Papers by Florian Möslein
JuristenZeitung, 2012
ABSTRACT (Finanz-) Marktstabilität gilt seit der Finanzkrise als zentrale rechtspolitische Zielse... more ABSTRACT (Finanz-) Marktstabilität gilt seit der Finanzkrise als zentrale rechtspolitische Zielsetzung. Zu diesem Zweck werden Gesetzesreformen auf unterschiedlichsten Gebieten des Wirtschaftsrechts diskutiert und beschlossen, etwa im Kapitalmarkt-und Bankaufsichtsrecht oder auch im Steuerrecht. Ganz oben auf der wirtschaftspolitischen Agenda steht derzeit vor allem die Einführung einer Finanztransaktionssteuer. Der nachfolgende Beitrag stellt eine Reihe Steuer-und abgabenrechtlicher Instrumente zur Erzielung von Marktstabilität auf den verfassungsrechtlichen und ökonomischen Prüfstand. Will die Rechtswissenschaft ihrem Auftrag als Regelsetzungslehre nachkommen, so muss sie zudem wirtschaftsrechtliche Querbezüge und Interdependenzen übergreifend in den Blick nehmen.
International Perspectives, 2011
JuristenZeitung, 2010
... Contract Governance und Corporate Governance im Zusammenspiel - Lehren aus der globalen Finan... more ... Contract Governance und Corporate Governance im Zusammenspiel - Lehren aus der globalen Finanzkrise. Autores: Florian Möslein; Localización: Juristenzeitung, ISSN 0022-6882, Nº. 2, 2010 , págs. 72-80. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...

Purnhagen/Rott (eds),Varieties of European Economic Law and Regulation, Springer 2014
Optional regulation of standard contract terms gives rise to several functional pecularities and ... more Optional regulation of standard contract terms gives rise to several functional pecularities and to a number of difficult systematic questions. More specifically, the present chapter deals with the draft rules on standard contract terms in the proposed Common European Sales Law (CESL). Rather than commenting these rules in sub-stance, however, its focus is precisely on these functional questions. We proceed in three steps, starting with an overview of the existing European rules on standard con-tract terms, including the draft provisions of the CESL. In a second step, we examine whether the CESL rules themselves could potentially become subject of control under (national) standard contract terms legislation, given that these rules are provided in a standard format, and that they are adopted by the contracting parties’ opt-in. Thirdly and finally, we briefly analyse the mode of function of the CESL’s own rules on standard contract terms. These three steps will show that according to the European legislator’s design of the opt-in mechanism, two different optional contract law regimes operate within the very same national legal system. This two-foldedness implies ambiguities, namely because the control of standard terms strongly interacts with substantial rules of contract law. This interaction is a necessary, unavoidable consequence of the em-beddedness of the optional regime in national contract law.
Revue européenne de Droit bancaire & …, Jan 1, 2001
... upon other shareholders' rights with regard to their voting power or their freedom o... more ... upon other shareholders' rights with regard to their voting power or their freedom of decision ... 23 and may, in a holding structure, grant control despite small shareholdings;24 and ... the essential restructuring of the former GDR's economy affected the State's shareholding in industry ...
European Law and Policy Aspects, Jan 1, 2003
... upon other shareholders' rights with regard to their voting power or their freedom o... more ... upon other shareholders' rights with regard to their voting power or their freedom of decision ... 23 and may, in a holding structure, grant control despite small shareholdings;24 and ... the essential restructuring of the former GDR's economy affected the State's shareholding in industry ...
European company law. Organization, finance and capital markets. DSpace/Manakin Repository. ...
Zeitschrift für Unternehmens-und …, Jan 1, 2003
The IUP Journal of Governance and Public Policy, Jan 1, 2011
Page 1. Contract Governance within Corporate Governance - A Lesson from the Global Financial Cris... more Page 1. Contract Governance within Corporate Governance - A Lesson from the Global Financial Crisis - Florian Möslein The year 2009 marks the thirtiest anniversary of governance research as a widespread academic exercise. ...
European Review of Contract Law, Jan 1, 2009
I. Why Governance? ................................................................................. more I. Why Governance? .................................................................................................................... 2 1. The Notion of "Governance" ...................................................................... ... ... Governance research has its origins in social and political sciences and in economics. It de- ... * The authors would ...
Kapitalverkehrsfreiheit und Gesellschaftsrecht. DSpace/Manakin Repository. Search Cadmus. Search ... more Kapitalverkehrsfreiheit und Gesellschaftsrecht. DSpace/Manakin Repository. Search Cadmus. Search Cadmus This Collection. Advanced Search. Browse. ...
Page 1. Towards an Organisational Law of the Polycorporate Enterprise? A Comparative Analysis.Flo... more Page 1. Towards an Organisational Law of the Polycorporate Enterprise? A Comparative Analysis.Florian Möslein, LL.M., Dipl.-Kfm., lic. en droit Keywords: corporate group, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, general meeting of shareholders, power of ...
European private law after the Common Frame of …, Jan 1, 2010
The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS), directed by Stefano Bartolini since Septe... more The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS), directed by Stefano Bartolini since September 2006, is home to a large post-doctoral programme. Created in 1992, it aims to develop inter-disciplinary and comparative research and to promote work on the major issues facing the process of integration and European society.
… of International Banking and Financial Law, Jan 1, 2008
The Language of the Prospectus: Europeanisation and investor protection. DSpace/Manakin Repositor... more The Language of the Prospectus: Europeanisation and investor protection. DSpace/Manakin Repository. Search Cadmus. Search Cadmus This Collection. Advanced Search. Browse. ...
Grenzen unternehmerischer Leitungsmacht im marktoffenen Verband. Aktien-und Übernahmerecht, Rech... more Grenzen unternehmerischer Leitungsmacht im marktoffenen Verband. Aktien-und Übernahmerecht, Rechtsvergleich und europaïscher Rahmen. DSpace/Manakin Repository. Search Cadmus. Search Cadmus This Collection. Advanced Search. Browse. ...
Papers by Florian Möslein