Papers by Erwin Tschirner
Diese Arbeit beschaeftigt sich im Rahmen der gegenwaertigen Diskussion zu Aspekt und Transitivita... more Diese Arbeit beschaeftigt sich im Rahmen der gegenwaertigen Diskussion zu Aspekt und Transitivitaet im Deutschen mit den semantischen Eigenschaften von Verbalphrasen. Der Autor dieses Werkes traegt wesentlich zur Klaerung des Begriffs Aktionsarten bei, und dazu, wie Aktionsart, Transitivitaet und Agentivitaet das syntaktische und semantische Verhalten des Partizip Perfekts im heutigen Deutschen determinieren.
Page 1. Themenschwerpunkt: Neue Medien im Fremdsprachenunterricht 28. Jahrgang (1999) koordiniert... more Page 1. Themenschwerpunkt: Neue Medien im Fremdsprachenunterricht 28. Jahrgang (1999) koordiniert von Erwin Tschirner Neue Medien im Fremdsprachenunterricht Erwin Tschirner Zur Einfiihrung in den Themenschwerpunkt ...
Acknowledgements. Thematic Vocabulary List. List of Abbreviations Introduction References 1. Freq... more Acknowledgements. Thematic Vocabulary List. List of Abbreviations Introduction References 1. Frequency Index. 2. Alphabetical Index. 3. Part of Speech. Index

An important predictor of academic success of both foreign university students and of students st... more An important predictor of academic success of both foreign university students and of students studying a foreign language for academic purposes is vocabulary size. Estimates of minimal vocabulary sizes start at a low of 5,000 words for reading authentic texts (LAUFER 1997) and range up to 10,000 words for reading university textbooks (HAZENBERG/HULSTIJN 1996). To determine English vocabulary sizes of beginning Anglistik students at the University of Leipzig (Germany), NATION's (2001) Vocabulary Levels Tests were administered to approximately one third of all beginning students in the winter semester of 2001/02 (N = 142) along with a 25-item questionnaire focusing on relevant biographical information including past and present English language experience and study behavior. In addition to describing the vocabulary levels attained by the participants, the paper discusses the relationship between test scores and background data such as length of time in English-speaking countries,...
Fremdsprache Deutsch, 2021

Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen
Password authentication suffers from the wellknown tradeoff between security and usability. Secur... more Password authentication suffers from the wellknown tradeoff between security and usability. Secure passwords are difficult for users to remember, and memorable passwords are often easy to guess. SPARse Two-dimensional AuthenticatioN (SPARTAN) allows users to input their textual passwords in a two-dimensional grid instead of a linear textbox. This interface enables relatively short passwords to have a higher calculated level of security due to the need for an attacker to determine both the text of the password and the location of each character in the grid. We created a SPARTAN prototype and conducted a preliminary user study to evaluate the actual usability and security of the SPARTAN interface compared to the linear password entry interface. We find that while user-created SPARTAN passwords tend to be shorter than their linear counterparts, the calculated security of user-created SPARTAN passwords is higher than that of user-created linear passwords. We also asked participants to complete a survey on the usability of the SPARTAN interface and identified some areas of improvement, while prototype interaction provided some evidence of users becoming more familiar with SPARTAN over time. Finally, we performed an investigation into password-cracking tools, and assert that SPARTAN passwords require more resources to crack than their linear counterparts. These findings suggest that SPARTAN is a promising alternative to linear passwords from a security standpoint. Usability of the interface and memorability of SPARTAN passwords is an interesting research question and should be further investigated in future work.

ExLing 2012: Proceedings of 5th Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Nov 20, 2019
In the present study, we explore the influence of syntactic complexity on incidental vocabulary a... more In the present study, we explore the influence of syntactic complexity on incidental vocabulary acquisition. Instead of relying on introspective research methods based on self-evaluation that have been typically used previously (e.g. the Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (Paribakht & Wesche, 1996)), we employ several psycholinguistic paradigms to investigate the acquisition of various lexical aspects of the new words (especially of phonological form and meaning) under two different acquisition conditions: a) directly within the context in which the subject first encounters the new word (self-paced reading) and b) independently from the acquisition context (lexical decision and semantic priming). The results of the present study indicate that the acquisition of new words is more successful in syntactically simple contexts.
Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German, 2007

In 2003, Germany instituted National Educational Standards (Bildungsstandards) for the lower seco... more In 2003, Germany instituted National Educational Standards (Bildungsstandards) for the lower secondary school system (grades 9 and 10) and in 2007 it decided to develop National Educational Standards for the upper secondary school system (Abitur). For foreign languages, both sets of standards are or will be based to a large extent on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This paper focuses on expected proficiency levels in speaking. The only large-scale study establishing proficiency levels to date at school is the DESI study which looked at scholastic achievement in German and English in grade 9 across all school types. The test used to evaluate speaking proficiency in English was the PhonePass Set-10 test. This paper discusses the validity of the results obtained and questions the rationality of some of the speaking proficiency expectations for foreign languages at German secondary schools.
The Modern Language Journal, 1998
... Proficiency Goals for Intermediate-Level Students of German ERWIN TSCHIRNER Department of Ger... more ... Proficiency Goals for Intermediate-Level Students of German ERWIN TSCHIRNER Department of German The University of Iowa 528 Phillips Hall Iowa City, IA 52242 Email: erwin. tschirner@t-online. de ... Page 3. Erwin Tschirner and L. Kathy Heilenman 149 ...

The Modern Language Journal, 1996
This essay presents an approach to developing a grammatical scope and sequence for elementary and... more This essay presents an approach to developing a grammatical scope and sequence for elementary and intermediate foreign language (FL) instruction that is different from the standard model which bases the grammatical syllabus of a textbook on tradition, intuition, or both. It is argued that different descriptions of grammar are needed for each of the three skills of reading, writing, and speaking, and that a grammatical scope and sequence needs to take into account the fact that different grammatical structures are learned at different levels of development. Using the development of oral proficiency as an example, this essay then explores a research-based approach to establishing a grammatical scope and sequence. It is argued that the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) forms a useful framework for interpreting findings from FL acquisition research within the context of teaching FLs in formal environments.

Language Teaching, 2009
Angesichts gegenwärtiger Entwicklungen innerhalb des Lehr- und Forschungsgebietes Deutsch als Fre... more Angesichts gegenwärtiger Entwicklungen innerhalb des Lehr- und Forschungsgebietes Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF)/German as a Foreign Language (GFL) als auch im Lichte politischer Entwicklungen, die weiterhin einen deutlichen Einfluss darauf ausuüben, wie DaF verbreitet, gelehrt, gelernt und evaluiert wird, scheint eine kritische Bewertung von im Zeitraum 2002–2009 veröffentlichter DaF-Forschungsbeitraäge zeitgemäß und angebracht. Empirische Forschung zu Deutsch als Fremdsprache versteht sich nicht als isoliertes Forschungsfeld, das primär oder gar ausschließlich mit seinen kulturell, strukturell und politisch bedingten Besonderheiten beschäftigt ist, sondern vielmehr als ein substantieller Beitrag zur internationalen Zweitsprachenerwerbsforschung, Fremdsprachenunterrichtsforschung und Angewandten Linguistik. Im Mittelpunkt des zweiten Teils unseres Forschungsüberblicks stehen Beiträge die den Einfluss kontextueller Faktoren und methodisch-didaktischer Entscheidungen auf die Bedingun...

Language Teaching, 2008
Angesichts gegenwärtiger Entwicklungen innerhalb des Lehr- und Forschungsgebietes Deutsch als Fre... more Angesichts gegenwärtiger Entwicklungen innerhalb des Lehr- und Forschungsgebietes Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF)/German as a Foreign Language (GFL) als auch im Lichte politischer Entwicklungen, die weiterhin einen deutlichen Einfluss darauf ausüben, wie DaF verbreitet, gelehrt, gelernt und evaluiert wird, scheint eine kritische Bewertung von im Zeitraum 2002–2008 veröffentlichter DaF-Forschungsbeiträge zeitgemäβ und angebracht. Empirische Forschung zu Deutsch als Fremdsprache versteht sich nicht als isoliertes Forschungsfeld das primär oder gar ausschlieβlich mit seinen kulturell, strukturell und politisch bedingten Besonderheiten beschäftigt ist, sondern vielmehr als ein substantieller Beitrag zur internationalen Zweitsprachenerwerbsforschung, Fremdsprachenunterrichtsforschung und Angewandten Linguistik. Der erste Teil unseres Forschungsüberblicks behandelt den Erwerb grammatischer und pragmatischer Aspekte des Deutschen als Fremdsprache als auch individuelle Unterschiede und Präfe...
Papers by Erwin Tschirner