University of Maribor
Several measures of religious practice and religious orientation (intrinsic/ extrinsic/quest) and two measures of psychological well-being (positive affect and negative affect) have been employed in a cross-cultural survey of... more
The relationship between intrinsic and personal extrinsic religious orientation as suggested by Gorsuch and McPherson is studied within four denominational samples of university students in four different cultural environments. Results... more
Student samples have become a widely used resource in the study of not only particular phenomena and problems within individual environments but also of their study within a cross-cultural context. A number of such studies, most often... more
The aim of this article is to introduce an instrument for measuring the presence of New Age ideas, to determine its general, methodological and empirical adequacy, and to apply derived instrument in measuring the presence of the New Age... more
- by Miran Lavrič
Four religious cultural settings, a Slovenian Catholic one, a Bosnian Muslim one, a Serbian Orthodox one and an American Protestant one, are compared on the basis of a variety of measures of religiosity, resulting from a survey carried... more
Gordon Allport defined intrinsic religious orientation as the polar opposite of the utilitarian and instrumental extrinsic orientation. On the other hand, Rodney Stark and associates developed a theory of religion according to which the... more
- by Miran Lavrič
The assumption of rationally motivated individual religious behavior was tested in a survey of undergraduate university students from four different cultural/religious environments: Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and the United... more
- by Miran Lavrič
Several measures of religious practice and religious orientation (intrinsic/extrinsic/quest) and the trait form of State-Trait Anxiety Inventory were employed in a cross-cultural survey of undergraduate university students from four... more
In this article the authors study social inequalities in Slovenian higher education, using a census of students at the University of Maribor. Using the common odds ratio test, it was found that young people whose fathers had completed... more
The concept of civil religion has caught major attention among scholars studying the junction of religion and politics (J.-J. Rousseau, E. Durkheim, R. Bellah). The notion focuses on the phenomenon of cultural contents sacralizing and... more
The assumption of rationally motivated individual religious behavior was tested in a survey of undergraduate university students from four different cultural/religious environments: Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and the United... more
- by Miran Lavrič
Gordon Allport defined intrinsic religious orientation as the polar opposite of the utilitarian and instrumental extrinsic orientation. On the other hand, Rodney Stark and associates developed a theory of religion according to which the... more
- by Miran Lavrič
Slovenia, a predominantly Roman Catholic country, has been historically typified by a political and cultural conflict between pro-clerical Catholic political forces and the opposite liberal camp. In the immediate post-independence period... more
Many reports rely on the estimate that there are anywhere from 150 to 100 million street children in the world, although this figure has virtually no basis in empirical evidence. In this article, all the available data on the number of... more
After the fall of communism, the ideological arena for framing constitutions was influenced by liberal democratic ideas, which fit well with the concept of state impartiality toward religion. Among the 23 European post-communist... more
European Strategy 2020, a series of priorities and initiatives that will transform the EU into a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy, with high rates of employment, productivity and social cohesion, recognized cities as units crucial... more
The individualization of family life is one of the crucial ideas among leading theorists dealing with late modernity (Giddens, 1991; Beck, 1992; Bauman, 2000; Beck-Gernsheim, 2002). The individualization thesis was applied in a study of... more