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      Political ScienceBelgian politics
2 The number of parties in office is function of the cleavages present in society, one of which led to the splitting of parties along linguistic lines, and due to the institutional arrangements arrived at to cope with this situation, such... more
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Abstract This paper confronts two models of policy: the party model states that policy-making is an orderly process initiated by parties implementing their party programme and carrying out their electoral promises; the external pressure... more
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Page 1. 1 Living off politics across (subnational) borders ? Ministerial resignations and new multi-level career patterns in Belgium and Italy Dandoy Régis Université Libre de Bruxelles, ULB Patrick Dumont Université du Luxembourg Luca... more
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Page 1. Le référendum sur le Traité établissant une Constitution pour l'Europe Patrick Dumont, Fernand Fehlen, Raphaël Kies et Philippe Poirier Le référendum sur le Traité établissant une Constitution pour l'Europe Rapport élaboré pour la... more
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Abstract Ministerial portfolios are the most obvious payoffs for parties entering a governing coalition in parliamentary democracies. This renders the bargaining over portfolios an important phase of the government formation process. The... more
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This paper proposes a new method to evaluate the number of rel-evant parties in an assembly. The most widespread indicator of frag-mentation used in comparative politics is the 'Effective Number of Par-ties'(ENP), designed by Laakso and... more
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Discussing the Europeanization of national parliaments is an ambiguous and uncertain task given the lack of unified definition of the concept itself, the overall weakness of the involvement of national assemblies in European policy owing... more
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DI-fusion, le Dépôt institutionnel numérique de l'ULB, est l'outil de référencementde la production scientifique de l'ULB.L'interface de recherche DI-fusion permet de consulter les publications des chercheurs de l'ULB et les thèses qui y... more
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Green parties have been represented in the parliaments of European Union countries since 1981, but it was not until recently that a few have entered national governments. Using a data set comprised of 51 government formation opportunities... more
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      Political ScienceEuropean political cultures
In this article, we address recent claims that executive— legislative relations in parliamentary democracies are undergoing important changes owing to either a `presidentialization' or a `Europeanization' of domestic political... more
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      EconomicsEuropean integrationEuropean UnionEconomic integration
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      Political ScienceEuropean political cultures
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      Political ScienceEuropean political cultures
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      Political ScienceEuropean political cultures
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      Political ScienceEuropean political cultures
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      Political ScienceWest European PoliticsParty System
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    • European integration
La formation et le maintien des gouvernements CRISP/CH 1664
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Green parties have been represented in the parliaments of European Union countries since 1981, but it was not until recently that a few have entered national governments. Using a data set comprised of 51 government formation opportunities... more
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      Political ScienceEuropean political cultures
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      Political ScienceEuropean political cultures