Papers by Dr. Sharo I Garip

Instrumental Reason
During the First World War, the Kurds missed a critical opportunity to establ... more Instrumental Reason
During the First World War, the Kurds missed a critical opportunity to establish their own state. They are presently on the verge of letting yet another golden opportunity escape. Not only the regimes that are their enemies but also the fragile state of their national consciousness are significant factors in the squandering of these opportunities. However much effort Kurds expend waging an anti-colonial war, they have not been able to achieve a positive outcome; in the fight against the Kurdish struggle for decolonization, colonial powers are continually creating new technologies to use in recolonization. A thorough analysis of the external dynamics involved in Kurdish nationalism, as exemplified by the fragmentation of the Kurdish nation by four different countries, together with an analysis of its internal divisions, as well as the process of self-colonization, is urgently needed. The instruments used in self-colonization and the reason that the Kurds have not been able to create a social contract are also subjects requiring examination. This last is the major tragedy of the Kurdish national experience, and it is for this reason that Diyarbakir, Cizre, Kirkuk, and Afrin are one by one being lost.
Die KandidatInnen für die Staatspräsidentschaftswahl und die Wahlbündnisse für die Parlamentswahl... more Die KandidatInnen für die Staatspräsidentschaftswahl und die Wahlbündnisse für die Parlamentswahl am 24. Juni 2018 stehen offiziell fest: In Federführung der regierenden AKP hat sich mit ihrem faktischen Juniorpartner der ultranationalistischen MHP die sog. „Volksallianz“ gegründet. Da es unsicher war, ob die MHP die in der Türkei bis heute geltende Zehn-Prozent-Hürde bei der Parlamentswahl überwindet, wurde im Rahmen der Wahlgesetzänderung der AKP im März 2018 indirekt die Regelung einer sog. „Null-Prozent-Hürde“ eingeführt. Diese ermöglicht es nun, auch kleineren Parteien in einem Wahlbündnis in das Parlament einzuziehen, sofern mindestens eine andere Partei aus ihrem Bündnis die Zehn-Prozent-Hürde erreicht.
Papers by Dr. Sharo I Garip
During the First World War, the Kurds missed a critical opportunity to establish their own state. They are presently on the verge of letting yet another golden opportunity escape. Not only the regimes that are their enemies but also the fragile state of their national consciousness are significant factors in the squandering of these opportunities. However much effort Kurds expend waging an anti-colonial war, they have not been able to achieve a positive outcome; in the fight against the Kurdish struggle for decolonization, colonial powers are continually creating new technologies to use in recolonization. A thorough analysis of the external dynamics involved in Kurdish nationalism, as exemplified by the fragmentation of the Kurdish nation by four different countries, together with an analysis of its internal divisions, as well as the process of self-colonization, is urgently needed. The instruments used in self-colonization and the reason that the Kurds have not been able to create a social contract are also subjects requiring examination. This last is the major tragedy of the Kurdish national experience, and it is for this reason that Diyarbakir, Cizre, Kirkuk, and Afrin are one by one being lost.
During the First World War, the Kurds missed a critical opportunity to establish their own state. They are presently on the verge of letting yet another golden opportunity escape. Not only the regimes that are their enemies but also the fragile state of their national consciousness are significant factors in the squandering of these opportunities. However much effort Kurds expend waging an anti-colonial war, they have not been able to achieve a positive outcome; in the fight against the Kurdish struggle for decolonization, colonial powers are continually creating new technologies to use in recolonization. A thorough analysis of the external dynamics involved in Kurdish nationalism, as exemplified by the fragmentation of the Kurdish nation by four different countries, together with an analysis of its internal divisions, as well as the process of self-colonization, is urgently needed. The instruments used in self-colonization and the reason that the Kurds have not been able to create a social contract are also subjects requiring examination. This last is the major tragedy of the Kurdish national experience, and it is for this reason that Diyarbakir, Cizre, Kirkuk, and Afrin are one by one being lost.