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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingVisualizationBiology
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    • Comparative Physiology
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      Information SystemsDistributed Computing
The threshold sensitivity of the leg-vibration receptors of the green lacewing, Chtysoperla carnea, was investigated electro-physiologically. The legs were stimulated by sinusoidal vibrations. Summed responses from the leg nerve fibres of... more
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      PhysiologyZoologyBiologyInsect Physiology
The onion plant (Allium cepa L.) is a suitable indicator plant for the determination of potential genotoxic agents in the samples taken from the environment. The genotoxic level of the agent under study is reflected by structural changes... more
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    • Biology
Web3D or virtual reality on the web used interactive, immersive three-dimensional worlds, not to be mistaken with video clips. We write here about our experiences and suggestions on this attractive technique, which we use and develop for... more
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    • Biology
The Clark Aldrich's book: "Simulations and the Future of Learning : An Innovative (and Perhaps Revolutionary) Approach to e-Learning" is about new educational ways that are tightly connected to computer games and simulations. Clark... more
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      EngineeringComputer Science
An edit-distance model that can be used for the approximate matching of contiguous and noncontiguous timed strings is presented. The model extends the concept of the weighted string-edit distance by introducing timed edit operations and... more
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      Events managementString MatchingEdit Distance
Variations of the basic string-alignment algorithm are commonly used for the detection and classification of speech-recognition errors. In this procedure, reference and system-output hypothesis speech transcriptions are first aligned... more
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    • Speech Processing
The workshop on Restrictions in the Implementation of EU Data Protection Directive for Public Interest, Security and Defence, was the second of the two problem-solving workshops to be held in the HIDE project. This one-and-a-half-day... more
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Blind and visually-impaired people face many problems in interacting with information retrieval systems. State-of-the-art spoken language technology offers potential to overcome many of them. In the mid-nineties our research group decided... more
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The paper first presents a large-vocabulary automatic speech recognition system that is being developed for the Slovenian language. The concept of a single-pass token-passing algorithm for the fast speech decoding that can be used with... more
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The paper presents our experiences with the phone transition acoustical models. The phone transition models were compared to the traditional context dependent phone models. We put special attention on the speech signal segmentation... more
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This paper presents the results of our efforts to obtain the minimum possible finite-state representation of a pronunciation dictionary. Finite-state transducers are widely used to encode word pronunciations and our experiments revealed... more
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Založnik: Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Ljubljana Tisk: Birografika BORI d.o.o. Priprava zbornika: Mitja Lasič, Jana Krivec Oblikovanje naslovnice: BONS d.o.o. Tiskano iz predloga avtorjev Naklada: 35 Ljubljana, oktober 2010 Konferenco IS 2010... more
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      Affect/EmotionSpeech Processing
In this article we present an efficient approach to modeling the acoustic features for the tasks of recognizing various paralinguistic phenomena. Instead of the standard scheme of adapting the Universal Background Model (UBM), represented... more
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    • Spoken Language Technologies