Nikolaus Egel
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Books by Nikolaus Egel
Papers by Nikolaus Egel
the 18th century.
Silvia Negri, Introduction – Delphine Conzelmann, Humilitas – An Intellectual Program. William of St. Thierry’s Commentary on Romans and his Evaluation of Emerging Scholasticism – Pietro Maranesi, Humility in Francis of Assisi and Bonaventure of Bagnoregio. Evolutionary Processes of an Identical Term – Carla Casagrande, In humilitate superiores sibi invicem arbitrantes (Phil. 2:3-4). Humility toward the Others between Theology and Pastoral Care (13th c.) – Sergi Sancho Fibla, Ascending to God, Descending through the Lineage. The Tree of Humility in the Mirouer des simples ames – Nadia Bray, Per modum removentis prohibens. The Thomistic Doctrine of Humility according to Meister Eckhart – Irene Zavattero, Omnis magnanimus est humilis. The Doctrine of Humility in Gerald Odonis’ Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics – Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli, D’umilt vestuta ? Women with Covered Heads and Suitable Dress in the Late Middle Ages – Annette Kehnel, Who is Afraid of a Little Lamb? Medieval Humility and the Gap between US and THEM in the Social and Cognitive Sciences – Isabel Iribarren, Meanings and Functions of ‘Humility’ in Jean Gerson’s Works – Nikolaus Egel, Almsdeeds and Prayer. The Renaissance of Skepticism from the Spirit of Humility: From Savonarola, Giovanni Pico, and Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola to Descartes – Anne Por - Herman Paul, Humility and Modesty in the Early Modern German University: Student Instruction at Halle around 1700 – Dan O’Brien, Hume on Humility – Bibliography