'analyse, on s'aperçoit que cet exode est la conséquence de la gestion particulière qui a été faite du double héritage culturel légué par les colonisations britannique et française. De 1990 à 2004, des universitaires et autres compétences camerounaises anglophones de renom ont pris le chemin de l'étranger pour des causes essentiellement politiques, notamment la menace à leur intégrité physique. Ce travail se propose de montrer que les pouvoirs politiques camerounais, depuis la réunification, ont eu la propension d'adopter essentiellement le mode d'administration et de culture hérité de la France. Le modèle d'administration hérité de la France est assez répressif et laisse peu de place à l'expression libre. Il est contraire au mode administratif colonial britannique qui était favorable au dialogue et à la participation. Avec l'avènement de la démocratisation dans les années 1990, les Anglophones ont engagé un mouvement de protection de leur culture qu’ils ont estimé avoir été assimilée. Cela leur a causé beaucoup d'ennuis et a constitué un facteur décisif de l’expatriation de certains d’entre eux.
Key words:youths, Northern Cameroon, higher education, University of Ngaoundéré, professional insertion
notamment l’Union des populations du Cameroun. Elles ont eu des effets profonds sur le fonctionnement de ces associations régionales qui n’ont pas pu atteindre leurs objectifs fixés dans les statuts. Elles ont donc connu la désunion, le dérapage et l’obstruction de l’administration coloniale dans les Cameroun français. Tout cela n’était point de nature à assurer leur fonctionnement optimum et à leur permettre d’atteindre leurs objectifs. Puisque ces derniers avaient été pour l’essentiel détournés, on est tenté de se demander si les objectifs fixés dans les statuts n’étaient pas fictifs, les objectifs réels étant ceux que leurs leaders ont passé l’essentiel du temps à poursuivre.
Mots clés : Cameroun, associations régionales, crises, administration coloniale, élections.
Key words: Economic crisis, poll tax, district officer, commodity price, budget, customs income
demonstration, which is carried out through the exploitation of archival material, interviews and newspapers, shows that regional associations are capable of transcending regional interest to defend national interest. Unfortunately, from 1945 till today, they have been the victims of the manipulation orchestrated successively by the colonial masters and their postcolonial accomplices, the rulers of independent Cameroon. The use by postcolonial rulers of the divide and rule law is an indication that the colonial legacy they have inherited is well catered for and represents a danger for Cameroonians
in particular and for Africans in general who are yet to draw lessons from what happened in Rwanda and is happening in Côte d’Ivoire and Sudan.
Key words: national interest; regional interest; Cameroon; regional associations;
other. This food culture has many aspects among which we have cooking and eating techniques, cooking and
eating tools. Urban phenomenon and social mobility have contributed in altering this traditional culture.
Nonetheless, floor restaurants, which function well in towns, contribute their own quota in lessening the
alteration speed of this traditional food culture. That is what this paper attempts to show.
Keywords : Floor restaurants; food culture; Ngaoundéré; Northern Cameroon.
served alone in that capacity till 1965. A significant increase in the number of female
parliamentarians was witnessed in 1992 when 23 women were elected to the National
Assembly. This number decreased to 10 during the 1997-2002 legislature before reaching 20
in 2002, 25 in 2007 and 56 in 2013 when they represented around 31.11% of the Lower
House, being a little higher than the percentage prescribed by the African Union, 30%. This
increase of the women’s presence in the National Assembly was saluted by the United
Nations that congratulated the government for making it possible through legislation. This is
an external appreciation. To the opinion of internal analysts, the increase was made possible
by the civil society that had educated Cameroonians in general and women folk in particular.
This controversy introduces the question of the efficiency of legislation as regards this
increase. An appraisal of facts as they unfolded during the under study shows that the only
existence of the legislation could not bring about this result. As a matter of fact, the existing
vague legislation left initiatives to political parties that were not prepared to favor women folk
going to parliament. Moreover, this legislation had not provided any target percentage to
political parties. The system put in place by this legislation had not provided for independent
candidates system for which many female Cameroonians could apply easier than for the list
system. Practically, the legislation alone could not enhance female political participation. This
is why the actions (sensitization, lobbying) of the civil society contributed more than any
other factor to the increase of female presence in Cameroonian parliament.
L'exode des compétences au Cameroun a plusieurs causes et revêt plusieurs aspects dont certains ont de grands relents politiques. Ces derniers aspects ont contribué au départ des cerveaux anglophones. A l'analyse, on s'aperçoit que cet exode est la conséquence de la gestion particulière qui a été faite du double héritage culturel légué par les colonisations britannique et française. De 1990 à 2004, des universitaires et autres compétences camerounaises anglophones de renom ont pris le chemin de l'étranger pour des causes essentiellement politiques, notamment la menace à leur intégrité physique. Ce travail se propose de montrer que les pouvoirs politiques camerounais, depuis la réunification, ont eu la propension d'adopter essentiellement le mode d'administration et de culture hérité de la France. Le modèle d'administration hérité de la France est assez répressif et laisse peu de place à l'expression libre. Il est contraire au mode administratif colonial britannique qui était favorable au dialogue et à la participation. Avec l'avènement de la démocratisation dans les années 1990, les Anglophones ont engagé un mouvement de protection de leur culture qu’ils ont estimé avoir été assimilée. Cela leur a causé beaucoup d'ennuis et a constitué un facteur décisif de l’expatriation de certains d’entre eux.
Key words:youths, Northern Cameroon, higher education, University of Ngaoundéré, professional insertion
notamment l’Union des populations du Cameroun. Elles ont eu des effets profonds sur le fonctionnement de ces associations régionales qui n’ont pas pu atteindre leurs objectifs fixés dans les statuts. Elles ont donc connu la désunion, le dérapage et l’obstruction de l’administration coloniale dans les Cameroun français. Tout cela n’était point de nature à assurer leur fonctionnement optimum et à leur permettre d’atteindre leurs objectifs. Puisque ces derniers avaient été pour l’essentiel détournés, on est tenté de se demander si les objectifs fixés dans les statuts n’étaient pas fictifs, les objectifs réels étant ceux que leurs leaders ont passé l’essentiel du temps à poursuivre.
Mots clés : Cameroun, associations régionales, crises, administration coloniale, élections.
Key words: Economic crisis, poll tax, district officer, commodity price, budget, customs income
demonstration, which is carried out through the exploitation of archival material, interviews and newspapers, shows that regional associations are capable of transcending regional interest to defend national interest. Unfortunately, from 1945 till today, they have been the victims of the manipulation orchestrated successively by the colonial masters and their postcolonial accomplices, the rulers of independent Cameroon. The use by postcolonial rulers of the divide and rule law is an indication that the colonial legacy they have inherited is well catered for and represents a danger for Cameroonians
in particular and for Africans in general who are yet to draw lessons from what happened in Rwanda and is happening in Côte d’Ivoire and Sudan.
Key words: national interest; regional interest; Cameroon; regional associations;
other. This food culture has many aspects among which we have cooking and eating techniques, cooking and
eating tools. Urban phenomenon and social mobility have contributed in altering this traditional culture.
Nonetheless, floor restaurants, which function well in towns, contribute their own quota in lessening the
alteration speed of this traditional food culture. That is what this paper attempts to show.
Keywords : Floor restaurants; food culture; Ngaoundéré; Northern Cameroon.