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review of: T. W. KÖHLER, Homo animal nobilissimum. Konturen des spezifisch Menschlichen in der naturphilosophischen Aristoteleskommentierung des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts. Teilband 1, E. J. Brill: Leiden-New York 2008, 986 S.
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In this text, presented as a lecture at the Sofia University in May 2016, I am taking an image from Jorge Luis Borges’ Dr. Brodie’s Report in order to make a point about Medieval author Albert the Great. In the short story Borges... more
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If we consider the soul in itself, then we agree with Plato; but if we consider it according to the form which it gives to the body and animates it, then we agree with Aristotle. (Albertus Magnus, Summa theol. II, tr.12 q.69 m.2 art.2,... more
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From Pseudo-Aristotle to Pseudo-Albert: The Emancipation of Natural Philosophy EVELINA MITEVA (Cologne) In his famous prologue to his commentary to Aristotle’s Physics (written ca. 1251 – 1252) Albert the Great describes his plan to... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyNatural philosophyAlbert the GreatPseudo-Aristotle
In my paper I am taking the perspective of natural philosophy in order to tackle the problem of the way in which local conditions – geographical, biological or astrological – influence the general constitution of human nature. What are... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyNatural philosophyAlbert the GreatMedieval Geography
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      Albert the GreatAristotle's Physics
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      Medieval PhilosophyAlbertus MagnusBoethiusAlbert the Great
Das Phänomen des Schicksals hat schon seit der Antike philosophische Diskussionen angestoßen. Was bedeutet "Schicksal"? Wie lässt es sich philosophisch definieren? Wenn unser Leben in bestimmten Situationen außer unserer Kontrolle zu sein... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyDante StudiesAristotleAncient Philosophy
The Anthropology of Albert the Great, Sofia University Press 2016
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      MetaphysicsEthicsMedieval PhilosophyNatural philosophy
Die Freiheit zwischen Ethik und Metaphysik
Texte von Proklos, Augustinus, Albertus Magnus, Thomas von Aquin, Duns Scotus
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      MetaphysicsEthicsMedieval PhilosophyAugustine
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      History Of EmotionsMelancholyEmpathy (Philosophy)Empathy
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      PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyMedieval StudiesTranslation
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      Medieval PhilosophyTranslationAlbertus MagnusAlbert the Great
The present article focuses on the medieval debate on the role of the mother in the conception of the human embryo in Albertus Magnus. Albert reverberates the controversy between the Aristotelian position, claiming that the mother had... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyAristotleGalenAlbertus Magnus
Albertus Magnus is known for his rational approach to explaining various phenomena; a method that would be acquired and applied by his pupil Thomas Aquinas as well. In this paper, I am focusing on the concept of freedom, i. e., on the... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyNatural philosophyAlbertus MagnusFreedom
Around 1242 Albert the Great writes his anthropological summa De homine, which deals with the human soul, human body, and their connection. The section on the body is entirely dedicated to the bodies of Adam and Eve in paradise. A few... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyTheologyMedievalismNatural philosophy