Papers by Ming-Yang Cheng
Handbook of sport neuroscience and psychophysiology, 2018
腦波感覺動作頻率在運動表現提升的應用 1 中文摘要 2 感覺動作頻率 (sensory motor rhythm, SMR) 是源於腹側基底核之 12-15Hz 之腦波, 3 其活動與抑制身體感... more 腦波感覺動作頻率在運動表現提升的應用 1 中文摘要 2 感覺動作頻率 (sensory motor rhythm, SMR) 是源於腹側基底核之 12-15Hz 之腦波, 3 其活動與抑制身體感覺訊息傳入有關。根據近年神經生理發現,SMR 功率與感覺動作區 4 的活動呈負相關且較高的 SMR 功率也造成外在訊息輸入的降低。因此,SMR 活動似乎 5 與動作自動化的概念相符。然而,在神經回饋訓練促進運動表現的相關文獻中,卻尚未 6 出現以 SMR 為訓練指標之研究。本篇論述性文章之目的在於回顧過去 SMR 神經生理及 7 神經回饋相關研究,確立 SMR 腦波與較佳運動表現之關係,並提供未來神經回饋研究 8 之相關建議。 9 關鍵字:自動化、較佳心理狀態、神經回饋、精準性運動 10

Sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) activity has been related to automaticity during skilled action executi... more Sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) activity has been related to automaticity during skilled action execution. However, few studies have bridged the causal link between SMR activity and sports performance. This study investigated the effect of SMR neurofeedback training (SMR NFT) on golf putting performance. We hypothesized that preelite golfers would exhibit enhanced putting performance after SMR NFT. Sixteen preelite golfers were recruited and randomly assigned into either an SMR or a control group. Participants were asked to perform putting while electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded, both before and after intervention. Our results showed that the SMR group performed more accurately when putting and exhibited greater SMR power than the control group after 8 intervention sessions. This study concludes that SMR NFT is effective for increasing SMR during action preparation and for enhancing golf putting performance. Moreover, greater SMR activity might be an EEG signature of improved attention processing, which induces superior putting performance.
Neurofeedback training (NFT) offers insight into how the mind works. NFT is a technique to mainta... more Neurofeedback training (NFT) offers insight into how the mind works. NFT is a technique to maintain electroencephalography (EEG) within an optimal zone that has been related to a desirable behavior by the audio or visual feedback in real time. The basic assumption of EEG NFT is: change the EEG, change the behavior [1].

Previous evidence suggests that augmented sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) activity is related to the su... more Previous evidence suggests that augmented sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) activity is related to the superior regulation of processing cognitive-motor information in motor performance. However, no published studies have examined the relationship between SMR and performance in precision sports; thus, this study examined the relationship between SMR activity and the level of skilled performance in tasks requiring high levels of attention (e.g., dart throwing). We hypothesized that skilled performance would be associated with higher SMR activity. Fourteen dart-throwing experts and eleven novices were recruited. Participants were requested to perform 60 dart throws while EEG was recorded. The 2(Group: Expert, Novice) × 2(Time window: −2000 ms to −1000 ms, −1000 ms to 0 ms) ANOVA showed that the dart-throwing experts maintained a relatively higher SMR power than the novices before dart release. These results suggest that SMR might reflect the adaptive regulation of cognitive-motor processing during the preparatory period.
Papers by Ming-Yang Cheng