Papers by Staša Tkalec

International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 2016
This article identifies and examines changes that are presently taking place in the global econom... more This article identifies and examines changes that are presently taking place in the global economy (the growing importance of new fast growing markets and the financial crisis). Special attention is paid to the response of new transition member states of the European Union to these changes, as well as to the discrepancy between them and old European Union members. It furthermore investigates the possibility of increased economic cooperation with currently fastest growing markets as a structural measure for growth, as well as potentially for overcoming the present financial crisis. We find important and consistent differences between these country groups, both in terms of their levels and trends of economic cooperation with the growth markets. Moreover, we find that stronger cooperation with the growth markets is associated with higher economic growth in the pre-crisis years, but it does not shield countries from the effects of the crisis.
Foreword: Miracles and Obstacles Rebecca Solnit PART ONE SUMMER TO FALL 1. Some Great Cause 2. Ne... more Foreword: Miracles and Obstacles Rebecca Solnit PART ONE SUMMER TO FALL 1. Some Great Cause 2. New Messiah PART TWO FALL TO WINTER 3. Planet Occupy 4. No Borders, No Bosses 5. Sanctuary PART THREE WINTER TO SPRING 6. Diversity of Tactics 7. Crazy Eyes PART FOUR SUMMER TO FALL 8. Eternal Return Acknowledgments Works Not Cited

International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 2016
This article identifies and examines changes that are presently taking place in the global econom... more This article identifies and examines changes that are presently taking place in the global economy (the growing importance of new fast growing markets and the financial crisis). Special attention is paid to the response of new transition member states of the European Union to these changes, as well as to the discrepancy between them and old European Union members. It furthermore investigates the possibility of increased economic cooperation with currently fastest growing markets as a structural measure for growth, as well as potentially for overcoming the present financial crisis. We find important and consistent differences between these country groups, both in terms of their levels and trends of economic cooperation with the growth markets. Moreover, we find that stronger cooperation with the growth markets is associated with higher economic growth in the pre-crisis years, but it does not shield countries from the effects of the crisis.

Foreign Policy Analysis, 2021
The research identifies geographic proximity as the crucial driving force behind state behavior i... more The research identifies geographic proximity as the crucial driving force behind state behavior in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). Looking at both stages of the UPR mechanism, we pose two questions: what best explains states issuing human rights recommendations and what best explains states accepting those recommendations? Our model controls for a variety of alternative explanations—state capacity, international structure, and international institutions. The results show that the closer the states are, the more likely it is that they will issue each other recommendations; however, the closer the states are, the less likely it is that they will accept recommendations from one another. We also find an important caveat: the logic of issuance and acceptance of recommendations is reversed when it comes to neighboring states. The latter speaks against general international relations literature, where sharing a border and geographic proximity are both associated with increasing the li...
Post-Communist Economies, 2014
ABSTRACT This article explores potential differences in the level and speed of adjustment to the ... more ABSTRACT This article explores potential differences in the level and speed of adjustment to the new centres of economic growth (BRICs and other Growth Markets) between the industrial member states (EU-15) and the new members of the European Union (NMS). It seeks to examine whether such differences can be attributed to differences in policies and the countries' crisis exit strategies. It establishes that the NMS have been more successful in adjusting to the new centres of economic growth (more by way of exports than inward FDI), but not if Russia, easily the biggest partner of the NMS, is excluded from the analysis. It therefore cannot be claimed that this success was the result of far-sighted strategies.

Foreign Policy Analysis, 2021
The research identifies geographic proximity as the crucial driving force behind state behavior i... more The research identifies geographic proximity as the crucial driving force behind state behavior in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). Looking at both stages of the UPR mechanism, we pose two questions: what best explains states issuing human rights recommendations and what best explains states accepting those recommendations? Our model controls for a variety of alternative explanations—state capacity, international structure, and international institutions. The results show that the closer the states are, the more likely it is that they will issue each other recommendations; however, the closer the states are, the less likely it is that they will accept recommendations from one another. We also find an important caveat: the logic of issuance and acceptance of recommendations is reversed when it comes to neighboring states. The latter speaks against general international relations literature, where sharing a border and geographic proximity are both associated with increasing the likelihood of conflict.
La investigación identifica la proximidad geográfica como la fuerza crucial que impulsa el comportamiento del Estado en el Examen Periódico Universal. Al analizar las dos etapas del mecanismo del Examen Periódico Universal (Universal Periodic Review, UPR), nos planteamos dos preguntas: ¿de qué manera se puede explicar mejor el hecho de que los Estados emiten recomendaciones sobre los derechos humanos? y ¿de qué manera se puede explicar mejor el hecho de que los Estados aceptan dichas recomendaciones? Nuestro modelo controla una serie de explicaciones alternativas: capacidad estatal, estructura internacional e instituciones internacionales. Los resultados indican que cuanto más cerca están los Estados, más probable es que se emitan recomendaciones entre sí; sin embargo, cuanto más cerca están los Estados, menos probable es que acepten las recomendaciones de los demás. Además, descubrimos una advertencia importante: la lógica de emisión y aceptación de las recomendaciones se revierte cuando se trata de Estados vecinos. Esto último contradice la literatura general de las Relaciones Internacionales, en la que compartir una frontera y la proximidad geográfica se asocian con el aumento de la probabilidad de conflicto.
Cette recherche identifie la proximité géographique comme force motrice cruciale motivant le comportement des États lors de l'Examen périodique universel (EPU). Nous étudions deux étapes du mécanisme d'EPU et posons deux questions: quelle est la meilleure explication du fait que les États émettent des recommandations en matière de droits de l'homme, et quelle est celle du fait que des États les acceptent? Notre modèle contrôle diverses explications possibles: capacité des États, structure internationale et institutions internationales. Nos résultats montrent que plus des États sont proches, plus il est probable qu'ils s'adressent mutuellement des recommandations; en revanche, plus ils sont proches, moins il est probable qu'ils acceptent les recommandations les uns des autres. Nous constatons également une antinomie importante: la logique d’émission et d'acceptation de recommandations est inversée lorsqu'il s'agit d’États voisins. Ce dernier point va à l'encontre de la littérature générale sur les relations internationales dans laquelle le partage d'une frontière et la proximité géographique sont tous deux associés à une augmentation de la probabilité de conflit.
Mednarodno humanitarno pravo: Zbornik ob 70-letnici sprejema ženevskih konvencij, 2020
Staša Tkalec v članku Načelo nevračanja v mednarodnem humanitarnem pravu: apli- kacija načela nev... more Staša Tkalec v članku Načelo nevračanja v mednarodnem humanitarnem pravu: apli- kacija načela nevračanja ob razpadanju SFRJ in aktualnem begunsko-migrantskem vprašanju v Evropi obravnava vprašanje zaščite beguncev, ki zapustijo svojo državo zaradi oboroženih spopadov. Poda pregled prakse držav EU v primeru vojn ob razpa- du SFRJ ter ob sedanjem begunskem valu. Ugotovi, da se načelo nevračanja, kot je urejeno v ženevskih konvencijah in v Konvenciji o beguncih, ne nanaša na sedanjo begunsko situacijo, ga je pa kot splošno pravilo mednarodnega prava, ki predstavlja presečno točko MPČP in MHP, treba uporabiti tako, da je potrebna vsebinska pre- soja vsakega posamičnega primera. Koncept varnih držav ne zadošča, kar je s svojo prakso potrdilo tudi ESČP.
The authors aim to conceive the so-called inconceivable, i.e. to address the issue of stereotypes... more The authors aim to conceive the so-called inconceivable, i.e. to address the issue of stereotypes in relation to human rights law. Building on stereotypes as a sociological category, the authors examine the recent jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights through the prism of two relevant judicial doctrines – the margin of appreciation and the 'living instrument' doctrines. An evolutionary analysis of the Court's case law on gender equality and gender identity illustrates that the gradual decrease of the former and the rise of the latter doctrine have significantly contributed to reducing the harmful effects of stereotypes in Strasbourg's courtrooms. However, while the judges have indeed become more susceptive to questions of formal and substantive equality, a progressive anti-stereotyping approach addressing the issue of structural discrimination has yet to emerge.

Staša Tkalec’s contribution in Chapter 9 addresses the role of contempo- rary intellectuals in th... more Staša Tkalec’s contribution in Chapter 9 addresses the role of contempo- rary intellectuals in the promotion of human rights. She observes that the new millennium has been marked by the idea of human rights as presumed lingua franca of the globalized world. However, the discrepancy between ubiquitous (and affrmative) discourses on rights and their poorly realized implementation is strik- ing. Staša assays to understand the relative absence of intellectuals in the con- temporary public human rights discourse via an account of the opportunities and constraints for intellectuals in the era of globalization. In her attempt to transcend the question of where have all the intellectuals gone, she presents a case study of the 1960s Russell Tribunals. From this forum’s discourse, Staša teases out the emancipatory potential of human rights beyond the existing (constrained, liberal) human rights law.

International Journal of Sustainable Economy
This article identifies and examines changes that are presently taking place in the global econom... more This article identifies and examines changes that are presently taking place in the global economy (the growing importance of new fast growing markets and the financial crisis). Special attention is paid to the response of new transition member states of the European Union to these changes, as well as to the discrepancy between them and old European Union members. It furthermore investigates the possibility of increased economic cooperation with currently fastest growing markets as a structural measure for growth, as well as potentially for overcoming the present financial crisis. We find important and consistent differences between these country groups, both in terms of their levels and trends of economic cooperation with the growth markets. Moreover, we find that stronger cooperation with the growth markets is associated with higher economic growth in the pre-crisis years, but it does not shield countries from the effects of the crisis.
Doktorska disertacija (doctoral dissertation). V slovenščini. English abstract.

The paper investigates the relationship between citizenship, nation-state and globalization throu... more The paper investigates the relationship between citizenship, nation-state and globalization through the unconventional prism of human rights. Focusing on transformative effects of globalization processes, the author explores the challenges that the unprecedented level of transplanetary connectivity and supraterritorial relations pose to the international human rights regime founded on responsibility of territorially defined nation-states for protection and promotion of human rights. With discrepancy between the de facto state of the nation-state and the foundations of the present human rights regime as a point of departure, the paper looks into three main theoretical approaches that attempt to (re)establish theoretical and practical relevance of human rights in the globalized world. Distancing herself from the predominant legalistic human rights discourse, the author advocates revival of moral and ethical dimensions of human rights, complemented with lessons learnt from the tradition of citizenship rights as a strategy for securing room for human rights in the era of globalization.
This article explores potential differences in the level and speed of adjustment to the new centr... more This article explores potential differences in the level and speed of adjustment to the new centres of economic growth (BRICs and other Growth Markets) between the industrial member states (EU-15) and the new members of the European Union (NMS). It seeks to examine whether such differences can be attributed to differences in policies and the countries' crisis exit strategies. It establishes that the NMS have been more successful in adjusting to the new centres of economic growth (more by way of exports than inward FDI), but not if Russia, easily the biggest partner of the NMS, is excluded from the analysis. It therefore cannot be claimed that this success was the result of far-sighted strategies.

Značilnost sodobnega mednarodnega prava je, da prepoveduje uporabo sile pri reševanju mednarodnih... more Značilnost sodobnega mednarodnega prava je, da prepoveduje uporabo sile pri reševanju mednarodnih sporov in zapoveduje komplementarno obveznost mirnega reševanja sporov. Eden od načinov mirnega reševanja sporov v mednarodnih ekonomskih odnosih je reševanje trgovinskih sporov v okviru Svetovne trgovinske organizacije (STO, angl. WTO -World Trade Organisation), ki je postopoma nastajal že v okviru Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini (GATT) (Türk 2007, 467-498). Temeljna pravila in postopki reševanja sporov v okviru STO so načeloma enaki za vse države članice, kljub temu pa študije o nezadostni oziroma neproporcionalni zastopanosti trgovinskih interesov nekaterih kategorij držav članic STO, predvsem držav v razvoju (DVR), v dejavnosti reševanja sporov sprožajo vprašanja o ustreznosti obstoječe ureditve (Bown 2005, 1). V članku se bomo ukvarjali predvsem z vprašanjem položaja DVR v odnosu do razvitih držav (RD) v postopkih reševanja sporov, pri čemer nas bodo posebej zanimali možni razlogi za določen tip odnosa. Tako je naša prva hipoteza, da se, kljub premiku postopkov reševanja sporov v okviru STO k večjemu 'legalizmu', DVR v veliko manjši meri poslužujejo reševanju sporov v okviru STO kot razvite države. Nadalje tudi predpostavljamo, da so spori med DVR in RD ponavadi rešeni v korist razvitih držav, kar bi lahko bil možen vzrok za 'nezaupanje' DVR v mehanizme reševanja sporov STO. Tako želimo z analizo preveriti, zakaj se DVR nerade poslužujejo reševanja sporov z mehanizmi STO in ali se v primeru rešenih sporov med DVR in RD v okviru STO kaže trend razreševanja sporov v prid razvitih držav.
Drafts and abstracts by Staša Tkalec

A significant part of the contemporary academic literature at the intersection of human rights an... more A significant part of the contemporary academic literature at the intersection of human rights and globalization studies refers to human rights as the lingua franca of the globalized world. This optimistic viewpoint is buttressed by the large number of international legal instruments and institutions that were set up after World War II and that are more or less universally accepted. Therefore, modern human rights language is above all the language of national and international institutions and representatives of political and legal elites who have as their mission finding strategies that will overcome the gap between the universal acceptance of human rights and their poor implementation. Departing from the (problematic and still rather uncontested) legal-positivist and liberal-institutionalist discourse and pursuing a more genealogical approach to human rights, we discover that the current human rights regime conceals a long and extremely rich history of human rights ideas. A brief glance into genealogical accounts of human rights reveals that it is virtually impossible to contemplate this subject without reference to intellectuals. That is particularly true after the Enlightenment when intellectuals began to bring their ideas to the public sphere and become international human rights activists, employing human rights language as a powerful tool for individual and wider social emancipation. With human rights nowhere near its long proclaimed "victory" and unprecedented opportunities for agency of individuals presented by the structure of globalization processes, the author is surprised to discover the almost total absence of intellectuals from the (global) public sphere. The aim of the present chapter is thus to look at the opportunities for and constraints on global human rights activism of public intellectuals in times significantly marked by processes of globalization. To answer the questionwhere have all the public intellectuals gonethe author strives to find objective reasons for the disengagement of intellectuals from human rights concerns and to draw some general conclusions on the implications of globalization for human rights activism in the twenty-first century.

The paper investigates the relationship between citizenship, nation-state and globalization throu... more The paper investigates the relationship between citizenship, nation-state and globalization through the unconventional prism of human rights. Focusing on transformative effects of globalization processes, the author explores the challenges that the unprecedented level of transplanetary connectivity and supraterritorial relations pose to the international human rights regime founded on responsibility of territorially defined nation-states for protection and promotion of human rights. With discrepancy between the de facto state of the nation-state and the foundations of the present human rights regime as a point of departure, the paper looks into three main theoretical approaches that attempt to (re)establish theoretical and practical relevance of human rights in the globalized world. Distancing herself from the predominant legalistic human rights discourse, the author advocates revival of moral and ethical dimensions of human rights, complemented with lessons learnt from the tradition of citizenship rights as a strategy for securing room for human rights in the era of globalization.
Papers by Staša Tkalec
La investigación identifica la proximidad geográfica como la fuerza crucial que impulsa el comportamiento del Estado en el Examen Periódico Universal. Al analizar las dos etapas del mecanismo del Examen Periódico Universal (Universal Periodic Review, UPR), nos planteamos dos preguntas: ¿de qué manera se puede explicar mejor el hecho de que los Estados emiten recomendaciones sobre los derechos humanos? y ¿de qué manera se puede explicar mejor el hecho de que los Estados aceptan dichas recomendaciones? Nuestro modelo controla una serie de explicaciones alternativas: capacidad estatal, estructura internacional e instituciones internacionales. Los resultados indican que cuanto más cerca están los Estados, más probable es que se emitan recomendaciones entre sí; sin embargo, cuanto más cerca están los Estados, menos probable es que acepten las recomendaciones de los demás. Además, descubrimos una advertencia importante: la lógica de emisión y aceptación de las recomendaciones se revierte cuando se trata de Estados vecinos. Esto último contradice la literatura general de las Relaciones Internacionales, en la que compartir una frontera y la proximidad geográfica se asocian con el aumento de la probabilidad de conflicto.
Cette recherche identifie la proximité géographique comme force motrice cruciale motivant le comportement des États lors de l'Examen périodique universel (EPU). Nous étudions deux étapes du mécanisme d'EPU et posons deux questions: quelle est la meilleure explication du fait que les États émettent des recommandations en matière de droits de l'homme, et quelle est celle du fait que des États les acceptent? Notre modèle contrôle diverses explications possibles: capacité des États, structure internationale et institutions internationales. Nos résultats montrent que plus des États sont proches, plus il est probable qu'ils s'adressent mutuellement des recommandations; en revanche, plus ils sont proches, moins il est probable qu'ils acceptent les recommandations les uns des autres. Nous constatons également une antinomie importante: la logique d’émission et d'acceptation de recommandations est inversée lorsqu'il s'agit d’États voisins. Ce dernier point va à l'encontre de la littérature générale sur les relations internationales dans laquelle le partage d'une frontière et la proximité géographique sont tous deux associés à une augmentation de la probabilité de conflit.
Drafts and abstracts by Staša Tkalec
Commentary by Staša Tkalec
La investigación identifica la proximidad geográfica como la fuerza crucial que impulsa el comportamiento del Estado en el Examen Periódico Universal. Al analizar las dos etapas del mecanismo del Examen Periódico Universal (Universal Periodic Review, UPR), nos planteamos dos preguntas: ¿de qué manera se puede explicar mejor el hecho de que los Estados emiten recomendaciones sobre los derechos humanos? y ¿de qué manera se puede explicar mejor el hecho de que los Estados aceptan dichas recomendaciones? Nuestro modelo controla una serie de explicaciones alternativas: capacidad estatal, estructura internacional e instituciones internacionales. Los resultados indican que cuanto más cerca están los Estados, más probable es que se emitan recomendaciones entre sí; sin embargo, cuanto más cerca están los Estados, menos probable es que acepten las recomendaciones de los demás. Además, descubrimos una advertencia importante: la lógica de emisión y aceptación de las recomendaciones se revierte cuando se trata de Estados vecinos. Esto último contradice la literatura general de las Relaciones Internacionales, en la que compartir una frontera y la proximidad geográfica se asocian con el aumento de la probabilidad de conflicto.
Cette recherche identifie la proximité géographique comme force motrice cruciale motivant le comportement des États lors de l'Examen périodique universel (EPU). Nous étudions deux étapes du mécanisme d'EPU et posons deux questions: quelle est la meilleure explication du fait que les États émettent des recommandations en matière de droits de l'homme, et quelle est celle du fait que des États les acceptent? Notre modèle contrôle diverses explications possibles: capacité des États, structure internationale et institutions internationales. Nos résultats montrent que plus des États sont proches, plus il est probable qu'ils s'adressent mutuellement des recommandations; en revanche, plus ils sont proches, moins il est probable qu'ils acceptent les recommandations les uns des autres. Nous constatons également une antinomie importante: la logique d’émission et d'acceptation de recommandations est inversée lorsqu'il s'agit d’États voisins. Ce dernier point va à l'encontre de la littérature générale sur les relations internationales dans laquelle le partage d'une frontière et la proximité géographique sont tous deux associés à une augmentation de la probabilité de conflit.