Papers by Riccardo Mozzati

Milano Produttiva 2024, 2024
Nelle moderne economie basate sulla conoscenza, la disponibilità di capitale umano qualificato ha... more Nelle moderne economie basate sulla conoscenza, la disponibilità di capitale umano qualificato ha assunto un ruolo fondamentale per la competitività e la capacità innovativa dei sistemi economici avanzati. Il contributo tenta di investigare e delineare la fisionomia dei flussi di high skilled migration che insistono sulla città di Milano, facendo emergere le direttrici e le caratteristiche strutturali delle migrazioni di forze lavoro laureate, studenti universitari, accademici, manager e founder.
Whitin modern knowledge-based economies, the availability of qualified human capital has come to play a fundamental role in the competitiveness and innovativeness of advanced economic systems. The paper aims to outline the flows of high skilled migration in the city of Milan, trying to shape streams and structural characteristics of migrations regarding graduated workforces, university students, academics, managers and founders.

R-EM. Rivista internazionale di studi su Eugenio Montale, 2021
A cavallo tra il 1945 e il ’46 Eugenio Montale curò una rubrica di critica teatrale per il quotid... more A cavallo tra il 1945 e il ’46 Eugenio Montale curò una rubrica di critica teatrale per il quotidiano fiorentino “La Nazione del Popolo”, nella quale recensì complessivamente sette spettacoli andati in scena al Teatro della Pergola di Firenze. Lo spoglio degli articoli rivela come Montale individui nel genere teatrale i segni di un processo di progressiva perdita di centralità della parola a favore della trovata tecnica, descrivendo una
parabola che mira a portare le arti a una soglia di facile comunicazione con il pubblico. Nella prospettiva montaliana, la drammaturgia moderna si dibatte entro i limiti di un’inconciliabile contrapposizione tra «vitalità scenica» e «vitalità poetica», in forza di cui ciascun termine finisce necessariamente per comportare la mortificazione dell’altro.
Between 1945 and 1946 Eugenio Montale edited a theatre criticism column for the Florentine newspaper “La Nazione del Popolo”, in which he reviewed a total of seven shows staged at Pergola Theatre in Florence. In these articles Montale pointed out how modern drama was affected by a progressive loss of poetic centrality in favor of technicalities, this way bringing the arts to a threshold of easy communication with the audience. From his perspective, modern dramaturgy struggles within the limits of an
irreconcilable contrast between «scenic vitality» and «poetic vitality», whereby each term necessarily ends up entailing the mortification of the other.
Milano Produttiva 2023, 2023
Negli ultimi anni, soprattutto a seguito del successo di Expo 2015, Milano ha visto accrescere in... more Negli ultimi anni, soprattutto a seguito del successo di Expo 2015, Milano ha visto accrescere in misura significativa la propria capacità di richiamare turisti, investimenti e talenti dall’estero. Il contributo intende analizzare alcune dimensioni dell’attrattività urbana, ponendo in evidenza le dinamiche, le principali sfide e gli elementi di criticità che caratterizzano l’offerta di valore della città all’interno del panorama internazionale.
During last years, following the success of Expo 2015, Milan has risen its attractiveness towards tourists, investments and talents from abroad. The paper addresses to the most significant dimensions of urban attractiveness, focusing on the main trends and challenges characterizing city’s value proposition in the international scene.
Milano Produttiva 2022, 2022
Nella parabola storica del livello di diseguaglianza interno alle società, il 2021 ha segnato il ... more Nella parabola storica del livello di diseguaglianza interno alle società, il 2021 ha segnato il punto di apice da un secolo a questa parte. Il contributo intende analizzare la dimensione spaziale dei fenomeni di polarizzazione e marginalizzazione che emergono all'interno del contesto della città di Milano, ricostruendone la geografia urbana ed evidenziandone in particolare l'articolazione lungo il gradiente centro-periferia.
In 2021 worldwide social inequality reached its top for a century now. The paper aims to highlight how the risk of social polarization and marginalization in the city of Milan assumed a spatial dimension, specially along a center-periphery direction.

Milano Produttiva 2021, 2021
Con la remotizzazione forzata di molte attività (da quelle lavorative alla didattica, fino al con... more Con la remotizzazione forzata di molte attività (da quelle lavorative alla didattica, fino al consumo e al tempo libero), la crisi pandemica ha profondamente inciso sulla nostra quotidianità, imponendo un sostanziale ripensamento del concetto e dell’articolazione funzionale dei luoghi, in particolare di quelli urbani. Il contributo intende evidenziare alcuni trend emersi durante il lockdown e il loro possibile impatto nella definizione di una nuova fisionomia urbana: l’adozione su larga scala dello smart working; il successo crescente dell’e-commerce; l’affiorare di nuove esigenze e criticità legate al tema dell’abitare; la richiesta di soluzioni innovative per la logistica urbana delle merci.
The pandemic crisis has deeply affected our everyday life, redefining the concept and functional articulation of urban places as a result of remotization of many activities (work, school, shopping, leisure). This paper aims to highlight some trends emerged during the lockdown and their possible impact in the definition of a new urban set: the spreading of smart working; the growing use of e-commerce; the outbreak of new needs and problems related to housing, as well as the demand for innovative solutions in urban logistics.

Milano Produttiva 2020, 2020
Il modello di sviluppo delle moderne metropoli globali espone oggi le città a un elevato rischio ... more Il modello di sviluppo delle moderne metropoli globali espone oggi le città a un elevato rischio di polarizzazione sociale. L’analisi della distribuzione del reddito a Milano consente di cogliere importanti segnali in questa direzione, evidenziando una tendenza a una sempre più marcata divaricazione tra ricchi e poveri all'interno della stratigrafia sociale urbana. Nel capoluogo ambrosiano, infatti, quasi il 40% della ricchezza è concentrato nelle mani di meno dell’8% della popolazione. Occorre non sottovalutare i pericoli insiti in questa dinamica, se si vuole assicurare una crescita duratura e il più possibile inclusiva.
Modern global cities are increasingly exposed to the risks of social polarization. Analyzing the shares of income in the city of Milan offers some proof for this trend. In Milan, indeed, almost 40% of income is concentrated in the hands of less than 8% of population. A sustainable and inclusive growth requires not to understate such issue.

Milano 2020. La salute, il pane e le rose, a cura di Rosangela Lodigiani, FrancoAngeli, 2020
L'integrazione delle donne nel mercato del lavoro italiano è ancora debole e insoddisfacente. All... more L'integrazione delle donne nel mercato del lavoro italiano è ancora debole e insoddisfacente. Alla base di questo ritardo si trovano sia fattori culturali che sociali. Tuttavia, negli ultimi anni sono stati osservati alcuni cambiamenti in questa tendenza, portando Milano a essere una delle migliori aree in Italia per il tasso di imprenditoria femminile. Anche la partecipazione delle donne all'interno degli organi di governo aziendale è aumentata, mentre il divario retributivo di genere rimane ancora ampio e svantaggioso per le lavoratrici nella maggior parte dei settori economici.
Women's integration in italian labour market is still weak and unsatisfactory. At the roots of this backwardness lie both cultural and social factors. Nevertheless, last years have witnessed some changes in this trend, leading Milan to be one of the best areas in Italy for female enterpreneurship rate. Even women's partecipation in corporate governance has increased, whereas gender pay gap still remains wide and disadvantageous for female workers in most economic fields.
Milano Produttiva 2019, 2019
Il marketing urbano ricopre un ruolo significativo nel determinare la capacità attrattiva delle m... more Il marketing urbano ricopre un ruolo significativo nel determinare la capacità attrattiva delle moderne destinazioni globali. L'articolo evidenzia l'influenza esercitata dalle azioni di city branding e dalla riprogettazione dell'offerta culturale e d'intrattenimento sulla recente crescita turistica di Milano.
Urban marketing has come to play a significant role in global destinations attractivness. The paper analyses how city branding, cultural and enetertainment events and urban regeneration projects effetced on Milan's touristic growth during the last years.
Milano Produttiva 2018, 2018
L'articolo prende in esame alcune dimensioni della disuguaglianza sociale che caratterizza Milano... more L'articolo prende in esame alcune dimensioni della disuguaglianza sociale che caratterizza Milano a cavallo della crisi economica, dai livelli di reddito alla composizione demografica, passando per il mercato del lavoro e le condizioni più estreme di marginalità ed esclusione sociale, tratteggiando il quadro di una città sempre più duale.
The paper focuses on growing social inequality in the city of Milan straddling the 2008 world economic crisis. Despite the economic recovery during the following years, wealth inequalities arised with a greater evidence among different population groups (foreigners, low-skilled workers, elderly people), challenging policy makers to reduce this polarization trend.
Milano Produttiva 2017, 2017
Una fotografia del commercio estero milanese nell'anno 2016, alla luce delle sfide proposte dal c... more Una fotografia del commercio estero milanese nell'anno 2016, alla luce delle sfide proposte dal contesto macro-economico e dei rischi derivanti dalle criticità del quadro geo-politico, tra cui spiccano la svolta protezionistica degli USA e l'incertezza legata alla Brexit.
A wide overview on the foreign trade performance and commercial relations of the Milan urban area in 2016 and how it was effected by macro-economics global trends such as USA trade policy and Brexit.
Milano Produttiva 2016, 2016
L'articolo tenta di porre in luce la transizione della città di Milano da capitale del business a... more L'articolo tenta di porre in luce la transizione della città di Milano da capitale del business a destinazione leisure, evidenziando il ruolo catalizzatore ricoperto da Expo 2015 nell'accelerare e agevolare questo processo di riposizionamento e ridefinizione dell'identità urbana.
The paper aims to underline the evolution of the urban identity of Milan from a business city to a leisure destination, dealing with the role played in this process by the 2015 Universal Exposition and by the event-related urban policies.
Books by Riccardo Mozzati

Sacra Docrina 64 (2), 2019
Nel trentennale della morte di Caproni, la monografia traccia le linee evolutive della ricerca re... more Nel trentennale della morte di Caproni, la monografia traccia le linee evolutive della ricerca religiosa all'interno del corpus poetico caproniano, offrendone una lettura organica che si snoda dalle prime prove giovanili fino al postumo 'Res amissa', passando per la stagione maggiore della sua produzione lirica, alla ricerca delle filigrane teologiche e scritturali che alimentano la riflessione dell'autore sulla trascendenza e sulle forme storiche e spirituali del rapporto tra l'uomo e il divino.
On the 30th anniversary of Caproni's passing, the monograph outlines the evolution of religious research within the Capronian poetic corpus, offering an organic interpretation winding from the early youthful texts to the posthumous book 'Res amissa' through the climax of his lyrical production, searching for theological and scriptural elements behind the author's reflection on the transcendence as well as on the relationship between man and the divine.
Papers by Riccardo Mozzati
Whitin modern knowledge-based economies, the availability of qualified human capital has come to play a fundamental role in the competitiveness and innovativeness of advanced economic systems. The paper aims to outline the flows of high skilled migration in the city of Milan, trying to shape streams and structural characteristics of migrations regarding graduated workforces, university students, academics, managers and founders.
parabola che mira a portare le arti a una soglia di facile comunicazione con il pubblico. Nella prospettiva montaliana, la drammaturgia moderna si dibatte entro i limiti di un’inconciliabile contrapposizione tra «vitalità scenica» e «vitalità poetica», in forza di cui ciascun termine finisce necessariamente per comportare la mortificazione dell’altro.
Between 1945 and 1946 Eugenio Montale edited a theatre criticism column for the Florentine newspaper “La Nazione del Popolo”, in which he reviewed a total of seven shows staged at Pergola Theatre in Florence. In these articles Montale pointed out how modern drama was affected by a progressive loss of poetic centrality in favor of technicalities, this way bringing the arts to a threshold of easy communication with the audience. From his perspective, modern dramaturgy struggles within the limits of an
irreconcilable contrast between «scenic vitality» and «poetic vitality», whereby each term necessarily ends up entailing the mortification of the other.
During last years, following the success of Expo 2015, Milan has risen its attractiveness towards tourists, investments and talents from abroad. The paper addresses to the most significant dimensions of urban attractiveness, focusing on the main trends and challenges characterizing city’s value proposition in the international scene.
In 2021 worldwide social inequality reached its top for a century now. The paper aims to highlight how the risk of social polarization and marginalization in the city of Milan assumed a spatial dimension, specially along a center-periphery direction.
The pandemic crisis has deeply affected our everyday life, redefining the concept and functional articulation of urban places as a result of remotization of many activities (work, school, shopping, leisure). This paper aims to highlight some trends emerged during the lockdown and their possible impact in the definition of a new urban set: the spreading of smart working; the growing use of e-commerce; the outbreak of new needs and problems related to housing, as well as the demand for innovative solutions in urban logistics.
Modern global cities are increasingly exposed to the risks of social polarization. Analyzing the shares of income in the city of Milan offers some proof for this trend. In Milan, indeed, almost 40% of income is concentrated in the hands of less than 8% of population. A sustainable and inclusive growth requires not to understate such issue.
Women's integration in italian labour market is still weak and unsatisfactory. At the roots of this backwardness lie both cultural and social factors. Nevertheless, last years have witnessed some changes in this trend, leading Milan to be one of the best areas in Italy for female enterpreneurship rate. Even women's partecipation in corporate governance has increased, whereas gender pay gap still remains wide and disadvantageous for female workers in most economic fields.
Urban marketing has come to play a significant role in global destinations attractivness. The paper analyses how city branding, cultural and enetertainment events and urban regeneration projects effetced on Milan's touristic growth during the last years.
The paper focuses on growing social inequality in the city of Milan straddling the 2008 world economic crisis. Despite the economic recovery during the following years, wealth inequalities arised with a greater evidence among different population groups (foreigners, low-skilled workers, elderly people), challenging policy makers to reduce this polarization trend.
A wide overview on the foreign trade performance and commercial relations of the Milan urban area in 2016 and how it was effected by macro-economics global trends such as USA trade policy and Brexit.
The paper aims to underline the evolution of the urban identity of Milan from a business city to a leisure destination, dealing with the role played in this process by the 2015 Universal Exposition and by the event-related urban policies.
Books by Riccardo Mozzati
On the 30th anniversary of Caproni's passing, the monograph outlines the evolution of religious research within the Capronian poetic corpus, offering an organic interpretation winding from the early youthful texts to the posthumous book 'Res amissa' through the climax of his lyrical production, searching for theological and scriptural elements behind the author's reflection on the transcendence as well as on the relationship between man and the divine.
Whitin modern knowledge-based economies, the availability of qualified human capital has come to play a fundamental role in the competitiveness and innovativeness of advanced economic systems. The paper aims to outline the flows of high skilled migration in the city of Milan, trying to shape streams and structural characteristics of migrations regarding graduated workforces, university students, academics, managers and founders.
parabola che mira a portare le arti a una soglia di facile comunicazione con il pubblico. Nella prospettiva montaliana, la drammaturgia moderna si dibatte entro i limiti di un’inconciliabile contrapposizione tra «vitalità scenica» e «vitalità poetica», in forza di cui ciascun termine finisce necessariamente per comportare la mortificazione dell’altro.
Between 1945 and 1946 Eugenio Montale edited a theatre criticism column for the Florentine newspaper “La Nazione del Popolo”, in which he reviewed a total of seven shows staged at Pergola Theatre in Florence. In these articles Montale pointed out how modern drama was affected by a progressive loss of poetic centrality in favor of technicalities, this way bringing the arts to a threshold of easy communication with the audience. From his perspective, modern dramaturgy struggles within the limits of an
irreconcilable contrast between «scenic vitality» and «poetic vitality», whereby each term necessarily ends up entailing the mortification of the other.
During last years, following the success of Expo 2015, Milan has risen its attractiveness towards tourists, investments and talents from abroad. The paper addresses to the most significant dimensions of urban attractiveness, focusing on the main trends and challenges characterizing city’s value proposition in the international scene.
In 2021 worldwide social inequality reached its top for a century now. The paper aims to highlight how the risk of social polarization and marginalization in the city of Milan assumed a spatial dimension, specially along a center-periphery direction.
The pandemic crisis has deeply affected our everyday life, redefining the concept and functional articulation of urban places as a result of remotization of many activities (work, school, shopping, leisure). This paper aims to highlight some trends emerged during the lockdown and their possible impact in the definition of a new urban set: the spreading of smart working; the growing use of e-commerce; the outbreak of new needs and problems related to housing, as well as the demand for innovative solutions in urban logistics.
Modern global cities are increasingly exposed to the risks of social polarization. Analyzing the shares of income in the city of Milan offers some proof for this trend. In Milan, indeed, almost 40% of income is concentrated in the hands of less than 8% of population. A sustainable and inclusive growth requires not to understate such issue.
Women's integration in italian labour market is still weak and unsatisfactory. At the roots of this backwardness lie both cultural and social factors. Nevertheless, last years have witnessed some changes in this trend, leading Milan to be one of the best areas in Italy for female enterpreneurship rate. Even women's partecipation in corporate governance has increased, whereas gender pay gap still remains wide and disadvantageous for female workers in most economic fields.
Urban marketing has come to play a significant role in global destinations attractivness. The paper analyses how city branding, cultural and enetertainment events and urban regeneration projects effetced on Milan's touristic growth during the last years.
The paper focuses on growing social inequality in the city of Milan straddling the 2008 world economic crisis. Despite the economic recovery during the following years, wealth inequalities arised with a greater evidence among different population groups (foreigners, low-skilled workers, elderly people), challenging policy makers to reduce this polarization trend.
A wide overview on the foreign trade performance and commercial relations of the Milan urban area in 2016 and how it was effected by macro-economics global trends such as USA trade policy and Brexit.
The paper aims to underline the evolution of the urban identity of Milan from a business city to a leisure destination, dealing with the role played in this process by the 2015 Universal Exposition and by the event-related urban policies.
On the 30th anniversary of Caproni's passing, the monograph outlines the evolution of religious research within the Capronian poetic corpus, offering an organic interpretation winding from the early youthful texts to the posthumous book 'Res amissa' through the climax of his lyrical production, searching for theological and scriptural elements behind the author's reflection on the transcendence as well as on the relationship between man and the divine.