Papers by Anja Mlakar

Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije = annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei = annals for Istrian and Mediterranean studies. Series historia et sociologia, 2023
The paper delves into the concept of superstition in the territory of Slovenia in the 19 th centu... more The paper delves into the concept of superstition in the territory of Slovenia in the 19 th century, exploring its formation, evolution, and challenges in historical research on vernacular religiosity. The discussion considers nation-building, editorial process, and the predominant Christian discourse in folklore analysis. The paper explores the coexistence and influence of Christianity and superstition, using examples from the newspaper Kmetijske in rokodelske novice to illustrate various types of superstition. It also discusses how intellectuals promoted education and modernisation through critiquing superstitions. The term "superstition" is pejorative in nature and may does not accurately describe the people actually experienced them.

Acta Histriae, 2022
Based on Slovenian folklore from the second half of the 19th century, the paper addresses the une... more Based on Slovenian folklore from the second half of the 19th century, the paper addresses the unexplored topic of the intermixing of folklore with Catholicism and the role of this folklore in the process of Slovenian nation-building. Based on an analysis of articles published in the newspaper Kmetijske in rokodelske novice, the author of the paper reveals an inconsistent discourse with regard to the vernacular Slovenian religiosity: everything associated with Christianity is praised, while nonChristian folklore elements are either praised (“Pagan remnants”) or condemned (“superstition”). In the search for enchantment, which is seemingly disappearing due to modernisation, Slovenian intellectuals projected the wonderous into the past and the lower levels of society. Vernacular religiosity in 19th-century Slovenian lands is distinctly multilayered and eludes moral evaluations and any attempts to control it. The original contribution of the article is an analysis of the use and reinterpretation of folklore with religious elements in the process of Slovenian nation-building and the role of the concept of „enchantment“ in the perception of
folklore at that time.

Moj najljubši del pisanja diplomske naloge je nedvomno zahvala, ki vključuje tudi refleksijo vseh... more Moj najljubši del pisanja diplomske naloge je nedvomno zahvala, ki vključuje tudi refleksijo vseh grenko-sladkih trenutkov pri pisanju naloge. To priloţnost pa bom izkoristila tudi za to, da se zahvalim vsem, ki so mi na tak ali drugačen način stali ob strani in mi pomagali tekom celotnega študija. In ker je za mano ţe kar nekaj študijske kilometrine in »modrosti«, so tudi zahvale temu primerno številčne in obseţne. Seveda najprej pritiče zahvaliti se mentorjem. Mentorici prof. dr. Predovnik se zahvaljujem, da je bila pripravljena sprejeti temo, ki nikakor ni hotela ostati pod jarmom arheološke stroke, ampak si je prizadevala vključiti tudi spoznanja z drugih področij. Somentorici prof. dr. Mencej gre zahvala (tudi ţe za v naprej) za pomoč pri plutju v folklorističnih vodah in za trezno ovrednotenje situacij, v katerih se mi zdi, da mi grozi brodolom. Prof. ddr. Pleterskemu gre posebna zahvala, da je bil z mano pripravljen deliti svoje znanje in modrosti ter da zna vedno reči ravno tisto, kar v danem trenutku rabim, da se pomirim in vidim, da navidezno brezizhodna situacija včasih predstavlja zgolj izziv. Pravzaprav bi bilo prav, da na tej točki rečem hvala vsem učiteljem na Oddelku in izven njega, da so mi pokazali nove načine razmišljanja, ki so neizbrisno vplivali na to, kaj se mi zdi v ţivljenju res vredno in pomembno. Tega mi nihče ne more vzeti. Verjamem, da je vsakdo kdaj v ţivljenju sposoben narediti kakšno genialno potezo-zame je bila to odločitev za študij arheologije. Četudi sem se kdaj jezila-hvala Oddelku za arheologijo za … edinstveno študentsko izkušnjo. Moja študijska izkušnja na Oddelku ne bi bila to, kar je, brez mojih sošolcev, ki so me kljub nekajletni starostni razliki brez teţav sprejeli medse in naredili ta študij najzabavnejšega od vseh, hkrati pa mi pokazali, da kolegialni duh še vedno ţivi in da so (bodoči) arheologi prav posebna in ravno prav (ne)resna skupina ljudi. Posebna zahvala gre Maji, da je z menoj delila tudi stresne in manj prijetne trenutke, pa tudi preštevilne zabavne zgodbe in neslane šale. Zahvala tudi vsem prijateljem in študijskim kolegom, ki so me bodrili, ko sem začela tarnati, da sem preobremenjena-vsakdo rabi kdaj potoţiti. Hvala, da to razumete. Damijanu najlepša hvala, da je nadaljeval s tradicijo lektoriranja mojih diplomskih nalog (skoraj prepričana sem, da je ta zadnja!) in da mi je bil pripravljen v naglici priskočiti na pomočcenim to. Izvleček Protiturški tabori v folklori in prostoru V nalogi so obravnavani objekti in materialni ostanki, ki jih slovenska slovstvena folklora dojema kot ostaline (nekdanjih) protiturških taborov. S pristopom, ki zdruţuje spoznanja iz arheologije, folkloristike in antropologije, so podane interpretacije slovstvene folklore o taborih (in širše o »Turkih«), ki temeljijo na teoretičnih izhodiščih o materializaciji folklore v fizičnem prostoru. Na ta način obravnavane arheološke ostaline pa tudi naravni elementi krajine, na katere se nanašajo povedke o taborih in »Turkih«, omogočajo vpogled v načine dojemanja preteklosti, identitete in kolektivnega spomina na obdobje turških vpadov, kot jih skozi folkloro izraţa skupnost, v kateri ta folklora ţivi. Na podlagi teh spoznanj je mogoče povedke o taborih razdeliti v tri večje skupine. V prvo spadajo povedke, ki se nanašajo na dejanske protiturške tabore, v drugo povedke, ki objekte ali njihove ostaline obravnavajo kot zatočišča pred turškimi napadi predvsem z namenom racionalizacije izstopajočih elementov v krajini in ki z zgodovinskimi Turki nimajo zveze, v tretjo skupino pa povedke, ki podobno kot povedke iz druge skupine kot tabore interpretirajo materialne ostanke iz drugih zgodovinskih obdobij, a hkrati zaradi svoje specifičnosti in netipične vsebine omogočajo vpogled v globlje zgodovinsko dogajanje, kar večina ostalih (migracijskih oz. splošno razširjenih) povedk ne omogoča. Interdisciplinarni pristop pri obravnavi v krajino vpetih povedk o turških vpadih in taborih ponuja novo raven interpretacije arheoloških ostankov pa tudi povsem naravnih elementov v krajini, hkrati pa tudi drugačen vpogled v kompleksno tematiko turških vpadov na Slovenskem in kolektivnega spomina nanje.
Studia mythologica Slavica – Supplementa, 2019

Studia mythologica Slavica, 2017
This paper attempts to shed light on the image of Napoleon's French forces that invaded and brief... more This paper attempts to shed light on the image of Napoleon's French forces that invaded and briefly conquered Slovene lands in the late 18 th and early 19 th centuries, as depicted in Slovene folklore. In some legends, we can recognize an echo of the historical reality of the time of French invasions and their rule. These portray the hardships of this foreign occupation, the exploitation of the population by the French and their cruelty and conflicts with them, yet some show a more favourable relationship or even depict humorous accounts (especially in relation with linguistic misunderstandings) with the French, while some aspects of their rule are completely ignored by folklore. In some cases, the French are narrated into stories that explain certain features of the physical environment of the community, and in some legends they are depicted as coming from the world beyond and are attributed supernatural traits. In some folklore examples, the interchangeability of different historical invaders is attested. We can generalize that the French are seen as "the Others" in Slovene folklore and have, as such, acquired different roles in folklore to serve diverse needs of the community in the sense of strengthening its own identity, rationalizing its physical landscape, and taking part in the beliefs about the supernatural and the world beyond.
Studia mythologica Slavica, 2014
This paper presents and compares the image of "the barbaric Turk" in the politicalideological dis... more This paper presents and compares the image of "the barbaric Turk" in the politicalideological discourses and the perception of "the Turk" as a dangerous, cosmos-disturbing Foreigner in Slovene folklore. The centuries-old concept of "the barbarian", ideological propaganda and the archaic fear of the threatening Outsider in traditional culture all contributed in the process formation of a certain imagery of "the Turk".

Legends about the time of the Turkish raids form an important and substantial part of the Slovene... more Legends about the time of the Turkish raids form an important and substantial part of the Slovene oral traditions. A closer examination of their content reveals a mixture of mythologized historical events from the time of the Turkish raids that are preserved in the Slovene collective memory (thou influenced by different ideological agendas), elements that are in their core mythological and use the time of the Turkish raids more or less as a chronological frame, and elements that ex-press the archaic fear of “the Other”, which is the basic component of the image of “the Turk” in Slovene folklore. Materialization of these legends in the physical land-scape also expresses this multi-layered image of “the Turk” – from the “places of memory” that can be histori-cally confirmed to those that are just imagined and per-ceived as such – they all express a certain imagery that the community has about it’s own past and it’s under-standing and rationalization of the (physical) world that surrou...
Studia mythologica Slavica
Ethnologia slovaca et slavica, 2018
Jews have for centuries been Europe’s Other. Their otherness was based on ethnical, religious and... more Jews have for centuries been Europe’s Other. Their otherness was based on ethnical, religious and economic difference in comparison with the majority of the population. Their presence in the territory of Slovenia was not continuous and in that they did not live here in large numbers and we are able to discuss the existence of an “anti-Semitism without Jews”. Slovene folklore about the Jews is sparse and it expresses only vague knowledge of the Jews, their customs and way of life; it also features religious anti-Semitism.

Kultura : meǵunarodno spisanie za kulturološki istražuvanja = Culture : international journal for cultural reserches, 2014
Legends about the time of the Turkish raids form an important and substantial part oft... more Legends about the time of the Turkish raids form an important and substantial part oftheSlovene oral traditions. A closer examination of their content reveals a mixture of mythologized historical events from the time of the Turkish raids that are preserved in the Slovene collective memory (thou influenced by different ideological agendas), elements that are in their core mythological and use the time of the Turkish raids more or less as a chronological frame,and elements that ex-press the archaic fear of “the Other”, which is the basic component of the image of “the Turk” in Slovene folklore. Materialization of these legends in the physical land-scape also expresses this multi-layered image of “the Turk” –from the “places of memory” that can be histori-cally confirmed to those thatare just imagined and per-ceived as such –they all express a certain imagery that the community has about it’s own pastand it’s under-standing and rationalizationof the (physical) world that surrounds them. The predominantly negative and al-most demonized image of “the Turk” is an important part of the Slovene identity, collective memory and oral narratives.
Studia mythologica Slavica, 2014
This paper presents and compares the image of “the barbaric Turk” in the politicalideological dis... more This paper presents and compares the image of “the barbaric Turk” in the politicalideological discourses and the perception of “the Turk” as a dangerous, cosmos-disturbing Foreigner in Slovene folklore. The centuries-old concept of “the barbarian”, ideological propaganda and the archaic fear of the threatening Outsider in traditional culture all contributed in the process formation of a certain imagery of “the Turk”.

Studia mythologica Slavica, 2017
This paper attempts to shed light on the image of Napoleon’s French forces that invaded and brief... more This paper attempts to shed light on the image of Napoleon’s French forces that invaded and briefly conquered Slovene lands in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, as depicted in Slovene folklore. In some legends, we can recognize an echo of the historical realityof the time of French invasions and their rule. These portray the hardships of this foreign occupation, the exploitation of the population by the French and their cruelty and conflicts with them, yet some show a more favourable relationship or even depict humorous accounts (especially in relation with linguistic misunderstandings) with the French, while some aspects of their rule are completely ignored by folklore. In some cases, the French are narrated into stories that explain certain features of the physical environment of the community, and in some legends they are depicted as coming from the world beyond and are attributed supernatural traits. In some folklore examples, the interchangeability of different historical invaders is attested. We can generalize that the French are seen as “the Others” in Slovene folklore and have, as such, acquired different roles in folklore to serve diverse needs of the community in the sense of strengthening its own identity, rationalizing its physical landscape, and taking part in the beliefs about the supernatural and the world beyond
Cultural Tourism Publications by Anja Mlakar
This literature review covers research on cultural and creative tourism in rural and remote areas... more This literature review covers research on cultural and creative tourism in rural and remote areas of Europe between 1989 and 2024. It provides a meta-review, structured review and narrative review of academic research to identify temporal and geographic research trends. It shows a growing focus on rural cultural tourism and intangible cultural heritage as means of valorizing the countryside for cultural and creative tourism. In addition to the analysis of WOS and Scopus databases, it also provides macro-regional and national analyses of cultural and creative tourism research. It identifies a number of research gaps and potential future research themes.
Papers by Anja Mlakar
folklore at that time.
Cultural Tourism Publications by Anja Mlakar
folklore at that time.