Papers by Andrea S. Gubik

Danube, Nov 30, 2023
The recognition of the social and economic role of entrepreneurship has brought to the fore the q... more The recognition of the social and economic role of entrepreneurship has brought to the fore the question of what influences entrepreneurial ideas and how entrepreneurship can be encouraged. One possible route to an entrepreneurial career is to take over the family business. This article focuses on the pre-succession period and examines the factors determining students' decisions to take over the family business, using the sample of Visegrad countries from the 2018 GUESSS (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students' Survey) database. Our results show that some factors influencing the family business's succession are company-specific (such as the size and performance of the company). Others depend on the students' commitment (ownership, involvement in the work) and individual characteristics (attitudes, self-efficacy) and are also determined by the perception of the student's environment about the succession.

Multidiszciplináris kihívások, sokszínű válaszok - Gazdálkodás- és Szervezéstudományi folyóirat, 2023
Az egyetemi hallgatók között egyre inkább növekszik azoknak az aránya, akik saját vállalkozásuk m... more Az egyetemi hallgatók között egyre inkább növekszik azoknak az aránya, akik saját vállalkozásuk megalapításán gondolkoznak, vagy már aktív vállalkozók. A felsőoktatási intézmények a hagyományos oktatási feladataikon túl egyre aktívabb szerepet vállalnak a vállalkozásösztönzésben különféle programok, erőforrások rendelkezésre bocsátásával, és azzal is, hogy megpróbálják megérteni, hogy milyen mechanizmusok állnak a hallgatói döntések mögött, milyen irányú változtatások tennék lehetővé a trendek kedvező irányba történő elmozdulását. Ezt a célt szolgálja a Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students' Survey (GUESSS) nemzetközi kutatási együttműködés is, amelynek keretében 50 ország fogott össze a hallgatói vállalkozási kérdések kutatása terén.
Tanulmányunk célja a magyarországi helyzet áttekintő bemutatása, amelyhez a 2021-es adatfelvétel eredményeit használjuk fel. 2021-ben a kérdőívet minden olyan magyarországi felsőoktatási intézménynek elküldtük, amely több mint 1000 hallgatónak nyújt képzést, és 20 intézményből 10 104 érvényes választ kaptunk.
A felmérés eredményei szerint a hallgatók többsége (74,4%) a diploma megszerzése után munkavállalóként szeretne dolgozni, öt évvel később azonban jelentősen nő a vállalkozói hajlandóság. A közgazdasági és üzleti képzések hallgatói a legnyitottabbak a saját vállalkozás indítására, míg a társadalomtudományi képzésekben részt vevők számára a legkevésbé vonzó a vállalkozói életpálya. Ugyan a családi háttér nagyon erős befolyásoló tényező az onnan érkező társadalmi támogatás (erőforrások, tudás, tapasztalat) miatt, de a vállalkozásoktatás és általában az egyetemek vállalkozói környezete is ösztönzőleg hat a hallgatók elképzeléseire.
A Covid-19 a vállalkozói elképzeléseket sem hagyta érintetlenül, a vállalkozásindításon dolgozó hallgatók 6,7 százaléka, a már vállalkozással rendelkező hallgatók 12,9 százaléka válaszolta azt, hogy a vállalkozásának elindításában a Covid-19 jelentős szerepet játszott.
The purpose of the study is to present and discuss a project which can solve the environmental su... more The purpose of the study is to present and discuss a project which can solve the environmental sustainability problems of companies involving students in their work. The project strengthen the partnership among the University of Miskolc and the companies operating in the region, enrich the knowledge of entrepreneurs, improve their environmental performance and help our students find jobs in the area. With the help of the communication targeted in the project sustainability can be integrated into the economic and enterprise policy of the region. In the study an attempt is made to create a new university-company partnership model in order to promote the practise of sustainability.

Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 2021
The objective of the article is to examine the career plans and their key shaping factors among H... more The objective of the article is to examine the career plans and their key shaping factors among Hungarian students, with a special focus on entrepreneurial ambitions. Research Design & Methods: The study is based on the analysis of the Hungarian database of the GUESSS (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students 'Survey), with 9 677 valid answers. Findings: After graduation, a significant proportion of students would like to work as an employee. The proportion of those planning an entrepreneurial career is low. Our research suggests that positive entrepreneurial attitudes and better knowledge about the entrepreneurial processes increase the chance of an entrepreneurial career. The entrepreneurial university environment may also have a positive effect on entrepreneurial aspirations. Finally, experiences from a family entrepreneurial background leave a very strong imprint on students 'career plans. Implications & Recommendations: Understanding student opinions in the context of entrepreneurship, and in particular the key drivers behind them, makes it possible to develop policies and university practices that can increase students' entrepreneurial intention and thus entrepreneurial activity. Contribution & Value Added: The study provides a literature overview of the factors which influence entrepreneurial career choices, introduces the main characteristics of students' career aspirations in 2018 in Hungary and contributes to understanding the factors shaping the decision. Article type: research article

Economic Analysis, 2010
ABSTARCT-Cooperation among companies was brought to the focus of attention by the fast changes of... more ABSTARCT-Cooperation among companies was brought to the focus of attention by the fast changes of economic circumstances and the role it can play in coping with risk, appreciating all those characteristics which can help fast reactions and adaptability, like faith among business partners and long run relationships. The entrepreneur him/herself has a great influence on the characteristics of cooperation as well, besides these processes pushing them to the direction of cooperation, whose intention to get involved depends on his/her skills, abilities, but such characteristics of the company like scale, fields of activities affect it too. Economic, social and cultural circumstances are of major importance too, among which the above mentioned factors pursues their effects. Cooperation among companies can happen on any fields of the firms' activities, for example research and development, marketing, purchase, or trading. This present paper intends to introduce the reader to the characteristics of supplier-purchaser relationships of small-and medium sized enterprises, based on an empirical research's experiences. According to our opinion, we can draw conclusions on the intention to cooperate concerning the nature of the buyer-supplier relationships of companies, so a wide range of information can be concluded on small-and medium sized enterprises' partnerships.
The sample does not represent Hungarian firms since this was not the purpose of the data collecti... more The sample does not represent Hungarian firms since this was not the purpose of the data collection. This is because a sample with the same ratio of different firm size groups would have encompassed mainly micro-sized enterprises, which were less active internationally and would have been less suitable for achieving the goals of the research. The purpose of this survey was to include the same amount of firms of different sizes in the research, that's why large and internationally active firms are over-represented in the sample. When evaluating the results of this paper this fact has 65 65 65 * the relationship is not significant. Source: Own study based on the V4 survey results of 2014 (n = 104).

In recent years the theoretical and empirical link between entrepreneurship and economic growth h... more In recent years the theoretical and empirical link between entrepreneurship and economic growth has received massive attention from economists, sociologists, psychologists and many other professionals. Generally, entrepreneurial activity is assumed to be an essential aspect of innovation and competition, it leads to job creation, employment generation and most importantly economic growth and development. This paper investigates the role of entrepreneurship in economic growth, placing emphasis on existing growth theories. In addition to classical and neoclassical growth theories, the article discusses endogenous growth theories. As we will see, entrepreneurship does not appear explicitly in them and can only be discovered implicitly in some of them. The study also looks at some of the theories that try to fill this gap in the literature. The motive of the paper is a simple and straightforward one; to analyse already existing growth theories and further using these theories to understand the role of entrepreneurship in economic growth and development.
Észak-magyarországi stratégiai füzetek, 2020
Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth-Conceptualization Choices in the Literature 4 The literature... more Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth-Conceptualization Choices in the Literature 4 The literature agrees that entrepreneurship is linked to economic growth. Most research in this area seems to underline the positive relationship between the two. However, empirical studies often lead to little or even negative correlation. One of the reasons for the divergent research results is the differences in definitions and approaches used. The purpose of this article is to examine the definitions and conceptual models used in the literature and to show that there is no consensus among researchers. This fact suggests that great care is needed when evaluating and comparing research results from different sources.
Multidiszciplináris kihívások, sokszínű válaszok, Jan 31, 2020
Vezetéstudomány, Jul 1, 2013

Theory, Methodology, Practice, 2021
Nowadays, the waste management sector faces a number of challenges. Changes in consumer habits ge... more Nowadays, the waste management sector faces a number of challenges. Changes in consumer habits generate huge amounts of industrial and household waste. Today's trends, which involve a higher use of critical raw materials, such as in the manufacture of batteries and solar cells, make it urgent to extract valuable raw materials from waste. The waste sector as a whole, taking into consideration all levels of the waste hierarchy (prevention, reuse, recycling, energy recovery, landfilling), is a significant branch of the national economy, both in terms of employment and income-generating capacity. In addition, the sector can be considered a major intermediary in industrial value chains as it contributes to the generation of secondary raw materials that can be sold to industries and thus help to achieve a circular economy through the collection, treatment and processing of waste.

Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 2016
This study investigates students' entrepreneurial activities and aims to answer questions regardi... more This study investigates students' entrepreneurial activities and aims to answer questions regarding to what extent do students utilize the knowledge gained during their studies and the personal connections acquired at universities, as well as what role a family business background plays in the development of students' business start-ups. Research Design & Methods: This paper is based on the database of the GUESSS project investigates 658 student entrepreneurs (so-called 'active entrepreneurs') who have already established businesses of their own. Findings: The rate of self-employment among Hungarian students who study in tertiary education and consider themselves to be entrepreneurs is high. Motivations and entrepreneurial efforts differ from those who owns a larger company, they do not necessarily intend to make an entrepreneurial path a career option in the long run. A family business background and family support play a determining role in entrepreneurship and business start-ups, while entrepreneurial training and courses offered at higher institutions are not reflected in students' entrepreneurial activities. Implications & Recommendations: Universities should offer not only conventional business courses (for example, business planning), but also new forms of education so that students meet various entrepreneurial tasks and problems, make decisions in different situations, explore and acquaint themselves with entrepreneurship. Contribution & Value Added: The study provides literature overview of youth entrepreneurship, describes the main characteristics of students' enterprises and contributes to understanding the factors of youth entrepreneurship. Article type: research paper

This paper aims at giving a brief overview of some of the challenges and uncertainties within con... more This paper aims at giving a brief overview of some of the challenges and uncertainties within contemporary society and discusses a possible response to these from the international field of Futures Studies and Research. It starts with a presentation of the World Futures Studies Federation, its historic and contemporary role, not least its relation to the emerging sociopolitical movements in the late 1960s, 1970s, and beyond. In particular, the Federation's early adoption of and contribution to the work of the Club of Rome and its pioneering thinking around sustainability issues will be addressed. The author elaborates on some basic challenges, not only within the field as such, but also societal and political challenges that futures researchers have to deal with in their effort to be future-oriented. In particular, the author highlights the dilemmas between globalisation and renationalisation, truth and 'post-truth', the natural and the artificial. The emergence of so-called post-or trans-humanism challenges our imaginary expectation of what is natural and what is artificial. These demonstrate the need for philosophical reflection on these distinctions, but also indirectly force us to rethink what reflecting on futures issues means today. These will also have consequences for our understanding of 'sustainability'. This indicates that we are now already deep into the question about the future of futures research. The author presents and elaborates a concept he calls 'Universal Perspectivism', which could help us to move beyond modernist and postmodernist positions. While focusing on these dilemmas and concepts, the author indirectly aims at answering the following two questions: to prove itself as a science, which again must be recognised as the result of comprehensive contemporary activities within political administrative systems around the world.

Kozgazdasagi Szemle, Jun 20, 2022
A koronavírus-járvány kezelése a külföldi tulajdonú magyarországi vállalatoknál A koronavírus-jár... more A koronavírus-járvány kezelése a külföldi tulajdonú magyarországi vállalatoknál A koronavírus-járvány által okozott gazdasági visszaesés eltérő módon érintette az egyes vállalatokat. Kutatásunk a világjárványnak a Magyarországon működő külföldi tulajdonú autóipari és elektronikai leányvállalatokra gyakorolt hatására koncentrál. Tizenöt vállalat képviselőivel készített interjúk alapján elemezzük, hogy a járvány milyen mértékben hatott ezekre a vállalatokra, milyen válságkezelő intézkedéseket vezettek be, és mennyire támaszkodtak az elérhető állami támogatásokra. Eredményeink nagyrészt összhangban vannak a nemzetközi szakirodalom megállapításaival, de néhány új elemmel is kiegészítik azokat. Többek között megállapítjuk, hogy nemcsak az ágazat, hanem a tevékenység jellemzői is fontosak a járvány gazdasági hatása szempontjából, illetve azt is, hogy a külföldi tulajdonú leányvállalatok ritkán szorulnak állami pénzügyi támogatásra. Magyarországon − akárcsak más országokban − az elbocsátás valóban a válságkezelés utolsó eszköze, miközben a válságkezelésben a vállalati szintű szolidaritás erősödésének jelei is kimutathatók. * Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: F23, H12, L62, L63. * A szerzők köszönettel tartoznak az anonim lektornak a cikkhez fűzött megjegyzéseiért, javaslataiért.
Journal of Business Venturing Insights
In this article, we theoretically and empirically examine why and how social identity and overwor... more In this article, we theoretically and empirically examine why and how social identity and overwork/workaholism represent pathways to convey the effect of dark triad traits – Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy – on venture performance. By analyzing the data of 569 university students with their own businesses in the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey, we show that compulsive overwork and Darwinian social identity partially mediate the positive effect of narcissism on venture performance. Thus, our study extends the narcissism literature by exploring the mechanism of the positive impact of narcissism on venture performance and implies that narcissism is not necessarily an adverse personality characteristic in an entrepreneurial context.

Studia Mundi – Economica
After World War II, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county evolved into a major industrial centre due to coa... more After World War II, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county evolved into a major industrial centre due to coal mining, which was given priority in order to meet the industry’s growing demand for energy. Following the change of regime, the processes of deindustrialisation, which affected the various parts of the country very differently due to their diverse characteristics, had serious consequences in this county. Decline in mining had a major role in this. The county’s economic and social indicators still reflect this shock. The 2008 financial crisis shed doubts on the process of deindustrialisation. In its Communication for a European Industrial Renaissance (2014), the European Commission expressed its commitment to industrialisation, the modernisation of Europe's industrial base and the promotion of a competitive framework for EU industry. The success of reindustrialisation depends on a number of closely related factors. This article focuses on a single branch of the national economy: min...
A szamitasi kapacitasok fejlődeset jellemző exponencialis trend a 21. szazad masodik evtizedere k... more A szamitasi kapacitasok fejlődeset jellemző exponencialis trend a 21. szazad masodik evtizedere kezzel foghatova es szemmel lathatova tette az automatizacioban rejlő lehetősegeket. Az automa-tizacio ujabb forradalma varhatoan teljesen atalakitja a foglalkoztatas szerkezetet, es mar rovid-tavon is jelentősen megvaltoztatja a munkaerő keresletet. Uj keszsegek kerulnek előterbe, es uj foglalkozasok sora jelenik meg. A gyors valtozasokra az oktatasi rendszernek is reagalnia kell, hiszen a szektor hagyomanyosan dontő szerepet jatszik a munkaerőpiaci kinalat formalasaban. Tanulmanyunkban bemutatjuk a varhato folyamatokat, es ramutatunk, hogy az oktatasnak a tar-sas kompetenciak fejlesztesere, a problemamegoldasra fokuszalt, egyeni utem szerinti haladast lehetőve tevő megoldasokra kell koncentralnia.
Statisztikai Szemle, 2019
Papers by Andrea S. Gubik
Tanulmányunk célja a magyarországi helyzet áttekintő bemutatása, amelyhez a 2021-es adatfelvétel eredményeit használjuk fel. 2021-ben a kérdőívet minden olyan magyarországi felsőoktatási intézménynek elküldtük, amely több mint 1000 hallgatónak nyújt képzést, és 20 intézményből 10 104 érvényes választ kaptunk.
A felmérés eredményei szerint a hallgatók többsége (74,4%) a diploma megszerzése után munkavállalóként szeretne dolgozni, öt évvel később azonban jelentősen nő a vállalkozói hajlandóság. A közgazdasági és üzleti képzések hallgatói a legnyitottabbak a saját vállalkozás indítására, míg a társadalomtudományi képzésekben részt vevők számára a legkevésbé vonzó a vállalkozói életpálya. Ugyan a családi háttér nagyon erős befolyásoló tényező az onnan érkező társadalmi támogatás (erőforrások, tudás, tapasztalat) miatt, de a vállalkozásoktatás és általában az egyetemek vállalkozói környezete is ösztönzőleg hat a hallgatók elképzeléseire.
A Covid-19 a vállalkozói elképzeléseket sem hagyta érintetlenül, a vállalkozásindításon dolgozó hallgatók 6,7 százaléka, a már vállalkozással rendelkező hallgatók 12,9 százaléka válaszolta azt, hogy a vállalkozásának elindításában a Covid-19 jelentős szerepet játszott.
Tanulmányunk célja a magyarországi helyzet áttekintő bemutatása, amelyhez a 2021-es adatfelvétel eredményeit használjuk fel. 2021-ben a kérdőívet minden olyan magyarországi felsőoktatási intézménynek elküldtük, amely több mint 1000 hallgatónak nyújt képzést, és 20 intézményből 10 104 érvényes választ kaptunk.
A felmérés eredményei szerint a hallgatók többsége (74,4%) a diploma megszerzése után munkavállalóként szeretne dolgozni, öt évvel később azonban jelentősen nő a vállalkozói hajlandóság. A közgazdasági és üzleti képzések hallgatói a legnyitottabbak a saját vállalkozás indítására, míg a társadalomtudományi képzésekben részt vevők számára a legkevésbé vonzó a vállalkozói életpálya. Ugyan a családi háttér nagyon erős befolyásoló tényező az onnan érkező társadalmi támogatás (erőforrások, tudás, tapasztalat) miatt, de a vállalkozásoktatás és általában az egyetemek vállalkozói környezete is ösztönzőleg hat a hallgatók elképzeléseire.
A Covid-19 a vállalkozói elképzeléseket sem hagyta érintetlenül, a vállalkozásindításon dolgozó hallgatók 6,7 százaléka, a már vállalkozással rendelkező hallgatók 12,9 százaléka válaszolta azt, hogy a vállalkozásának elindításában a Covid-19 jelentős szerepet játszott.
The book is divided into 11 chapters written by 16 different authors from 6 differ-ent universities located in 3 different countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland).
Krzysztof Wach (Cracow university of Economics, Poland) in his chapter aims at defining the scope and conceptual instruments of the new policy to promote entrepre-neurship under the conditions of the paradigm of entrepreneurial economy with particu-lar emphasis on supporting high growth small and medium-sized enterprises.
Łukasz Sułkowski (University of Social Sciences, Poland) and Andrzej Marjański (University of Social Sciences, Poland) analyse the development of family businesses in Poland within the market economy in the period between 1990 and 2015.
Piotr Kopyciński (Cracow university of Economics, Poland) and Łukasz Mamica (Cracow university of Economics, Poland) explore three forms of socio-economic organi-sation (organisations, markets and network systems) and compares them with the con-cepts of governance and multilevel governance as well as present an assessment of the level of multilevel governance in European countries in the light of selected indicators.
Ewelina Kiełek-Więcławska (University of Łódź, Poland) and Edward Stawasz (Uni-versity of Łódź, Poland) aims at evaluating the support for innovativeness of SME sector in Poland in the years 2005-2013 through the introduction of technological credit – an instrument for promoting innovativeness of the Polish economy.
Maria Urbaniec (Cracow university of Economics, Poland) outlines the contribution of the stakeholder cooperation to innovation activities of Polish companies between 2007-2013.
Magdalena Ratalewska (University of Łódź, Poland) and Jarosław Ropęga (University of Łódź, Poland) reviews the foreign and domestic literature on the issues concerning threats to the functioning of small businesses in creative industries.
Zoltan Bartha (University of Miskolc, Hungary) focuses on the influence of tax sys-tems and taxation rules on the firm structure of the 28 European Union member econo-mies.
Pavla Břečková (University of Finance and Administration in Prague, Czech Republic) and Karel Havlíček (University of Finance and Administration, Czech Republic) focus on the current Czech business environment, with an emphasis on the segment of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), including business activity based on trade licenses in the Czech Republic.
Andrea S. Gubik (University of Miskolc, Hungary) discusses students’ career expecta-tions, their preferences related to choice of work and expectations raised towards future working conditions in order to highlight the entrepreneurial intention of youth.
Andrea S. Gubik (University of Miskolc, Hungary) and Szilveszter Farkas (Budapest Business School, Hungary) aim at identifying the most typical characteristics of the students’ career path visions as well as the impact of these characteristics on start-up aspirations.
Wojciech Zysk (Cracow university of Economics, Poland) discusses the current trends in social responsibility, taking four Visegrad countries into special considerations.
The printing and publishing costs of the monograph were supported by the Hungar-ian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) – Grant K 109839, however the scientific content of some chapters is partly independent from this grant.
We found that students studying in higher education in Hungary intended to work as employees after graduation and exhibited low entrepreneurial intensions. The survey data show significant differences in entrepreneurial intensions across gender, by the field of study and also family business background is likely to influence students’ entrepreneurial intensions.
The regulatory framework of entrepreneurship, which can be modified and amended in a short time, can affect this process but not to a great extent. The survey results revealed that the societal feedback and the quality of knowledge and experience the students obtain in the course of their studies belong to important antecedents of students’ entrepreneurial intentions. Companies could also contribute to entrepreneurship training by making it more entrepreneur-oriented if they realised its crucial importance and allocated financial resources and experi-ence.