Papers by Harald Reiterer
Human-Computer Interaction Series, 2011

Although a Web search is typically regarded as a solitary activity, collaborative search approach... more Although a Web search is typically regarded as a solitary activity, collaborative search approaches are becoming an increasingly relevant topic for HCI and distributed user interfaces (DUIs). Today’s collaborative search systems lack comprehensive search support that also involves pre- or post-search activities such as preparing for a search or making sense of search results. We believe that post-WIMP DUIs can help to better support social searches and have identified four design goals that are critical for their successful design. In consequence, we present TwisterSearch, an interactive DUI prototype that meets our four design goals. A formative study conducted with students at a high school shows its general applicability for educational purposes. In the recent years, research in HCI has increasingly focused on collaborative searches [1–6]. Collaborative search approaches can support activities and decision making such as planning travel, purchasing products, or searching for lite...
We introduce the interaction library Squidy, which eases the design of natural user interfaces by... more We introduce the interaction library Squidy, which eases the design of natural user interfaces by unifying relevant frameworks and toolkits in a common library. Squidy provides a central design environment based on high-level visual data flow programming combined with zoomable user interface concepts. The user interface offers a Simple visual language and a collection of ready-to-use devices, filters and interaction techniques. The concept of semantic zooming enables nevertheless access to more advanced functionality on demand. Thus, users are able to adjust the complexity of the user interface to their current need and knowledge.
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 1997
Applications based on Data Warehouses especially decision support systems such as Executive Infor... more Applications based on Data Warehouses especially decision support systems such as Executive Information Systems (EIS) are rapidly becoming a key to gain competitive advantage for businesses. Data Warehouse allows businesses to get data from operational databases and turn that data into useful information on which users can carry out their analysis. In this paper we will discuss the importance of meta modeling for EIS and Data Warehouses as analytical base in EIS for decision support.
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care, 2016
This is the demo version of our workshop paper (Supporting Self-Assembly: The IKEA Effect on Mobi... more This is the demo version of our workshop paper (Supporting Self-Assembly: The IKEA Effect on Mobile Health Persuasive Technology). We describe our proposal and experimental plan in this demo.
Co-located collaboration provides several advantages for visual data analysis: complex tasks can ... more Co-located collaboration provides several advantages for visual data analysis: complex tasks can be solved faster, experiences can be shared and collaborators have different perspectives on the data. In this paper we introduce proxemics-aware multi-focus visualizations as a means to facilitate collaboration and enhance the situational and mutual awareness during co-located collaboration. Furthermore, we discuss design considerations for proxemics-aware lens interfaces for multi-display environments (MDEs). To illustrate the potential usefulness of these design considerations we describe a hypothetical system supporting a collaborative network analysis task.

Mensch & Computer 2008
In diesem Beitrag stellen wir die Konzeption, Gestaltung und Realisierung eines interaktiven Syst... more In diesem Beitrag stellen wir die Konzeption, Gestaltung und Realisierung eines interaktiven Systems zur Bildersuche vor. Unternehmen verfügen oft über umfangreiche heterogene Bildsammlungen, die sehr unterschiedlichen Zielgruppen innerhalb und außerhalb des Unternehmens zur Verfügung gestellt werden müssen. Die Größe und Heterogenität dieser Bildsammlungen bedingt, dass es oft schwierig ist relevante Bilder nach spezifischen Kriterien zu finden. Wir haben ein webbasiertes System zur Bildersuche am Beispiel einer Bildersammlung von ca. 13.000 Fahrzeugbildern entwickelt. Damit zeigen wir eine innovative Lösung auf, die über ein zoombasiertes Interaktionskonzept mit umfangreichen Such-, Kategorisierung-und Filtermöglichkeiten verfügt und dieses mit einer Komponente zur Ähnlichkeitssuche kombiniert. Erste informale Evaluationen werden beschrieben. Sie zeigen, dass wir dadurch eine neue Qualität bei der Suche in großen heterogenen Bildersammlungen ermöglichen. Diese basiert vor allem auf einer visuellen und kategorialen Darstellung der Inhalte bzw. der Suchergebnisse. Ein fließender Übergang zwischen zielgerichteter Suche und explorativem Browsen wird dadurch unterstützt. 1 Einleitung Bilder und Zeichnungen werden zunehmend digital angefertigt und über das Internet verfügbar gemacht. Die Verwaltung der Bilder wird mit ansteigenden Datenmengen immer schwieriger und stellt eine interessante Forschungsfrage für die Mensch-Computer Interaktion dar. Diese beinhaltet vor allem auch die Suche nach einem geeigneten Interaktionskonzept. Die Hauptproblematik bei der Suche in großen Bilddatenmengen ist die Suche nach Bildern von denen der Benutzer nur eine vage Vorstellung hat. Auch die Präsentation der Suchergebnisse spielt eine wichtige Rolle, da einerseits sehr viele oder aber gar keine Treffer aus den Anfragen resultieren können. Eine weitere Herausforderung stellt die meist unzureichende Verschlagwortung der Bilder dar. Anwender machen Tippfehler oder verwenden unterschiedliche Begriffe, um die Bildinhalte zu beschreiben. Die Bildung von Metadatengruppen erleich-
The idea of Information Visualization is to get insights into great amounts of abstract data. Esp... more The idea of Information Visualization is to get insights into great amounts of abstract data. Especially document sets found by searching the World Wide Web are a sp ecial challenge. The paper gives a short overview on the variety of possible visualizations for this application area. Crucial factors for the success of visualization s are discussed. A combined approach is presented to use alternative simple visualizations, grouped around the traditional result-list, for usage with a local meta web search engine.
paper we present the conception and the evaluation of a visual information retrieval system for t... more paper we present the conception and the evaluation of a visual information retrieval system for the Web. Our work has been motivated by the lack of good user interfaces assisting the user in searching the Web. The selected visualisations and the reasons why they have been chosen are explained in detail. An evaluation of these visualisa- tions as an add-on to the traditional result list is presented.

Summa~. This paper presents Integrative Wor~ ~mmenfass/.iesem Beitrag wir . Integrative Worktern ... more Summa~. This paper presents Integrative Wor~ ~mmenfass/.iesem Beitrag wir . Integrative Worktern whiah blends the qualities of digital a~~ hysicat;otfu:es lace vorges~llt, ein Arbeitsplatz der Jfysische BUcher mit by augm~nting physical books with propey~'f ~fral boo den EigenJ.Iiaften digitaler BUcher anre~chert und umgekehrt. and vice I versa. On the base of Blen~,..-lnte~etlon, 'J CleAuf B9 des Design Frameworks Bl~n'ded Interaction wurde signed a system which helps UJ.e~6 in~Fa'Ct w!!?Ahe new ein ~ystem entwickelt, das Benutzern hilft mit der neuartigen and unfamiliar functiona~t::-dl~ly-ilugm~nted books. I~ ) Yflktionalitat von digital angereicMerten BUchern interagieren a user st~dy, la~ud.e""AtsellJPleyed l~ratlve Workplace tsY"' zu konnen. In einer Nutzerstu<jit verwendeten Jurastudenten work ~e.g~le..pOslt~v~oack of ~art~cipan~~dilntegrat~~e Workplace urn ei.nen Sachve:halt zu bearbeiten. =<:ate'"" ~e..managed to esrgn ...
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). AVI’18, May 29 – June 1, 2018, Grosetto, Italy. ACM 978... more Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). AVI’18, May 29 – June 1, 2018, Grosetto, Italy. ACM 978-1-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/XX. Abstract Recent research has demonstrated the benefits of mixed realities for information visualisation. Often the focus lies on the visualisation itself, leaving interaction opportunities through different modalities largely unexplored. Yet, mixed reality in particular can benefit from a combination of different modalities. This work examines an existing mixed reality visualisation which is combined with a large tabletop for touch interaction. Although this allows for familiar operation, the approach comes with some limitations which we address by employing mobile devices, thus adding tangibility and proxemics as input modalities.

Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Cross-device interaction with tablets is a popular topic in HCI research. Recent work has shown t... more Cross-device interaction with tablets is a popular topic in HCI research. Recent work has shown the benefits of including multiple devices into users' workflows while various interaction techniques allow transferring content across devices. However, users are only reluctantly using multiple devices in combination. At the same time, research on cross-device interaction struggles to find a frame of reference to compare techniques or systems. In this paper, we try to address these challenges by studying the interplay of interaction techniques, device utilization, and task-specific activities in a user study with 24 participants from different but complementary angles of evaluation using an abstract task, a sensemaking task, and three interaction techniques. We found that different interaction techniques have a lower influence than expected, that work behaviors and device utilization depend on the task at hand, and that participants value specific aspects of crossdevice interaction.

Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Prolonged sedentary behavior contributes to many chronic diseases. An appropriate reminder could ... more Prolonged sedentary behavior contributes to many chronic diseases. An appropriate reminder could help screen-based workers to reduce their prolonged sedentary behavior. The fixed-duration point-ofchoice prompt has been frequently used in related work. However, this prompting system has several drawbacks. In this paper, we propose the SedentaryBar, a context-aware reminding system using an always-on progress bar to show the duration of a working session, as an alternative to the prompt. The new reminding system uses both users' keyboard/mouse events on the computer and the state-ofthe-art computer vision algorithm with the webcam to detect users' presence, which makes the system more accurate and intelligent. Our evaluation study compared the SedentaryBar and the prompt using subjective and objective measurements. After using each method for a week respectively, more participants preferred the SedentaryBar. The participants' perceived interruption and usefulness also suggested the SedentaryBar was more popular during the study. However, the logged data of the participants' working durations indicated the prompt was more effective in reducing their sedentary behavior.
Mensch und Computer 2021
Figure 1: Interactive dashboards in augmented reality (IDIAR) visualize data from an ongoing mobi... more Figure 1: Interactive dashboards in augmented reality (IDIAR) visualize data from an ongoing mobile intervention study, enabling researchers to quickly identify irregularities. Four different dashboards provide users with both general and detailed information about an ongoing mobile intervention study. A multimodal interaction approach combining smartphone-based touch, head gaze, and voice input allows for familiar operation.
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Figure 1: STREAM combines spatially-aware tablets with augmented reality head-mounted displays fo... more Figure 1: STREAM combines spatially-aware tablets with augmented reality head-mounted displays for visual data analysis. Users can interact with 3D visualizations through a multimodal interaction concept, allowing for fuid interaction with the visualizations.
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Figure 1. Two participants of our study working on a study task (A). Different visualizations of ... more Figure 1. Two participants of our study working on a study task (A). Different visualizations of OSCE data: Map (B), Parallel Coordinates (C), Data Table (D).
Human–Computer Interaction
Large Interactive Displays (LIDs), such as tabletops or interactive walls, are promising innovati... more Large Interactive Displays (LIDs), such as tabletops or interactive walls, are promising innovations, which are increasingly used to support colocated collaboration. Yet the current evidence base on the impact of LID use on collaborative processes and outcomes, and associated

Contemporary exhibitions are increasingly staged using extensive and often interactive media. To ... more Contemporary exhibitions are increasingly staged using extensive and often interactive media. To create such exhibitions, exhibition design companies employ professionals from a wide range of different disciplines. The support of interdisciplinary exhibition designers in the design process is one goal of research in Human-Computer Interaction. This includes the deployment of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Tools that enable professionals from all disciplines involved to design and create interactive media themselves. In this paper, we will present Argus Vision, a DIY Tool, which allows exhibition designers the use of camera-tracking to rapidly prototype and develop immersive exhibitions and interactive installations. We successfully used Argus Vision in two real-world case studies both in the prototyping and in the deployment of two installations in exhibitions. Additionally, we conducted expert interviews with exhibition designers, investigating the tool’s usefulness for them.
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI EA '16, 2016
In this workshop, we will review and discuss challenges and opportunities for HCI in relation to ... more In this workshop, we will review and discuss challenges and opportunities for HCI in relation to cross-surface interaction in the wild based on the bring-your-owndevice (BYOD) practice. We aim to bring together researchers and practitioners working on technical infrastructures for cross-surface computing, studies of cross-surface computing in particular domains as well as interaction challenges for introducing cross-surface computing in the wild, all with a particular focus on BYOD. Examples of application domains are: cultural institutions, work places, public libraries, schools and education.
In this paper, we tie together different streams of research from our institutions to present a j... more In this paper, we tie together different streams of research from our institutions to present a joint vision of collaborative computer-supported interactions in future crisis rooms. We envision novel interaction and visualisation techniques for the next generation of crisis rooms that will better support collaborative search, analysis, and comparison of data during sensemaking activities. Such a sensemaking activity for example could be the production of daily situation reports. We focus on how users can benefit from device ecologies consisting of big wall displays, interactive tabletop surfaces and tangible user interfaces during such activities.
Papers by Harald Reiterer