Norman Teferle
I am involved in a variety of research and teaching activities, primarily linked to high precision GNSS and its applications in engineering, environmental and geophysical monitoring. My research includes long-term monitoring of vertical land movements at tide gauges in the British Isles and Europe for studies of recent changes in sea level, modelling the glacial isostatic adjustment process in the British Isles, modelling tectonic plate motions of the British Isles and Saudi Arabia, stochastic modelling of GNSS position time series and their analysis, automation of and the processing of regional and global GNSS networks, and quality control of data archives for GNSS networks. More recently I have also focussed my research on high-rate GNSS for the monitoring of short-term movements associated with, e.g. seismic events and other sources, and developments of GNSS processing techniques such as Precise Point Positioning (PPP).
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Papers by Norman Teferle